Use character with Fillet Blade. Beneath its rusty exterior is a lavishly decorated thin blade. Incredibly powerful in the hands of someone who knows how to use it. The Flute is a Rank 10 in A Tier sword in Genshin Impact, this sword has 42 base attack damage (Level 1) and it passive gaining 5 harmonics triggers the power of music and deals ATK Damage to surrounding enemies. - Genshin Impact | The Flute - Sword - Download Free 3D model by Topi (@Topi) [5c68d67] This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. I ask because I'm thinking my friend could use her bp weapon for solar panel instead of the black sword. The Flute is a Sword in Genshin Impact. The Flute is a weapon in Genshin Impact. miHoYo. Genshin Impact. Guide includes stats, effect, skills, how to get The Flute & locations! Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music for Genshin Impact Main Theme by Yu-Peng Chen arranged by hodori0719 for Piano, Flute, Clarinet (In B Flat), French Horn & more instruments (Symphony Orchestra) Also, the hardest content in the game are time trials, with tons of mobs. Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music for Caelestinum Finale Termini by Yu-Peng Chen arranged by BeatsKEI for Piano, Trombone, Flute, French Horn & more instruments (Mixed Ensemble) Caelestinum Finale Termini | Genshin Impact Sheet music for Piano, Trombone, Flute, French Horn & more instruments (Mixed Ensemble) | Flute has no refinements btw. The whole world flocks to the … That's only if the flute is good. I hope you enjoy this model :) -Made using MagicaVoxel -Free download, but you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. Here is another Genshin Impact weapon that I really like (especially the fact that it is based around music)! Genshin Impact offers players various powerful weapons to choose from, but some, like The Flute, cannot simply be forged or received from Boss fights. The Flute (4 star) - Normal or Charged Attacks grant a Harmonic on hits. Genshin Impact; Black sword or flute for C1 Keqing; User Info: springer73n01. It swings as swiftly as the wind. After the Flute, I recommend the Lion’s Roar. 4. Know The Flute base stats, passive ranks, stats by level, and ascension. Normal or Charged Attacks grant a Harmonic on hits. springer73n01 3 months ago #1. View The Flute Ascension in Genshin Impact here! Just curious if flute is as good as black sword. 1 Recipe 2 Description 3 Lore 4 Ascensions 5 Gallery 6 Change History 7 Navigation 1 Northlander Claymore Billet 50 Crystal Chunk 50 White Iron Chunk 500 Mora An exotic sword with one section of the blade left blunt. Harmonics last up to 30s, and a maximum of 1 can be gained every 0.5s. Gaining 5 Harmonics triggers the power of music and deals 100% ATK DMG to surrounding opponents. Overall I think lions roar would be more practical simple because if one day you decide to change your dps to a claymore user, lions roar will help boost your party's overall damage more than the flute. The flute on the other hand allows you to use her normal auto's to it's highest potential at all times. The Flute is a weapon for Genshin Impact 1.3. It made its way into Liyue via the hands of foreign traders.
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