("You're Gonna Love Tomorrow"), Edie wants to move off of the Lane as she feels that the neighbors are cold towards her, particularly Karen who made fun of her. Dave insists that they will be happy there. Susan's going to be thrilled to find her barracuda ex is now courting one of her chums. It is revealed as the buzzing cell phone of Dr. Heller, who's being contacted by his secretary. Dave Williams (formerly David Dash) is a seasonal main antagonist and mystery star of Desperate Housewives. One night, Lila took Paige out for ice cream but Dave stayed home because he had to much work to do. But first, Mike Delfino has to pay for taking you away from me. Dave however changes his last name to Williams and moves back to Fairview. : Tom decided he wanted to go back to college to study Mandarin Chinese, but Lynette tried to foil his plan by getting him drunk the night before his entrance exam. He goes to her house on the night of her surprise party and moves things around, she enters and filps out, she grabs and baseball bat, enters her party, and swings it towards, Karen and Roberta continue to investigate Dave's past and find a number that calls him every month. Desperate Housewives ‪Season 5‬ ... Tom and Dave start a garage band with the rest of the Wisteria Lane husbands. He goes back to his car and tells the woman in it that he got the house, it is Edie Britt: his wife. Steven however passed away and left the Dash's broke. The Best Thing That Ever Could Have Happened, Look Into Their Eyes and You See What They Know. Edie looks up "Dave Dash" on the internet. Dave finally makes a decision: The season-long plot involving Dave Dash/Dave Williams seeking revenge against Susan and Mike for the car accident that killed his family finally came to … Birth control? The name Dave Williams had been mentioned before: during ". Is this how you'd want her to see you, as a killer?!" You may now kiss the bride: Katherine and Mike headed off to Vegas to get married, but at the airport, Mike figured out Dave's plot and fled. Neal McDonough might be a murdering fiend.. Not in real life, of course. "City on Fire" is the 95th episode of the ABC television series, Desperate Housewives.It is the eighth episode of the show's fifth season and aired on November 16, 2008. It originally aired for eight seasons on ABC from October 3, 2004 until May 13, 2012. ("Back in Business") Dave continues in his plan to make out that Karen is senile. They find out that this belongs to Dr. Heller, a criminal psychiartrist. He is later questioned by two detectives and they find out that Jackson was in the back of the club, they have found Dr. Heller's body. The women realise that Edie has returned to Wisteria Lane with her new husband and are shocked to see how he "tamed" her and they love him for it. He turns Jackson in to immigration to free her up. Dave goes to Edie's old house and offers the current resident a large wad of cash in exchange for the house, he initially refuses but Dave is very persistant, when the man continues to turn him down, Dave begins to get scary. ("We're So Happy You're So Happy") Katherine cannot find anything about him and her and Karen take Edie out to lunch and ask her personal questions about Dave, Edie is suspicious but realises she doesn't know, she later tells this to Dave. MJ, as Susan planned, needs to use the bathroom. And I need just the right moment to do it. ("Mama Spent Money When She Had None"), Edie and Dave come home from a jog and make plans for a romantic weekend, but the former is distracted by a strange buzzing sound. She trusted me," said Karen. He later visits Karen and tells her to back off of Edie, she says "no" initially and he dipicts that she is lonely as she invited him in straight away and talks to her cat like it's a real person. He ties up Susan and reveals that Mike will be hurling down the interstate as he pulls out of a car with MJ and Mike will kill his own child. Later, at the party to celebrate Danielle's return. She is freaked out and he reveals to her that he had a wife before her. But Mike found out what was going on, and alerted Susan. - Renaboss (talk) 14:32, 10 March 2009 (UTC) The crash still happened, but M.J. and Mike were fine. Susan yells at him not to do it and asks him, "What if your daughter could see you now?! Mike reveals to Dave that he may be falling in love with Katherine and later, Dave talks to Katherine and invites her on a camping trip with him, Mike and Edie stating that if anything happened to her, it would destroy Mike. Or cash.". "And I only used it when I was out of milk and bread. Both Lila and Edie's (Dave William's wives) deaths involved a car accident. Dave puts them both in the car and takes them to the very same interstate that Lila and Paige died in; Susan notices this. The call him, posing as an insurance company, and they reveal that Dave is living in Fairview, he is shocked by this and books a plane there. He attends the "Welcome Back" party for h… Later, Edie finds out about, Susan visits Dave and he reveals that he is selling the house and is putting it in a trust for Travers as he believes it is what Edie would have wanted. I know people react to grief in different ways but I think there was some much deeper rooted issues with him. ("Everybody Says Don't"), Susan and MJ are driving to the lake with Dave. The Dave mystery concludes with Susan and MJ safe -- thanks to Mike, who we now know is the groom in the wedding everybody's been dishing about. Tom and Dave Fight Scene Desperate Housewives s05e14 - YouTube Dave and Edie date briefly and elope at City Hall, and then move back to Wisteria Lane after bribing the tenant living in Edie's old house. Here comes trouble: Gaby reluctantly agreed to take in Carlos' niece, Anna, a sexy teen who can wrap males around her little finger much like Gaby herself used to do. Combining equal parts drama, comedy, and deliciously lowbrow soap opera, Housewives probes the suburban lifestyle in a way that vaguely recalls Sex and the City’s exploration of Gotham. The women realise that Edie has returned to Wisteria Lane with her new husband and are shocked to see how he "tamed" her and they love him for it. David Starzyk - Bradley Scott (5 episodes, seasons 5 and 8) Heather … The smart money's on Susan — as annoying as she is, she and Mike are still this show's favorite star-crossed couple. Connect! Dave headed up to the lake to kill M.J. to make Susan suffer the way he had. Dave, apparently, ended up in a Boston mental institution, where he was able to convince himself that he had prevented his family from going out for ice cream on that fatal night. She feared the cancer had returned, but instead discovered she was pregnant again — with twins. Susan and Mike survive but Lila and Paige don't. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Susan finds a gun and thinks that Dave wants to commit suicide, she takes all of his knives, belts, pills, ties and the gun and takes them away, She is arrested while driving with them and the cops keep everything except the ties and belts which she returns to Dave. Back at teh office, a guy finds a headline that says that Mike killed Lila and Paige, but they wait until the next day to give it to Edie. She tells him to run and hide as it is a game. : Orson tried to blackmail Bree into staying and working on their marriage, hinting that if she left him, he'd send her to jail for the fake burglary of their house. He eventually meets Edie Britt who happened to live on Wisteria Lane with the two people who killed his family. Edie is so maddened that he said nothing, that she kicks him out of the house. ("Pilot") Lynette struggles to take care of her four demanding … Along with its fellow 2004 freshman phenomenon, Lost, Desperate Housewives put ABC back in the prime-time ratings race after years of, well, desperation. New couple? Carl Mayer. NO COPY RIGHT INTENDED.Watch in HQi made this video because..well i was bored. She helped her sister snoop around in Dave's house, got caught by the cops, and eventually led to the cops clueing in. 43 min 10/19/2008 $2.99. ("What More Do I Need?") Despite criticism that Season 2 of Desperate Housewives took too long to establish story arcs -- and that the housewives themselves barely interacted for most of the season -- fans had their patience rewarded with some dazzling, soapy drama. Gaby probably is, but Anna is definitely not your average teen (is any Wisteria Lane child? ("A Vision's Just a Vision") Dave moves in with Mike after Edie kicked him out, Mike obliges to let him stay there I want him to lose what I lost. The police find out everything about Dave. He comes home, telling Susan that the fishing trip begins at 6:00AM but she says she cannot go as she is marrying Jackson. All customers get FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. Dave won't let Mike know that he and Edie are his lanlords. He begins to invision his old family, Edie and Dr. Heller who offer their suggestions as to what Dave should do, he eventually agrees with Edie in that he should kill MJ and let Susan suffer like he did. I live for you, just like always. His life is in danger because Dave Williams plans to kill him in order to get revenge on Susan for killing his family. He still passed with flying colors, and just as she was thinking Tom's return to school wouldn't be such a bad thing, Lynette came up sick. Introduced as Edie's third and last husband in season 5, Dave comes to Wisteria Lane with a vendetta plan to put into motion, with the intent of avenging his deceased former family. ("In a World Where the Kings Are Employers"), Dave runs into a priest at the supermarket, he talks with him in private and Dave tells him that he is happy with his new life and Edie is suspicious. Dave Williams Please do not delete or redirect this page as Dave has already appeared in several episodes, Neal McDonough is credited as a star this season, he has gained much notability and his history is detailed in the page. Desperate Housewives is an American television comedy-drama and mystery series created by Marc Cherry and produced by ABC Studios and Cherry Productions. Dave visits the graves of his deceased wife and daughter, Lila and Paige Dash, they are the people killed in Mike and Susan's accident all those years ago and Dave wants revenge...on Mike. Nicollette Sheridan, you will be missed. Turns out Anna has boyfriends who shower her with designer gowns and are eager to do her bidding, and she accused Gaby of being jealous of her youth and beauty. Dave lashes out when he turns down Edie's idea to buy and rent Mary Alice's old house. Later, Toby (Karen's cat) goes missing, and she goes looking for him, Dave asks her what is wrong and she explains the situation, she decides that he kidnapped Toby. Dave Williams (Desperate Housewives) is similar to these soap characters: Katherine Mayfair, Renee Perry, Karl Mayer and more. Porter refuses to get out of the pool. Dave does not make it to the funeral after he suffers a nervous breakdown and is put into a mental hostpital. 'Desperate Housewives': Teri Hatcher on shocking death. ("Kids Ain't Like Everybody Else"), Dave forms a guy band with Tom and is insistent that Mike join it too, Tom denies this. ("Epiphany"). It is discovered that he was in a mental hospital due to anger issues. Edie is furious with Dave because he never mentioned her while Edie told Dave about being divorced twice and her entire past. Susan knocks Dave out but needs to get the car keys. Dave finally makes a decision: The season-long plot involving Dave Dash/Dave Williams seeking revenge against Susan and Mike for the car accident that killed his family finally came to an end. He attends the "Welcome Back" party for his new wife and when she starts to make a scene, he pulls her away, she wonders why he was so insistent on Wisteria Lane and he tells her it is because he will be happy there. [to Edie about Mike Delfino] He destroyed everything I ever loved, and he was never punished. He is then seen prepping up for the trip... which includes packing up a gun. In the final scene, Mike was seen as the groom at a wedding kissing a heavily veiled bride. Desperate Housewives (TV Series 2004–2012) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Although really, the cops were no help — Mike discovered Susan was in danger because Dave stupidly taped a video explanation and gave Mike the tape, telling him not to watch it until after his wedding. ! Mike, who has now seen the tape, calls Susan warning him that Dave is the guy whose wife and child they killed. ("Bargaining") Susan still refuses to go on the fishing trip but Dave is insistent. Unfortunately, the idea didn’t stick, and Hatcher’s Susan will likely end the series much the same was she began it: single. Dave reveals to Edie that he had a wife who died in a car crash. Tom finds out from Lee that Dave set up Porter and comes to his house, he punches him in the face but Dave retalliates by putting Tom in an armlock, Tom leaves, frightened of Dave. Desperate Housewives is an American television comedy-drama and mystery series created by Marc Cherry and produced by ABC Studios and Cherry Productions. So I hope you can wait a little longer. Dave starts to act strangely and mutter to himself, gulping pills. Dave's plan is back on and he is seen telling MJ not to play in the street as something might happen to him and that would really kill his mom...("Rose's Turn"), Dave comes over to Susan's house and invites her over for a fishing trip on the weekend. Desperate Housewives is an American comedy-drama and mystery television series created by Marc Cherry and produced by ABC Studios and Cherry Productions.It originally aired for eight seasons on ABC from October 3, 2004 until May 13, 2012 for a total of 180 episodes. Edie notices this and startles him, he grabs her and makes a fuss. She told lawyer Karl, who sent a thug after him. Susan wants to go to a service station but Dave stops at a forest and tells MJ to go there. Season 6 "), Edie and Dave return home from a make-up trip and Dave delivers the news that Eli Scruggs, the local handyman, died recently. However, Dave spares M.J.'s life after experiencing overwhelming guilt. ("Marry Me a Little"), Dave records a video tape explaining his reason as to why he killed an innocent child. 24 Episodes 2008 - 2009. ), and sparks between the two beauties should fly next season. He goes up to MJ with the intention of killing him but Susan stops him and decides that she will go on the fishing trip with him after all. Editorial Reviews. ("The Best Thing That Ever Could Have Happened") Dave conforts Tom about the loss of his car due to money trouble and Bob notes to Lee that it is odd as Dave is the one who turned Porter into the police. Later, Edie talks to the priest and he accidentally reveals that Dave's real last name is "Dash". "My Heart Belongs to Daddy" is the 27th episode of the ABC television series, Desperate Housewives. She tries to get them from his pocket but her grabs her. He destroyed what I loved the most and I want him to feel that hurt. It was the ninth most-watched series during the 2008-09 television season with an average of 14.8 million viewers per episode. ("Home is the Place") Dave moves in with Mike and Katherine says that she's thinking of leaving to Baltomore. http://dhwallepisodes.tk/ Edie and Dave Scene Desperate Housewives s05e14 Dave goes to the cemetery and sees MJ there, he lures him out with promises and MJ agrees and goes with Dave and his mom. $1.99. Season 5, Episode 4 TV-PG CC HD CC SD. ("A Vision's Just a Vision") Karen and Roberta visit Dr, Heller's office and Dave switches Dr. Heller's number with his own, so he can take his calls. "City On Fire" But I have a plan. Edie asks Dave what teh main difference between hisn first and current marriages are, he says that their one is more real as he knows that they will both die someday. He goes back to his car and tells the woman in it that he got the house, it is Edie Britt: his wife. He alter gets Mike to move into the house and he joins the guy band. Dave goes to Edie's old house and offers the current resident a large wad of cash in exchange for the house, he initially refuses but Dave is very persistant, when the man continues to turn him down, Dave begins to get scary. IE 11 is not supported. This gets to Dave and as he is, Dave is not mentioned by any of the housewives after he leaves. David Grossman is a director and producer, known for Desperate Housewives (2004), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997) and 12 Monkeys (2015). Edie isn't willing to go, and Dave begs her not to tell Katherine, because then she wouldn't want to come either. He has been married to Patricia Bunch since July 14, 2013. Don't know ya! ("The Story of Lucy and Jessie"), Dave takes Mike and Katherine on the hunting trip and he goes up high, while they're on a hike, with a rifle and shoots at them, he misses but they are incredibly freaked out and decide to go home. Lila and Paige crash into Susan and Mike Delfino. Later, she apologises to Edie and makes sure she tells Dave, Edie is confused, but does, and Toby reappears to Karen. Dave realizes he must hurry up with his plans and sets up a camping trip with Mike, trying to make sure Katherine comes with them. Department. M.J. becomes the target of a murder scheme when Dave Williams wants revenge for Susan for killing his wife and daughter in a car accident several years earlier. Just the end of desperate housewives season 5....Mike, Susan and MJ scene..I so love it.I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING!!!! I'll be with you soon. Dave's band play at battle of the bands and Dr. Heller finds Dave, he says he is worried about him living in Fairview, Dave lies and tells him that it is because Edie really wanted to move back, Dr. Heller is even more, Dave is losing his grip. I need to make things right. Dave eventually fell madly in love with Lila Dash and she fell for him as well. Nevertheless, Desperate Housewives maintained its position as a top-ten series. The question goes back to Dave and Edie is insistent on knowing about his past, she asks where he went to college and he says that he didn't go to college because his father had a drinking problem, Edie apologises. Dave later gives Edie the idea that Karen is going senile as he knows she is on to him. Later, Edie asks Dave how he feels about children, she says he had "a frined" whose daughter died in a car crash and goes into explicit detail of the emotion following it. When Dave was about eighteen, Steven got ill and the Dash's used all of the money to help him. David "Dave" Williams (formerly David Dash) is a fictional character from the ABC television series Desperate Housewives, portrayed by Neal McDonough and created by Marc Cherry. ("Crime Doesn't Pay") Edie learns from a newspaper store that Dave had a daughter that was killed in the accident. Mike receives Dave's tape and is heading off for his wedding, he puts it in a drawer. "Desperate Housewives" wrapped up another season with a murder plot, one aborted wedding, one completed wedding, one new resident, and a double pregnancy. Watch Back in Business. I know it must seem like I've forgotten about you, but you have to know I think about you every day. Edie gives Dave to the end of the day to pack up and move out as she is … Movies & TV; TV Shows; Prime Video; Movies & Films; Video Games She reveals to him that she was the one driving the car that killed a mother and daughter and Mike took the fall for her. They get married and have a daughter named Paige Dash that is born the same day as MJ Delfino. Susan or Katherine? When David Dash was born, he had a brother named Steven Dash. Back in Business . Editorial Reviews. He destroyed everything I ever loved, and he was never punished. ("Connect! He is briefly referenced by Susan to Eddie stating that a madman kidnapped MJ and now she and Mike are re-marrying. Karen visits Katherine to use her computer to find out about Dave. I need to make things right. Later, Dr. Heller calls Dave to asks why he hasn't called him as he is meant to do so every month. Detective work on Wisteria Lane: Karen McCluskey's sister, Roberta, played by the always awesome Lily Tomlin, returned to Fairview. After a struggle, she found herself tied up and waiting for Dave to crash his SUV into Mike's truck to presumably kill M.J., who was in the back seat. One of the first things we learn about Susan in the first episode of the show is that she … Season 5 of "Desperate Housewives" begins five years in the future and explores changes in the lives of the women of Wisteria Lane. Throughout the whole season Dave clearly displayed sociopathic tendencies which made him really easy to dislike. He manipulated other people for his own gain. It is revealed that they were his wife and child. After Susan and Mike remarry, M.J. has never been happier. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. But at the last minute, Dave had a vision of his beloved dead daughter, and sent M.J. safely out of the car. Dave is put on lots of medication when he is released, and makes a promise to Dr. Heller that he will not return to Fairview. Edie takes him back. MJ does not die after Susan got through to Dave. Nice to see you again: Speaking of Edie, she made a brief appearance when Dave was having flashbacks to the dead people in his life.
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