La série met en vedette Taim Hasan, Nadine Nassib Njeim, Abdo Chahine, Oweiss Mkhallalati, et Mona Wassef. Elsewhere, Shahin hits rock bottom and decides to stay away from the house. Tuesday 16 February 2021 Home All news ... Nadine Njeim co-starred next to Taim Hassan in season one of Al-Hayba in 2017, but what is she doing in season four? Al Hayba Netflix 2020. streaming Al Hayba Season 4? Taim Hasan. Informations sur la Série TV: Saison 4 en Français. Hide ads with . Shahin has a near-death experience as everyone keeps a close eye on Ali. Al Hayba saison 4 épisode 04 : Episode 4 - Vidéos, acteurs, résumé, notes, commentaires, audiences, courbe des moyennes, citations Rania and Nimr meet in secret to reassess their malicious plans to con the Sheikh Al Jabals. Le scénario sera écrit par Patrick McHale, Al hayba saison 4: Taim Hasan annonce le report d'Al Hayba Al Rad, Al hayba saison 4: Dima Kandalaft et Adel Karam se joignent à la série, Un dollar à un million: la série arabe du créateur d'Al-Hayba est sur Netflix, Un dollar à un million: un nouvelle série arabe arrive sur Netflix, Al Hayba saison 3 - The Harvest : un premier trailer pour la série libanaise. Alia arrives in Lebanon to bring her late husband’s body to his estranged family. Season 1. The past brings Jabal and Rania closer. Streaming ~ Tv Show!! S04 E06 Episode 6. My List. Ali prepares to escape. Joe starts to really miss his mother. Noor pays Nimr a visit to deliver Zaidan’s message. Broadcasting & Media Production Company. Liens et informations pour voir Al Hayba saison 4 épisode 26. Sakher decides to camp in the forest for a few days. Pendant ce temps, Zidan étendait ses opérations de contrebande et poursuivait son plan diabolique qui consistait à exterminer les derniers membres de la famille du cheikh Al-Jabal et leur influence sur Al-Hayba. Jabal discovers a contraband that’s been smuggled to Al Hayba. People of Al Hayba invest their money with Nimr. ... Al Hayba Episode 26 42 membres Jabal and his men continue their fierce raids, this time targeting Shahin’s store and Nimr’s house. Release year: 2017. Al Hayba Season 4 - VIP. As the power struggle in Al Hayba continues, the stakes are high as he seeks to punish those who did him wrong. Jabal buys the Captagon shipment. TV-PG. In 2019, Season 4 (The Response) was announced to be another season of Al Hayba, starring Taim Hassan as Jabal Sheikh al Jabal, Dima Kandalaft, and Adel Karam. La série met en vedette Taim Hasan, Nadine Nassib Njeim, Abdo Chahine, Oweiss Mkhallalati, et Mona Wassef. In 2019, Season 4 (The Response) was announced to be another season of Al Hayba, starring Taim Hassan as Jabal Sheikh al Jabal, Al Hayba Season 4 Ep. … MOVIES. Ali goes to Jabal’s house and makes a strange request. Al Hayba. Al Hayba. Dans un village à la frontière libano-syrienne, le chef d'un clan de contrebande d'armes jongle entre conflits familiaux, luttes de pouvoir et histoire d'amour complexe. Al Hayba Season 4 will be released around May 2020. Rania comes face to face with her father’s murderer. Mon amie Adèle: la thriller psychologique Behind Her Eyes est sur Netflix, Redo of Healer: l'anime ultra conversé est en streaming sur HiDive. Shahin keeps a close eye on Ali’s wedding celebration. Je suis le fondateur de Share. Ces thèmes forment la ligne centrale du quatrième volet de la série Al-Hayba, intitulé La vengeance. Regarder les épisodes de Al Hayba en streaming | In a village by the 2. Episodes. Al Hayba، الموسم 4، الحلقة 1. Produite par Cedars Production (Sabbah Brothers), “al-Hayba”raconte les aventures du clan des Sheikh al-Jabal, une famille de contrebandiers à la frontière syro-libanaise, avec dans les rôles star, le Syrien Taïm Hassan et la Libanaise Nadine … Jabal secluded himself from everyone and hid in a remote area, and during that time, he planned meticulously when to … Jabal and his men get arrested for smuggling drugs. The ambush that has been set for Jabal changes the life of him and his family forever. Al Hayba - S4E26 - full episodesWatch Video : Hayba Season 4 Episode 26Al Hayba S4 E26Al Hayba S4E26Al Hayba 4x26 Informations sur la Série TV: Saison 4, Date de sortie, Liste des épisodes. Jabal gets busy welcoming guests as Nimr is left home alone. Much to everyone’s surprise, Jabal returns home. Framing Britney Spears: le documentaire arrive en francais sur Crave! RADIO. Jabal finds out that Zaidan was the one who schemed the ambush, so he could continue with his smuggling operations. Episode 1، Season 4. Here I will provide you with information about the Lebanese series “Al Hayba”, available on Netflix. Meanwhile, Nimr gives the Al Hayba people an unbelievable ultimatum. Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care. Everyone tries to locate Nimr’s den. It’s “The Harvest” season in the famous Hayba village. (4 Seasons ) suspense، drama، action. La série arabe Al hayba est de retour pour une quatrième saisons intitulée Al Hayba Al Rad et est disponible en streaming sur MTV Lebanon. The Payback 2020 | 30 Episodes. 0 Comments; All lists. Al Hayba (TV Series 2017– ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. 4; 3; 2; 1; All; Overview; Activity; Actors; 30 Episodes; All comments. Artist. Jabal s’est isolé de tout le monde et s’est caché dans une zone reculée, et pendant ce temps, il a méticuleusement planifié quand revenir et comment se venger. TV. Découvrez les meilleures critiques de la série TV Al Hayba. Al_hayba_ TV/Movie Award. Vous êtes passionnés de séries télévisées et vous trouvez que les médias de masse traditionnels font piètre figure à ce niveau? Having found out about Ali’s escape from prison, Shahin loses his temper. Jabal découvre que c’est Zidane qui a manigancé l’embuscade. Nimr has a shocking surprise in store for his enemies. Jabal and Nimr go on a tour to the yogurt factory. Stream the best of Disney, Pixar, … Al Hayba: Season 4 The Payback 2020. Season 3 of Al Hayba premiered on May 6, 2019. Série Action / Crime / Thriller (4 saisons, 120 épisodes) créée en 2017 sur Shahid (UAE), avec Mahmoud Karaki (Wissam ), محمد عقيل (الشايب) et محمد فواز (دعبول). JOIN SIMKL. Prochain épisode. Il a réussi à ramener à Al Hayba, Nemr Al Saeed et toute la haine qu’il porte pour Al Hayba et son peuple. S04 E01 Episode 1. Later, Al Mokhtar and Shahin learn about Nimr’s actual story. Nimr thinks he has beaten Jabal. Season 4 follows the events of Season 3. VIP. S04 E03 Episode 3. سينما البازلت _ Cinema Al Baselt. S04 E05 Episode 5. Rania bonds with the family. Mona returns to Um Shahin’s house. Don t get too excited, because the Lebanese beauty isn t participating in Al-Hayba Al-Rad... Read on the original site. Jabal reveals to his mother the reasons behind Nimr’s desire to acquire the factory., Hold-Up: le documentaire choc sur le Covid 19 est en streaming ICI, Coup pour coup: la série Los Favoritos de Midas est sur Netflix, Rougemuraille: Netflix met la main sur les droits des 22 livres de la saga Redwall, L’armée des morts: Netflix dévoile les zombies de Zack Snyder, Sisyphe: le drama coréen est en streaming sur Netflix, Une attention particulière: la comédie noire est sur Amazon Prime Video, Redo of Healer: l’anime ultra conversé est en streaming sur HiDive, Superman and Lois: l’épisode 1 est en streaming sur CTV Sci-Fi Channel, Les tribus d’Europe: une nouvelle série dystopique sur Netflix, The Dark and the Wicked: le film d’horreur est sur SHUDDER, The Stylist: la coiffeuse meurtrière arrive sur Arrow Video, The Handmaid’s Tale saison 4: une première bande-annonce et une date, Shook: la terreur envahi les réseaux sociaux dans cette exclusivité SHUDDER, The Twilight Zone: le reboot de Jordan Peele annulé après 2 saisons, Yuri Bezmenov: cet ex-agent du KGB décrit notre époque en 1984, L’héritage de Jupiter: Netflix dévoile la nouvelle série de Steven S. DeKnight, Poursuis tes rêves: la saison 3 de la série argentine est confirmée, Framing Britney Spears: la docusérie est en streaming sur HULU. Expand You need to be logged in to continue. Episode. Watch Al Hayba (2020) S4/E16 Season 4 , Episode 16 ~ Episode 16 ~ FULL EPISODES 16 ~ Al Hayba Season 4 Episode 16 [HD Quality 1080p] Al Hayba Al Mukhtar finds himself in a predicament. Feb 10, 2021 Al Hayba Season 4 will be released around May 2020. Nimr continues pressuring the Sheikh Al Jabal’s to sell him the factory. NRJ Lebanon 99.1fm. Al Hayba، الموسم 4، الحلقة 1. ) Art. Les deux saisons existantes de la "Twilight Zone" de Peele seront disponibles sur Paramount Plus. Later, Jabal’s mother uncovers a shocking truth about Rania. Feb 10, 2021 … العربية. Il a donc fait venir dans la maison familiale, Rania, la fille de l’oncle (Jamal) dont le cœur est rempli de colère et de vengeance. Season 4, Episode 10 of the series Al Hayba - Nimr opens up a butchery at the town center. Soyez sans crainte, nous aussi! Ali plots to break out of prison with Jabal’s help. (4 Seasons ) suspense، drama، action. The Harvest. Nimr manages to pull off his scheme while Jabal wages war on him. Nimr offers to buy the yogurt factory. Is Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc. Wonder Woman 1984 est en streaming sur Cineplex au Canada, Superman and Lois: l'épisode 1 est en streaming sur CTV Sci-Fi Channel, Netflix: comment trouver des films et séries avec audio français, La vie scolaire: le film de Grand Corps Malade est sur Netflix, Supergirl: The CW confirme que la saison 6 sera la dernière, Les Aventures effrayantes de Sabrina: la série est annule après 4 saisons, Les Opératrices du téléphone saison 5: Ensemble jusqu’à la fin, The Weekly with Wendy Mesley: CBC congédie son animatrice, LUPIN saison 2: la série sera de retour à l’été 2021, La Chronique des Bridgerton: la saison 2 est confirmée, The Handmaid’s Tale: une saison 5 pour la série dystopique, Fear The Walking Dead: une saison 7 pour la série zombie de AMC, Les Irréguliers de Baker Street: Netflix dévoile une bande-annonce, Django: Matthias Schoenaerts décroche le rôle principal. Jabal frees the Al Taffar prisoner and returns the contraband to Shahin. Mona accepts Um Shahins co The clan of Sheikh el-Jabal is back in this long-awaited sequel, as quarrel over power and influence continues, amid conflicting wills. S04E27 - Episode 27 Épisodes Acteurs. Al Hayba (2017). Find out where to watch full episodes online now! Al Hayba" an area located on the borders between Syria and Lebanon, Jabal (a young strong-willed man) and his clan, Sheikh El Jabal, controls arms trading and smuggling at the borders. Jabal and Nimr partner up to reopen the factory. Rania treats Jabal with kindness. Jabal is extremely anxious when his mother falls ill. Al Shayeb vanishes into thin air. Following the ambush, Jabal hits rock bottom. As Al Tabbakh heads to the captagon factory, he crosses path with Jabal. ، SEASON FINALE: While his conflict with Nimr grows fierce, Jabal must make tough calls and think of a way to deliver the final blow. With that data, we may show you trailers on external social media and video platforms. Someone sneaks into Jabal’s house. Plusieurs années se sont écoulées depuis l’embuscade meurtrière qui a visé Jabal, qui lui a causé de nombreux dommages physiques et psychologiques, mais il a malheureusement perdu son fils et son amoureuse qui ont succombé sous les balles. Sakher packs up and prepares to leave. Season 4. Le principal intérêt de Zidane était de tenir Jabal éloigné d’Al-Hayba, afin qu’il puisse poursuivre ses opérations de contrebande. With Taim Hasan, Nadine Nassib Njeim, Mona Wassef, Oweiss Mkhallalati. SEASON FINALE: While his conflict with Nimr grows fierce, Jabal must make tough calls and think of a way to deliver the final blow. Jabal, however, feels threatened and stands on the guard. Épisodes (30) Saison 4 S04E01 - Episode 1 31 octobre … Al Hayba Wikipedia 2020. The ambush that has . Watch more Episodes on: us: us: … Dima Kandalaft et Adel Karam se joignent à la nouvelle saison. Later, Jabal’s mother uncovers a shocking truth about Rania. Al Hayba Al Rad en streaming sur MTV Liban: Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. My List. Al Hayba saison 3 – The Harvest sera diffusé sur MBC pendant le ramadan 2019 et la saison 2 devrait être disponible sur Netflix un peu plus tard dans l’année. Al Hayba season 4 episode 7. Search. Episodes 30. 27 — Episode 27 [[ENG. Season 4 . Nadine Njeim Makes an Appearance in Season 4 of Al-Hayba Al-Rad.. Watch Morocco News. ← Back to season list. … S04 E04 Episode 4. Nimr opens up a butchery at the town center. Al Hayba (2017). Nous utilisons des cookies pour vous garantir la meilleure expérience sur notre site web. PROFILE. Season 4, Episode 30 of the series Al Hayba - SEASON FINALE: While his conflict with Nimr grows fierce, Jabal must make tough calls and think of a Several years have passed since the lethal ambush, which targeted Jabal. Jabal and his men continue their fierce raids, this time targeting Shahin’s store and Nimr’s house. Preventing his family from selling the factory, Jabal leaves Nimr dismayed. S04 E02 Episode 2. Hide ads with VIP : Al Hayba season 4 episode 7 : Find episode on: AD . Nimr Al Saeed’s arrival in Al Hayba gives the people a ray of hope. Rania cries out for Jabal’s mum’s help. Episode 2. On a special occasion, Ali and Shahin find themselves sharing the same table. 1 List; IMDB TMDB TVDB JustWatch Wikipedia; Set Profile Image; Advertisement. ANIME. Nimr shows his true colours to the towners and wages war on everyone. Later, he keeps a close eye on Nimr and his latest plan. Nimr seeks to lay his hands on the explosives while Jabal proceeds with the mine clearance. Shahin arrives in town and has something planned for Ali. Al_hayba_season_4. Nimr gets attacked, as Rania, Jamal's daughter, appears at Jabal’s doorstep. His reaction will equal his pain. Retrouvez 3 avis sur la série Al Hayba sur AlloCiné Premiered 2020-10-31T18:00:00Z on MBC Drama; Runtime 42 mins; Total Runtime 21 hours, 0 mins (30 episodes) Country United Arab … Mona accepts Um Shahins conditions to get her son back. As the power struggle in Al Hayba continues, the stakes are high as he seeks to punish those who did him wrong. Avec : … While Jabal attempts to intersect the third contraband, Shahin tries to dispose of Al Taffar. Several years have passed since the lethal ambush, which targeted Jabal. The show is releasing in the month of May every year from the last three years, and maybe . Nimr, meanwhile, rides roughshod over the agreement leading to division between the towners. October 31, 2020. الهيبة - الرد / الموسم الجديد . When Nimr exposes a kept secret, the police lay their hands on half of the Captagon shipment. ; ". Events will escalate between the families upon Shaheen’s injury in Season 1. TVQC – LA référence québécoise sur la télévision, Accueil » Chaînes » MTV » Al hayba saison 4: la série Al Hayba Al Rad est en streaming sur MTV Liban. La première saison de la série libanaise “al-Hayba” est depuis le 15 septembre sur la plate-forme de vidéo à la demande Netflix. Jabal and Alia have an emotional confrontation.After Alia gives Ghada a piece of her mind, Ghada crosses the line and goes to Jabal's family home. Following the ambush, Jabal hits rock bottom. Season. When Rania redecorates his room, Jabal blows a fuse. Read More. Alia and Joe are caught in the crossfire in an … "Jabal’s mum senses his urge to seek revenge. Torn by a devastated love, the strong-willed Jabal has to face real challenges to preserve the noble name of his family. Poursuis tes rêves saison 3: la série Argentine sera-t-elle renouvelée? Episode 1. Rania bonds with the family. Episode 1، Season 4. Si vous continuez à utiliser ce site, nous supposerons que vous en êtes satisfait. Nimr takes another hostage and his demands provoke Jabal’s mother. TV Show _.123ciseaux. 45m. Watch Al Hayba Season 4 ، Episode 30. APPS. More info in link! In a village by the Lebanon-Syria border, the head of an arms-smuggling clan contends with family conflicts, power struggles and complicated love. Al Hayba Season 4 Nour Rahme will enter the life of Jabal, shaping a new relationship where love will meet conflicts and where romance will go side by side with thriller. TOP. Stars:Taim Hassan، Dima Kandalft، Adel Karam، Muna Wassef. Jabal and his family lead a modern life style, yet, he relies still on the traditional customs of the clan to … Movie Theater. Dima Kandalaft et Adel Karam se joignent à la nouvelle saison. الهيبة الانتقام _ Al hayba revenge. Under the new EU law on data protection, we inform you that we save your history of pages you visited on JustWatch.
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