Smarter shoppen mit der eBay-App. Geocaching is a fun, family-friendly game, not a platform for promoting a cause. An Event Cache page will receive the Mega-Event icon upon qualification. In contrast to classic Letterboxing, a Letterbox Hybrid requires GPS usage for at least part of the search. Read more about Webcam Caches. As the cache owner, you are responsible for determining who to contact to get permission. The final stage consists of at least a container with a logbook. Together, we review and adapt the guidelines as the world changes and the game evolves. However, the existing geocache may have been placed prior to a guideline change, and may be a legacy cache type. A CITO event to clean up after a geocaching event will not be published. With a one-time PayPal donation you will have full access to more than twentythousand solved mystery caches worldwide. Provide personal information to another website (excluding email address and username). Geocaching HQ and community volunteers are not in any way responsible or liable for caches or their placement. Geocachers must often solve a puzzle in advance to determine the next stage or the final coordinates. Do not place any of the following items in caches: There are no precedents for placing geocaches. Use of Geocaching HQ services is subject to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. We encourage you to find at least 20 geocaches before hiding one. Learn more about Letterbox Hybrids. If the container has military markings, permanently cover or remove them. In the case of public property, you must get permission from the agency or association that manages the land. An Event Cache must meet the commercial cache guidelines, with the exception that Event Cache pages can include. Weil z.B. Geocaching HQ may further restrict geocaches in areas where geocache saturation becomes a concern. The stamp stays with the geocache. Once you find the geocache, sign and date the logbook. The final stage consists of at least a container with a logbook. Share your experience. Cache pages perceived as commercial will not be published. Welcome & Orientation Incoming Exchange Students Summer Semester 2021 11 Mär 2021 - 12 Mär 2021 | 10:00 - 15:30 Uhr Final coordinates must be less than 2 miles (3.2 km) from the posted coordinates. A Traditional Cache consists of at least a container with a logbook and is located at the posted coordinates. Official guidelines to hide a challenge cache are located in the Help Center. Learn more about Lab Caches in the Help Center. Do not place geocaches in restricted, prohibited, or otherwise inappropriate locations. Weitere virengeprüfte Software aus der Kategorie Hobby & Freizeit finden Sie bei! GPS-Touren online erstellen! Multi-Caches, Mysteries, Wherigos, and Letterbox Hybrids can have hidden physical waypoints. With permission, geocachers may place caches in space, either on other planets or in spacecraft. When you submit a geocache page for review, a member of the global team of community volunteer reviewers (also known as reviewers) will check it against these guidelines. The cache owner must visit the geocache location to get. GPX-Manager kostenlos in deutscher Version downloaden! The geocache is in an area that is sensitive to additional foot or vehicular traffic. "When you go to hide a geocache, think of the reason you are bringing people to that spot. Das A und O der Navigation sind heute die verfügbaren Karten. Geocaching is a family-friendly game. In some areas, geocaching activity may need to cease for portions of the year due to sensitivity of some species. Even if you are certain that geocaching is permitted on particular public property, make sure that you follow any requirements established by the landowner or land management agency before you place the cache. The only exception is if a property owner gives explicit permission to create a hole to place the cache, which you must provide to the reviewer and state on the cache page. A Mega-Event Cache is a geocaching event that is attended by 500+ people. The posted coordinates are a stage of the Multi-Cache. As community volunteer reviewers become aware of geocache placement policies for a certain location, they may add them to the. For privacy reasons, cache owners cannot require geocachers to post a photo that includes their face. Learn more, Real geocachers share why they love geocaching. A physical stage is a waypoint where the cache owner has placed an item, such as a container or a tag. / Internationale Mitglieder: Nach der richtigen Lösung können die endgültigen Koordinaten gegeben werden! A cache page that requires one or more of the following will generally not be published: See the Help Center for examples and exceptions. All aspects of your geocache and its placement are your responsibility, and you may be held liable for any resulting consequences. Do not bury geocaches, either partially or completely. If you make changes to your cache page or container after publication, and it no longer complies with guidelines, your cache may be disabled or archived. All local laws and land management policies apply. Copyright © 2000–2021 Groundspeak, Inc. All Rights Reserved. You cannot submit new Virtual or Webcam Cache pages, but you can find those that remain active. Following the geocaching guidelines is important to protect the game and the environment in which we play. Geocaching HQ has developed these guidelines in collaboration with the international community of volunteers and geocachers since September 2000. Caches intended to move will not be published. Reviewer Notes are automatically removed when the cache is published, along with any photos attached to them. For most Mystery caches, the posted coordinates are not the actual cache location. Bing Translator is integrated for your comfort! The only exception is if a property owner gives explicit permission to attach a cache to a tree with hardware (for example, with nails). Wir verraten, wie das funktioniert, und wo es im Landkreis Nordwestmecklenburg unter anderem möglich ist. Wherigo posted coordinates must be the same as the âStart atâ coordinates on, or within 2 miles (3.2 km) of the final for Play anywhere and Reverse cartridges. Commercial content includes any of the following characteristics. If you wish to appeal the reviewerâs decision, Overtones of advertising, marketing, or promotion, Suggests or requires the finder do any of the following, Competing games or cache listing services, Links or logos of agencies and organizations (including nonprofit organizations), unless needed for permission. Official guidelines and Mega-Event application. Grüner Kreis mit einfacher Box: Das ist der âoriginaleâ Cache, der aus mindestens einem Behälter und einem Logbuch besteht. 3. A landowner or land manager reports the geocache. With these guidelines we aim to balance the needs and rights of the geocaching community, land managers, and the environment to ensure that geocaching can be enjoyed for years to come. Donât forget to bring a pen! Häufig wird der Maßstab 1:25.000 verwendet und für den Außenbereich gibt es für verschiedenste Regionen der Welt topographische Karten. Geocaching HQ partners with the Geological Society of America (GSA) to oversee the EarthCache program. Do not place caches in a location that requires or encourages geocachers to harm plant or animal life. Cache pages perceived to promote an agenda or highlight a cause will not be published. Auf ist es möglich Ausflüge und Touren aller Art komfortabel zu planen und als GPX-Datei zu exportieren. (This list is not comprehensive.). Dangerous material, such as explosives, ammunition, lighters, knives, drugs, or alcohol, Items that can melt, such as crayons or lip balm, Items that can expand in the cold, such as liquids. A cache cannot require the finder to dig to reach the cache. For physical caches other than challenge caches, any additional logging requirement (ALR) beyond finding the cache and signing the log must be optional. Diese weisen auf verschiedene Cachetypen hin. Groundspeak Terms of Use | For all geocache types with multiple stages, the additional physical or virtual stages must be added to the cache page as Additional Waypoints. Reviewers will strive to accommodate reasonable requests. Privacy Policy, Learn more about the Geocache Planning Map, Do not harm plants, animals, or environment, See the Help Center for examples and exceptions, changes to your cache page or container after publication, Learn more about Lab Caches in the Help Center, Official guidelines and Mega-Event application, Official guidelines and Giga-Event application. Mit der eBay-App hast du immer Zugriff auf Angebote, Bestellungen & beobachtete Artikel. Geocaching (englisch ['dÊiËoÊ̯k ... Voraussetzung ist das Scannen in der Nähe der hinterlegten Koordinaten; die fürs Spiel notwendige App prüft beim Scannen die Geokoordinaten. To avoid confusion or suspicion if your cache is found by a non-geocacher, follow these tips where possible: For all physical caches, there must be a logbook for geocachers to record their visit. By submitting a cache page, you agree that you have all necessary permissions from the landowner or land manager to hide your geocache at that location. Caches must be available most of the week. A Multi-Cache includes at least one stage in addition to the physical final stage. A Webcam Cache can only be logged with an image taken directly from the associated webcam feed. CITO event cache pages must include a start and end time and last at least 1 hour. Groundspeak Terms of Use | Privacy. A physical stage is any object placed by the cache owner, such as a container or a tag. Submit your Event Cache page for review 3 months - 2 weeks before the event date. Geocaching HQ staff or a community volunteer may temporarily disable or permanently archive the cache page if any of the following is reported. Here WeGo kostenlos in deutscher Version downloaden! Place the geocache back where you found it and log your experience online. Waypoints that belong to a single geocache can be closer to each other than 161 m / 528 ft. Donât place physical waypoints that belong to your geocache too close to physical waypoints of a different geocache. Learn more, © 2000-2021 Groundspeak, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Locations that strongly encourage or require access through restricted locations. GPS usage is an essential element of hiding and seeking caches. An Event may be published up to six months in advance if an overnight stay is expected or if the event is designed to attract geocachers from beyond the local area. Official guidelines and Giga-Event application. The more variety of geocaches you find, the better you will understand how to create an enjoyable experience for other geocachers. Events must comply with health and safety guidelines, as well as all local laws. Event Cache attendees are not required to sign a logbook. Some examples of CITO-appropriate activities: We encourage geocachers to partner with organizations who have experience hosting these types of cleanup efforts. The container must hold the logbook. Cache contents must be suitable for all ages and suitable for the outdoors. Natural and Solar System Wonders are coming to Wonders of the World on February 24, 2021. Physical stages within the same Multi- or Mystery cache. Events cannot be held in or near transportation centers such as.
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