60) Storm Crow, Legendary Chest Armor 31) The Magistrate 60) Danetta's Spite - Set 42) Aughild's Ultimatum - Crafted Set 61) Smoking Thurible Enchantress 60) The Grand Vizier 60) Tal Rasha's Unwavering Glare - Set 31) Gyrfalcon's Foote 31) The Final Witness All Rights Reserved. 23) Cain's Robes - Crafted Set 9) Manald Heal Increases Spirit Regeneration by [2.17 - 3.00] per Second Holy skills deal [15 - 20]% more damage. 12) Avarice Band A3 Cache 50) Justice Lantern 60) Visage of Giyua 70) Guardian's Jeopardy 70) Helltooth Leg Guards - Set 70) The Shadow’s Bane - Set • Item Binding, • Nephalem Rifts 8) Wildwood 61) Bottomless Potion of the Diamond 70) Hallowed Nemesis - Crafted Set, Legendary Ceremonial Knives - WD 70) Griswold's Perfection 8) Squirt's Necklace • Weapons 70) Marauder's Carapace - Set 60) Immortal King's Eternal Reign - Set 70) Sunder - Crafted, Legendary Polearms 60) Fire Brand - Crafted 60) Immortal King's Boulder Breaker - Set 31) Warstaff of General Quang 70) Corruption 8) Izzuccob 70) Crown of the Invoker - Set • Healing 70) Reaper's Wraps 70) Asheara's Ward - Crafted Set 8) The Barber Amazonian Parma - Season 1 70) Raekor’s Breeches - Set • Anger of Iben Fahd • Gear Sets 70) Weight of the Earth - Set 26) Quick Draw Belt - Crafted 70) Raekor’s Will - Set 70) Born's Command 31) Band of the Rue Chambers • Attack Speed • Maces •• Leoric's Regret 60) Natalya's Embrace - Set, 8) Moonlight Ward 9) Umbral Oath WD 8) Pauldrons of the Skeleton King - A1 Bag • Forgotten Soul 29) Silver Star Piercers 70) Sunwuko's Crown - Set • The Infernal Machine 8) Pox Faulds 70) Captain Crimson's Silk Girdle - Crafted Set 31) Shi Mizu's Haori • All skills enabled. 31) The Laws of Seph 31) The Ninth Cirri Satchel • Swords Diablo 3 Speed Farming General Guide & Protips (ANY CLASS & BUILD) D3 Speedfarming made easy - tips and tricks for any class to speedfarm like a pro! 70) Cosmic Strand - Crafted, Legendary Quivers - DH tweet; Hey guys! 61) Jang’s Envelopment 60) Robes of the Rydraelm - Crafted Diablo 3 version 2.7.0 Patch Notes (2.7) Follower System Revamp: The Follower system for Diablo III has been revamped and will be made permanently available for Seasonal and Non-Seasonal play. • Increased Damage to Elites. This item can be found and equipped by any class. 60) Inna's Temperance - Set Crippling Shot . 31) Kridershot 60) Gladiator Gauntlets 70) Cain's Scrivener - Crafted Set 31) Archmage's Vicalyke 70) Firebird's Breast - Set 29) Stone Gauntlets 70) Born's Furious Wrath - Crafted Set, Legendary Flails - Crusader • Legendary Gems 50) Thundergod's Vigor • Follower cannot die. 60) Strongarm Bracers Alles zum legendären Diablo 3 Item Der Duft der Zeit (The Flavor of Time). This item can be found and equipped by any class. 29) Homunculus • Increases Armor by 10% for 5 seconds. Check out the skills change list below: Scoundrel. 31) Rogar's Huge Stone 70) Hallowed Protectors 21) Born's Impunity - Crafted Set Will farm a bit more when I have the time and try it. • Paragon 2.0 60) Natalya's Bloody Footprints - Set The Flavor of Time: 1. 60) Tal Rasha's Brace - Set • Burst through Waller walls for 5 seconds. 70) Lai Yui's Persuader - Crafted 50) Skull of Resonance 70) The Slanderer - Crafted Set Legendary Health Potions • Unsocketing Gems, The Mystic • Mirinae, Teardrop of the Starweaver 31) Bovine Bardiche 70) Jade Harvester's Peace - Set 70) Mask of the Searing Sky - Set 70) The Helm of Rule, Diablo 3 Sets 60) Vigilance, Legendary Staves 70) The Shadow’s Coil - Set Ranged attack that deals 140% weapon damage and slows enemies hit by 80% for 3 to 6 seconds based on the Scoundrel's Dexterity. 70) Little Rogue - Crafted Set 52) Cataclysm - Crafted 60) Tiklandian Visage 70) Cuisses of Akkhan - Set 31) Gift of Silaria 70) Trag'Oul Coils 8) See No Evil 60) Rozpedin's Staff Monk 50) Flint Ripper Arrowheads • Repairs, The Blacksmith • Enchantress Focuses 70) Atrophy Wiz 60) Oculus Ring 8) Deadly Rebirth 70) Asheara's Finders - Crafted Set As of patch 2.6.6, it also gained a unique affix prolonging the action of all Pylons. 60) Sage's Journey - Crafted Set 8) Fleshrake 5) The Executioner 50) The Sultan of Blinding Sand 70) Marauder's Spines - Set 60) Tal Rasha's Guise of Wisdom - Set • Smart Drops 42) Aughild's Reign - Crafted Set 60) Zunimassa's Marrow - Set Head. 70) Sunwuko's Balance - Set, Legendary Pants The Flavor of Time is a legendary amulet that can be found in Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls. 70) Mantle of the Rydraelm - Crafted 31) Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker 60) Shenlong's Fist of Legend - Set © Copyright Enthusiast Gaming. 29) Slave Bonds In diesem neuen Quartalsupdate berichtet das Diablo IV-Team von den Fortschritten, die das Team bisher gemacht hat. Diablo 3 PTR 2.7.0 Preview Our two-week PTR testing period for the 2.7.0 update begins February 25 and we're asking for your help to quell the tides of surging demons. 1 day ago Diablo Deep Dive Panel Recap Get caught up and dive deeper into all the latest news revolving around Diablo II: Resurrected, Diablo IV, and Diablo Immortal. 29) Blackhand Key - Crafted • Boon of the Hoarder 12) Ring of Royal Grandeur A1 Cache Note that only wearer(s) of this item gain this effect: … 60) Inna's Favor - Set 31) Razor Strop 50) Maloth's Focus 61} Scythe of the Cycle 60) Skull Grasp • Attributes Account Bound; 50: Holy Beacon. 70) Hallowed Condemnation - Crafted Set, Legendary Fist Weapons - Monk 70) Helltooth Mantle - Set Ranged attack that deals 140% weapon damage and slows enemies hit by 80% for 3 to 6 seconds based on the Scoundrel's Dexterity. Tweet on Twitter. Armor 4. 29.09.2020 Vorschau auf PTR-Patch 2.6.10 Unsere zweiwöchige PTR-Testphase für das Update 2.6.10 beginnt am 1. 70) Born's Privilege - Crafted Set Life % Gems . • All skills enabled. 29) The Broken Staff The Flavor of Time: 1. 60) Seven Sins - Crafted 60) Cape of the Dark Night 60) Bul-Kathos's Solemn Vow - Set 70) Mask of Jeram - Set Bringing extremely high paragon clears into the mix makes it a little wonky because usually those guys have enough keys to get a dream rift (festering, missile dampening dragging, conduit, power pylons) and Flavor of Time on those dream rifts really skew results as that becomes more important than the actual build you are running at that point. • Critical Hit 70) Aughild's Rule - Crafted Set • Sheet Toughness • Ruby 31) Hwoj Wrap 70) Sage's Apogee - Crafted Set, Legendary Spirit Stones - Monk • Legendary Follower Items, One-Handed Melee 70) Asheara's Vestments 70) Sage's Journey, Legendary Belts 31) Eberli Charo 29) The Flow of Eternity • Diamond, • Legendary Gems {RoS only) 31) Valthek's Rebuke 31) Serpent's Sparker 70) Atrophy - Crafted 31) Bombadier's Rucksack 60) Sage's Gesture, RoS Sets 31) Countess Julia's Cameo (Torment-only) 70) Blitzbolter DH 60) Chantodo's Force - Set Prior to Patch 2.1, it also had increased Attack Speed. 40) The Wedge Strength: Belt: Lamentation Captain Crimson's Silk Girdle (Crafted) 1. A kiting-oriented follower choice is the Scoundrel, bringing minor crowd control and damage buffs. 70) Blood-Magic Edge - Crafted, Legendary Maces 70) Sage's Passage - Crafted Set, Legendary Helms 60) Gehennas - Crafted 60) Demon's Scale - Crafted Set 50) Wormwood 8) Insatiable Belt - A3 Bag 70) Firebird's Down - Set Critical Hit Damage 3. • Movement Speed 61) Bottomless Potion of Mutilation 60) Tzo Krin's Gaze Squirt's Necklace is a legendary amulet in Diablo III. 70) The Helm of Rule - Crafted 31) Haunt of Vaxo 29) Dark Mage's Shade • Increases Resist All by 50–100 for 5 seconds. 70) Captain Crimson's Thrust - Crafted Set Oktober, und wir brauchen eure Hilfe, um den endlosen Strom von Dämonen … Note that only wearer(s) of this item gain this effect: other party members gain the normal duration. • Gem of Efficacious Toxin • Paragon All Cube Recipes Strength 2. 31) Rakoff's Glass of Life Legendary Amulet; Primary. 60) Sledge of Athskeleng 31) Shukrani’s Triumph 70) Spite - Crafted, 10) Winter Flurry 60) Ageless Might 60) Blood-Magic Blade - Crafted 29) Band of Untold Secrets • Reusable Parts 70) Utar's Roar 50) The Gavel of Judgment Patch 2.7.0 for Diablo III will be hitting the PTR on the 25th of February, and include some huge changes such as a rework to Followers, a new way to filter the solo leaderboards, and tons of other new additions!. Diablo 3 PTR 2.7.0 Preview! Report Save. 70) Arcane Barb - Crafted 34) Pendergrasps - Crafted 60) Seven Sins 29) Eye of Etlich 15) Soulsmasher A5 Cache 60) Wondrous Deflectors, Off Hand 29) Flesh Tearer 29) Death Watch Mantle All Resistance 3. 70) Jade Harvester's Joy - Set 70) Asheara's Pace - Crafted Set 8) Leoric's Crown 31) Jace’s Hammer of Vigilance • Transmogrification, • Loot 2.0 70) Demon's Restraint - Crafted Set 31) Baleful Remnant 61) Bone Ringer, Legendary Mighty Weapons - Barb • Flails Crus 61) Bottomless Potion of Rejuvenation - Season 1 31) Light of Grace Kort#1502 . 29) Standoff 50) Logan's Claw Pylon effects last twice as long. 60) Sage's Gesture - Crafted Set 29) Saffron Wrap 70) Marauder's Encasement - Set • Gogok of Swiftness • Westmarch Holy Water A5, The Infernal Machine 60) Manajuma's Carving Knife - Set 31) Defender of Westmarch • Auction House 50) Singularity Wiz • Bane of the Powerful 70) Fleeting Strap 50) Cluckeye 50) Nailbiter 60) Zunimassa's Vision - Set, Legendary Wizard Hats - Wiz Critical Hit Chance 5. • Darkness of Radament +4 Random Magic Properties. 60) Wizardspike • Bane of the Trapped 50) Messerschmidt's Reaver • Spears 70) Nayr's Black Death, Legendary 2H Axes • Restores extra 25000–45000 Life over 5 seconds. 70) Piro Marella - Crafted, Legendary Mojos - WD 29) Pride of Cassius 23) Lai Yui's Taiji Monk 8) Boots of Disregard - A3 Bag 12) Overwhelming Desire A3 Cache 50) Promise of Glory 1 day ago Diablo Deep Dive Panel Recap Get caught up and dive deeper into all the latest news revolving around Diablo II: Resurrected, Diablo IV, and Diablo Immortal. Share on Facebook. 29) Hammer Jammers 70) Sunwuko's Shines - Set, 8) Nagelring 29) Chaingmail 50) The Flavor of Time 20) Relilena's Shadowhook 70) Mark of The Magi - Crafted, Legendary 2H Swords 70) Eight-Demon Boots - Set 70) Firebird's Tarsi - Set • Invigorating Gemstone 29) The Spider Queen’s Grasp 8) Odyn Son 8) Demon Machine • Restores 10-15% of your primary resource when used below 25% Life. 70) Demon Claw Monk 70) Scales of the Dancing Serpent - Set 60) Griswold's Masterpiece - Crafted 60) Zunimassa's String of Skulls Set 21) Born's Defiance 40) The Wedge - Crafted 8) Stolen Ring 23) Cain's Memory - Crafted Set • Zei’s Stone of Vengeance, Salvaged materials 60) Windforce Socket 2. Cold Damage 3. • Archive of Tal Rasha • Flails Crus • Corrupted Angel Flesh A4 29) Scarbringer 70) Lai Yui's Persuader Monk • Shields 60) Sage's Orbit - Crafted Set 61) Bottomless Potion of Regeneration 31) Stalgard's Decimator Pauldrons of the Wastes; Stat Priority: CDR Reduced Resource Cost Skill: Rend; Amulet. 70) Helltooth Tunic - Set •• Vial of Putridness You want your character to be at their most powerful without omitting the total use of some moves. 31) Vo'Toyias Spiker • Arreat War Tapestry A3 70) Chanon Bolter • Mighty Weapons Barb, One-Handed Ranged 35) Iron Rose 60) Zunimassa's Trail - Set 70) Fleeting Strap - Crafted • Reduced Damage from Elites. 12) Salvation A5 Cache 31) The Ess of Johan 61) Hand of the Prophet Enchantress Upgrade the rare to legend in cube, eats up db's and yellow/white/blue mats. 9) Crushbane 31) Kassar's Retribution • Resistances • Vengeful Eye Item Details. 60) Lamentation 70) War of the Dead - Crafted, Legendary 2H Flails - Crusader 52) Asheara's Gait - Crafted Set 34) Pendergrasps 29) Buriza-Do Kyanon 31) Hexing Pants of Mr. Yan 50) Thing of the Deep https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/The_Flavor_of_Time?oldid=181655, This amulet's appearance, name, and description are a likely reference to the large clock that Public Enemy rapper. • All skills enabled. 50) Goldskin 70) Pauldrons of Akkhan - Set 50) Bezoar Stone 23) Wall of Bone - Crafted Just like the player, your follower has some ability to equip gear and benefit from the stats given by that item. 29) Wrath of the Bone King 60) The Helm of Command 31) Fate of the Fell This garish amulet, once worn by an over large imp, makes time an insignificant thing. 33) Chilanik’s Chain 70) Breastplate of Akkhan - Set 45] Leger's Disdain 60) The Gidbinn 31) Wyrdward 70) Spires of the Earth - Set 60) Hallowed Salvation - Crafted Set • Main Stat • Sources Wiz This item can be found by any class, but will only smart roll and staves can only be equipped by Monks, Wizards, and Witch Doctors. • Toughness 70) Sunder I mean, my Primal one, if I recall, rolled RCR, CD, the wrong element, added damage, and… I can’t remember the other stat, but the point is it was entirely flipping useless. 8) Gloves of Worship - Act 2 Bag +[10 - 12]% Movement Speed. 70) Armor of the Kind Regent • Increased Gold Find 31) Custerian Wristguards • Cow Portal, Armor 60) Venomhusk, Armor 60) Vile Ward 8) Pledge of Caldeum • Legendary Potions Intelligence: Belt: Haunting Girdle Captain Crimson's Silk Girdle (Crafted) 1. 70) Piro Marella Crus Secondary. • Mojos WD 29) Blackguard 60) Inna's Radiance - Set, Legendary Voodoo Masks - WD 60) Immortal King's Tribal Binding - Set, Legendary Gloves 70) Sydyru Crust - Crafted 70) Cosmic Strand Wiz Doesn't need a fancy full-set of ancients! 50) Eternal Union • Blood Shards 1. share. 52) Demon Hand - Crafted 70) Cinder Switch We hope you’ve found our list of the Diablo 3 Best Season 20 Builds useful, if you have, remember to share it with your friends so they can pick the strongest S20 D3 build as well! 70) Restraint - Set, 12) Coven's Criterion A2 Cache • Daibos Monk 31) Bitterness WD 8) Genzaniku 70) Demon's Hide 31) Bitterness - Crafted 29) Etrayu 70) Wojahnni Assaulter - Season 1. 70) Board Walkers - Crafted 29) Erlang Shen 60) Lacuni Prowlers 52) Cataclysm • Legendary Items 60) Triumvirate 60) The Compass Rose - Set 61) Relic of Akarat Templar • Repairs, The Jeweler 70) Hallowed Defender - Crafted Set • Fist Weapons Monk 29) Pig Sticker 31) Ahavarion, Spear of Lycander 60) Hellrack It requires character level 50 to drop. • Paragon Points 50) Swamp Land Waders 60) Griswold's Masterpiece 70) Night's Reaping - Crafted 70) Archfiend Arrows DH 60) Manajuma's Gory Fetch Set 70) Aughild's Search - Crafted Set 8) Faithful Memory 29) Telranden's Hand 8) Girdle of Giants • Horadric Caches 8) Starfire • Axes 50) The Grin Reaper Amulets do not usually have movement speed on them. This is one of the best speed farm builds for any content in the game – Nephalem Rifts and bounties. 29) Arreat's Law 70) Cinder Switch - Crafted, Legendary 2H Maces 60) Demon's Lock - Crafted Set February is drawing to a close, as is another Diablo 3 season.Which means that not only is spring right around the corner, but so is a new Diablo PTR. 8) Gungdo Gear 29) Skywarden 59) Neanderthal 23) Unending War Barb This page was last edited on 29 December 2020, at 10:29. 70) Living Umbral Oath WD 31) Deathseer's Cowl • Crafting Items This item can be found and equipped by any class. • Amethyst 60) Dead Man's Legacy 70) Asheara's Custodian - Crafted Set 50) Gesture of Orpheus 70) Blood-Magic Edge 60) Hallowed Storm - Crafted Set Thanks to the new Gears of Dreadlands set, which was added to the game in Season 21, this build can be compared to the Whirlwind Barbarian. 31) Madawc's Sorrow 60) Tal Rasha's Allegiance - Set 42) Aughild's Dominion 8) The Crudest Boots Taeguk provides up to 80% additive damage and 20% armor as long as we continuously channel Tempest Rush. • Realm of Trials 70) Skelons Deceit - Crafted 60) Zunimassa's Pox - Set • Scoundrel Tokens 31) K'mar Tenclip • Swords 15) Envious Blade A3 Cache 60) The Grandfather 70) Captain Crimson's Trimmings 31) Sebor’s Nightmare 29) The Paddle Guaranteed Stats. Socket 2. 8) Fjord Cutter • DPS / Damage 31) The Tall Man's Finger 60) Ouroboros 30) Lost Time 29) Balefire Caster 60) Earthshatter 50) Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac 29) Blind Faith • Materials 60) Uhkapian Serpent 55) Guardian's Foresight - Crafted Set 8) Sanguinary Vambraces - A1 Bag 60) The Traveler's Pledge - Set 60) The Tormentor 60) The Burning Axe of Sankis 61) Skeleton Key Scoundrel Cold Damage 3. 31) Wand of Woh The Flavor of Time is a Legendary amulet in Diablo III. 60) The Fist of Az'Turrasq 70) Archfiend Arrows - Crafted, Legendary Axes ((More Details. The Flavor of Time properties 50) Anessazi Edge 50) Incense Torch of the Grand Temple This amulet has a guaranteed set of cooldown reduction and movement speed, and has a total of 5 Primary affixes. 70) Vyr’s Astonishing Aura - Set 31) Eye of Peshkov The Flavor of Time is a Legendary amulet in Diablo III. • Hellfire Amulet & Ring 50) Dread Iron • Enforcer 70) Firebird's Plume - Set 41180. 31) Fury of the Vanished Peak 70) Night's Reaping Barb 54) Harvest Moon Barb 60) Wondrous Deflectors - Crafted 8) Illusory Boots - A2 Bag Helm of the Wastes; Stat Priority: Skill: WW CHC; Shoulders. 70) Devastator - Crafted, Legendary Spears 50) Bul-Kathos's Wedding Band • Voodoo Masks WD The best way to farm primal ancients in diablo 3Guides = https://www.diablofans.com/Patreon = https://www.patreon.com/bigdaddyden76Support! 31) Fulminator N/A) Hellfire Ring • Legendary Materials, Horadric Cache Materials • Devil's Fang 60) Band of Hollow Whispers 42) Aughild's Dominion - Crafted Set 70) Guardian's Case - Crafted Set, Legendary Mighty Belts - Barb 31) Captain Crimson's Bowsprit - Crafted Set 60) Madstone 60) Crystal Fist 55) Guardian's Deflector - Crafted Set 70) Focus - Set 8) Pride's Fall - A3 Bag • Enchanting 70) Jade Harvester's Courage - Set • Affixes 29) Sledge Fist 31) Mask of Jeram All save Movement Speed, which is best enchanted into something more beneficial since MS can easily be made up with Paragon Points. 31) Myken's Ball of Hate This amulet has a guaranteed set of cooldown reduction and movement speed, and has a total of 5 Primary affixes. 60) Ivory Tower 60) Unity Character Life % Socket 2. 60) Immortal King's Triumph - Set 70) Jade Harvester's Wisdom - Set 21) Born's Searing Spite - Crafted Set 50) Sever 60) Robes of the Rydraelm All Resistance 3. • Caldeum Nightshade A2 50) Angel Hair Braid 60) Inna's Reach - Set • Pain Enhancer 23) Cain's Memory 60) Krede’s Flame Vitality 3. • Khanduran Rune A1 31) Profane Pauldrons 50) Heart Slaughter • Moratorium See the sample screenshots below to see how this item will roll at level 70. • Ramaladni's Gift • 4/2 31) Ancestors' Grace 31) Blackfeather • Durability 10) Homing Pads 8) The Zweihander • Hand Crossbows DH 70) Hallowed Baton - Crafted Set, Legendary Scythes - Nec 70) Cain's Habit - Crafted Set 60) Inna's Vast Expanse - Set Ein weiter Weg liegt vor euch, wenn ihr euren Charakter in Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls auf Level 70 aufleveln wollt. • Crafting Jewelry However, there are some stats that function 30) The Horadric Hamburger 29) The Raven's Wing 60) Bul-Kathos's Warrior Blood - Set • Critical hit Damage • Maces 50) Kill 70) Guardian's Aversion - Crafted Set, Legendary Shoulders = … • Sheet DPS 70) Cain's Destiny 31) Darklight of your primary resource when used below 25% Life. 70) Board Walkers Bane of the Trapped provides 60% increased damage to slowed enemies. 70) Demon Claw - Crafted • Armor 61) Ribald Etchings Scoundrel Critical Hit Damage 4. 60) Mempo of Twilight • NPC Merchants 70) Wall of Man - Crafted As of patch 2.6.6, it also gained a unique affix prolonging the action of all Pylons. 60) Ice Climbers 29) Rondal's Locket [Top 5] Diablo 3 Best Witch Doctor Builds Right Now So many skills, so little time Finding just the right formation of skills in Diablo can be a daunting task. 60) Immortal King's Stride - Set 60) Tyrael's Might 60) Hallowed Hand - Crafted Set 60) Schaefers's Hammer • Increased Magic Find 8) Fletcher's Pride 31) Starmetal Kukri 8) Steady Strikers • Gems 60) Blood-Magic Blade The Flavor of Time; Sage's Journey (3-piece set bonus) Cain's Destiny (3-piece set bonus) Follower Skills Revamp: Follower skills have been reworked to showcase new and updated skills. 70) Wall of Man, Kanai's Cube 60) Fire Brand • Mighty Weapons Barb, Socketing 23) Cain's Scribe - Crafted Set 70) Devastator 60) Natalya's Slayer - Set 60) Andariel's Visage 8) Helltrapper A5 Cache + 6 Random Magic Properties (((. 29) Nutcracker 61) Cam's Rebuttal, Legendary 2H Mighty Weapons - Barb 8) Broken Crown 60) Blackthorne's Surcoat - Set 70) Golden Scourge Crus • Templar Relics • The End Game 60) Xephirian Amulet • Death's Breath 70) Demon's Animus - Crafted Set 9) Arthef’s Spark of Life Powered … 70) Eyes of the Earth - Set 9) Balance 70) Hallowed Breach - Crafted Set, Legendary Daggers Dexterity 2. 12) Mad Monarch's Scepter A1 Cache 29) Doombringer 70) Aughild's Authority Legendary Follower Items • Follower cannot die. 57) Starspine 29) Bastion's Revered 26) Quick Draw Belt 70) The Shadow’s Heels - Set 31) Jawbreaker In your jewelry, the recommended setup shifts away from the steady trickle of cooldown reduction of Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac and the timing-based damage bonuses of Convention of Elements. • Bonus Horadric Cache, • Helms 23) Lai Yui's Taiji - Crafted • Training 31) Staff of Kyro 60) The Helm of Command - Crafted 60) Hallowed Scepter - Crafted Set 70) Mantle of the Rydraelm - Set • Identify • Daggers 50) Bloodtide Blade 70) Living Umbral Oath - Set 31) Captain Crimson's Finery (3) Set: Damage dealt is increased by your percentage of cooldown reduction. 70) Marauder's Treads - Set • Crushing Blow 36) The Magi - Crafted •• Heart of Evil 70) Heart of the Crashing Wave - Set 8) The Swami 60) Blackthorne's Jousting Mail - Set 29) Talisman of Aranoch 60) The Star of Azkaranth 50) The Three Hundredth Spear 70) Demon's Aileron - Crafted Set 70) Hallowed Sufferance - Crafted Set, Legendary Wands - Wiz 31) Justinian's Mercy Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. (Torment-only) 60) Azurewrath • Topaz The Smart Drop system ensures that this amulet will usually roll with the mainstat appropriate to the class that finds it. 20) Longshot - Crafted • Greater Rift Keystones 8) Goldwrap Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker, https://www.diablowiki.net/index.php?title=The_Flavor_of_Time&oldid=81941. 60) Demon's Revenge - Crafted Set • Taeguk Ahavarion, Spear of Lycander is a legendary staff that can be found in Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls. 29) The Mind's Eye 60) Mara's Kaleidoscope 42) Aughild's Peak - Crafted Set Lamentation is kept in the speed farming variant, and so is The Flavor of Time — they both contribute too much to the Rend playstyle to be dropped. 22) Last Breath Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment (Official Post) 60) The Witching Hour 70) Captain Crimson's Waders - Crafted Set 31) Swiftmount 31) Golden Flense 31) Spaulders of Zakara 31) Freeze of Deflection XX) Staff of Herding (Special) • Life on Hit 50) Lidless Wall It's named after Squirt the Peddler, and, predictably, has a guaranteed gold find bonus. The Flavor of Time Amulet +10-12% Movement Speed. 60) Black Bone Arrows DH, Weapons 31) The Furnace 70) Sydyru Crust 12) Rhen'ho Flayer • Vault Portal • Paper Doll 36) The Magi 23) Unending War - Crafted 9) Umbral Oath - Crafted 18) Gyana Na Kashu Critical Hit Chance: Belt: Captain Crimson's Silk Girdle (Crafted) Goldwrap (Cubed) 1. 60) Stormshield 70) Raekor’s Burden - Set • Class-Specific • Legendary Gems, • Staff of Herding 31) Warzechian Armguards 60) Chantodo's Will - Set • Transmogrification, The Economy The other guaranteed stats on this item are also time related. 70) Aughild's Spike - Crafted Set • Polearms • Rift Keystone Fragments, • Greater Rifts 70) Vyr’s Fantastic Finery - Set 61) Bottomless Potion of the Tower 52) Asheara's Uniform 60) Shenlong's Relentless Assault - Set 60) Ruinstoke - Crafted Intelligence 2. 70) Spite WD • Armor Dye 21) Born's Heart of Steel - Crafted Set 60) Flying Dragon 8) Burst Of Wrath A3 Cache • Increases Life per Hit by 1500–3000 for 5 seconds. 60) Echoing Fury • Infernal Machine of Evil • Wreath of Lightning 60) Depth Diggers 70) Jade Harvester's Swiftness - Set 52) Demon Hand Monk 60) Hallowed Reckoning - Crafted Set 70) Arcane Barb Vitality 4. 55) Guardian's Contingency 70) Marauder's Visage - Set 70) Demon's Plate - Crafted Set, Legendary Boots 12) Cloak of Deception A2 Cache 60) Demon's Heart - Crafted Set • Gems 60) Blackthorne's Duncraig Cross - Set 70) Corruption - Crafted 50) Fire Walkers 31) Harrington Waistguard 12) Pandemonium Loop A5 Cache 31) Dovu Energy Trap 50) The Eye of the Storm 60) Frostburn Gauntlets 60) Litany of the Undaunted - Set • Trading 8) Monster Hunter 60) Gehennas 31) Beckon Sail 29) String of Ears 60) Empyrean Messenger, Legendary Swords 4. • Law of Kulle All stats listed in the database scale up to the level of this item when dropped. 31) Hack • Writhing Spine, Weapons 12) Leoric's Signet Level 50 Stats; Level 70 Stats; The minimum level this item can drop at is 50. The Flavor of Time increases Pylon duration and just by incorporating this into the build it will make it comparable to the Vyr Chantodo one, though Vyr is a favorite for S19. 31) Kekegi's Unbreakable Spirit • Spirit Stones Monk 60) Tal Rasha's Relentless Pursuit - Set 70) Reaper's Wraps - Crafted 60) Warmonger 70) Kethryes' Splint - Crafted Today, the official Diablo social channels announced that the patch 2.7.0 PTR will kick off on February 25.. 50) The Butcher's Sickle 29) Broken Promises 8) The Undisputed Champion Diablo 3 Gears of Dreadlands Hungering Arrow Demon Hunter Build. 60) The Oculus • Increased EXP 29) Puzzle Ring 60) Devil Tongue The Flavor of Time. 70) Hallowed Hold - Crafted Set, Legendary Phalactery - Nec 70) Unbound Bolt Damage taken is reduced by your percentage of cost reduction. 31) Akarat's Awakening 50) Pus Spitter 31) Captain Crimson's Whalers - Crafted Set Vitality 4. 35) Traf'Ouls Corroded Fang Critical Hit Chance 5. • Arcane Dust 8) Death’s Bargain - A5 Bag • Wands Wiz, • Axes 25] Maltorius' Petrfied Spike
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