AIRLINE AIRLINE (in Turkish) IMAGE ICAO IATA CALLSIGN COMMENCED OPERATIONS MNG Airlines: MNG Havayolları : MNB: MB: BLACK SEA: 1997 MyCargo Airlines: ACT Havayollari: RUN: 9T: CARGO TURK: 2004 (2011) 1: Turkish Cargo: Türk Hava Yolları: THY: TK: TURKISH: 1933 ULS Airlines Cargo: ULS Havayolları Kargo: KZU: GO: UNIVERSAL CARGO: 2004 See also. Boeing 777-200LR/200LRF
You can use Business Class counter and our Turkish Airlines Lounges by achieving your annual flight targets.
Edit. Airbus A320
Cost Index : 22
CI = Cost Index
Cost Index : 23
Business Class-Flüge mit Turkish Airlines bieten Ihnen komfortable Sitze, luxuriösen Service und köstliche Mahlzeiten, die … Airbus A340-600
Bei Turkish Airlines servieren wir Ihnen hervorragende Gerichte der türkischen und internationalen Küche, die allesamt mit frischen saisonalen Zutaten zubereitet werden. In order to make something changes in the flight or you want to change your flight, you must have selected the fees that are different according to the task. Airbus A321
* For each customer making 50.000 TL of flight expenses (excluding taxes and service fee) at the end of the contract term, Turkish Airlines Corporate Club Lounge Card shall be given (one card for each 50.000 TL of contract target), which allows the customer to use the private lounge free of charge. Cost Index : 32
MACH = Vitesse de l'avion par rapport � la vitesse du son exprim�e en pourcentage. This document from Airbus explains the cost index in more detail. Boeing 767-300
Your donation here helps to pay our bandwidth costs, emergency funding, and other general costs that crop up from time to time. I think airlines sometimes use a higher number cost index during the takeoff phase to better comply with ATC demands in the busy terminal space (i.e., expedited climbs, or speed changes for proper spacing from other traffic). Airbus A380-800
Boeing 757-200
Airbus A330-200/200F
On their member forum, I stumbled upon a very helpful list that appears to show the cost index data for a huge variety of airlines. Airbus A350-900
D�part de Doha - Cost Index 120
Turkish Airlines won the Skytrax awards for Europe's Best Airline, Southern Europe's Best Airline, and the World's Best Premium Economy Class Airline Seat for three consecutive years in 2011, 2012 and 2013.
3 3 3 bronze badges. Cost Index : 18
Click here for more information and to see all donations year to date. Cost Index : 38
Download our latest Cost-Index Database for many different airlines all over the world.
Wir erklären Ihnen wie der Online Check in bei Turkish Airlines funktioniert.
Cost Index : 26
Cost Index : 30
remember its an old list and things change over time. Egyptair
Cost Index : 40
Airbus A321
La vitesse du son ne d�pendant que de la temp�rature, il est impossible de donner une vitesse donn�e � un pourcentage donn� sans connaitre pr�cis�ment la temp�rature ambiante � l'instant T. Date de cr�ation : 29/09/2010 @ 20:40 British Airways
Cos Index : 23
Airbus A320SL
callsign1065; Oct 27th 2012; 1 Page 1 of 3; 2; 3; callsign1065. Cost Index : 15
It has retained its status as the top European airline in 2014 and 2015, thereby holding the title for five years in a row. Now, I know that CI is not really set in stone for airlines, and the the pilots often have the flexibility to adjust a SOP value to allow for a faster/slower cruise as appropriate to how far behind/ahead of schedule their flight is, but it's nice to have a template to help you when simulating airliner ops.This info does not belong to iFLY, the forum poster had obtained it from another public website, just to let you know.I hope this is helpful.Air Baltic.
Fokker 70
Cost Index : 27
On their member forum, I stumbled upon a very helpful list that appears to show the cost index data for a huge variety of airlines. United Airlines
MRC = Maximum Range Cruise
Turkish Airlines is the owner and program administrator of the Turkish Airlines Corporate Club™ program and will be referred to as THY.
Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
Cost Index : 21
Welcome to Turkish Airlines Corporate Club, an exclusive program for Turkish Airlines' corporate customers. Cost Index : 12
Cost Index : 85
Boeing 777-300ER
Boeing 767-300
Cost Index : 17
FMS = Flight Management System, l'ordinateur de bord de l'avion
Boeing 737-300/500
Die Flugplanung eines konkreten Fluges kann zugunsten einer hohen Performance oder zugunsten einer hohen Kosteneffizienz in Bezug auf den Verbrauch durchgeführt werden.. Bei einer Planung zugunsten einer hohen … Cost Index : 13
Cost Index : 80
Air Berlin
Cost Index : 27
Airbus A330-200
8% of Turkish Airlines passengers traveled with kids under 14. Thank you.Didn't know that they even alter the CI for the different phases of flight. Mitte der Achtziger gab es Turkish Airlines Flüge zu 16 inländischen und 36 ausländischen Zielen, wofür 30 Flugzeuge eingesetzt werden konnten. Cost Index : 24
The Cost Index = fuel consumption in KG per minute? Cost Index : 28
Boeing 767-300ER
Most of these CIs predate the massive hike in fuel prices that occurred ~2008, since they all seem rather high. Cost Index : 180
Airbus A320/A321
Airbus A319/320
Fokker 100 - R�acteurs TAY650
Cost Index : 30
Boeing 777-300ER
Southwest started using 20 for all aircraft back in 2008 (?
Turkish Airlines Flight Change Fee: How Much Does It Cost To Change A Flight.
AVSIM Online - Simming's Premier Resource!
Boeing 737-800
Cost-Index der Airlines. Boeing 737-700
Cost Index : 10
Airbus A330-300
Cost Index : 32
Cost Index : 28
Boeing 737-300/500
Cost Index : 80
Cost Index : 35
Boeing 767-300
It can be fun to see if you can save a bit of fuel and I generally do try to cut down on flight times by screwing around with things en route, including altering the cruise altitude and occasionally steering around weather, but I don't exactly beat myself up over it, although if anyone was simulating a real world's airline operations, I agree that it would add a touch of realism to use the CI which the real airline generally uses.Al, Check out my youtube flight sim videos: Here. Cost Index : 18
Discover more than 120 countries with Turkish Airlines for a unique travel experience.
Airbus A320
Cost Index : 100
Reactions Received 326 Posts 6,691. Cost Index : 23
Cost Index : 80
Dur�e de vol sup�rieur � 4h :
I feel like home when I step into the office, I am moved to tears with pride when I see the logo of my company somewhere and I am still thrilled as I was on my first day when I … Retour Doha - Cost Index 8
Boeing 777-300ER
Search for: LATEST BLOG POSTS: [RELEASE] GSS v3 available now! Airbus A330-200F
D�part de Doha - Cost Index 9
Airbus A319CJ
Boeing 787
Airbus A330-200 Moyen courrier
Boeing 757-200
Its true that most airlines use two different cost indexes for cruise tho, one for normal, on-time operations, usually a very low number, and another one for situations where they are behind schedule, often a much higher number.
Airbus A340-500
Cost Index : 120
Buy a flight ticket, make hotel reservation and rent a car. But they use the following speeds: CLB: 310 / 0.84. IIRC, CI = Fuel related costs (price of fuel) / Time related costs (Time of Flight) Also, I'm reasonably certain that this list is severely out of date. Edit source History Talk (0) Comments Share. ist die teilstaatliche Fluggesellschaft der Türkei mit Sitz in Istanbul und Basis auf dem Flughafen Istanbul.Sie ist Mitglied der Luftfahrtallianz Star Alliance sowie Kooperationspartner der Arab Air Carriers Organization. The card will be valid for the subsequent year.
Airbus A320
Boeing 737-300/400/500
Cost Index : 16
Boeing 777-300ER
), UAL switched 0 on the 757s at about the same time, and COA was using 7 on it's 737s. Cost Index : 10
Along with this, issue ratings of Turkish Airlines' Enhanced Equipment Trust Certificates (EETCs), which have been issued in 2015, have also been reviewed, and as a result, they were lowered to Ba3 from Ba1 I think airlines sometimes use a higher number cost index during the takeoff phase to better comply with ATC demands in the busy terminal space (i.e., expedited climbs, or speed changes for proper spacing from other traffic). Cost Index : 8
Now, I know that CI is not really set in stone for airlines, and the the pilots often have the flexibility to adjust a SOP value to allow for a faster/slower cruise as appropriate to how far behind/ahead of schedule their flight is, but it's nice to have a template to help you when simulating airliner ops.This info does not belong to iFLY, the forum poster had obtained it from another public website, just to let you know.I hope this is helpful.Air Baltic, Cost Index 0 (Sometimes used on East Coast USA to UK Flights and less often on UK to Singapore/Bangkok flights), Cost Index 0 (Sometimes used on East Coast USA to UK Flights) British Midland.
Boeing 747-400
= 28????? THY reserves the right include other airlines and institutions (hotels, vehicle rental companies, etc.) Follow edited Apr 28 '16 at 14:15.
Cost Index : 36
Royal Air Maroc
Turkish Airlines hält seinen Kunden mehrere Möglichkeiten für einen schnellen und problemlosen Check In bereit. This is one of those obscure tidbits I happened to pickup on the net from real world pilot reports, I'm not sure if it's common practice. Southwest Airlines
Page lue 3985 fois, Copyright Air Inter Virtual Airline �� 2003-2016. Boeing 757-300
Improve this answer. When I say a higher number, I mean better performance at the expense of fuel savings. LRC = Long Range Cruise
Cost Index : 35
Cost Index : 30
Cost Index : 24 (50 au d�part de LHR, ORY et AMS)
Cost Index : 21
Fly Duba�
Cost Index : 26
Cost Index : Sous le FL100 CI 0 - Au dessus du FL100 CI 15
Cost Index : 30
49,12 % der Anteile gehören dem türkischen Staat, 50,88 % werden an der Istanbuler Börse gehandelt. Cost Index : 40
Fokker 100 - R�acteurs TAY620
Cost Index : 13
Cost Index : 25
You might be charged a ticket service fee that varies according to your route and flight class simply. Boeing 737-700/800
Airbus A319
Boeing 737-800 (CFM56-7B26-26k)
PIA are using a cost index of 180 on all their 777s (-200ER, -200LR and -300ER). Cost Index : 22
Boeing 737-500
Cost Index : 44
Airbus A 340-600
Boeing 767-300
Boeing 737-800
Cost Index : 50 en mont�e, 100 en croisi�re et 20 en d�scente
Cost Index : 40
In accordance with the conditions set out in the General Communiqué on Tax Procedure Law Order No. Emirates
Boeing 737-700
List of airlines; List of defunct airlines …
Airbus A319
Airbus A340-600
Cost Index : 30
Boeing 777-200LR
Cost Index : 25
System specs: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, i9-9900KF Gigabyte Z390 RTX-2070, 32GB RAM 1X 1TB M2 for X-Plane 11, 1x 500GB SSD for P3Dv5, 1x256GB SSD for OS.
Retour Doha - Cost Index 110
Business Class, Reisen in der Luxusklasse!
Boeing 777-300ER
Cost Index : 15
Boeing 757-300
This donation keeps our doors open and providing you service 24 x 7 x 365.
Cost Index : 29
Boeing 777-200ER/200LR
Cost Index : 120
Cost Index : 24 en mont�e puis 40 en croisi�re
Cost Index : 150 (250 si retard)
Tom Allensworth,
Airbus A320/A320SL
Boeing 747-400
Airbus A321SL
Boeing 737-500
By Cost Index : 13
737-300/500 CI:28 737-700 CI:36. Airbus A319/A320/A321
Airbus A319/320
Airbus A320/A320SL
answered Feb 27 '14 at 22:09.
Cost Index : 12
Istanbul was the most popular destination for Turkish Airlines passengers.
Southwest started using 20 for all aircraft back in 2008 (? Airbus A320
Boeing 767-300
Boeing 737-300
Cost Index : 27
Cost Index : 25
), UAL switched 0 on the 757s at about the same time, and COA was using 7 on it's 737s. Cost Index 20 for most International plans, however they may be planned up to CI250 to meet schedule/duty limits Ryanair Boeing 737-800 Cost Index: 30 S7 30 SAS 45-50 Singapore Airlines B747/B777 CI:150 Skyexpress Russia B737CL?????
Cost Index : 11
Vent debout ou en retard sur l'horaire - Cost Index : 377
Boeing 737-800
Alpha-tester for FS2020, AIRBERLIN is not correct !They fly with an cost index of 7. Most of these CIs predate the massive hike in fuel prices that occurred ~2008, since they all seem rather high. CRZ: LRC. Airbus A319/320/321 Moyen courrier
Boeing 777-300ER
Airbus A319/320/321 Court courrier
Flight with duration more than 4 Hours: MD-80 = Cost Index 24 A319 and A32B = Cost Index 27 B737-800W = Cost Index 35 B757-200W = Cost Index 80 B767-300ER = Cost Index 65 B777-200ER = Cost Index 85 B777-300ER = Cost Index 90 Flights with duration less than 4 Hours: MD-80 = Cost Index … Cost Index : 40
Boeing 737-700
Airbus A320
Cost Index : 15
Cost Index : 36
Boeing 767-300ER
Airlines generally have a standard cost index they use for planning and adjust them on a flight by flight basis. You can benefit from special discount, extra baggage allowance and free of charge reissuing advantages within the scope of Turkish Airlines Corporate Club program. Nutzen Sie die Möglichkeit und sparen Sie Zeit und Nerven. Boeing 757-300
Uh, Tower, verify you want me to taxi in front of the 747?
NGXfanatic, May 25, 2011 in MS FSX | FSX-SE Forum, Hi everyone. Boeing 757-200
Airbus A321
Turkish Airlines works on a weight system for certain international destinations and a piece system for others, so check out the list of destinations below before traveling so you know what you’re eligible for.. Journeys to and from the U.S. work on the piece system and the checked allowance is 2 bags across economy and business classes with a generous 70 pounds (32 kg) for the latter. Boeing 737-600
Darunter natürlich auch den schnellen und einfachen Turkish Airlines Online Check In. In case anyone was curious, what Cost Index actually does is: At the maximum CI value (typically 200 on old FMCs, 500 on newer ones), it puts the aircraft up near Vmo for climb and cruise and up to 330 knots for a descent (not overriding speed restrictions), At the minimum CI value (zero), it puts the aircraft into airspeeds that will get you maximum range and minimum fuel usage, although you'd certainly need decent wind data input into the FMC to have that work well.I mostly just use a value of 100, I don't have to pay for my virtual fuel - except virtually in Air Hauler - but even then it doesn't really matter much since CI is an index of the fuel cost versus time-operated cost, and the maintenance in Air Hauler is not done to a level of detail which makes that especially relevant, as it always goes simply off hours on the airframe or damage incurred. Different Cost indexes from ALOT of airlines. Boeing 747-400
When I say a higher number, I mean better performance at the expense of fuel savings. Thomas Cook UK
You will be charged 6 Turkish Lira (approximately $1.50 USD) per excess pound on domestic flights, however, the international rate for Turkish Airlines excess baggage fees will depend on the flight zone you are flying to, but the costs range from 3 Turkish Lira (approximately $0.75 USD) to 30 Turkish Lira (approximately 7.65 USD). Passenger Airline Cost Index (PACI) to monitor trends in the cost of inputs (e.g., labor, fuel, food, aircraft ownership, airport landing fees, insurance, utilities, interest) to the provision of air service over time.
Cost Index : 37
Boeing 777-200
Cost Index : 30
Cost Index : 35
Fokker 100 - R�acteurs TAY650
Airbus A318
Boeing 737-800
Cost Index : 30
The program has been created to offer a range of benefits to members.
Airbus A330-200/300
Airbus A340-500
Airbus A330
Cost Index : 32
Boeing 777-200LR/200LRF
Cost Index : 26
Cost Index : 23
Hamburg international
Flight with duration < 4 Hours: A319 and A320 = Cost Index 27 B737-300 and B737-500 = Cost Index 45 B747-400 = Cost Index 90 B757-200 = Cost Index 80 B767-300 = Cost Index 65 B777-200 = Cost Index 85 Flights with duration > 4 Hours: A319 and A320 = Cost Index 22 B737-300 and B737-500 = Cost Index 30 B747-400 = Cost Index 85 B757-200 = Cost Index 75 B767-300 = Cost Index 60 B777-200 = Cost Index …
MSFS2020' ler. Nordavia
Airbus A319
Cost Index : 13
Turkish Airlines is more of a family to me rather than just a company. Cost Index : 90
Neben warmem/kaltem Frühstück und verschiedenen Hauptmahlzeiten bieten wir zudem einen Snackservice mit einer Reihe von Sandwiches und Kuchen an. Boeing 737-700
Cost Index : 25
ECON = Economique
Airbus A321
I recently purchased the iFLY FSX 737NG, to tide me over until "THE" NGX is available. Qatar Airways
Turkish Airlines cares about your excess baggage sensitivities and expectations. Once they are in the cruise phase, there may not be such pressure, so it would feasible to allow the aircraft to follow the most economical profile, thus a a lower cost index which lowers speed to save fuel.For the most part, when planning my fuel load I will use the SOP airline cost index. Boeing 757-200
Cost Index : 160
Airbus A319
Since Turkish Airlines' credit rating aligned to the foreign currency bond ceiling, Moody's has downgraded the corporate family ratings of Turkish Airlines to B1 negative from Ba3 negative. Cost Index : 14
Founder of AVSIM Online. As a strategic response to low-cost carriers, Turkish Airlines focused on lowering its costs whole maintaining the same level of quality for its customers.
747's: 39(short/mid haul- Europe)757's: 20-40, 767's: 30-45(30-40 for Europe, 40-45 long haul), A330 Climb/Cruise/Descend : 60/150(300)/30, Cost Index 20 for most International plans, however they may be planned up to CI250 to meet schedule/duty limits, M.082 Cruise: CI 30 for Climb/Descend and Cruise up to FL280, above M.082 manually edited, M.083 Cruise: CI 150 for Climb/Descend and Cruise up to FL290, above above M.083 manually edited. Turkish Airlines (türkisch Türk Hava Yolları A. Cost Index : 50
Boeing 747-400
Cost Index : 15
I feel some indescribable emotions here.
Cost Index : 17
Cost Index : 41
Donate to our annual general fundraising goal.
Airbus A330-200
Sign up for a new account in our community. Cost Index : 40
Boeing 737-300/500
Cockpit Seeker. Cost Index : 28
Cost Index : 13
Like a cost index of 70 would be 70kg of fuel per minute? Airbus A340-300
3) Liste de Cost Index utilis�s par quelques compagnies : Pour avoir des nouvelles de ce site, inscrivez-vous � notre Newsletter.
Cost Index: 75
Airbus A321
Boeing 777-200LRF
Boeing 757-200
44% of Turkish Airlines passengers were female. Cost Index : 50
Airbus A340-300
Airbus A330-200 Long courrier
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