Effectively only able to target Zag himself; Increase damage radius to 145%; Deals 1% damage to Zag himself, Your Special fires a spread of 5 bombs, but each deals -30% damage, Cannot be combined with Hazard Bomb or Triple Bomb' Incompatible with the Aspect of Lucifer; Reduce damage radius to 350; If used with Rocket Bomb, 5 rockets are fired in a 150° spread over about a second, firing right to left, Your Attack seeks the nearest foe and deals +10% damage, Cannot be combined with Piercing Fire, Ricochet Fire, or Spread Fire; Incompatible with the Aspect of Lucifer. Once the last enemy has died you will receive the reward. Your weapons' Dark Thirst also gives +20% Gemstone. ), Enter Asphodel, Fountain Tartarus, Keepsake, Restore some Health amid the lush environs. Tartarus, for those who don’t know, was originally designed as a place to imprison the Titans, so it’s no wonder that escaping the Underworld in Hades is really bloody hard. For Hades, a specific seed will mostly determine the rooms, boons, and enemies that will be encountered on a run. Sudden Rush: Your Bull Rush charges much faster, but does not knock foes away. Inescapable Blast: While firing your Special, foes in the target radius are 75% slower. Your Cast loads Bloodstones into your next attack, firing upon impact. When war broke out between the Olympian Gods and the Titans, Hades made a bargain with the enemy: he would deliver Mount Olympus into the Titans' hands, and in return, he would be given dominion over all humanity. A decent starting keepsake, it gives you some extra health to pad out your early runs a bit. Hades went on to trick Hippolyta into … after you Special, your Attack may deal Critical damage, Bonus Critical Chance (+15% / +19% / +22% / +26% / +30%), Your Special dislodges Cast Ammo from foe, Cast Damage (+10% / +20% / +30% / +40% / +50%), You have Holy Excalibur*, and +50 Health to your Life Total. As Queen La, Razoul, and Gantu are escorted to prison by Violet Parr, an alarm goes off. Long term it's one I would recommend collecting and using but some of the others will be more useful early on. Exagryph, the Adamant Rail is a ranged rifle and the only weapon in game that uses ammunition (standard 12 bullets). Special Item: Give the House Contractor a break (and new jobs...), Fountain Elysium, Keepsake, List of Prophecies, Plunder, Lesser, Urns of Wealth, Lesser, Court Musician's Sentence. In Hades, Supergiant Games’ new hack-and-slash dungeon crawler game, you play as Underworld Prince Zagreus. Expect to die, like, a lot. Though powerful in his own right, … You may need to have the Rail equipped in Zeus' presence at least once for him to acknowledge it; after doing so, you do not need to have it equipped to receive the waking phrase. And great work :). Hades was the ancient Greek god of the Underworld and the brother of Zeus, but his name was shared with the abode of the dead. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. When taking a Special Build, make sure to also invest some Darkness in the Shadow Presence ability in the Mirror of Night. Hades (/ ˈ h eɪ d iː z /; Greek: ᾍδης Hádēs; Ἅιδης Háidēs), in the ancient Greek religion and myth, is the god of the dead and the king of the underworld, with which his name became synonymous. In Greek Mythology, Hades was the first son and fourth child of Cronos and Rhea. You did not mention the egg keepsake from Chaos? He was the oldest son, but the fourth oldest out of Kronos' and Rhea's six children after Hestia, Demeter, and Hera. It’s important to realise that during your special, you cannot attack or block until the shield is back in your hands. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Thanks the "Room Rewards and Resources" section. Foes with Cast ammo in them move slower and deal less damage, Family Favorite: new! Special (Q): Bombard – throw an explosive that deals damage in an area, Titan Blood Upgrade: Bonus Max Ammunition (up to 12 extra bullets), For 8 seconds after absorbing your Special’s blast, deal more damage. Dread Flight: Your Special can hit up to 6 foes before returning. Cannot be combined with Cluster Bomb or Hazard Bomb, Your Special is replaced with a rocket that deals 80 base damage, Cannot be combined with Hazard Bomb; Incompatible with the Aspect of Lucifer, Foes targeted by your Special move slower and take +30% damage, Your Special deals +300% base damage in a large area, but can hurt you, Cannot be combined with Rocket Bomb, Cluster Bomb or Triple Bomb; Reduce range of Special to 10. Trove rewards: 100 Obols / 100 Health / 50 Darkness / 25 Gemstone. Nova Smash also knocks back any foes in its zone. Dash-Strike & Bull Rush are not affected, Your Dash Attack deals +50% damage in a larger area, Your Special deals 50 damage to nearby foes when you catch it, Your Bull Rush gains a Power Rush that does +500% damage, Your Bull Rush deals +400% damage to Armor, Your Bull Rush instead fires a piercing shot that deals 80 base damage, Hold Special to charge your throw for up to +200% base damage, Cannot be combined with Dashing Flight; Incompatible with Aspect of Chaos and Aspect of Zeus, After your Special hits, your next 2 Attacks deal +80% damage, While you Dash, your Special is faster and deals +100% damage, Cannot be combined with Charged Flight; Incompatible with Aspect of Zeus, After blocking a foe, gain +20% damage and move speed for 10 Sec, After using your Naegling's Board Cast, you are Sturdy for 3 Sec, Your Attack has more range and deals +40% damage to distant foes, Increases attack range by 40%; Increases damage to foes farther than 475 away, Your Special bounces to up to 7 foes, dealing +30% damage for each, Cannot be combined with Exploding Launcher; Incompatible with Aspect of Guan Yu and Aspect of Achilles, Your Special deals +50% damage; +50% Critical chance on recovery, Cannot be combined with Exploding Launcher; Incompatible with Aspect of Guan Yu, Your Special is replaced with a shot that deals 50 damage in an area, Cannot be combined with Chain Skewer or Vicious Skewer; Incompatible with Aspect of Achilles and Aspect of Guan Yu, Your Spin Attack deals +125% damage and hits a larger area, Increases damage radius of Spin Attack by 30%; Cannot be combined with Flurry Jab, Your Spin Attack charges and recovers much faster, Hold Attack to strike rapidly, but you cannot Spin Attack, Cannot be combined with Flaring Spin, Massive Spin or Quick Spin; Incompatible with Aspect of Hades and Aspect of Guan Yu, Hold Special to charge your skewer for up to +200% base damage, Your Dash-Strike hits 3 times, but your dash has -25% range. This is a special mode to help make the game easier for those having issues with the base difficulty. After taking damage, become invulnerable for 0.5/1/1.5 sec, refreshes after 7 Sec. For this build you take Ares’ Curse of Pain, which makes your special do an extra burst of damage after a short delay. Explosive Return: Your Special deals 50 damage to nearby foes when you catch it. Plastic explosives are a well known type of explosive material, known for its clay-like structure and moldable nature. Purchase the Fated List of Minor Prophecies from the House Contractor, Reach the final boss (defeating the boss is not required), Titan Blood invested into 5 separate non-Zagreus aspects. Twin Shot: Your Attack fires 2 shots side-by-side, but has reduced range. Explosive Return Your Special deals 50 damage to nearby foes when you catch it. Basic Guide to Hades List of Terms Any control settings are the defaults. Infernal Troves are chests in rooms that can be activated once the room's normal combatants have been finished. Hades was a son of titans Cronus and Rhea. Sudden Rush: Your Bull Rush charges much … (Adds the Fountain Chamber to Asphodel. Invest 5 Titan Blood or more into Shield aspects, Wait for Chaos to tell you how to proceed. Quick Spin: Your Spin Attack charges and recovers much faster. The House Contractor is the other main progression systems in Hades. Infinity Chamber: You never have to Reload. Vicious Skewer: Your Special deals +50% damage; +50% Critical chance on recovery. Note that the projectiles of Volley Fire do not pierce.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'soyouplay_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_15',117,'0','0'])); You can unlock the Heart-Seeking Bow in the weapon room for 2 Chthonic keys. Minotaur Rush: Your Bull Rush gains a Power Rush that does +500% damage. The gemstones can help you grab some nice upgraes from the Contractor later. However, the explosive barrels from Tartarus return in Asphodel. BATTLE OUT OF HELL As the immortal Prince of the Underworld, you'll wield the powers and mythic … I chose it after posting my comment. Hades - Getting Started and Beginning Tricks, Guide for getting started with the game and hints and tricks for beginners. There's always something good to buy from this mega-shop at the end. Pulverizing Blow: Your Attack hits twice, but does not knock foes away. The one you have depends on what Mirror talent you are using. Using a simple and intuitive touch interface, you will control your Empire's day to day … This makes you Dash towards the spear upon reactivating Q, damaging enemies on the way and making your next few Attacks deal extra damage. Explosive Return: Your Special deals 60 damage to nearby foes when you catch it. You can access Aspects once you have unlocked all six weapons and collected at least one Titan's Blood. ), Hades charged Aladdin, who countered him with explosive throwing knives. The default aspect of the weapon requires substantially less Titan's Blood to unlock but is usually much less interesting than other aspects. Full clears can take anywhere from ~20-50 mins depending on your skill, speed, weapon, etc. Reworked! (Adds the Fountain Chamber to Tartarus.). Hold left click until flashing: Power Shot, Special (Q): Volley Fire – a wide cone of 9 arrows that each deal low damage, Titan Blood Upgrade: Critical Attack Chance (up to +10%), Volley Fire automatically seeks the foe last struck by your Attack, Reduces the amount of projectiles from Volley Fire, Titan Blood Upgrade: Increased Projectiles for Volley Fire (up to 7). Ferocious Guard: After blocking a foe, gain +20% damage and move speed for 10 Sec. 1 Lore 2 Abilities 3 Achievements 4 Trivia 4.1 General 4.2 God Skins 5 Skins 6 Changelog Inevitably, death sends everyone to Hades, God of the Underworld. Opening the chest spawns a wave of enemies to fight you. Maxxed out, this keepsake gives you quite sizable damage resistance from frontal damage in exchange for taking extra damage from behind. ), Enter Elysium, Fountain Tartarus, Keepsake, Chambers may contain an Infernal Trove. However, since Hades was a god (a member of a more beautiful and pow… !Until then, thank you all so much for playing in Early Access! Your Special hits twice but no longer knocks foes away, Hold Attack to strike rapidly, dealing 25 base damage per hit, Cannot be combined with World Splitter or Cruel Thrust; Incompatible with Aspect of Arthur, Your Attack deals bonus damage equal to 5% of your current Obols, Your Attack fires a wave that pierces foes, dealing 30 damage, Your Attack deals +200% damage when striking foes from behind, Your Special hits a wider area and deals +20% damage, Increases damage radius by 20%; Does not impact Hallowed Ground aura size, Your Attack is replaced with a big chop that deals 90 base damage, Cannot be combined with Flurry Slash or Cruel Thrust; Incompatible with Aspect of Arthur, Your Holy Excalibur aura is +45% larger; makes foes +10% slower, Your Attack fires 2 shots side-by-side, but has reduced range, Cannot be combined with Triple Shot or Sniper Shot; Decreases attack range to 55%, Your Attack deals +200% damage to distant foes, Cannot be combined with Point-Blank Shot or Twin Shot; Increases damage to foes farther than 675 away; Attack line gains marker for minimum range of "distant foes", Your Attack deals +300% base damage in an area, but charges slower, Cannot be combined with Flurry Shot or Chain Shot, Damage Radius: 350, Increase charge time by 100%, Hold Attack to shoot rapidly, but you cannot Power Shot. After earning their favour, companions can be acquired by giving them Ambrosia for the first time. Long term this is a pretty meh keepsake overall but can be useful at start. A noteworthy build is the so-called ‘Stygian Blender’. Note that you can Dash during the Spin Attack. In the end, he always gets his way. You can go for a build focused on your Special with Exploding Launcher and any stacking curse (since the spear hits enemies a second time when returning to you). Massive Spin: Your Spin Attack deals +125% damage and hits a larger area. Gives a nice damage buff to any of your abilities which doesn't have a boon associated with it. It's best used as a switchable keepsake, equiping it early for the immediate benefit, then swapping after first boss for a keepsake than provides long term benefit. Your Summon deals 2500 damage in an area near your closest foe, then continually down the line; Cannot be used against any Fury Sisters, Your Summon deals 3500 damage in an area in front of you, after a brief delay; Cannot be used in Thanatos's encounters, Your Summon creates a distraction with 250 Health, provoking your foes to attack it until it dies; Cannot be used against Charon, Your Summon deals 1000 damage in an area and drops a smattering of Health, Darkness, and Obols; Drops per use: 1 Darkness pickup worth 10 Darkness, 1 Obols pickup, worth 30 Obols, 4 Health pickups, each healing 10 Health, Your Summon joins you for 30 sec, repeatedly firing shots that petrify foes and deal 70 damage, Your Summon deals 1500 damage to 2 foes one after another, Combat and Bosses - Tartarus and Asphodel, If you're having issues with general combat in zones and bosses in the game, here are some tips. Your Attack, Special, and Cast each deal +40/60/80% damage while not empowered by a Boon. Minotaur Rush: Your Bull Rush gains a Power Shot. You can use your Special 3 times in rapid succession. The Athena and Artemis Duo Boon Deadly Reversal adds some nice damage to this build as well. The Mirror of the Night is the primary permanent upgrade system in Hades. You can unlock the Shield of Chaos in the weapon room for 3 Chthonic keys. He was supposed to dwell on Mount Olympus with his brothers and sisters but, after the victory over titans, the trio of him, Zeus and Poseidon drew lots to divide the rulership of Cosmos. :) I think I and a couple others last year suggested they add optional text labels or popup text labels for those, but it didn't gain any traction. Flurry Shot: Hold Attack to shoot rapidly, but you cannot Power Shot. Wonder for Hades. Its Attack is an arrow that requires a charge-up time; using Attack right after a Dash reduces the charge time but also its damage. This means: when you Cast, your weapon becomes charged with a Bloodstone. Your Frost Fair Blade Spin Attack travels for +80% longer, Your Dash-Strike pierces foes and deals +900% damage to Armor, Your Dash-Strike deals +60% damage; added to Attack sequence. We do guarantee that our products will arrive safe and sound. If you have trouble surviving, combining the Shield of Chaos with Athena’s Divine Dash or one of her other Deflecting boons will help you get much further. Fountains provide +20% more Health than usual. Explosive Return: Your Special deals 50 damage to nearby foes when you catch it. Triple Bomb: You can use your special 3 times in rapid succession. Cannot be combined with Spread Fire or Flurry Fire. Each Infernal Trove contains more, Trove rewards: 125 Obols / 125 Health / 100 Darkness / 50 Gemstone, Plunder Lesser, Keepsake, Fountain Tartarus, Asphodel, Elysium, Each Infernal Trove contains even more. Cannot be combined with Perfect Shot or Explosive Shot. Attack damage: 60 (40 for dash attack), Cannot be combined with Perfect Shot or Explosive Shot, Incompatible with Aspect of Rama. Keys upgrade is probably the best, with gems being worst. Fountains provide +10% more Health than usual. You start off with the sword (Stygian Blade) unlocked by default. Hades was defeated, his armor disabled by magic inhibitors. @chris.ferrantegerard I personally rated it good as well. Gallery [edit | edit source] Nearly finalized art of Hades. Not sure which Keepsake to use? Short term, if you don't have keepsakes you're going to swap around you won't get any immediate benefit. Your Attack has more range and deals +10% damage, Whenever your Special slays foes, restore 2% life, Your Attack deals +5 base damage for each uninterrupted hit to a foe, Resets whenever a combo is broken, including after the final hit of a combo, meaning this lasts for a maximum of 5 attacks, Your Dash-Upper deals +100% damage in an area, Hold Special for longer range and up to +100% base damage, Incompatible with Aspect of Talos; Incompatible with Rush Kick or Kinetic Launcher, Your Special becomes an advancing kick that also deals 40 base damage twice, Incompatible with Aspect of Talos or Kinetic Launcher; Incompatible with Flying Cutter, After using your Special, deal 90 damage in an area where you land, Incompatible with Kinetic Launcher; Incompatible with Aspect of Demeter; Damage is modified by increases to Special damage, Your Special becomes a charged ranged attack that deals 50 base damage, Incompatible with Rush Kick, Flying Cutter, Explosive Upper or Quake Cutter; Incompatible with Aspect of Gilgamesh or Aspect of Talos; Can Power Shot for additional damage, Your Attack becomes a slower 3-hit sequence, each deals 40 base damage, Incompatible with Rolling Knuckle, Incompatible with Aspect of Gilgamesh, While using your Attack or Special, you are Sturdy, Maim-afflicted foes take +25% damage and move 30% slower, Your Attack is faster and more accurate; gain +6 ammo capacity, Cannot be combined with Spread Fire or Delta Chamber; Incompatible with the Aspect of Lucifer; Reduce Attack cooldown to 60%, Cannot be combined with Explosive Fire, Spread Fire, or Seeking Fire; Incompatible with the Aspect of Lucifer, Your Attack becomes a short spread that deals 40 base damage; lose -6 ammo capacity, Cannot be combined with Flurry Fire, Delta Chamber, Ricochet Fire, Seeking Fire or Concentrated Fire; Incompatible with the Aspect of Lucifer; Reduce Attack range to 320; Increase Attack cooldown to 150%, Your Attack deals damage in an area and briefly slows foes, Cannot be combined with Ricochet Fire or Piercing Fire; Incompatible with the Aspect of Lucifer; Damage radius: 275, Your Attack is a 3-round burst; you never have to Reload, Cannot be combined with Spread Fire, Flurry Fire or Concentrated Fire; Incompatible with the Aspect of Lucifer; Cooldown between each shot: decreased to 0.035 sec; Cooldown between bursts of fire: 0.5 sec, Your Attack pierces foes and deals +50% damage to Armor, Makes the Attack Unblockable and Piercing; Cannot be combined with Explosive Fire. Another good boon for this weapon is Poseidon’s Tempest Strike: you can literally knock enemies back to the other side of the room with one simple Attack. The bow’s special attack is Volley Fire, which shoots 9 arrows in a cone of about 90 degrees. You can leave the room without picking up the spear; it will be back in your hands in the next room. If you’re sick of getting killed by a bunch of shades, you’re probably after a handy list of Hades tips and tricks to help you out. Pulverizing Blow: Your Attack hits twice, but does not knock foes away. His brothers were Poseidon and Zeus. Charged Shot Your Bull Rush instead fires a piercing shot that deals 80 base damage. Cannot be combined with Exploding Launcher. Special (Q): Throw – throw the spear forwards, reactivate to recall it, Titan Blood Upgrade: Bonus Special Speed and Range (up to +150%). Your standard Attack is ranged, while the Spin Attack hits all enemies near you. Maybe it can be useful for helping top up your health early on but I personally prefer the other keepsakes. Take 20/25/30% less damage from the front, but 10% more from the back. Cannot be combined with Massive Spin or Quick Spin. Breaching Rush Your Bull Rush deals +400% damage to Armor. Your Spin Attack is replaced with Punishing Sweep. I will start it off as a Beginners Guide. Hades was known for his involvement with Sisyphus, the man condemned to the underworld to forever roll a boulder uphill. If not, I'd love to chat sometime. All rights reserved. The railgun has limited ammo and needs to reload but attacks quickly and has an explosive secondary fire. Piercing Fire: Your Attack pierces foes and deals +50% damage to Armor. I´m "quite" new to Hades and this will help a ton. After your Special, you can retrieve the spear with Raging Rush. Is there a better recommended aspect for the shield now??? The spear can be used as both a ranged and melee weapon and can work well with many different boons and upgrades. For this build, you basically want to just stand in a corner and spam Volley Fire, killing even the most distant enemies without ever getting near. Handy for figuring out builds and theory crafting. Each bullet itself deals low damage; the strength of the weapon comes from all the bullets being fired rapidly. Good early investment,s can help give you a breather if you're running low on health, however, you are not guaranteed to find one in said zone each run. According to myth, he along with his younger brothers Zeus and Poseidon defeated the Titans in battle and took over rulership of the cosmos; ruling the Underworld, Sky, and Sea, respectively; the s… You can grab permanent resources here, boons, heals to top your health up, poms, etc. Trove rewards: 150 Obols / 150 Health / 150 Darkness / 75 Gemstone, Plunder, Greater, Keepsake, Fountain Tartarus, Asphodel, Elysium, Contractor's Desk. Explosive Upper: Your Dash-Upper deals +100% damage in an area. You will have it automatically when starting a new game.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'soyouplay_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_11',110,'0','0'])); The Stygian Blade pairs well with flat Attack damage bonus effects, such as Poseidon’s Tempest Strike, Aphrodite’s Heartbreak Strike or Artemis’ Deadly Strike. After you defeat Redacted the first time, you unlock the Pact of Punishment. @BigCMGN Thanks for the comment, I added sections over time when I took a break between runs. Spread Fire: Your Attack is replaced with a short-range spread of 5 shots. Poseidon’s boon Tempest Flourish can increase the damage of Smash Nova, which is especially strong when combined with Super Nova. Early Access Patch 040: The NIGHTY … Special (Q): Shield Throw – your shield bounces between multiple targets, Titan Blood Upgrade: Damage Reduction (up to +15%), After you Bull Rush, your next Special throws multiple shields, Titan Blood Upgrade: Bonus Shields Thrown (up to 5 extra). Sounds good Chris - you did a great job on this guide. Keepsakes can be equipped in the display case in the courtyard besides your weapons. Severely nerfed this aspect. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America), Reveal the Aspect of Guan Yu (does not need to be unlocked with Titan Blood), Invest 5 Titan Blood or more into Blade aspects, Invest at least 5 Titan Blood into Bow aspects, Wait for Artemis to tell you how to proceed. Your Special is replaced with the Blitz Disc: a slowly moving AOE area that hits foes caught in it rapidly. If this is the case it should be in the description that its not actually 5 times … Varatha, the Eternal Spear is the jack of all trades of the Infernal Arms. Super Nova: Your Special hits a wider area and deals +20% damage. Increasing heat allows you to collect Titan's Blood / Diamonds / Ambrosia from bosses the first time you defeat them on a new Heat level. Your attack is not disabled while Blitz Disc is active. This guide is massive! In-game statue depiction. Ability / Effect [Set] [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Choose a card from your deck and put it into this card's soul face down, and shuffle your deck] When a monster enters your opponent's field, you may put all souls from this card into your drop zone. A keepsake that is worth mentioning is the Myrmidon Bracer, which you receive after giving Nectar to Achilles. Titan Blood Upgrade: Reduced Bloodstone Drop Time (down to 5 seconds), Excellent Range, arguably the best of all 5 weapons, The Special, Volley Fire, has great coverage and amazing AOE potential when combined with the right boons, Options for high damage in a single shot with Power Shot or Hera Aspect, Piercing projectiles for Attack and Power Shot, Attacks require some charging time, leaving you vulnerable. The first upgrade is a freebie through. The Shield of Chaos’ Special makes your shield bounce between multiple enemies and has a decent range. Your Dash-Strike hits twice and deals +20% damage. Long term it's great. In his kingdom, Hades sat on a throne made of ebony and carried a scepter. Nova Smash, the sword’s special attack, creates a strong burst of AOE damage around you at the cost of being stationary for a second. The Adamant Rail works very well with boons that deal damage on hit (such as Zeus’ Chain Lightning or Poseidon’s Tempest Strike). Hades' Star is an original strategy game, designed from the ground up for phones and tablets. Even more rarely did Hades free the dead to return to the living. It's important to note that it triggers after your death defiances are used up so it doesn't provide any benefit until then. Special Item: Update Codex with list of Boons for each Olympian. The one which lets you enter their domain for free. For each escape attempt he has a choice of 5 different Infernal Arms, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Later fountains provide most benefit as you're much more likely to be wanting extra heals in Elysium than Tartarus. The Stygian Blade is the starter weapon. Titan Blood Upgrade: Post-Rush Bonus Damage (up to +150%). Bull Rush can therefore be used as a slow, but safe way to get to the other side of a room. Minotaur Rush Your Bull Rush gains a Power Rush that does +500% damage. You can retrieve the spear by either pressing Q again (the spear will damage foes on its way back) or by walking to it and picking it up. I run MGN TV and would very much like to publish your stuff, give you full credit and more. We apologize for this in advance. The Adamant Rail’s Special, Bombard, deals high damage in an area. This grants a 20% damage reduction plus 2% per failed escape attempt. Rocket Bomb: Your Special is replaced with a rocket that deals 80 base damage. Adds special urns (they look sparkly) to rooms that will reward you will obols when you destroy them. Should pretty much always be switched after first boss as you should have gotten a boon for the attack type you're primarily going to use. Hyunwoo Guide (Eternal Return: Black Survival), Hyejin Guide (Eternal Return: Black Survival), Hart Guide (Eternal Return: Black Survival), Fiora Guide (Eternal Return: Black Survival), Heroes that counter Deathwing in Heroes of the…, The best squad compositions for Apex Legends, Call of Duty: Warzone Gulag Tips & Tricks, Call of Duty: Warzone Loadout for Beginners, The 15 most expensive bugs in Animal Crossing:…, The 13 most expensive fish in Animal Crossing:…, Animal Crossing New Horizons: First Time Playing Questions, Eternal Return: Black Survival Character Guides, Aya Guide (Eternal Return: Black Survival), Special (Q): Nova Smash – a burst of damage around you on a short cooldown, Titan Blood Upgrade: Bonus Move Speed (up to 30%), Titan Blood Upgrade: Bonus Critical Chance (up to 35%), Special Attack (Q) gives increased Critical Chance to normal attack for 3 seconds, Titan Blood Upgrade: Bonus Cast Damage (up to 50%), Special Attack dislodges Bloodstones from foes – this means you can get your Bloodstones back whenever you want, It’s the starter weapon, so no Chthonic Keys needed to unlock it, Its attacks are fast and allow for lots of dashing and mobility, Shines in late game because of its strong Titan Blood Upgrades, Possibility for a Cast Build with Poseidon Aspect, It has a limited range, meaning you will need to get close to your enemies, Being stationary during Special Attack leaves you vulnerable, No charged attack, not able to deal a large hit, Zagreus and Nemesis Aspects have no good way of dealing with ranged enemies.
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