[–]111cc_brapmachine 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children), You legit need 245 kutum to do aakman efficiently whereas at Kratuga you should be around 269 AP 310 DP to be efficient lol, [–]TekayTeekz 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (4 children). Close. Fugitive Khalk. 4k per hr. There was a Korean guide when it was dropping 100%. Kratuga Ancient Ruins: Mediah: 60: 250: 290: 122: 0.63: 1.34: Tungrad Earring use Black Spiritâs Claw Piece or Unsealed Ruins Slate at door inside Hasrah to temporarily open for all players. I'm 309dp valk and even with buffs, they were hitting me hard as hell. Unlike the other existing hunting grounds, the Kratuga Ancient Ruins have different special debuffs and a security alert system. Rendered by PID 21446 on r2-app-0e3bfce8ba60b73ba at 2021-03-01 01:45:33.492896+00:00 running b1d2781 country code: VN. Every Update on the ðBDO Dashboard will only be postet in the official Discord. Got CC'd too much / messed up my timing with Z buff for the second wave that you have to kill under 40 secs. Belloten is a monster that can inflict a knockdown debuff. is activated, monsters will appear from different locations from previously; defeat all of these monsters within a fixed timeframe and the 2nd level of security will activate. Something tells me you weren't killing things correctly down there. © 2021 reddit inc. All rights reserved. Ok, ok, thank god. I can’t be the only one who immediatly saw it, Picture of my Wizard at Kutum. [–]NoctisCalum 2 points3 points4 points 1 year ago (1 child), The event drop did not apply to Arsha server, [–]TekayTeekz 2 points3 points4 points 1 year ago (0 children), lmao o rly? Ancient Ruins Excavation Site node values for Black Desert Online. Navarn Steppe (Only by tanning monsters) Blue Whale. BDO Nexus. Puruko is a monster that can inflict a. 104. Guide. At level 2 security, larger-sized Elqueesh and Belloten will appear; defeat all of these monsters within a fixed timeframe and the maximum level of security will activate. I got 65k trash, 3 tungrads, and finally my 2 elkarr's... That was me on Arsha, with lootscrolls going and the event drop. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. 3. [–]ShadeGames 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (2 children). I can grind without any problem stars end with 314dp, but when i tried out the new zone i even died once. What is a Family Inventory? Create Unsealed Ruins Slate by combining Sealed Ruins Slate x3, obtainable from the Kratuga Ancient Ruins monsters. RNG is RNG. x. ð BDO Dashboard - SUMMARY. hide. The subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert Online, developed by Pearl ⦠For the first 10 hours, I got 7 tungrads and 1 elkar at the 9 and a half hour mark. You can get several different rare items here. Magical energy can be used to draw out the dormant power within the crystal. I was super confused. Bdo Complete Dried Fish Nodes And Seafood Map All 34. Didn't know my cat can sit on my character's shoulder. Sneak peek into our upcoming ocean content update. [–]TekayTeekz -1 points0 points1 point 1 year ago (1 child). BDO NA Community. Do not flame, troll, witchhunt, or harass players/staff or content on this subreddit. Living Ancient Weapons in diverse forms such as humans and worms protect the ruins. 190k members in the blackdesertonline community. [–]Panic66Kunoichi 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (1 child), [–]ShadeGames 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children). Kratuga is a place that is unique. will appear; defeat all of these monsters within a fixed timeframe and the maximum level of security will activate. i am a sorc lvl 61 262-263-297 tet nouv right now, thinking about going to kratuga but i dont know if my gear are enough, i've heared different gear req from time to time like 269 ap tet nouv and 305dp to get there but some others said 245 kutum is ⦠Report Save. Yea...they hurt af due to being cc and bam couple hits dead. Still doesn't sound like it competes with aakman and hysteria. either way, was still a shit show and i have PTSD from that place, [–]BoostedSaltboy 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (1 child), Kinda off-topic but is there a NPC down there? Kratuga Ancient Ruins has a security system with 3 levels. Kratuga Ancient Ruins. Elrics: Mediah: 52: 100: 140: 22 The money you get is mostly from rare drops because the rare drops are plenty in this area. This includes posts/comments, usernames, and flairs. But a loss is a loss. Spam is not. You can call your house/bring it in with you. Valtarra's Clairvoyance. to temporarily unseal the entrance to the Kratuga Ancient Ruins, located deep in Hasrah Ruins. [–]nhansieu1Dark Knight 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children), [–]ShadeGames -1 points0 points1 point 1 year ago (6 children). report. [–]Iliya_AybaraBlack Desert 2 points3 points4 points 1 year ago (0 children), Hmm yeah seems more rng than I'd even play with. The rare drops at this place will compensate for all the trash loot that you will get and will make your trip here really worth it. Stronger monsters will appear as a higher level of security is activated. ... Iâm new to the BDO community and Potionshop seems to try too hard and everyone dislikes him. Requiring you to use another item to re-enter. Add item dropped by this NPC. The following is banned: NSFW/lewd/nude/clothing mod/sexualized content of classes that are underage or classes that appear to be under 18 years; Bikini/underwear or revealing content of any class that lore-wise or appears underage, even if they are purchased in-game; Visible genitalia modifications outside of the game (including both sexes), clothing mods, or nude NSFW content of all classes, regardless of lore age or age of appearance. You can do it! After you have 50 Amity, you can spend 2 Energy to purchase a Knowledge rank chance. Elqueesh is a monster that can inflict a stiffness debuff. BDO SA Community. Nodes Subnodes Items Overview. Copyright ⓒ Pearl Abyss Corp. All Rights Reserved. has higher accuracy than the existing “Black Magic Crystal - Precision”Adventurers who previously used the “Black Magic Crystal - Precision” will probably really feel the benefits. Security crap is easy. Nah I didnt bother with the security lvl guard minigame. A good ratio is 10% promotion/90% participation. As this place was shrouded in mystery, many Adventurers are probably curious about what lies there. Grats on your luck dude. 39 votes, 21 comments. BDO. 56, Agris Fever will automatically activate even if you have not completed the adventure log âBook of Margahan.â The Hasrah Ancient Ruins where ancient relics are buried. 1 year ago. tbh, i like the grind, just for the security threat thing. Posted by. Kratuga Ancient Ruins map. cool. *Please note the event Marniâs Stones (Kratuga Ancient Ruins, Aakman Temple, and Hystria) will be removed when the event period ends. Gyfin Rhasia Temple. [–]godofteng 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children). Kratuga Ancient Ruins map. Add location of this object? 56. BDO Nexus / Kratuga Ancient Ruins; 12.10.2019 Kratuga Ancient Ruins. But mobs hit harder then hystria, u need like 309+ dp ... [–]V-Angelus01Witch since day one 4 points5 points6 points 1 year ago (11 children). Kratuga Ancient Ruins; The new defense game, Altar of Blood, is now available! 33 comments. If you'd like a Twitch flair with a link to your stream, message the moderators. I just did it for the 2 elkars. Hystria Ruins. Im making 90 to 100 million an hour in just trash and scrolls in aakman, [–]Dziqn 4 points5 points6 points 1 year ago (0 children). Bookshelves can also be used and take one hour. Marniâs Stone - You should be able to purchase or exchange Marniâs Stones through Wacky Toshi located in various regions. [+]faultz0042086 comment score below threshold-9 points-8 points-7 points 1 year ago (0 children). Don't ask for or offer gift packages, pearls, guild payouts, or pearl items. This is true. You can use Simple Alchemy to combine Elkarr x1, Black Magic Crystal - Precision x1, Forest Fury x2, and Magical Shard x10 to obtain Crystal of Elkarr. Not a single laytenn? Do not impersonate other users or official Kakao Community Managers or Game Masters. BDO Nexus / New zone Kratuga Ancient Ruins, Production Nodes buff and UI rework; 08.10.2019 ... Shai now able to ride Wagons and Camels! i thought it wasn't just me! As this place was shrouded in mystery, many Adventurers are probably curious about what lies there. Once you reach Lv. Heraldâs Journal is part of the Adventure Log Bookshelf. With giants and exquis. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 21446 on r2-app-0e3bfce8ba60b73ba at 2021-03-01 01:45:33.492896+00:00 running b1d2781 country code: VN. Now you’ve learned everything about the Kratuga Ancient Ruins, it’s time to head off and experience this new place for yourself. Once the maximum level security is activated, Laytenn will appear. aakman is better trash loot, but kratuga has better rare drops. Do not intentionally cause drama or call out players. To church, he admits that he didn't. Rules for posts and comments on the subreddit will be enforced by moderator discretion. Your trash is low. share. 1 year ago. Valencia (Only by hunting and butchering monsters) Kamasylvia (Only by hunting and butchering monsters) Drieghan (Only by hunting and butchering monsters) Narc's Crimson Tear. Quantity. It's prob. I guess you are overvaluing Elkarr by at least 60 mio, maybe you didn't factor in the 8-10 BMCs, 1 BMC Prec and 2 Forest Furies ⦠Well they changed it to 10% but you should still have a few after 14 hours.... [–]Gintoki-desuHULK SMASH[S] 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (3 children). This spot rly need rework. as far as i know only places marked on the map are ap capped. Invested. Instead of pila scrolls its forbidden books, and drops travel maps, as well as slate pieces to get back into kratuga. It can drop elkarr, tung earring, and laytenn neck. Altar of Blood; The Forgotten Land, Star's End: Star's End; Underwater Ruins Protty Cave; Sycraia (Upper) Sycraia (Abyssal) Drieghan Drieghan Leveling. Subnodes (0) 0 CP. If you believe that a post or comment, while adhering to the letter of the rules, was posted in bad faith or violates rules in an unspecified way, message the moderators here or report the post/comment in question. Alchemy Cooking Processing Production Material Nodes. Enable the "Edit Mode" and click at the desired locations on the map. x. This GM Note will detail the entirety of the Kratuga Ancient Ruins, from A to Z~ Where and How to Enter the Kratuga Ancient Ruins BDO EU Community. Update available soon: you can see the Agris Fever points you need for monsters of each Monster Zone in the BDO Wiki entry for Agris Fever
. so basically its an aakman expansion with paid entry? On October 8th, Adventurers uncovered the Kratuga Ancient Ruins hidden away deep in the Hasrah Ruins. You can use Simple Alchemy to combine Elkarr x1, Black Magic Crystal - Precision x1, Forest Fury x2, and Magical Shard x10 to obtain Crystal of Elkarr. [–]Iliya_AybaraBlack Desert 3 points4 points5 points 1 year ago (2 children), I've heard the mobs can hurt quite a big though, from zerks in my guild that farm stars end, [–]Gintoki-desuHULK SMASH[S] 2 points3 points4 points 1 year ago (1 child). Manos Hunter's Clothes. Description ; Reviews (0) Description Crescent 650k Trash Loots [All Server] We are a team of professional players. 96% Upvoted. what are the req for kratuga ancient ruins?. The guild summon scroll Garmoth from the transfer rewards can drop the pet horn, has anyone gotten a heart from it?
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