After each video, you’ll be able to immediately build the team comp that will allow your favorite character to shine, and understand more in-depth the logic and reasoning behind how teams are built. Follow me on twitter: my Twitch: Info: ⦠The Pyro Enchantment provided by Dawn lasts for four seconds longer. Genshin Impact offers a wide variety of characters to use for your team. This guide will provide you with the best team compositions according to the five Genshin Impact elements: pyro, electro, cryo, hydro, and geo. The pair alone can deal with single-target bosses really effectively. Prototype Animus is probably the most frequent selection for any kind of DPS character using a claymore, but there are others too! Read More Search Recent Posts. Dillon is the Guides Editor at Fanbyte. (4) Increases Overloaded and Burning DMG by 40 percent. In League of Legends, we call a team comp that has everyone put all their resources into one person funneling, which is a pretty spot-on depiction of what’s happening here. Barbara and Xiangling do their job at buffing Diluc up and Kaeya can enable you to proc melt pretty easily. Diluc gains 20 percent Pyro DMG Bonus during the duration of this effect. Element Effect. In co-op, Diluc with the healer will make your team ⦠Gladiator’s Finale (Attack Buff) – (2) ATK +18%. The Phoenix explodes upon reaching its destination, causing a large amount of AOE Pyro DMG. Sucrose allows you to group for an AoE melt. Sacrificial Greatsword (4-Stars) – After damaging an opponent with an Elemental Skill, the skill has a 40/50/60/70/80 percent chance to end its own CD. Diluc’s unique stat that he gets from ascension is crit rate, so being able to increase your crit DMG cap will be essential to maximizing his damage output. Bennet ; Bennet is the ideal choice for a support character in a Pyro team. However, some characters do, in fact, synergize very well when used in a party. Max three stacks. Depending on how good/bad this comp actually is, I might only take one of either Xingqiu or Beidou into abyss. Obtaining Genshin Impact's best characters essentially comes down to the roll of a dice due to the gacha systems. Claymore is his weapon and he has a 5-star rarity. Diluc is a hard-hitting claymore user who has a pyro vision. Razor: better as DPS, his kit requires him to be on the field to get value. Diluc is the definitive DPS in Genshin Impact so you’ll want to optimize his attack and pyro damage. Sorry if itâs a bit long, I just tried to be comprehensive. Your chosen team all comes down to personal preferences. All you really need is an ability to keep foes grouped up and Diluc can deal massive amounts of damage. This is probably one of the older Diluc team comps out there. Here's how to get Diluc. Genshin Impact Best Teams Tier List Team-building information was gathered with permission from this spreadsheet by Robinn#1542 . Hope you all enjoyed! Best Team Build is a team build guide in Genshin Impact. Additionally. This is a guide to making the best party in Genshin Impact. Your support goes a long way in helping me put out quality Genshin Impact content every week. That’s right, I’ll be going through every character in the game.. so regardless if you want to build around powerhouse damage dealers like Diluc and Keqing, or if you want to build around less popular DPS units, this is the series for you. Swirl is also great combined with Diluc, and groups enemies up to allow his skill and burst to have the greatest effectiveness. Your play pattern revolves around Fischl’s E and Q CDs to get as many overload procs as you can. Enters CD if not cast again within five seconds. 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Overload, which has the highest single target damage output within all electro reactions. Can only occur once every 30/26/22/18/14 seconds. Hereâs our version of the best Diluc build in Genshin Impact. This effect has a maximum of 3 stacks, and the duration of each stack is independent of the others. Prototype Animus (4-Stars) – On hit, Normal or Charged Attacks have a 50 percent chance to deal an additional 240/300/360/420/480 percent ATK DMG to enemies within a small radius. Top 10 Mobile Games of 2021 for Android and iOS! Amplifying reactions, which scale the hardest towards late game, because it has a multiplier that scales off your ATK %. Follow these team building tips and build the ultimate team with the roster you currently have! Related: Qiqi Genshin Impact Build Guide. is not affiliated with or endorsed by is a Database and Tier List for the Genshin Impact game for PC, Switch, Playstation 4, and mobile game app on iOS and Android. Build Mona as your secondary DPS and use her to proc vaporize in a pyro infused swirl. Diluc is my favourite character in Genshin Impact and I made a FULL Guide covering just about every topic on him. We’re putting the constellation information here at the bottom because it’s incredibly difficult to rank these up in any meaningful way outside of sheer luck, especially with a five-star character like Diluc. And everything is fast, you can dodge between blows and then punish ⦠Wolf’s Gravestone (4-Stars) – Increases Base ATK by 20/25/30/35/40 percent. For many people having Diluc is a very lucky player. All the other resonances don’t matter. Combo: Diluc E, Venti Q, Mona Q, Fischl Q, Diluc Q, Venti E, Mona E, Fischl E, Diluc E (attack sequence), Abyss core: Diluc, Mona, healer, flex (anemo for group). More Genshin Impact: Genshin Impact Fischl Guide: Best Build, Artifacts, Team, & More! However, any anemo can really work here. Abyss core: Diluc, Qiqi/Kaeya, healer, flex (anemo for group). Team Comps . This claymore-wielding character harnesses the power of fire, making him one of the most powerful DPS characters in the game. Dawn launches forth a gigantic, flaming phoenix at enemies, dealing Pyro damage, explodes where it lands, dealing Pyro damage, and leaving a battlefield ridden with flames, also dealing ⦠... - +25% attack power with Klee & Diluc's elemental resonance - Great at both boss and group battles Stats 0:40 2. You’re probably already familiar with his ultimate, Dawn, which knocks back and damages all enemies in a path. Is there anything we missed? Rotate Xingqiu’s Q and Beidou’s Q so that Diluc permanently reduces all DMG taken. I’m not sure how good this is compared to the rest, but this is definitely a lot of fun. Team building in Genshin Impact is very subjective, and there is no one defined way of approaching it. MAX LEVEL 90 DILUC SHOWCASE! DESTROY ALL YOUR ENEMIES WITH THIS BEIDOU BUILD | GENSHIN IMPACT GUIDE, THESE 5 BUDGET WEAPONS ARE TOO DAMN GOOD! Genshin Impact Diluc Character Guide Who is Diluc? Close. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Learn about Diluc's stats, strengths and weaknesses, best Artifacts build, and our rating of the character in this complete profile! In the tier list, he is in rank S, that is, the coolest hero. Traveler (anemo): His burst pushes enemies away when you need them to stay in place. Can only occur once every 30 seconds. Bennet provides sufficient healing and buffs Diluc even more. Diluc is the owner of a distillery in Mondstadt, an imposing man who understands fire and alcohol. Fischl provides great filler DMG with Diluc while Mona’s abilities are on CD. The two most obvious artifact sets are Gladiator’s Finale which is a buff for all melee class basic attacks and Crimson Witch of Flames which is a set specialized for pyro characters. Make sure you flex properly so you have the elements needed to deal with enemies and create the best reactions. Here’s what you’ll need to maximize Diluc’s level cap. However, a basic rule when building a team ⦠It’s one of the reasons Venti is one of the community’s favorite supports. Still, it gives you all the tools to properly deal with mobs and single-target enemies. Increases Vaporize and Melt DMG by 15 percent. Ningguang/Noelle/Traveler(Geo): Geo is just not really useful right now. Xiangling C6 is especially great to help boost your Diluc’s pyro DMG. | Genshin Impact. Another strong team in Genshin Impact consists of Diluc, Klee, Qiqi, and Venti. How to Get More Wishes in Genshin Impact; Genshin Impact Code Guide â Redeem for Free Wishes, Primogems, & More; Abilities. Right off the bat you'll notice that all these characters have five star ratings, meaning they're not easy to come by, but it can't be ignored how strong ⦠For an all-purpose team, the best of the best consists of Keqing, Diluc, Venti, and Qiqi. Let us know in the comments below! Thatâs right, Iâll be going through ⦠Bring Xiangling if you have Qiqi for the heals, bring bennet if you’re playing Kaeya instead. His E is a basic attack reset that deals pyro damage and his burst unleashes a large phoenix that pushes enemies back and enchants his weapon to deal pyro damage on attack. Combining both Diluc and Klee gives you an additional 25% attack power due to their elemental resonance. He is a fire elemental character with elemental burst and charged attacks being his strength. Diluc/Klee; Owing to their consistent elemental abilities, both the characters can act as the main DPS in a Pyro team. So, before we even begin picking certain characters to fill into our composition, we need to look at what elemental reactions we want to consistently trigger. It’s hard to emphasize exactly how good Diluc’s constellations are. Refunds 15 percent of the ores used when crafting Claymore-type weapons. Genshin Impact's Xinyan is often overshadowed by more powerful Pyro users like Klee and Diluc, but she has her own DPS moves that can make her great. Guides & Tips. So if we’re looking at elemental reactions in a vacuum, the priority is: In addition to elemental reactions, we need to take a quick look at elemental resonance, which is having redundant elements in a single party. Pyro team. His damage output doesnât make sense thanks to his good scaling and also his full offensive skillset. Diluc + Xingqiu (his burst ensures Diluc triggered vaporize hits + frozen with cyro) + a healer/sustain of your choice ( Qiqi, Bennett, Jean, Diona, etc). Keqing: Better as DPS, watch my Keqing video if you want to play Keqing! This is the official community for Genshin Impact (åç¥), the latest open-world ⦠This is the official community for Genshin Impact (åç¥), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. Increase ATK damage by 25% and affected by Cyro for -40% less time.. Deals Powerful Pyro Damage. Play pattern revolves around alternating Xingqiu Q and Beidou Q to make sure Diluc has DMG reduction at all time while allowing him to proc elemental reactions with ease. What Your Favorite Genshin Impact Characters Say About You; Genshin Impact Ascension Crystals Guide â Hypostasis, Oceanid, Regisvine Locations; Abilities. Diluc becomes literally unkillable, while still proccing strong reactions as he goes through his rotations. This skill can be used three times consecutively. Heyya, so I am currently building a new team for my charas in Genshin Impact.. Jean provides good sustain and a way to spread your elemental reactions. Using an Elemental Skill increases 2-Piece Set effects by 50 percent for 10 seconds. I like Sucrose here better than Venti, since Venti’s Q pushes enemies out of Diluc’s range, making it hard to follow up on venti’s abilities with DPS. 0. And that’s it! ... actually don't like Diluc on the Liyue exploration team.. Now idk how fast he mines ores but C0 no ascention ⦠Genshin Impact Best Team For Diluc By: foyerhead. Diluc’s ult already pushes enemies away so you’re already playing catch up as it is. There are a handful of great claymores for Diluc to use. Oni Z âââââââ Daddy diluc doing his thing 0. Genshin Impact Best Team For Diluc By: foyerhead. It gives base attack *, easy to refine, ⦠Getting him is no easy task, but he quickly becomes a vital part of the team when youâre lucky enough to pull him. With help from our Genshin Impact Diluc build ⦠Dilucâs ultimate, Dawn, is the Genshin Impact equivalent of a nuclear strike, and what his Patronus would probably look like. Table Of Contents. When creating a team in Genshin Impact, players can use four different characters.The main hero should always be the DPS character, and the rest should support and heal them. November 1, 2020. Xinyan's Normal Attack can perform multiple, consecutive slashes - but her Charged Attack can drain stamina in order to perform continuous spinning attacks that hit ⦠Read More 1 min. Also, check out some of my other Genshin Impact content if you haven’t already! Diluc is one of the most popular characters in Genshin ⦠Intro 0:00 1. Can't get enough game art, soundtracks, or space games. We dig into that in this Genshin Impact guide. I don’t have a combo sequence for this comp because this is all about playing around Qiqi/Kaeya’s cryo effect and getting melt off as many times as possible with Diluc. Diluc is probably currently the most wanted character in Genshin Impact. Abyss core: Diluc, Fischl, Healer, Flex (anemo), This comp is super theory crafted, so be gentle , Comp 5: Diluc, Bennet/Xiangling, Xingqiu, Beidou (Abyss Ready*). I won’t go too much into Diluc’s build, but normally you look for Crimson set and stats like pyro dmg %, ATK %, Crit Dmg, Crit Rate. If you would like to maximize your damage output and survive the climb to the Spiral Abyss, you may want to optimize your team compositions. 0. Today we’ll be focusing on, as many like to call him, daddy Diluc. Best Team For Series (Let me know what you want to see next!). | GENSHIN IMPACT GUIDE, 3 WAYS YOU COULD BE WASTING RESOURCES | GENSHIN IMPACT GUIDE, GET DEADLY DAMAGE WITH THIS KEQING BUILD | GENSHIN IMPACT GUIDE, 3 INVESTMENT STRATEGIES EXPERT PLAYERS ARE USING | GENSHIN IMPACT GUIDE, Noelle is BUSTED in Patch 1.3 | Genshin Impact Noelle Guide | Patch 1.3 Build Guide, 100% CRIT Build | Genshin Impact Xiao Build Guide | The Best Xiao Build, 5 SNEAKY BENEFITS YOU’RE PROBABLY MISSING OUT ON | GENSHIN IMPACT GUIDE, CRUSH ALL ENEMIES WITH THIS NINGGUANG BUILD | GENSHIN IMPACT GUIDE, ✅ Best Gaming Laptop [ 2021 Buyer’s Guide ]. I put this as my number 3 because I believe this is slightly worse than comp 2. While almost every team can get through most of Genshin Impact's content, there are simple team-building rules that will help you improve your performance significantly. Genshin Impact Sucrose Guide: Best Build, Artifacts, Team, & More! You could also choose to go for ⦠By day, Genshin Impactâs Diluc runs a winery, but by night heâs the legendary Darknight Hero who protects Monstadt in his own way. Comp 1: Diluc, Chongyun, Bennet, Sucrose (Abyss ready). Home Genshin Impact Genshin Impact Quick Team Comp guide for Diluc By: 2Board_ Genshin Impact Quick Team Comp guide for Diluc By: 2Board_ November 1, 2020. Try to keep in mind Diluc’s ultimate which vastly benefits from grouped up enemies. Since Chongyun is generally played as a primary damage dealer, he needs a dedicated healer, and Barbara is a perfect fit for the role. Explaining team comp / artifact setup for my Diluc DPS. If you feel like your team is underperforming or you're not using them to their full potential, you may just need some tweaks. Top Tier Balanced Team Composition. Diluc can work with pretty much anything. I have venti as the primary here because mona has an easy time attacking them during the vortex, and venti provides much better grouping compared to the rest of the anemo users. Gameplay Revealed – 2020. Full-length guide: Best Team For Series (Let me know what you want to see next!) For Diluc, since he’s already a pyro type, Fervent flames is the best resonance and will give him a good boost in ATK. I’d really like to hear from you guys as to what your favorite team is so far. Learn how to make the best party! Performs a forward slash that deals Pyro DMG. In this series, I will help you build the best team comp surrounding your favorite character, with just the units you own. The flames then converge into the weapon, summoning a Phoenix that flies forward and deals massive Pyro DMG to all enemies in its path. On hit, attacks against enemies with less than 30 percent HP increase all party members’ Base ATK by 40/50/60/70/80 percent for 12 seconds. Sucrose is there to help deal with mobs, grouping them so that Diluc can cash in on the AoE damage he can do with his skill and burst. THESE 5 BUDGET WEAPONS ARE TOO DAMN GOOD! Can only occur once every 15 seconds. You’ve got Diluc? Unsurprisingly, he works incredibly well when a team is built around him, but what weapons and artifacts will you want to use? Pyro has access to the best reactions in the game. You might want to have a second Pyro character with him for elemental resonance, giving a big ATK boost. Diluc and Chongyun combo super well together, allowing you to proc melt consistently while weaving it into your basic attack rotation. This is big news, because now⦠ygcya. NEW WORLD MMO ► Everything We Know So Far About Dungeons... 50 Steps to STARTING A NEW MINECRAFT WORLD PROPERLY! This is great against single-target enemies or enemies that are invulnerable to disruption, but it’s worse at dealing with mobs than the other comps. Diluc is one of the most popular characters in Genshin Impact and his abilities have a lot to do with that. We’ve thrown in Brave Heart here, not because it’s particularly good, but it can combine with Diluc’s Conviction constellation for a total of 45% more damage to foes with more than half of their health left. I got Venti, Diluc, Keqing, Qiqi, Childe for my five stars & Ningguang, Chongyun, Xianglin, Sucrose, Diona, Razor, Beidou, Noelle (and other Monstadts charas like Amber etc) for 4 stars..
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