Zephyrus Daggers grid. gbf agni grid, -An Agni grid with 1 Ixaba, 3 ES, and 1 AES as the Omega mod actually surpasses an AES grid at very low HP due to the Enmity modifiers stacking with each other multiplicatively. Enmity is a weapon skill that increases Attack in proportion to the percentage of missing HP. Farm Celeste Showdown (Hard) for SR skill fodder. In the Summons sections below, ones labeled. Pooky's GBF Weapon Grid Resource. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Forming Your Grid 1. No partner allowed. This grid requires reaching HL so Luminiera Sword Omega can be 4★ uncapped. The core weapon of this grid is Tiamat Bolt Omega, it differs from Fire/Water/Earth in that it is not a single big ATK modifier; instead it has Med ATK and Small Enmity. A completed magna Caim grid should look something like this: Primal grids can also be split into 2 categories - Non-Caim (regular) primal and Caim primal with the latter requiring having the Hanged man evoker - Caim. Gain all of Bonito's call effects upon summoning (1 time), 30% / 30% Boost to critical hit rate for Dark attacks, "Understanding How Grids Work for New Players" (via reddit), Omega, Normal, EX (Unknown), and Seraphic, What Makes the Sky Blue II: Paradise Lost, Princess Connect! Also provides some insight on Primal grids. Grids without a MH mentioned are using GW Dagger MH. For the example grid a Last Sahrivar will be used due to it being the only reasonably obtainable weapon of these 3 option for a regular player, Parashu - one of the best HP options Titan has access to which also provides a bit of damage, Ultima weapon - one of the main sources of multiattack, Carnwenhan should be used instead if available, Ichigo Hitofuri - massive attack modifier and a stamina modifier, Stratomizer - enmity modifier to curb the damage curve and ensure that the team can deal good damage at any % HP, Mettle - provides garrison, which lowers the damage you take the lower your % HP is by a lot, Mirror-Blade Shard - another one of the best HP options Titan has access to, AK-4A - provides dual attack modifiers and a tripple attack rate increase, Harp of Repudation - just like for every other set up the Dark Opus weapon is a must have, Ancient Bandages - really strong garrison weapon. Here is another graph showing three builds: 5K/2X, 3K/3A/1X, and 3K/3A/Bow. This page was last edited on 12 January 2021, at 10:21. It's essentially like playing M1 Wind. As such the grid utilizes a double Yggdrasil set up. As such here are the options and when to use them: Autumn's Transformation - only one of these is available and it's a fairly decent multiattack boosting option as it provides a double attack buff. When a Hollowsky Axe is used and it's used as the main hand weapon this slot should be used for an Ichigo Hitofuri or a Bahamut weapon, Scales of Dominion - can be replaced by a Last Sahrivar if unavailable at FLB. Much like with the Last Storm Harps in wind when building towards this grid the first one can be slotted in at 0* to provide the magna stamina modifier to the grid but every additional Horn should only be added when all Horns already present in the grid are flb and the one you want to add is also flb, Harp of Renunciation - the Dark Opus weapon for earth. Without one you should not be trying yo build this grid, Harp of Repudiation - Dark Opus weapon, provides cap up at flb, provides a huge damage increase at ULB. The Auto cap ultima skill is only exploitable by a few elements and grid, as it is pretty difficult to reach auto cap consistently in the first place. It should be one of the hardest hitting grids around all while having a huge pool of HP; just lacks a bit in the da/ta department. However, Nightmare raids during, Pendants are used to buy SSR weapons and other materials from the Pendant Shop. Fortunately, every element has farmable/free-to-play options which perform respectably (even compared to more exclusive builds) and can ultimately tackle any content in the game. Due to primal being able to gear its grid more towards certain playstyles due to more available options, 3 grids, focusing on 3 different playstyles, will be listed. This grid provides Omega players with an alternate (i.e. On top of being strong however they are also highly expensive, usually requiring at least 4-5 grand weapons to be worth the investment. It may or may not be fully min/max, but if you're farming Earth as backup grid for on-element, GW, or Xeno Cocytus and have multiple Bahamut weapons, this is a lazy way to finish your grid faster without sacrificing a huge amount of dps. Other good options are Hollowsky Axe (for fist and axe based teams), Ichigo Hitofuri (when available), Unsigned Kaneshige (Kengo CCW), GW dagger (a valuable multiattack source) or Last Sahrivar (for hard content). Farm Tiamat Showdown (Hard) for SR skill fodder. As such any repeating slots will only be named because their roles are explained in the grid breakdown above, Summon set up: Titan X Titan (higher HP, used primarily with a Progression skill ULB Dark Opus) / Gorilla (occasionally, flb only, better for raw auto damage at 2-3 Grand weapons) / Huanglong (only with ULB Dark Opus, borders on being a meme). GBF: The Weapon Grids. Both effects only apply in grids without duplicates, which are generally called Caim grids in earth or Highlander grids for all other elements, Gauntlet of Proudearth - earth's seraphic weapon, can be replaced by a Baihu Claw Malus when the grid is used off element or by a Bahamut weapon if such a weapon isn't used in the grid already, Main Hand weapon - usually Ichigo Hitofuri but various CCWs or other weapons such as the Harp of Renunciation or the Gauntlet of Proudearth can also be used depending on the set up, Dark Opus weapon - the one that should be used depends on the grid composition - if the grid contains at least 4 Ichigo Hitofuri the one to be used should be the magna version, which is called the Harp of Renunciation, otherwise the Harp of Repudation - the primal Dark Opus weapon, is the better choice. Sub auras are additional abilities that take effect when the summon is equipped as a sub summon. Welp, here we are. Nevermind, looked into it a little further. Hollowsky weapons should only be used when they affect your entire team or at the very least most of it. Another viable option is using an Unsigned Kaneshige but it will result in lower raw damage. Should only be used if it affects at least 3 of the team members. Advocatus has a useful effect for lower-rank players that rely on C.A. As such it will cover the most common magna and primal earth grids and attempt to elaborate on why certain weapons are used in certain grids and will give a rough example of how a certain grid should look like after each explanation. (With the exception of Luminiera Swords, which have a total limit. You should not be building a Caim Titan grid without one of these, AK-4A - another one of the very important weapons for this grid due to its dual attack mods. The Auto cap ultima skill is only exploitable by a few elements and grid, as it is pretty difficult to reach auto cap consistently in the first place. Unlike Stamina, enmity is more accessible since Gisla is a 30-moon weapon instead of a Flash-only weapon. fateless (the water sword) is a fantastic mh for water, even if … Your party consists of the main character, 3 front line characters, 2 back line characters, 1 main weapon, 9 sub weapons (known colloquially as the "grid"), 1 main summon, and 4 sub-summons.. Each character, weapon, and summon has its own statistics and abilities to consider. A few terms, abbreviations, and acronyms that appear on the page: This grid is used before reaching HL content. Without one, a weapon is effectively an empty grid slot regardless of its stats. A must slot on element. Graphs produced using motocal. It assumes that your weapons have a skill level of 10 or 15. Grids without a MH mentioned are using GW Dagger MH. Welp, here we are. Sub summons are typically picked based on whether it has: a useful call, a useful sub aura, or high raw stats. Astral/PG fist are best 2 to slot, if you are running the enmity Lucha burst team also Hollowksy axe Its level does not influence the call. Aura-wise, the Main Summon and Support Summon slots are interchangeable. Non enmity and non primal grids will probably prefer to not use this bonus, unless they have a good amount of characters with Ignition boosts. ULB opus is also one of the major damage sources of the grid and as such not having it will make the grid perform considerably worse. Gain 20% Earth ATK Up Earth ATK is boosted Strength: 20% Duration: 3.5 turns Applied during the attack phase. The starting grid of every GBF player, your grid will be messy and cramp up with whatever ssr you can find or salvage. (How to Water-meme 101)2 Intro and Disclaimer3 About the author4 Pros and Cons of playing W.A.T.E.R5 Water weapon grids5.1 Water Magna Grid5.1.1 The Basic Grid5.1.2 Starting up5.1.3 SSR Magna Weapons5.1.4 Why don’t I just fight Macula and Grani instead?5.1.5 Normal Weapons5.1.5.1 Bahamut Weapons5.1.5.2 … It should be one of the hardest hitting grids around all while having a huge pool of HP; just lacks a bit in the da/ta department. Here are the 10 weapons you should aim for when building this grid as well as some substitutes: Summon set up: Yggdrasil X Alexiel / Gorilla (only at FLB). Due to it being a Caim grid it has a lot of similarities with the General Use Caim Primal. For the magna one only viable ULB skill is the Stamina, while for the primal one both Stamina and Progression are viable, Ultima weapon - one of the important sources of cap up and multiattack for the grid, EX Modifier - usually a hollowsky weapon that affects at least 3 of the frontline members, otherwise can be substituted by a Last Sahrivar, Cap Up slot - used for a Cosmic Blade when the grid contains at least 4 Ichigo Hitofuri. For the reasoning and mathematics behind why these grids are effective, see the Damage Formula page and related sources. This slot should be used for an Ichigo Hitofuri or a Bahamut weapon if the Harp of Renunciation is used as a main hand weapon, Autumn's Transformation - one of the good magna attack modifier weapons which also provides double attack rate increase, Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Omega - one of the good magna attack modifier weapons, Nibelung Klinge - same as the Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Omega but it also provides an HP modifier, Hollowsky weapon - usually either a Hollowsky Spear or a Hollowsky Axe. The example below represents a developed Lumi Sword grid to use as reference. As it is right now, it's not really worth making over a M2 grid, but is serviceable even without Enmity enablers. Includes Magna/Omega grids for Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light, and Dark. Varuna Murg and Stamina Grid. It's a highly specialized grid and also very expensive - not recommended unless you're extremely invested in earth primal, Summone set up: Titan X Alexiel (higher damage) / Titan (higher HP). Has a viable counter attack skill unlike his SSR version. It is also known as "last stand" and "backwater." For later-game progression, see the Team Building guide. Farm Leviathan Showdown (Hard) for SR skill fodder, These two weapons are roughly equal value for players. If you run a full Earth line-up, the damage increase on your 3rd character is noticable in a Tezcat lineup. Contents1 SO YOU WANT TO PLAY W.A.T.E.R? The Shop is restocked every month. Lacking in damage at full HP but very strong when Enmity is activated. The Flashspear has more classes to pick from, but also faces competition as a mainhand with the likes of Qinglong Spear Malus and Spear of Renunciation. Summer Zooey combined with an Enmity-based weapon grid can destroy any Omega or most event/raid bosses in a few turns, which resulted to the "Zooey Meta".Enmity is a weapon skill that buffs characters' attack based on how much percentage of HP they're missing.In most cases, trying to get the most of the skill presents two major drawbacks. Hades Stamina/Stamnity grid. Search for: Physicians Resources; User Login; Home; About CDC. When playing off element (against Null enemies) it can be replaced with an additional Nibelung Klinge, EX Modifiers - most commonly used EX Modifiers are the Hollowsky Spear and the Last Sahrivar - a Hollowsky weapon and a Xeno Vohu Manah weapon respectively. Grid and Flex options About This Grid. Depending on the set up up to 2 EX weapons in total can and should be used with the most common combinations being Last Sahrivar + Hollowsky Spear, Last Sahrivar + Hollowsky Axe or just a single Last Sahrivar, Ultima weapon - one of the main sources of multiattack in earth as well as a cap up source. If you are building your first team, a Bahamut weapon will be the single most influential weapon you can add to your party, so craft one for the race you have the most of; the main character's race is Unknown, so all Bahamut weapons will affect her/him. For example, If you have less than 4 Omega weapons on your grid and/or have not skill leveled your Omega weapons to at least SL4, consider running Elemental × Elemental instead of Omega × Elemental. The weapons used for such grids are as follows: Summon set up: Titan X Alexiel / Gorilla (flb only) / Titan (Titan X Alexiel or Gorilla performs better for raw damage while Titan X Titan provides more HP and a comparable damage when using the Progression skill on an ULB Dark Opus), Caim grids utilize Caim's backline passive to function as it provides the team with a 20% unique attack modifier, 50% defense buff and a 10% cap up buff as long as he's in the backline, provided the grid has no duplicates in it. Afterwards, you will transition to a Lumi Sword grid. A sub summon that matches the party's element receives a 3-turn cut to its initial cooldown. The most commonly used ULB skills for it are Stamina and Progression - Stamina to increase the raw damage of the grid at full HP and Progression to make it less reliant on elemental attack buffs, 2 Nibelung Klinge - big attack weapons which are also a source of HP. Provides a sizable HP modifier without losing out on damage and after FLB it also provides a source of cap up. Ultima and multiattack baha weapons can help there a bit, and Sarasa/Octo have some very powerful self da/ta buffs as well. A completed grid could look something like this: This grid is geared towards content such as Lucilius Hard and Ultimate Bahamut HL (it's pretty overkill for UBHL). Ultima and multiattack baha weapons can help there a bit, and Sarasa/Octo have some very powerful self da/ta buffs as well. These grids have lost a fair bit of their popularity ever since the release of Caim but are still very strong. Elemental summons from. These teams typically consist of 2 SR characters and 1 R character as main allies, and are used during, The Flamescythe is a higher priority for newer players due to its party-wide multiattack boost on C.A. 2 Vortex of the Void - main grid weapon, the core of the grid. Summon set up: Titan X Titan / Gorilla (flb only) (Titan X Gorilla performs better for raw damage at 2-3 Grand weapons while Titan X Titan provides more HP and a comparable damage when using the Progression skill on an ULB Dark Opus). Graphs produced using motocal. Definitely agree on the overall point, Magna Earth in its final form is some crazy stuff. A finished grid should look something like this: This grid is made to focus on squeezing as much damage as possible out of your team's ougis. Canes that are replaced by AES can be used as fodder, but keep up to two 3★ copies for OTK grids. You can tweak its settings (using the (i) button) for a more accurate count, but the best way to judge strength is to test it in. Farm Colossus Showdown (Hard) for SR skill fodder. GBF: The Weapon Grids. This guide was made before Astral weapons were released, it wont be updated so keep in mind that it could be outdated. Atar Massive Earth damage to a foe. Some of the other weapons used in the grid can be used as mainhands if no better alternatives are available (example for that being the usage of a Nibelung Klinge when an earth Ultma Blade or an Ichigo Hitofuri aren't available), 3 Nibelung Horns - the core of the grid and the weapons that provide the Big Verity skill used to achieve 100% crit with double Yggdrasil. For the most part, they are meant for temporary use, but those that see continued use are noted on their bullet points. Up to 2000 Renown can be gained per week, and up to 20,000 Renown can be held at a time. damage for the bulk of their damage output and have better access to Spear-wielding classes. On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.. Each grid example below depicts 9 out of 10 weapon slots. Combining all these factors into a … Identical sub auras do not stack and only the strongest effect is applied. However, advanced players generally get more use out of the Longblade thanks to powerful katana-wielding Row IV and EX II classes like. Granblue Fantasy Tiamat & Optimised Wind Magna Weapon Grid - Duration: 7:27. Arulumaya: 9.0: Role: Attacker/Support/Debuffer; Provides Veil … In Sword grids, the Sunblade is the preferred EX weapon for its synergy with. Can be replaced off element, Remaining grid slots - depending on personal preference they can be filled up with either only Ichigo Hitofuri or with a combination of Ichigo Hitofuri and AK-4A (max - 2), Main Hand weapon - best weapon in this slot is the Ichigo Hitofuri, which is also one of the pivotal weapons for Caim Titan grids as a whole. Non enmity and non primal grids will probably prefer to not use this bonus, unless they have a good amount of characters with Ignition boosts. The starting grid of every GBF player, your grid will be messy and cramp up with whatever ssr you can find or salvage. This is an example of how a baby earth grid will look like. Ichigo Hitofuri is the best option for this slot but if that is unavailable the Harp of Renunciation is the best option outside of fist or axe focused set ups where the Hollowsky Axe performs the best. Once your grid has 5-6 Bolts and Harps, extra copies can be foddered or reduced. Best ULB Keys are Stamina and Progression with Stamina being the more common choice, Ultima weapon - can be replaced by a Nibelung Klinge if the team has a sufficient amount of multiattack buffs to increase the grid's raw damage, Hollowsky weapon - most commonly used ones are Hollowsky Spear and Hollowsky Staff due to the proficiencies of the characters used for ougi centric teams, Mirror-Blade Shard - can be replaced by a Baihu Claw Malus, a Nibelung Glass (not particularly good) or by the Harp of Repudation if an Unsigned Kaneshige is used as the main hand weapon, All-Might Spear - provides 15% ougi cap up, Main Hand weapon - viable options are Excalibur, Gae Bolg (100 moon weapons) and Last Sahrivar. Because human characters are the most plentiful, most players will craft a Bahamut Dagger first, but it really just depends on what chara… Some summons are better as Support Summons so their calls can be used on Turn 1. This chart explains the increase in Attack at various percentages of HP. This grid provides Omega players with an alternate (i.e. Used due to having almost the same EX modifier as the Last Sahrivar but also providing 10% cap up. 999 seconds: Stage 2: Exterminate all foes! Should only be used if it affects the entire team (max - 1), Baihu Claw Malus - used as a cap up source when it's needed, All-Might Spear - used in ougi centric grids for its 15% ougi cap increase at SL15 (max - 1), Main Hand weapon - Ichigo Hitofuri, Harp of Renunciation or Hollowsky Axe. Set up a base grid first before uncapping weapons with copies. ), As your grids become stronger, consider forming "pendant farming teams" to maximize SR and R bonus pendants. gbf agni grid, -An Agni grid with 1 Ixaba, 3 ES, and 1 AES as the Omega mod actually surpasses an AES grid at very low HP due to the Enmity modifiers stacking with each other multiplicatively. Almost every team will have 1-2 Bahamut Weapons and possibly a Cosmos Weaponas well. Summer Zooey combined with an Enmity-based weapon grid can destroy any Omega or most event/raid bosses in a few turns, which resulted to the "Zooey Meta".Enmity is a weapon skill that buffs characters' attack based on how much percentage of HP they're missing.In most cases, trying to get the most of the skill presents two major drawbacks. Agni Stamina/Stamnity grid. Farm Yggdrasil Showdown (Hard) for SR skill fodder, 3 Bolts will be kept in advanced grids, while the others will be replaced by. Do not rely on the in-game Estimated DMG display to accurately display a grid's strength. The Blade has better synergy with powerful katana-wielding Row IV and EX II classes like. / All allies gain, Earth magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed), Elemental DMG from foes turns into water DMG, Massive Dark damage to a foe. A finished ougi focused grid could look like this: And a finished non-ougi focused grid could look like this: Caim grids utilize Caim's backline passive to function as it provides the team with a 20% unique attack modifier, 50% defense buff and a 10% cap up buff as long as he's in the backline, provided the grid has no duplicates in it. 2020-04-08 1st ATC (Warwick Farm) Hyland Race Colours H. Pooky's GBF Weapon Grid Resource. Objectives Time Limit; Stage 1: Use skills and the SBA! Using my favoured 4G/3H grid as an example, we can see that removing the dagger for the spear (which we previously could not fit in) adds a good amount of flat increase at every %HP; this works if you MH a harp or the added spear. Flex options - used to fill out the remaining grid slots and are highly dependent on the playstyle and class the team the grid would be used with is utilizing. Most of the weapons in your grid won’t have FLBs but when playing with earth’s two enmity enablers, they won’t even need them to cap. Still not terribly accessible though given 30 moons is a lot to drop, plus the bars to uncap it. Her support skill randomly finds casino chips after battles. This grid is made to work with pretty much every set up and playstyle but it favors auto attack focused set ups the most. My calculations estimate that, at 95-100% HP, this grid is about as strong a standard enmity grid at 40-55% HP (in a vacuum; no buffs or characters considered). March 12th 2018 is the date that I display my current weapon grids and characters as they are, the detail of my progression to begin from this week and this day. Bonus Pendants, which are gained in addition to the weekly cap, can be obtained by clearing raids with, Normally, Prestige Pendants are obtained by fighting HL raids. (See the, Weapons that you don't need can be used as skill leveling fodder or reduced for, Renown Pendants are gained from fighting non-HL raids. As such this grid SHOULD NOT be built if you don't have him. Said building blocks much like the wind M2 grids make use of the Big Verity weapon skill on the Nibelung Horn. Placing her in SS tier might be misleading a to a newer player, and I would hope that you guys might try to do something to avoid that. Weapon skills and skill levels are more important for party stre… Using a 0-2★ Omega summon is not recommended. It assumes that your weapons have a skill level of 10 or 15. Weapon skills and skill levels are more important for party strength than raw stats. Omega main × Elemental support is the same as Elemental main × Omega support. The grids below assume you have a 3★+ Omega summon as a main summon or support summon. Arkab has higher raw stats than the Flashspear and faces little competition as a mainhand, although there are relatively few melee classes. The links below are other resources commonly used by the Granblue community. Hades + Agni Enmity/MA grid Using my favoured 4G/3H grid as an example, we can see that removing the dagger for the spear (which we previously could not fit in) adds a good amount of flat increase at every %HP; this works if you MH a harp or the added spear. I do not have made all primal grids (obviously), but I think it can be objectively rated as such, or at least I would order them this way: Varuna Ougi Grid and Team. A maxed non-enmity magna 1 dark grid is not likely to hit the shiva cap on autos given an equal number of milliseconds--time to hit skills--as the s.zoi player; you'd need to hit more buttons or hope somebody else hit debuffs to even think about it which means you still lose. As a beginner, the quickest way to increase your power is to improve your weapon and summon grid. Post ULB it makes capping fairly easy to achieve against most enemies regardless of the buffs on your team. There are quite a few variations a person can make for a M2 earth but generally their main building blocks are the same, making building one fairly straight forward. Earth M2 offers high HP and damage; a minimum of one more regular Omega/Magna ATK weapon should be added to complete the base grid, either another Nibelung Klinge (or Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Omega) or the Harp of Renunciation (at 4* it is essentially a 4* Nibelung Klinge, but with a cap up option).
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