Gainward proudly presents the brand-new GeForce GTX graphics - GeForce GTX 1080 Phoenix series. 10.3MB. It really doesn't have a readme file with it because Gainward sucks, but there is a note about it fixing a problem with the clock frequencies not reading right in an older bios that was newer than the original. 2020-12-22. Windows 7(64Bit) / Windows 10(64Bit) Download. Manual. Users can overclocking the Phoenix board with confidence thanks to the “standard-clock setting” in the second VBIOS with position 2 of the “dual BIOS switch” whenever you need. It does keep clocks better than the NV control panel, but I think thats because of the way it accesses the card. Gainward's site won't let me download it, you have to through their ExperTool program, and the only BIOS file I can download through that is the 5950 Ultra BIOS. I found an older expertool and was able to find a new bios. Gainward’s Expertool II The brand-new utility adds flexible fan curve control and BIOS saving feature for powerful GeForce GTX 1060 card. 2020-12-01. If it is possible, is there somebody who would send his GLH bios? I just tested it and it works fine also with other Radeon like the Radeon HD 3870. Unfortunately they have not released a new bios for my card since I got it and when they do the labelling is really bad, great overclocking tool though. A friends owns a Phoenix GS. Download Zotac Firestorm; Gainward ExperTool. EXPERTool 11.2 on 32-bit and 64-bit PCs. 7.21MB. Gainward Expertool ATI v4.0 enables Radeon HD 4850 / HD 4870 fan and clocks control without CCC or BIOS modification. To ensure that you get the possible best experience, this website utilizes third-party profiling cookies. All. This download is licensed as freeware for the Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) operating system on a laptop or desktop PC from video tweaks without restrictions. Version M-GW22A. Factory over-clocking VBIOS is set on position 1 of the “dual BIOS switch” . It is dated for March of this year, so its the newest I've seen. Gainward GeForce® GTX 1660 SUPER Ghost. Download EXPERTool - Enhance your NVIDIA video card's capabilities and get to enjoy the true power the graphics card has to offer using this simple and straightforward tool Recently i purchased a Gainward Phoenix card. Gainward provides two VBIOS for GeForce GTX 1060 Phoenix board. Gainward GeForce GTX 1080 Phoenix performs extremely lower GPU temperature than founders edition board under full load operation. Then I wouldn't use the bios for any other card unless you've read a solid, dependable verification from a trustworthy review site or known reputable forum member that it absolutely is compatible. Good Morning guys! The various features include custom profiles, BIOS save & Flash and hardware monitoring. We both considered if it is possible to flash the GS (or possibly even the GLH) on my "ordinary" Phoenix? Manual. Expertool II . [download#15#image] I always liked the Expertool, and it worked fine on my old MSI 5600 ultra. It supports the latest DirectX 12 GeForce graphics cards and you can download it for free from the link given below. Gainward’s Expertool II – the brand-new utility adds flexible fan curve control and BIOS saving feature for … Gainward ExperTool is a simple yet feature-rich graphics card overclock tool from Gainward. EXPERTool 11.2 is available to … ... ExperTool 64bits (For Nvidia GPU and Driver 436.xx or newer) Version 11.2.
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