• Pre vypnutie po jazde dodržte opačné poradie. Carrera RC car. ), damage caused by improper treatment or use (such as performing jumps in excess of the recommended height, dropping the product etc. ment et et les remettre à tout utilisateur de ce véhicule si besoin est. (USB 3.0) or a USB power supply unit with at least 1A output voltage: • Connect the USB charger cable with the USB port of a computer, LED on the USB charger cable lights green and indicates that the charger is, correctly connected to the computer. Pozor, toto vozidlo dosahuje rýchlosti až 15 km/h. letzshop.lu. Select Your Cookie Preferences. Repair may only be performed by Stadlbauer Marketing + Vertrieb GmbH itself or by a company it has authorised to do so. Nabite prosím akumulátor. kontroléri & vozidle raz na OFF a potom znova na ON. • Po použití akumulátor bezpodmienečne znova nabite, aby, S joystickmi môžete vykonávať presné riadiace a jazdné, Joystick doľava a doprava: jazda dopredu a dozadu pri rovnomer-. the cord, plug, enclosure and other parts, and in the event of such damage, they must not be used until the damage has been repaired. Carrera rc race boat, red blue black (49 Seiten), Handbuch wird automatisch zu "Meine Handbücher" hinzugefügt, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Slasher Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Blue Scorpion Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC 370160023 Amphi Stunt Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC 70181073 FIRST Carrera RC Racer Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Mini Turnator 360/Stunt Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC 370200990 Mario Kart Circuit Special Mario-Racer Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Mini Turnator Montageanleitung Und Bedienungsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC 370402001 Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC  301011 Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC F-150 SVT Raptor 162007 Montageanleitung Und Bedienungsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC 120001 Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Ford F-150 Raptor blue Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Thunder Storm II Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Nintendo Mario-Copter Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Thunder Storm Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Green Challenger Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Mini Turnator 360/Stunt Safety Instructions, 370200990 Mario Kart Circuit Special Mario-Racer Safety Instructions, Carrera RC 370200990 Mario Kart Circuit Special Mario-Racer, 70181073 FIRST Carrera RC Racer Safety Instructions, Carrera RC 70181073 FIRST Carrera RC Racer, 370200996 Mario Kart 8 Mario Safety Instructions, 370142026X Ford F-150 Raptor Safety Instructions, 370160023 Amphi Stunt Safety Instructions, Super Mario Odyssey Scooter Safety Instructions. The LED on top of the car will, 2. Never operate the product on grass surfaces. Any screws or. Features. LED na kontroléri rytmicky bliká. Carrera Turnator 162052 Pdf User Manuals. Základom techniky riadenia pri jazde s vozidlom Car-. Empty bat-, teries should be removed from the product. Die Betriebsanleitungen unserer Rennbahn-Sets findest du hier als Download. Carrera Rc Mini Turnator Online-Anleitung: Riešenia Problémov. akumulátor vybitý. The vehicle does not work properly; the range is too small! Príčina: Slabý akumulátor/batéria v kontroléri alebo modeli. The use of a different power supply unit may lead to the permanent. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Batteries are to be inserted with the correct. nuts that may have become loosened during operation must be tightened. We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your shopping experience, to provide our services, understand how customers use our services … Po niekoľkých sekundách nepretržite svietia LED-ky na. Only Original Carrera Rc Lifepo A Rechargeable Batteries Are To Be Removed From The Toy Before Being Charged. Power is provided by a built-in 3.7 V-250 mAh Li-Ion battery. Short recharging times; Extremely long running times; Recharging time approx. as Carrera RC rechargeable batteries, antennas, tyres, gearbox components etc. Turnator – Super Flex motorized toy car pdf manual download. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Carrera RC Mini Turnator 1:40 Scale 24 GHz 402001 at the best online prices at eBay! Free delivery for many products! … • Are the battery contacts bent or dirty? Veuillez conserver ces instruc-, tions de montage et d'utilisation, afin que vous puissiez les consulter ultérieure-. 2.4 GHz allows up to 16 cars to compete at the same … Carrera 370162052X Carrera RC Turnator Classic 1:16 | Letzshop. The Turnator is Carrera RCs master of all trades and can be clearly distinguished from all the other vehicles in the Carrera RC series. How are ratings calculated? vehicle for transporting goods, persons or animals. Mar 6, 2018 - RC Car 2.4GHz CARRERA RC Turnator #Shoproads #onlineshopping #Remote Control Toys. polarity. View and Download Carrera RC Turnator – Super Flex assembly and operating instructions manual online. Recharge the battery, occasionally (suggested every 2–3 months). Rechargeable batteries are to be removed, from the toy before being charged. 2. Text, image, video. • Always keep the rechargeable battery stored outside the vehicle. Zapnite kontrolér. Carrera 370162052X Carrera RC Turnator Classic 1:16 Action 2.4GHz 20km/h jetzt online kaufen bei Letzshop Im Geschäft in Strassen vorrätig … Carrera RC 370201058 2.4GHz Red Bull RC2, Multi-Coloured 3.5 out of 5 stars 10. Turn the steering wheel anti-clockwise: The vehicle moves in a circle to the. WARNING! Do not use the Carrera RC. Riešenie: Vložte nabitý akumulátor alebo batériu. Its gigantic diametrically opposable wheels enable the Turnator to spin on the spot at full … Dbajte na správnu polaritu. Charging the rechargeable battery via computer, charging unit (USB charger cable) also supplied. The Best RC Vehicle for Your Six Year Old. Supply terminals are not to be short circuited. 1 offer from £92.99. • If the car switches itself off several times one after another, the battery. Sort by. Pri polohe ON, výkonového spínača a riadnom fungovaní by sa mala LED hore v. Vozidlo Carrera RC a kontrolér sú zo strany výrobcu spojené. • When changing from the first battery to the second battery, you must, stop running for at least ten minutes. operated on tracks and in spaces especially intended for this purpose. To je možné úplne bez zosúladenia frekvencie medzi pretekármi. Write a review. This car has all-round suspension, differential gears and can mix it with a total field of up to 16 cars. Registrieren Sie sich jetzt. • Zabrániť permanentnému nasadeniu motora. When the controller is switched on, the red LED lamps at the front of the, Gas pedal to the front: braking, or backwards. Please try again later. Ensure the polarity is correct. Manuals and User Guides for Carrera RC Mini Turnator 360/Stunt. Ensure the polarity is correct. RC model Carrera Turnator on www.alzashop.com. Tag: Carrera RC Mini Turnator. Precvičte si to na prázdnej ploche s rozmermi min. 2 x 1,5 V batérie Mignon AAA (nie sú nabíjateľné), Dbajte na to, aby ste priložený LiPo aku-, ako budete pokračovať, starostlivo si pre-, • Nabitie vybitého akumulátora (nie hlbo-, Otvorte priehradku pre batérie pomocou skrutkovača a. vložte batérie do kontroléra. Pre opätovné použitie prepnite spínač ON/OFF na. • Position the switches on the transmitter and vehicle to "ON". 421 global ratings | 266 global reviews There was a problem filtering reviews right now. It can hit a top speed around 15 km/h Sand stay there for around 20 minutes. 8 Years … Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Carrera RC Turnator 2.4 GHz Ready To Run Radio Control Stunt Buggy 162052 at Amazon.com. Switch on the controller. Carrera RC 7.4v 700mAh Li-Ion Power Battery and charger The heart of every Carrera product is a high power Li-Ion battery that transmits its entire power to the engine and guarantees extremely long running times. £40.90. Do not mix dissimilar battery types or employ new and used batteries, together. Technické zmeny a zmeny podmienené dizajnom vyhradené, Handbuch wird automatisch zu "Meine Handbücher" hinzugefügt, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Micro Helicopter Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Super Mario - Flying Cape Mario Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Super Mario Odyssey Scooter Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC 370240003X Mini Turnator 2.0 Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Mini Turnator 360/Stunt Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Turnator - Super Flex Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC 70181073 FIRST Carrera RC Racer Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Ford F-150 Raptor blue Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Thunder Storm II Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Blue Scorpion Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Nintendo Mario-Copter Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Thunder Storm Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Green Challenger Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC 370184001 Jeep Trailcat Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC 370200990 Mario Kart Circuit Special Mario-Racer Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Slasher Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung, 370200996 Mario Kart 8 Mario Riešenia Problémov, 370184001 Jeep Trailcat Riešenia Problémov, 370142026 Ford F -150 Raptor, 370142027 Ford F-150 Raptor, 370142028 Red Hunter 2, 370142029 Inferno Orange 2, 370142032 Ford F- Riešenia Problémov, Carrera RC 370142026 Ford F -150 Raptor, 370142027 Ford F-150 Raptor, 370142028 Red Hunter 2, 370142029 Inferno Orange 2, 370142032 Ford F-. be connected to Class II equipment bearing the following symbol. The LED on top of the controller will flash, rhythmically. • Is interference being caused by metal railings or fences? Der Carrera Mini Turnator ist eine kompakte Ausgabe des Turnators und bewegt sich wie ein kleiner Breakdancer über den Parcours. Additonal Information . The Carrera Rc Vehicle Is Designed For Hobby Use … Er macht die halsbrecherischen Stunts wie sein großes Vorbild. Spojenie je ukončené. Controller with removable joysticks and lanyard. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Carrera RC 370402001 Mini Turnator Vehicles With Function. Turn the steering wheel clockwise: The vehicle moves in a circle to the right. Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Turnator - Super Flex Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung (49 Seiten) Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Watergun 2.0 Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung (41 Seiten) Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC 370142026X Ford F-150 Raptor Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung (24 Seiten) Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Green Splash Montage- Und … £21.46. Product code: 78610832. DIY And Crafts. DIY Rc Cars More information The Carrera RC Mini Turnator radio controlled 360 Stunt car from the Carrera radio control range in 1/40 scale is a great … Riadiaci pohyb doľava dosiahnete, keď pohnete pravým joystic-, kom dopredu a následne ho opäť pustíte. Ansicht Und Herunterladen Carrera Rc Turnator - Super Flex Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung Online. dosiahnuť flip, pri ktorom vozidlo urobí salto. • Are the batteries discharged or defective? The Turnator is Carrera RCs master of all trades and can be clearly distinguished from all the other vehicles in the Carrera RC series. ), or unauthorised intervention. You can recharge the rechargea-, ble battery with the respective USB charger cable from a computer USB port. When the battery is fully charged, the LED display on the USB, Always recharge the battery after use to prevent its becoming deep dis-, charged. No longer available online We're unlikely to receive more stock of this item. Nous avons toujours pour ambition, d'améliorer et de perfectionner nos produits et nous réservons la possibilité de, réaliser des modifications techniques relatives à la présentation et design de nos. Carrera RC Quadrocopter ja ohjainlaite yhdistyvät joka kerran käyttöön otettaes- on ku- • Säädä Quadrocopteria tarvittaessa kuten kohdissa 15 16 17 sa automaattisesti uudelleen. When you connect an empty recharge-, able battery, the LED on the USB charger cable goes off and indicates that, The USB charger cable is so designed that, • It lasts about 80 minutes to recharge a discharged (NOT a deep-discharged), battery. Never subject the Carrera car to repeated changes of load – that means. Switch the car ON at the ON/OFF switch. … Príčina: Auto sa zastavilo na nejakej prekážke. ler will light continuously, meaning the bind has been made. Ces instructions de, montage et d'utilisation forment partie intégrale du produit. In terms of speed, the yellow Carrera RC Mini Turnator is a 'high potential'. Príčina: Behom cca 30 minút nečinnosti sa kontrolér a vozidlo, Riešenie: Pre opätovné používanie prepnite spínač ON/OFF na. Carrera 370162052X Carrera RC Turnator Classic 1:16 Action 2.4GHz 20km/h jetzt online kaufen bei Letzshop Im Geschäft in Strassen vorrätig Online bestellen. All stars. After use, the battery must be allowed to cool down for at least, 20 minutes before it can be fully recharged. amsec. Le fabricant décline, toute responsabilité en cas d'inobservation des instructions de montage et d'uti-, lisation et des consignes de sécurité y figurant. How to return an item Check in-store stock Product description. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and, (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may, Rechargeable batteries are to be removed from the toy before being, The Carrera RC vehicle is designed for hobby use only and may only be. Carrera RC Mini Turnator 2,4 GHzCarrera RC 2,4GHz Mini Turnator 360/Stunt, grün. Operation is subject to, (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and, (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference, Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for. With the Turnator's huge, moveable wheels on both sides, the Turnator can spin on a circle at top speed and perform spectacular stunts. • Have the batteries/power packs been inserted correctly? Mar 6, 2018 - RC Car 2.4GHz CARRERA RC Turnator #Shoproads #onlineshopping #Remote Control Toys. Do not use the Carrera RC vehicle in road traffic. From the wreckage of various failed radio-controlled toy cars gifted to my son, I have stepped into my rightful role to find a worthy replacement. prava pohybujte ľavým joystickom dopredu a potom ho opäť pustite. Jos alussa ilmenee ongelmia tiedonvaihdossa vattu niin, ettei Quadrocopter enää liitolennossa liiku paikaltaan ilman oh- Carrera RC Quadrocopterin ja ohjaimen välillä, suorita yhdistäminen … DIY Rc Cars.. … vozidle a na kontroléri. Add to Wish List. Carrera Mini Turnator; Mini-sized RC racer with amazing flip-action capabilities Encourages hand-eye coordination, imaginative play RC racing launches fast into acrobatic excitement Races over 9 miles per hour - Switch suddenly to reverse or hit a ramp to send axles and body flipping chaotically like a breakdancer Features ability to spin in place around and around Runs for up … Then after around 40 minutes hooked up to a PC or a laptop via a USB cable the stunt car is ready to run once more. View online or download Carrera Turnator 162052 Assembly And Operating Instructions Manual Zapnite vozidlo spínačom ON-/OFF. Rýchlym priamym pohybovaním obidvoch joystickov v pro-, tichodnom smere, vždy až na doraz smerom nahor a nadol, sa dá. The new Carrera RC Turnator boasts absolutely unique looks and tops the driving skills of all its peers, achieving sensational previously unknown fun levels. • Are the vehicle and the transmitter/controller connected properly (see. DIY Projects . least 20 minutes is absolutely essential. Na veľkej voľnej ploche postavte pomocou vymedzenia rohov ale-, bo s prázdnymi plechovkami atď. LED na dolnej strane. Carrera Rc Stunt Dancer Online-Anleitung: Safety Instructions, Troubleshooting. The … Carrera RC Turnator - 2.4 GHz Servo Tronic (1:16 Scale) by Carrera. Carrera RC 370501042 Advent Calendar 2.4 GHz Helicopter Red 3.6 out of 5 stars 42. The toy is only to. Never throw the car on the floor from a standing position. At the next change, a pause of at. Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC Mini Turnator Montageanleitung Und Bedienungsanleitung 360/stunt (53 Seiten) Ferngesteuerte Modelle Carrera RC 370160135 Montage- Und Betriebsanleitung
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