This skill has low damage and no protection so it is simply useless in both PVE and PVP. by | Feb 18, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | Feb 18, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments for target, Inflicts 42 Bleeding Damage per 3 sec. It has a stiffness and stun effect on hit. [SHIFT] + [F]. Urugon’s Shoes (shoes) – dropped from Urugon (Gaifinrasia Raid Captain Scroll). Combat Skills in BDO have an amazing amount of info. 0. I recommend experimenting with your add-ons and figuring out what is best for you, because it really depends on your personal preference and how you play your class. Primary Weapons:Rosar Gauntlet The Rosar Gauntlet is what you should be aiming for to level your character. I would recommend getting it to TRI at most and then you really want to switch to Kzarka. for target[Level 54] Roaring TigerAttack against monsters +25 for 8 sec. You can also combo this skill easily with other skills such as Hidden Claw and Flow: Savage Fang, just by holding [SHIFT] + [LMB]. Check out the videos below to see some examples of Striker in action. In BDO, support type classes aren’t really a thing, though we do have important buffs for group PvP. for selfInflicts 54 Pain Damge per 3 sec. It is a good selection, especially for PvP orientated players and also offers a small amount of evasion and damage reduction. Another alternative is to use is the Akum set. This skill is your flow skill from Skull Crusher. You want to aim for a PRI/DUO Tree Spirit Belt before swapping to DUO Basilisk’s because it is much cheaper and easier to get hold of. for selfInflicts 50 Bleeding Damge per 3 sec. This is your auto attack in awakening. It has a DP -10 debuff on it, floating CC and recovers WP, but is simply too risky to use in PVP. If you do already have liverto and have already invested into it, you will want to upgrade it to PRI or higher as soon as possible. Introduction; DISPLACEMENT; LEROS; Essay; Photo; The PLAN and the OBJECTS; bdo striker succession skill build Core skill build – Level 60 (1814 skill points): https: ... Be careful while using this skill because it is your Black Spirit Rage skill. Offin Tett weapons are usually not worth investing in because of the loss in accuracy. Source: Close. Bite Off is a great skill that can be used with Rampaging Predator. They have slightly less AP but are much cheaper to repair and much less hassle. Bheg’s Gloves (gloves) – dropped from Bheg. The most prominent characters in group B are Wizard and Witch. Optional crystals: Boots: Black Magic Crystal – Adamantine/Red Battlefield Crystal: Adamantine Gloves: JIN Magic Crystal – Viper/Black Magic Crystal – SturdinessClick image below to enlarge. This website is not affiliated with Kakao Games or Pearl Abyss. Dim Tree Spirit’s Armor (chest) – dropped from Dim Tree Spirit. The full set will give you Maximum MP/WP/SP +100, Maximum HP +200, Max Stamina +200, Attack Speed +1, Casting Speed +1, Movement Speed +1 and All Resistances 5%. for self, Inflicts 45 Pain Damage per 3 sec. Once you reach over 261 AP (with Kutum) it is better to switch back to Kutum for PVE. Below are some examples of viable skill add-ons you can take. We have high accuracy and damage on skills, but that is mostly because lat… This skill will give you 3 dashes of Flash Step instead of just 1, which is a lot more mobility. Double FlashProcceding Skill: [Flash Step III]. Black Desert Online receives the major Valencia Part One expansion on 29th June , increasing world size by 30% with a large and treasure-riddled desert area. 13.03.2020 . Another advantage of using this set is that it is viable on any class, allowing you to swap to another class easily.Full Heve set is also a very popular choice and what I recommend for new players because it has an easier transition to boss gear whilst. When grinding, I recommend using the Simple Cron Meal. It has the same AP as Liverto but more accuracy and an Attack Speed +3 item effect.Offin Tett’s Radiant GauntletOffin Tett weapons are usually not worth investing in because of the loss in accuracy. Most green helmets have higher evasion than Giath, about 4% TET green vs TET boss and 6% PEN green vs TET boss. Also check the Marketplace to see pricing and availability. for target[Level 56] Fist FuryCritical Hit Rate +10% for 9 sec. Last updated Jan 13, 2021 at 10:22AM | Published on Jul 29, 2020 | Black Desert Online, Gear & Items | 4. The Striker class uses Gauntlets as their primary weapon and Vambrace as their secondary weapon. for self, PVX Skill Add-ons [Succession][Level 50] AdamantinePVP Attack +5 for 5 sec. The skill add-ons on Stalking Wolf are also really good for PVE, but the skill isn’t really used often for PVP because it doesn’t have any defenses on it. This is your awakening grab and your 2nd grab skill. Crouching Wolf is an important skill and you should make sure that you also take the Flow: Prey Hunt as well. Just stack ap, hell you'll even be a bit tanky if you have enough ap. Like with most classes, succession pulls higher trash loot in end game spots. The skill has a downsmash, but be careful when using it because the skill does not have any protection on it at all.Endless Explosion. This skill is very useful in PVP and has forward guard on it as well as a floating CC effect. for 9 sec. Then you will want to move on to putting level 2 into each armor piece before getting them all up to level 4 as well. If you are only doing tier 1 node wars for example, then it is better to stick with Kutum because the node is AP capped anyway and the extra DP can push you to a higher DP bracket.Click image below to enlargeEnd-game build [FULL DP]: linkHere is what to eventually aim for if you are going for a full DP build. Investing in this set may slow you down in your progression towards softcap, but is much cheaper once you factor in repairing and enhancing. for target[Level 52] Rage HammerAll Defense +15 for 10 sec. Keys separated by a “>” symbol show the order you should follow out the steps. Required skills: Crouching Wolf, Skull Crusher, (Quickslot: Crouching Wolf) > (HOLD SHIFT) + (HOLD F). Otherwise use Bares earrings for 2 AP and switch to Witch’s Earring as soon as possible for the 5 AP.You want to aim for DUO/TRI Witch’s Earrings (9 AP/11 AP) before swapping to a DUO Tungrad Earrings (11 AP) because of the huge difference in cost. You should aim to have TRI gear before switching to this offhand. Dragon Slayer Gardbrace Dragon Slayer weapons are very comparable to the Dandelion weapons with their stats. report. It is available at level 61+ only but is a very good ring because of it’s high AP. The skill has no protection and a very long animation so it is simply not useful for PVP and not worth putting points into. As soon as you get one boss item with Grunil, you lose the set bonuses which Grunil weaker. Ideally you will want to buy or make it ultimate (yellow) to close the AP difference as well. Warrior Ranger Sorceress Berserker Tamer Musa Maehwa Valkyrie Ninja Kunoichi Wizard Witch Dark Knight Striker Mystic Lahn Archer Shai Guardian Sort by. When you are 261 (using Nouver) it is actually better to use Nouver in PVE as well because of the bonus AP given in the AP brackets. hide. It has super armor and healing on the skill. If you are new it may be worth checking if it is currently an upgrade, but eventually you will need Leather Vambrace anyway. It’s a good skill for chaining combos and the HP recovery can be used at any time without needing a target. Massive Supression[E], This skill is your grab from non-awakening. This is a non-awakening PVP grab combo to CC and damage your enemy. These AoEs also make Witch and Wiz strong PvE classes. Hei guys, i'm level 54. You can use the skill whilst in your awakening by using [SHIFT] + [C], making it an excellent skill for chaining combos. I Terms and Conditions I Privacy Policy I Manage Cookie Settings I About Us. This skill makes you invincible while using the skill and is one of your main iframes. Flow: Skull Hammer[F] while maintaining Skull Crusher. You can use your grab [E] straight afterwards as well, making it really powerful in PVP. The skill deals quite a bit more damage than Iron Fist Fury so it’s really up to you if you want damage or defense. This skill is one that you should proritize for leveling and you will mostly use this skill and all of it’s extensions/combos up until level 56. The weapon cannot be enhanced with Caphras stones though. (All stats unenhanced. It’s easy to glance at a skill’s Hit Damage and think it might be weak, but damage percent alone doesn’t tell the whole story. Can u send my a good build for the striker skills? for selfInstantly Recovers 3 HP per hit[Level 58] Crimson FangAttack against monsters +20 for 8 sec. Aim to buy a +15 if you can to save your enhancing resources. The combos are designed to be very tricky and players may find Striker hard to master, but not too hard to pick up if you are a new player. Aim to buy a +15 Rosar Gauntlet if you can to save your enhancing resources. Select Page. Mountain Aura is your passive. The awakening version of the skill also doesn’t have super armor on it so it can be riskier to use. Griffon’s Helmet (helmet) – dropped from Griffons in Kamaslyvia. for selfAll Accuracy +4% for 12 sec. It is also not as viable anymore due to the CC limit, but can be useful in some situations. It has much higher AP but it is only obtainable from a Dandelion Weapon Box (Karanda world boss loot) or from the night vendor. Try to also ultimate all your pieces as soon as possible, especially your armor because it will give quite a big DP boost.Click image below to enlargeLow-Tier build: linkHere is a low-tier build to use if you are looking to improve your gear before you get boss gear. (HOLD SHIFT) + [W] OR [S]. Below are the recommended Absolute Skills you should take: Absolute: Roaring Tiger – Requires level 59 (35 Skill Points)Absolute: Mass Destruction – Requires level 56 (10 Skill Points)Absolute: Fist of True Strength – Requires level 56 (10 Skill Points)Absolute: Massive Suppresion – Requires level 56 (17 Skill Points)Absolute: Crimson Fang – Requires level 59 (25 Skill Points)Absolute: Wolf’s Hunger – Requires level 59 (22 Skill Points)Absolute: Knee Hammer – Requires level 56 (18 Skill Points)Absolute: Rock Smash – Requires level 57 (18 Skill Points)Absolute: Twisted Collision – Requires level 57 (25 Skill Points)Absolute: Twisted Collision – Requires level 59 (40 Skill Points)Absolute: Twisted Collision – Requires level 60 (40 Skill Points), Level 56Rising Wolf Fang – Requires [Flow: Mass Destruction] and [Wolf’s Fang V]Flow: Back Step – Requires [Flow: Mass Destruction] and [Flash Step III] (Preferred Choice)Flow: Back Step is simply the better choice out of the two due to it being an additional i-frame as well as a movement speed +30% and Magic DP 15 buff (for 10 sec).Level 57Iron Fist Fury – Requires [Fist of True Strength III] and [Fist Fury IV]Perfect Blow – Requires [Fist of True Strength III] and [Knee Hammer III]. The skill also has super armor on it and is an excellent skill used for chaining Super Armor. Keys in square brackets [] mean that you tap the key. for selfInflicts 45 Pain Damage per 3 sec. for target, Critical Hit Rate +10% for 9 sec. Remember that class guides are a rough explanation of the class, designed to give you an idea of the class and what you should be aiming for. Iron Fist Fury is the safer option and if you’re not sure which to pick, I would probably go for this one. Tungrad Earrings are one of the best earrings you can get. These are absorbed automatically when you use a skill and will enhance the skill. allows you to swap between your main hand and awakening weapon. 1 Striker Skill Builds and Rabams; 2 Striker PvE Rotations; 3 Whatâ s the awakened (56+) PvE/Grinding rotation? Weaker against melee damage classes with high mobility, burst and crowd control. It offers various bonuses and is also the only food which will give you an skill points experience buff. You should enhance it to at least +7 for leveling and then PRI or higher as soon as possible if you don’t have Liverto/Kzarka. Enhancing a Bares Necklace is much cheaper than using an un-enhanced BiS necklace. Flow: Bite OffHold [F] while using Rampaging Predator. Wolf’s Fang (Optional)[S] + [LMB] + [RMB], This skill is completely optional. Stalking Wolf will teleport you to your target which is useful for chasing down low HP enemies since you don’t have that much mobility, but if someone is expecting you to chase them then you can easily be stunned. In some situations (such as against a Ranger or Archer in 1v1), rotating Super Armor can be useless because they will just burst you down, and Wolf’s Fang will be useful to use to block that incoming damage.Rage Hammer[SHIFT] + [Q]. They have it all broken down. It also has a forward guard and is one of your only skills with stiffness, so you can rotate the CC effects with your other skills. Some players really like this skill, but the problem with it is that if you are fighting a group of players, it randomly teleports you between them and can put you in vulnerable positions. Skills with damage modifiers, like 100% Critical with 100% Accuracy, Floating, and Air Attack could potentially be your strongest skill, even if it has the lowest damage percent. Even a level 1 character can wear the best PEN … This requires a 2 hour preperation. Basilisk’s Belt and Valtarra are very good belts but Tungrade is currently the best in slot. Below are some example builds to help you decide what is best for you.Leveling build: linkHere is what to aim for when leveling and before you get your boss gear. Knee Hammer also has a stiffness CC, which is the reason this skill is used. It can help you push to the next AP bracket but at higher AP brackets the extra AP you get is smaller and you’ll be losing hit chance % at the same time on both your preawakening and your awakening. The Awakening quest line from the Black Spirit rewards a blue grade awakening … 01/07/2020. This build is good for large scale PVP but not recommended for PVE unless against low evasion mobs or mobs you are much higher level than. Slash [SHIFT] + [F]. Flow: Nimbus Strike is also really useful for chasing your enemies and catching them by surprise because it has Super Armor on it and bound CC. It’s also much cheaper to enhance and repair max durability than the other options so if you don’t have a lot of money or participate in a lot of PvP, then this weapon is a good alternative until you get Dandelion. The skill doesn’t have any protection however, so you should use it wisely when the target is already CC’d. Offin Tett can be good when you reach certain AP brackets and if your class doesn’t depend on accuracy as much as others, but if you’re unsure whether you should be using this weapon or not, it’s much safer to just use Kzarka. 24/12/2017 – posted the first version of the guide, 07/05/2019 – general update for current meta, new skill builds, example builds, skill add-ons, combos, crystals, 16/05/2019 – Added Dragon Slayer weapon and updated armor info, 13/06/2020 – added Succession information, added blackstar weapons, updated accessories, updated game builds and crystals. It takes a long time to get to this stage, and there are lots of small improvements and other accessories you will use along the way, but this is ideally your end game build for PVP. This skill is your 100% Black Spirit Rage skill. This thread is archived. The skill will also instantly recover 500 HP and has super armor when being used. It must be crafted using items in Star’s End and then following a questline. © 2021 Black Desert Foundry. It also gives a 30% movment speed buff for 10 seconds and is a must have skill. It is particularly good against classes which stack a lot of AP. for 12 sec. The skill also has low damage and is simply not needed because Striker can easily rotate Super Armor with other skills so Forward Guard is a risky skill to use in comparison against some classes. For your accessories, you should prioritize Centaurus Belt, Bensho Necklace, Manos Earrings, and finally Cadry Rings last.This build is full defense and perfect for defending your team. The build you choose completely depends on your playstyle and what role you want to play in PVP. You may want to use Red Coral Earrings or Witch’s Earrings instead but they can be quite expensive compared to the rest of the gear.Click image below to enlargeMid-tier build: linkHere is a mid-tier build to use once you have boss gear. for 12 sec. A 1,700 SP (skill points) skill build can be found here. Muskan’s Shoes (shoes) alternative choice– dropped from Monastery Leader.The best in slot armor for Striker is Griffon’s Helmet, Dim Tree Spirit’s Armor, Bheg’s Gloves and Urugon’s Shoes. It takes a long time to get to this stage, and there are lots of small improvements and other accessories you will use along the way, but this is ideally your softcap build for PVP. This gardbrace has lower AP than the other options but it is still viable for PvE due to it’s Damage Against Every Species +5 item effect. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Kzarka Gaunlet Kzarka is the main weapon you will be using. This skill is your 100% Black Spirit Rage skill which adds extra damage to the skill. (HOLD SHIFT) + [W] OR [S]. I wouldn’t recommend leveling it up unless you already have your full build and you have spare skill points because it requires a lot of skill points and is rarely used. It really depends on your preference. for self[Level 52] Twisted CollisionAll Accuracy +3% for 12 sec. ID Title Build type Class Level Views Rating Comments Date User name class id; ID Title Build type Class Level Views Rating Comments Date User name class id; Loading data from server Necklace:If available I recommend using the Asula’s Crimon Eye Necklace (Asula Set) if you are new to the game, this gives you 11 AP and 3 DP as well as damage reduction and an amazing set bonus. Giath’s Helmet (helmet) alternative choice – dropped from Giath. It is a good skill that will teleport you behind your target and also has 100% accuracy on your clone damage, which is insane damage when you go for a full AP build. Ideally you will want to buy or make it ultimate (yellow) as well.The Vambrace of Sealed Magical Power is freely obtainable from Black Spirit quests as well and a weaker version of Leather Vambrace. It also has quite a bit of range compared to your other skills and can be combo’d with Flash Step to cast it backwards. Backflow Gardbrace Backflow Gardbrace is a blue grade weapon which is given to you when you complete the awakening quests. Up-to-date guides, resources, and general chat.
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