O yüzden araştırdım civilization.ini dosyası varmış. Epic Games'den CIV 6 almıştım fakat oynarken oyunun bana göre zor olduğunu hile yapmak isteğim geldi. Konsol açılınca CTRL + 4 yazacaksınız dendi. Game Fixes: Civilization VI: New Frontier Pass - Part 3 v20201205 [MULTI12] Fixed Files; Civilization VI: New Frontier Pass - Part 2 v20200723 [MULTI12] Fixed Files In there box type "reveal all" (no quotations), the game will lock up for a few seconds as the map is revealed and bingo you can see everything. Open that file and scroll down to the [Debug] section of the file. This worked for me on my version of EPIC Games 1. Then hit the ~ (that symbol is a tilde) key while in-game to bring up the command console and select Reveal All. Once in game press the ~ key. C’è un menu di debug integrato in Civilization 6, ma prima di poterlo usare è necessario fare un po ‘di armeggiamento nei file per attivarlo. Ona Debug 1 falan yaptım konsol açıldı. This guide will help players that have downloaded Civilization 6 through the Epic Games Store get their favorite mods up and running. Viele Seiten geben dir falsche Information zur Öffnung der Debug Console in der deutschen Spielversion von Civilization 6… The Debug Console can now be activated in-game. Delete the files in the documents folder> my games> Sid Meier's Civilization VI 3. No clue why this fixed it, but thanks. To open the window, start Civilization 6 and follow these steps: Press [`] tilde in-game to open the Debug Window This is a guide on how to use the Civ 6 debug menu and console commands. There is a debug menu built into Civilization 6, but before you can use it you need to do a quick bit of tinkering in the files to activate it. Install the game again. How to reveal the entire map: Go to your computer username’s My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier’s Civilization VI\ folder and edit the config.ini file to change “DebugPanel = 0” to “DebugPanel = 1”. Our Civilization 6 +19 trainer is now available for version 540535 GATHERING STORM and supports STEAM, EPIC STORE. Uninstall the game 2. Bende o dosya yok appoptions var. The debug menu should open in the top left corner. Options. Civilization 6; Civilization VI: Debug Console in deutscher Spielversion. 5) Open Civ 6 and start or load a game. These Civilization 6 cheats are designed to enhance your experience with the game. C:\Users\[USER NAME]\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI Now, make a backup of the AppOptions.txt file. The debug menu is not really meant to be used as a way to cheat except to reveal the map, and is meant specifically for debug … Num 1 – Infinite Gold Num 2 – Infinite Faith Num 3 – One Turn Research Num 4 – One Turn Civics Num 5 – Add Influence Num 6 – Units Infinite Moves Num 7 – Units Infinite Health Num 8 – One Turn Building/Recruit Num 9 – Get All Resources Last Updated: 2021.02.13. Vai al \ Documents \ My Games \ Sid Meier’s Civilization VI cartella, o ovunque sia memorizzato il gioco sul tuo PC, e trova il file AppOptions.txt file. This worked for me on the Steam version of the game. To open the window, start Civilization 6 and follow these steps: Press [`] tilde in-game to open the Debug Window. Civilization 6: How to Install Mods on Epic Games Store.
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