But if you can farm lots of plat from AOE farming blues for example, and don't want to farm Supreme ROGs off of reds/purples... - Dust: Upgrade stats on ROGs to max out your template, - Tears/Ash: Bought with feathers from bits & pieces merchant, used in crafting. When a ROG is dropping it has a 50% chance that it is useful for one class within the group that killed the mob and a 50% chance that it is useful for any other class in your realm. DAoC Phoenix Server | Leveling Guide 20 - 30 | HiberniaP.S Subscribe! Please keep in mind that in either both ways it may take some time. Recipes now range from 5 to 1000 skill, covering everything from weak, makeshift devices to fully fortified engines of war. They are not tradable and you need to head to your trainer and turn them in to get a small amount of extra XP. Those Rogs have a range of 96% to 100% quality and each of them has a proc on it which can be one of 3 different DDs, a lifedrain or a heal one. IF you kill a caravan you will get some bounty points, XP and coins and you will stop the keep from further Upgrading. The amount of feathers that drop per mob depends on his difficulty. Don’t be afraid to go out into the FZ when being only RR 1 or 2, you will easily become RR 5. Why do you think af items have an upper limit of 102/51 and weapons are 16.5? ... DAoC Phoenix server: Sunday 21st Feb Sidi raid schedule! Our mobs are very drop-friendly and you will easily get all the equipment that you need to become a great hero of your realm. Caravans start either from the homeland border keeps or from the teleporterkeeps if an enemy realm has claimed keeps. At Level 5 you will get your free Realmrank 1L1 and your first realmpoint. No placeable trebs/palintones but there are fixed ones on towers/keeps yuo can control, - 8mans: 8v8 fights w/ premade groups, sometimes PUG, sometimes guildies etc, - Small mans: any group less than 8 technically speaking, can be 2-7, good way to get into this is to start solo and do the current Dominate task, then join up with other soloers you see by doing /invite, - Solo: Some classes better than others... literally hundreds of pages dedicated to this topic on the forum, - Don't get frustrated if someone 2 shots you in RVR. If you are solo when killing a mob you will receive Phoenix Eggs. Example: Warrior Alrik killed the dragon. The highest possible realmrank on Phoenix is RR 14. XP Social Bonus: Every different class in your group is a 5% bonus. The primary profession only determines the available title, all professions can be trained and the primary profession can be changed without losing anything. Then do /bg join
and find a group and surf the Zerg, groups usually less strict than 8mans, - Siege: You don't need to level siege crafting here, you can just buy and place rams/catas/ballista from the Siege Merchant with no skill and no special ammo needed. Our rules are there for a reason and we are very strict about them. These can be used to buy timed buffs for XP, Rps and also Stealth Lore Potions. If the keep already has reached the max Level it will start downgrading if multiple caravans didn’t reach it and killing caravans will also damage keep gates for an amount. Phoenix doesn’t have base classes (for example Guardian, Rogue, etc). Phoenix is a free-to-play Dark Age of Camelot Shard After a realmwide tasks is completed, the realm will have 5% bonus XP for 24h on that mob type. Here's a big braindump of stuff I found out that improved the enjoyment I got out of the already awesome server. It shows very detailed what bonuses you get for killing a mob. That would mean caster deal lots of damage, melees deal lots of damage and hence the HP of the mobs will be set accordingly. You can hand in up to 10 items per level. - If you have 1000 alchemy you can craft potions/draughts/elixirs. It is only possible to put down one relic per keep. „/task realm“ shows all realmwide tasks and „/task personal“ shows your personal tasks. Instead of that rusty Sword-drop having 85% qual and +3 Strength on it, you will get ROGs (=Random Object Generator) from our mobs. DS) quest: haven't done it as i'm not one of the few classes in demand for DS runs - lvl 50 Epic armor quest: A mob kill quest, gives your character their epic armor. Don’t forget to use it. Some mobs drop XP items. Etaew's guide to master levels is still up to date and really useful. The closer you are to the cap of your base XP, the better your bonus XP will be. The RR5 AF/DPS cap has been there for over 19 years, My advice on dealing with premades is to adapt your playstyle to minimize getting mezzed and hunted in open areas, maximize tags and don't release too soon. You can usually buy these on the player housing for <400g. As you raise through the Realm Ranks you will notice your character dying more slowly, and eventually sometimes winning, For finding a BG, you can use the /who BG command, that will list all active battle groups. XP Underpopulation Bonus: If your realm is underpopulated compared to the other realms, you will get this bonus. Look up the alchemy/spellcrafting guide on the forum if you want to level those up, https://forum.playphoenix.online/realm/crafting/9534-an-actual-alchemy-guide-cheapest-possible. After that time, you will have all three realms available to choose when logging into the char selection again. Short-term tasks are switching zones to not only focus on Emain/Hibernia. In Dark Age of Camelot there are three primary advancement routes besides simply getting to level 50. A DAOC Phoenix Guild in Hibernia. You will get and complete them automatically. Anyways take caution with overly cheering noobs on to trying to get rank5 during an event. We don’t have any special BG tasks as the personal and realmwide tasks work there too. Animist. This post concerns two classes in particular -- friar and warrior. The keep doesn’t need to be claimed, but we strongly advice you to do so. In challenge mode CC duration is reduced, mobs are stronger, mobs are faster, and have a chance to critical hit you. We recommend to have a look at our Phoenix Charplaner: https://playphoenix.online/charplan/. It will only upgrade to Level 4. If you think your group is doing well and the hordes of mobs you are killing are way too easy, try „/challenge“. XP Camp Bonus: It is always 20% except in dungeons where the camp bonus is doubled (40%). It toggles the challenge mode which can only be enabled if you are grouped. As a Mercenary it is always usefull to spec 50 Dual Wield to get all styles out of this specline, as well as increasing the chance to hit with your offhand (ak the left hand) weapon and to increase the styledamage by the Dual Wield styles. Any relic that your realm captures from an enemy realm has to be put down in a regular keep in your realm which your realm owns. After that it needs caravans to reach the keep and to deliver supply goods to the Outpost. Each spawn point has a porter close by and/or has a horse merchant. We added some custom recipes for alchemy and changed some ingredients in some recipes. Each realm has four different spawn points in Classic and one in Shrouded Isles. For example if you kill one plated fiend in DF it will grant credit for three different tasks. When fully charged (after 10 days), relics will have the following bonuses: 5% Melee Dmg Bonus or 5% Cast Dmg Bonus / 5% Heal Bonus, 10% Craftspeed Bonus and 10% Feather Drop Bonus. ... Crafting Discussion [Pinned] The Olde Apothecary Alchemy Guide Site. Time Zone 05:41 Dec 04 EST Recruitment We are looking to recruit the following. 1: Samaris: 188,039: 2: Trixixnurt: 183,922: 3: Cte: 161,747: 4: Tutshidsu Now his twink, the healer Healmasterofdoom can also buy any dragondrop of the merchant. Thanks to people here, I discovered Phoenix just last week, and, since that time, I've created several characters there on Alb and Mid side. Phoenix Feathers can only be traded via your account vault and not to other players. XP RvR Score Bonus: The more keeps your realm owns and the more players your realm kills, the better the RvR Score and the higher this bonus will be. We changed that to remove the attacker count mechanic and the trivialization via petspam. from Level 20 to 50 = yellow, Duo: This is the way to go since Dual Wieldstyles are the st… If you want to switch to another realm, you must wait for 12h as our realm timer is 12h. Dark Age of Camelot Summary : As you quest, adventure, fight monsters, meet other players, make friends and enemies - eventually you'll grow in power enough to … Every feather-dropping mob has a fixed- and a pool amount of feathers. From Level 1 on you will be a Hunter, Necromancer, etc. We are very open to the players and the community has helped shaped the server into what it is today. If you try to play different realms, it will be considered cross-realming and will be punished according to our rules. You will also get one full and two RA respecs for free that can be used at Level 50. you must play the same realm. Open. The rewards of the short-term tasks are very high when you are RR 1 and get less the higher your RR is. Those drop from 56+ mobs in DF or you can buy them from the Merchant for feathers. Makes it faster if you destroy your bind stone in capital city between runs so you can use it without waiting 15 minutes, - Crafting gear quest (level 15-45): Buncha kill tasks but you get a set of armor that doubles crafting speed (among other things), - Catacombs epic prerequisite (i.e. You can blow up if your skill is below 1000. From Level 1 on you will be a Hunter, Necromancer, etc. Level 1 to 19 = yellow It takes money and is still random. While short-term tasks only grant a reward when you actively help completing them (in this example killing players in emain), middle-term and long-term tasks will give a 24h bonus to rps to everyone in the realm when a task was finished. Each quest now grants 7,500 bounty points in addition to their existing realm point rewards. It does sell the content of one of your bags at once. All horse routes are for free. Sidi): Try to find the person in your realm that organizes these, you get about 10k feathers for every run which takes about 2 hours or so, - Classic named mobs (i.e. [Weekly] Supplies for the Cause Level 1 to 19 = blue It doesn’t matter what class or race you choose, it is always random. If you just type „/task“ you see only the active tasks that you are currently working on. If you click the info-button of an item it will tell you the name of the NPC and the allowed levels to hand the item in. Have a look at our class changes to get an overview about the many, many changes we did. That's the first i've heard of the RR5 af/dps thing in 19 years of playing. You are probably right, I didn't try before 35, The fastest way to level is in the Level Playing Field Event. Caravans also drop Phoenix Claws. There are three different battlegrounds on Phoenix. - You can also craft ROGs from blanks instead of buying them or farming them. Last but not least there are personal RvR task which give also rps, xp, etc as reward. As reward you will receive better and more drops and your XP cap is increased and the XP penalty per groupmember is reduced: you will get better XP. Trashmobs in the epic dungeons (Galladoria, Caer Sidi and Tuscaran Glacier) and trashmobs in DF that are Level 56+ will also drop a small amount of feathers. Relics will be charging up their bonuses over 10 days. Just use „/respec all“. You can view them on http://www.einfachfranke.de/daoc/ or in Bysans UI etc, - You get the best XP from XP items if you turn them in on the lowest level possible (delve the XP item to see the level requirement), - While leveling use ROG gear (randomly generated stats). We dont have NNF Charge and we don’t have any RR5 abilities. ... and the spellcrafter will ask you to send over the template/build as it will instruct him on what to craft exactly. The command is: „/moveitem sell #bag1“ for the first bag of your backpack, „/moveitem sell #bag2“ (second bag), „/moveitem sell #bag3“ (third bag)„/moveitem sell #bag4“ (fourth bag), and „/moveitem sell #bag5“ (fifth bag). I thought RvR tasks were locked until 35. Use the /housing command in game to find houses or pay markup to buy from the housing entrance, - In a couple hours you can get your crafting skills up to the level where you can salvage metal and wood and trinket to sell to make way more money farming (look up the salvaging guide on the forum: https://forum.playphoenix.online/realm/crafting/4141-salvaging-guide-for-new-players), - Crafting skills transfer between all characters on an account. Phoenix Feathers are a custom currency that we implemented to give everyone the possibility to get the endgame gear. DS) quest: haven't done it as i'm not one of the few classes in demand for DS runs - lvl 50 Epic armor quest: A mob kill quest, gives your character their epic armor. Polearm is a melee specialization and item type unique to the Armsman class. -- level 50+ rog accessories now salvages into Phoenix Dust-- level 50 rog accessories will provide between 5 and 10 dust, level 51 rog accessories between 5 and 15 dust-- the old materials (remnants) now salvage into Phoenix Dust and are no longer obtainable Phoenix doesn’t have base classes (for example Guardian, Rogue, etc). I did level 1 to 50 in 1h11mn with item task. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://forum.playphoenix.online/server/support-center/25395-list-of-phoenix-server-slash-commands, https://forum.playphoenix.online/realm/crafting/4141-salvaging-guide-for-new-players, https://forum.playphoenix.online/realm/crafting/9534-an-actual-alchemy-guide-cheapest-possible, https://forum.playphoenix.online/realm/crafting/5898-beginners-guide-on-templates-for-phoenixdaoc, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sB7AiR4aJw, https://talsyra.tripod.com/daocmechanics/realm_style_growths.html. Mobs no longer have puny amounts of hp and take 1 - 10 damage but have huge hp pools and take normal damage. If one realm has all six relics, then you need 4 regular keeps to store the 4 enemy relics. All classes can learn all professions. Damage modification: 100% Strength Bonus damage in compare to one hand weapons: 10% + 0.5% * [[Polearm] Albion Two Handed weapons users need to spec into the one hand … Look up the templating guide on the forum: https://forum.playphoenix.online/realm/crafting/5898-beginners-guide-on-templates-for-phoenixdaoc, and this youtube tutorial for loki: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sB7AiR4aJw, - For melee styles the growth rates on https://talsyra.tripod.com/daocmechanics/realm_style_growths.html seem to be accurate, - For many classes it's possible to max stats and resists in a template (not weaponless) using ROGs with a utility value of around 55-65 which are quite affordable, - If you want weaponless or have a class with lots of skills it will be more expensive, - SI chest for your class will have a +150 heal on it, which is higher than you can get w/ spellcrafting, - Melee classes w/ no magic can still craft instant DD charges onto armor that lets them have a ranged instant rupt. http://www.darkageofcamelot.com/ Each caravan has 2 guards to protect it. You will find a list of all mobs dropping feathers on our forum or the wiki. noon in Berlin, 6am New York, 3am San Francisco and 10pm in Sydney) we will officially launch. As soon as a relic has been put down in a keep, you will see this when using /relic. Caravans are neutral to enemy players. It is only allowed to create one account per person. This will count for all of your twinks. It is not possible to use respecs when using „/train“. Salvage + trinket + sell what you don't use, - You can do the 'flag' RVR dominate tasks at any level 35+ (edit: fixed level requirement) and get early XP and RAs that help with leveling, - In your upper 40s highly encouraged to respec RAs and skill lines multiple times while its free to test out builds, - If you own a house you can sell items on the player market. Your trainer doesn’t hand out any armor. Lynn Barfog loop): Smaller groups can do these but certain classes tend to be preferred so the feathers are split less ways, you get a few thousand feathers per hour probably doing this, - Catacombs epic (i.e. Please read our rules. /craftqueue buy (upto) (this command will buy enough materials of the selected merchant for attempts of the last started recipe). The little squares are flag locations. Without a good map of the flag spots the 'Dominate' /task is almost useless. Even some UIs have their locations implemented. http://playphoenix.wiki/category/qol/classchanges/. Only one zone is activate at a time based on the current Dominate task. Petspam classes are still useful for raids as their pets will do reasonable damage to the mob, but our system will offer more and different options of killing a mob. After creating a character, you will spawn randomly at one of five possible spawn points per realm. The spellcrafting report works correctly for buying items etc. Great advice overall if you have four friends joining; terrible if you're trying to autogroup. - Crafting gear quest (level 15-45): Buncha kill tasks but you get a set of armor that doubles crafting speed (among other things) - Catacombs epic prerequisite (i.e. This BP reward is not affected by any bonuses. Level 1- 50 = orange, Group of 6 to 8 All ROGs have useful stats on them, no more +4 large weapon & + 4 charisma on an item. Personal PvE tasks reset daily, while realmwide tasks dont. Hosted by Solicfear. They are large weapons that are held in both hands and can deal large amounts of Crush, Slash or Thrust damage. You can port to a battleground from any teleporter by clicking battleground. Master Levels: Each class has two master level paths available, each of which opens up new sets abilities with each level (up to a max of level 10). You can use bought/crafted/dropped gear. In addition, it will give a permanent, infinite 1% bonus on that mob type every time it is finished. Just head to one of the flags in the right zone and you'll figure it out quickly enough: https://i.imgur.com/j4K0uxo.png, - XP bonuses: Every day the xp bonus on mob type changes, so you can factor that into what you farm, - Task completion tokens: You can trade these in for XP, or sell them for gold/gamble for cool items later, - You can't move feathers between accounts, when people say 'wtb 20k feathers' what they mean is they want someone with 20k feathers to buy an item for them and give them that item, - SI epic dungeon (i.e. - Quests: There aren't that many quests but here's the ones I know about: - SI Neck quest (level 48): have to do it 4 times, you get a nice weapon and a 80 util necklace many ppl use in their templates. We reworked the XP message to make it easier to understand. RPs Last 48 Hours. Those tasks count which and where you killed the different types of mobs. To empty those bags even faster, we created the „/moveitem sell“ command. :)Hey guys, THIS IS MY FIRST EVER VIDEO WITH MY VOICE! No worry, you will not miss that. DF will be open to all realms for the four weeks after launch. You can visit a trainer to distribute your skill points or you just simple use „/train“. Edit: Also, doing the first 3 items of the Phoenix crafting quest will allow casters to carry 20 weapons or plate armor pieces from the forge to the vendor without needing a strength buff. All staffs with casting stats will always have the Level 50 all focus on them. Sunday 21st Feb Raid. The RvR realmwide tasks are divided into short-term, middle-term (not implemented yet) and long-term tasks. As a result most useful information is buried in forum posts, - There is a very useful list of all slash commands on the forum: https://forum.playphoenix.online/server/support-center/25395-list-of-phoenix-server-slash-commands, - The forum is super useful but also full of people who love to express their strong opinions, just ignore those people if they annoy you (including this post if you don't like it) and remember the server is maintained by a small group of volunteers, - Bysans UI has a discord where they distribute the latest version, that version has a lot of great phoenix specific QoL features like task flag locations on the realm war map, xp items locations, etc. If Midgard has keeps claimed in Hibernia, then caravans for those keeps start from the MTK, if Albion has claimed keeps in Hibernia, caravans start from the ATK. There are flag poles/statues placed ranomdly in static locations around the frontier. Open. There is the same XP bonus like in the frontiers and if you die, you will release to your porterkeep in the battleground. When Scing, gem quality doesn’t matter. When you created your account, you checked a box confirming that you have read and accepted our rules. ZAM Dark Age of Camelot is your ultimate destination for DAOC information featuring a database, wiki, strategy guides, forums, chat rooms, images, videos and more. Example: 1 druid, 1 bard, 1 hero, 1 ns, 2 bms = 25% extra bonus for 5 different classes in that group. Similiar to the PvE tasks there are realmwide and personal RvR tasks. Speaking of respecs, changing your skills is free at your trainer from Level 1 to 49. Dual logging is strictly forbidden on Phoenix. The craft time for the primary professions will no longer depend on the ingredient amount or material level, instead it will be based on the skill alone. Almost my entire prior DAOC experience was on the "co-op" sever, where I played for many years, finally leaving around 2008. DS) quest: haven't done it as i'm not one of the few classes in demand for DS runs, - lvl 50 Epic armor quest: A mob kill quest, gives your character their epic armor. I got close last time, and by the time you're 50 and really want to fight you're screwed if you're not in a premade group. Mobs only grant credit to a task if they have the following con to you or to the highest player in a group: Solo: If you play from the same household (example: husband and wife, father and son etc.) After one task is finished, you will automatically start a new one where you have to kill some more mobs than the task before. The fastest speed run ever made on Dark Age of Camelot. from Level 20 to 50 = orange, Group of 3 to 5: Please enable it to continue. IMO having Bysans UI is a pre-requisite for accessing the full set of features on Phoenix in-game, - There is an active phoenix discord that has info on raids, trades, a good advice + support channel, etc, - Discord invite links always expire so unfortunately you'll just have to google for them or ask someone, - General rule of thumb, better in most cases to be in a group for XP, - The fastest way to level is in the Level Playing Field Event. You can also try to contact a gamemaster via Discord. Example for Hibernia: Caravans for Hibkeeps start from Druim Ligen and Druim Cain. We have implemented several class changes to the available classes to balance the realms and to have more viable classes for RvR. This command is usable everywhere and will save you a lot of time while doing PvE because you can instantly train after reaching a new Level. XP Realm tasks Bonus: it is granted from completed reamlwide PvE tasks (see next section). All [Daily] quests are still obtained from the General NPCs in the relic towns; Weekly RvR Quests Weekly quest timers will be reset at 12:01 AM EST Sunday each week. Therefor you can equip Weapons and Shields from Level 1, but the restrictions for armor didn’t get changed. 1 Attributes & Races 2 Abilities & Specialization 3 Tactics 3.1 PVE 3.2 RVR 4 Realm Abilities 4.1 Useful Realm Abilities 4.2 Neutral Realm Abilities 4.3 Useless Realm Abilities 4.4 Realm Rank 5 Ability 5 Useful Artifacts 6 Other Useful Items In a pve setting, a hunter which trains fully into archery will cut through mobs quickly and easily, making it one of the easiest characters to … This even includes a few infernal devices discovered by making use of Demon Seal Fragments scattered across Agramon Island. You can do the flag RvR task before 35? /craftqueue (will repeat the next started recipe until it succeeded times or you no longer have enough materials.) It also makes caster useful and makes group size affect the time required linearly (for example: every 200dps person you add reduce the time taken by 200dps). The zone changes throughout the day, - If you don't have Bysans here's a quick and dirty screenshot I made so you can see the locations. To buy an item from such a merchant you need to have to kill the boss once. Those will help new players to catch up with players which are already RR5+. On Saturday, January 12th, 2019 at 12pm CET (i.e. There is a reduction when crafting in a capital city and the higher your realms RvR Score is, the higher the craftime reduction will be. One of the best informational sites out there. XP Group Bonus: If mobs BAF (bring a friend) you will get 20% per mob extra bonus. Highly recommended to try and high RR5 during the event as well, as your AF/DPS doesn't cap until RR5, - The second fastest way to level is to farm mobs (preferably in a group) that drop "XP Items". It works on monsters Level 10+ and they have to be at least orange to the highest player in the group.
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