There is nothing complicated about the installation, everything is clear. - Boeing 767-300 / Freighter and there are many other features: • Worldwide database with close to 10.000 airports and 28.000 runways • Including an import function for PMDG 747-400 and PMDG 747-400F weight data It's not really bad. 737, 747, 757, 767 and 777 models and in the Flight Crew Operations Manual for 717, MD, and DC models. ... (Takeoff to 16,000 ft. MSL) ... • To calculate Top Of Descent point (the point at which you need to begin your descent to reach the desired LIONHEART CREATIONS - TRINIDAD TB-21 GT MSFS EDITION. * Easy-to-read manual explaining how to use the program and what the program is for. 2. Flying The Boeing 767-300ER This section includes Pilot’s Operating Handbook and Checklists. In short, very disappointed. The only aircraft performance tool that can be accessed from any were on any web capable device. You can look directly down. So -1 star for that:
Delightful little plane. Real life pilots of airliners almost never use full power thrust at takeoff. TOPER CALCULATOR TOOL - B767 (TAKEOFF PERFORMANCE CALCULATOR), Registration key after purchase, see order details page in customer account, Customers who bought this product also purchased, Thank you for creating this scenery, given that Asobo probably doesn't know Stuttgart because this city was forgotten in MSFS. Remember about flaps 5 takeoff. Perfect visibility. NIKOLA JOVANOVIC - TOPER CALCULATOR TOOL - B737 NEXT GENERATION (TAKEOFF PERFORMANCE CALCULATOR), TOPER CALCULATOR TOOL - B777 V3.0 (TAKEOFF PERFORMANCE CALCULATOR), TOPER CALCULATOR TOOL - B787 DREAMLINER (TAKEOFF PERFORMANCE CALCULATOR), http://forum.simflight.com/forum/163-nikola-jovanovic-support-forum/, FLIGHTSCENE - TAHITI AND SOCIETY ISLANDS FSX P3D1-5, LATINVFR - HARTFORD-BRADLEY INT'L KBDL P3D, FSXCENERY - KSFB ORLANDO SANFORD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT FSX P3D, JUSTSIM - HAMBURG AIRPORT - EDDH V2 - FOR P3D V5, Windows XP/Vista/7 (might work on other versions). Welcome to the world of more realistic flight simulation! Takeoff Performance Calculator now brings you one step closer to real life aircraft operations. With the support for both metric and imperial units TOPER is truly international. Description. - Boeing 767-300 / Freighter Außerdem hats noch weitere Features: • Worldwide database with close to 10.000 airports and 28.000 runways • Including an import function for PMDG 747-400 and PMDG 747-400F weight data RE: 767 V-speed Calculator Im not sure what the original post was saying with v this and v that. The displays only half work and you cannot adjust the brightness of anything except the roof panel. With an extensive database on Boeing 767 series performance, TOPER allows you to accurately calculate the highest safe assumed temperature to complete a reduced power take-off and the appropriate take-off speeds. The program itself occupies a large area on the monitor, would it be possible to set the individual size and thus reduce the icons in the program? All rights reserved. Important safety note: Please use this calculator only for dispatch takeoff performance calculations, pilot should be aware that this calculator is specific to C172N. AuraSim - DH8D. 737NG Takeoff Performance Calculator By Sebastien Monday, June 23, 2014 2 Comments. It is 55000 kg. Medium to long range wide-body airliner. Weight and Balance calculations are valid for the FSLABS airbus only. To be used in flight simulator only. Takeoff at a low thrust setting (low excess energy, low weight, etc) will result in a lower initial pitch attitude target to achieve the desired climb speed. Take-off/Landing calculator. Popular calculator to calculate takeoff parameters in / from Airbus type | Rating: 5! 'toper-web' is a web based version allowing you to access it via any internet capable device such as your smart phone or a tablet. Assumed temperature takeoff is supported. Early 767 customers were given the choice of Pratt & Whitney JT9D or General Electric CF6 turbofans, marking the first time that Boeing had offered more than one engine option at the launch of a new airliner. Large display, a lot of unused space, unnecessary. Takeoff Performance Calculator now brings you one step closer to real life aircraft operations. Very low realism. * Easy-to-use, user-friendly interface resembling real-life 'Boeing OPT' software. Takeoff Performance Calculator now brings you one step closer to real life aircraft operations. Adding to my first review from February 5th I'd like to say that with the newest update the plane's flight model has improved a lot and I not like flying it. I've seen far better freeware airports out there. Thank you Sim Skunk Works! Stretched version of B767-200. Take-Off Performance Calculator developed for the FSLABS A320. Result: V 1 = 123 kts, V R =124 kts, V 2 = 137 kts. I see other reviews here saying it'll be updated, but I've not seen that anywhere else. TOPCAT - B737, B744, md80. VNAV is not functional. * Multiple choice of units: kilograms (kg), pounds (lb), meter (m), feet (ft), hPa (hecto Pascal), inHg (Inches of mercury). in order to avoid tire-speed-limit exceedance during takeoff, Boeing stresses adhering to the recom-mended average all-engine takeoff rotation rate of 2 to 3 degrees per second, which provides adequate tail clearance margins No personal information is stored. FABIO MERLO - FLIGHTCONTROLREPLAY PROFESSIONAL EDITION FSX P3D MSFS, For the last evaluation, I forgot a few questions. Exists in an ER (extended range) version for Extended Range Twin Engine Operation.The B763 is member of the B767 family of aircraft.. Technical Data With an extensive database on Boeing 787 series performance, TOPER allows you to accurately calculate the highest safe assumed temperature to complete a reduced power take-off and the appropriate take-off speeds. CALCULATE FLEX [C] Flaps 13 - PACKS ON - A/I OFF. TOPER - B777. It is fully responsive and adapts to your device's screen. Both jet engine models had a maximum output of 48,000 pounds-force (210 kN) of thrust. Ideal for sightseeing. User friendly interface TOPER's user interface closely resembles that of the tool used by actual pilots, which makes it highly intuitive and easy to use. But it feels like an old ported FSX airport from 10 years ago. The next table is … The various system displays are unhelpful in managing the onboard systems, especially the engines. * Accurate ASSUMED TEMPERATURE calculations . As for the scenery ... very nice graphic processing, just like JustSim can do at other airports, good work. Take-Off calculation can be used with other flight simulator A320 products as well. I tried going to his website to get more information or communicate my concerns, but that wasn't possible. A320 takeoff performance calculator A320 takeoff performance calculator In a model air speed and engine manifold pressure regimes do not fit to realistic plane. BOEING 767-300ER. Enter the table with the current TOW. Reduced thrust and reduced rate of acceleration also results in more time for the flight crew to scan the instruments before reaching V1. * Flap 5*,15 and 20* calculations . With an extensive database on Boeing 767 series performance, TOPER allows you to accurately calculate the highest safe assumed temperature to complete a reduced power … STICK AND RUDDER STUDIOS - FS-ATC-CHATTER FSX P3D1-5 MSFS. * Easy installation and registration. Performance calculation for Flaps 13 take-off only. Accurate take-off distance computation based on wind, anti-ice setting and packs, etc. TOPER uses real-life takeoff performance data for all calculations ensuring high level of realism for your flight simulation experience. * Take-off performance for type Boeing 767. Take-Off Performance Calculator developed for the TFDi Boeing 717-200. In service since 1986 (ER since 1989). Subscribe now! This website uses cookies for the loadsheet display. The engine looks a bit like a toy. The only thing I don't like are the textures. Credit: EURÂ 0.00. I'm happy with the purchase. Otherwise it appears I'll have to be satisfied with the other airliners in the game until a better 737 is released. The correct takeoff attitude is achieved in approximately 3 to 4 seconds after rotation (depending on airplane weight and thrust setting). TOPER uses a database containing over 11,000 airports and 29,000 runways and intersections world wide. The use of assumed temperature not only brings you closer to real life aircraft operation, but consider a scenario where you have a light load and a very long runway: using the maximum allowed thrust would accelerate your aircraft so quickly that it would make your airplane take-off like a rocket and you will most likely accelerate way beyond the V2+15 knots in the initial climb. For some aircrafts fixed derate (TO1, TO2) is available. But the textures look too perfect and don't come across as real as if the whole plane had perfectly even surfaces and 100% perfect paint. SIM SKUNK WORKS - FIAT-AERITALIA G-91 FOR MSFS. Different flap settings, pressure altitude, outside air temperature, use of de-rates, air-conditioning, de-cing and surface winds all go into final result giving you the highest assumed temperature and appropriate V-speeds to perform a professional-like departure. Takeoff Performance Calculator now brings you one step closer to real life aircraft operations. Go to Performance Inflight – General – V1, VR, V2 Adjustments. It became more realistic. Copyright © 2021 NJsoft, Nikola Jovanovic. • 737, 757, 767, and MD-90 (V2528 only) 4Variable Derate • A derate that can be selected from a … Easy to fly slow and land anywhere you like. The level of derated thrust cannot be changed by the operator. WabPro - A320, A319. 1. * Automatic update function. Total: 0 item EURÂ 0.00 However the mechanics of this aircraft are very difficult either to manage or figure out. * Accurate V-Speeds (V1,VR,V2) calculations. Now you can finally use that "TAKEOFF REF" page on your 767 CDU like a pro! Still not perfect for my taste, but that might just be me. TOPCAT Aircraft Information Boeing 767-300, Boeing 767-300ER, Boeing 767-300 Freighter Aircraft type Boeing 767-300 Manufacturer Boeing Commercial Airplane Company Type of operation Long range high capacity wide body airliner Dimensions Feet Meter Length 201’4” 61.40 Wingspan 170’4” 51.90 I was prepared to accept a lower level detail aircraft, but this is so unfinished that, to me, it's not usable. I recommend it. Already author of a preflight briefing tool for PMDG 737 NGX, Lasse Kronborg came today in PMDG forum to announce the release of his Derate Calculator table for Boeing 777-200LR.The XLSX file can be used in Microsoft Excel, or other free solutions like Google Docs web app or Open Office software. The exterior is very nice and I'm told was actually designed by someone else. I'm not a flight sim purist by any stretch, and I had seen the poor reviews this had gotten. What I would like is a program where I have a dme to a vor and I can put in the altitude I need to be at by the time I fly over it. The whole plane looks a bit like it comes fresh out of a 3D developer's program (which it does of course). Not only is there to wear or scratches. 2-, I would like to thank Merlo Fabio in advance for the development of the FlightControlRe-, Z DESIGN STUDIOS - MERRIL C. MEIGS FIELD (KCGX) PROFESSIONAL MSFS. For Pilots Free version 1.6 of the popular calculator for calculating the takeoff parameters aircraft type Airbus. It needs a lot of TLC. For actual performance, you must use the data taken from the POH of aircraft or other approved sources. If it will be, great. * Worldwide database with close to 11,000 airports and 29,000 runways with 33,000 intersections. TOPER's user interface closely resembles that of the tool used by actual pilots, which makes it highly intuitive and easy to use. First, we need to calculate takeoff speeds. * Real-life performance data from Boeing. The various indicator lights are either poor quality making translation difficult, or just down right misleading. takeoff calculators . Landing calculation with custom flaps, autobrakes setting, and … 20 Reduced ThrustReduced Thrust Types of Derate Options 4Fixed Derate • A derate that is pre-defined by the engine manufacturer. v … Unfortunately-. To reach your goal of the most realistic preflight and operation of a Boeing 737NG, you need to compute the assumed temperature with its respective de-rated thrust power. With an extensive database on Boeing 767 series performance, TOPER allows you to accurately calculate the highest safe assumed temperature to complete a reduced power take-off and the appropriate take-off speeds. Engine types A1 and C1 are supported. But it was relatively inexpensive and I can handle a casual quality aircraft until something better comes along. First time purchasing 3rd party scenery, I'm pretty happy with it. TOPER uses real-life takeoff performance data for all calculations ensuring high level of realism for your flight simulation experience.
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