Reddit is a social news aggregation website that ranks content based on a scoring system determined by user votes. An original copypasta found on our Support Server. Anyways, in conclusion, this video is sponsored by NordVPN. Everyone has a number of questions going through their mind at any point of time. Custom Feed = (formerly known as "Multis" or "Multireddits") are a way of grouping subreddits together into one feed. You have stumbled upon the wise sage of /r/copypasta 625 comments ∙ ⬆︎44,391 ∙ ⬇︎0 ∙ posted 6 months ago OFFICIAL FACE REVEAL: I present to you, Emojifier! You were wrong." Defaults = or “default subreddit” refers to subreddits that users used to be automatically … The Grilled Cheese Copypasta started on the "Front Page of the Internet", originated on the subreddit /r/GrilledCheese on Tuesday, December 9th (12/9/14) and was posted by /u/Fuck_Blue_Shells. Edits tweaking the copypasta to be about Thanos appeared in /r/thanosdidnothingwrong (shown below, left) and /r/inthesoulstone (shown below, right). In the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas mission "Drive-Thru," the protagonist Carl Johnson proceeds to a Cluckin' Bell fast food restaurant with his fellow gang member Big Smoke, who proceeds to order a long list of items. Online, the order has circulated as a copypasta, leading many to speculate about its contents. Funny copypasta I found. Copypasta Archive Copypasterino Kim Jong Un Copypasta NoCopypasterino Navy Seal Copypasta Subreddit Hitler Emoticons Dongerlist Copypasta Builder Twitch Quotes ASCII Hitler Face Spam Copypasta Copypasta Troll George Zimmer Copypasta Kawaii text faces by EllaDarkWolf on DeviantArt: Kawaii text faces Kawaii text faces 2 Kawaii text faces 3 Your tag suggestions have been delivered and will be tallied with the rest of the communities' selections. On August 27th, Redditor Commanderofpie posted the monologue in /r/copypasta subreddit, gaining 9 upvotes in six months. There are 166 unique Stands in total so far across Parts 3-8 in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Lengthy text that is mindlessly copy and pasted repeatedly, often to make fun of something through satire and repetition. r/copypasta: This subreddit was made to archive copypasta. Protect your privacy r/copypasta: This subreddit was made to archive copypasta. I fucking hate JoJo. The supposed inspiration for Azusa is named Azuka. If you are a gamer and want to stay updated on the new happenings in the gaming world, you should follow the /r/gaming subreddit. Descriptions for Stands with names that have not been revealed are found in the List of Unnamed Stands.. Check out 11. /r/vexillometry (2020/08/13) <- It seems that the former mod is quitting (I accepted the invite) /r/GonePrivate (2020/09/11) <- I gave up on this sub on August 31st, 2020 because /r/reclassified doesn't seem to remove posts about private subreddits anymore. The site has played a significant role in the spread and creation of Internet memes. BEN Drowned, or Haunted Majora's Mask, is a well-known creepypasta (and later, an alternate reality game) created by Alex Hall, also known as "Jadusable". Self-Hosted Audio and Video. As if the copypasta was some type of ancient wisdom: The 23 Best Navy Seal Copypasta … Here is the list. !stupid !stupid
(it'll just replace the word bot) ... A full list of the skills is given with the examples. The SMC has had many copypastas, jokes and memes over the course of its entire existence. Help RedditList categorize subreddits by selecting any tags that match this subreddit's content. Fuel Rats in the Media. Content can be from/of anyone as long as they're passable, feminine. The copypasta that the HTT members are based off of five real girls who died in a plane crash circulated K-ON! Shoutout to @gamerbi80 for inspiring this monster. CopyPasta Personnell Generate. And is that the same suspicious sub that was spamming pro Biden memes onto the front page back in 2017? Loading screen in Call of Duty: Black Ops III.. Main article: Nacht der Untoten "You drove them deep into the heart of Reich.You thought they were dead. please contact the registrar used to register your domain. For example, new rewrites for angry YouTubers, for Minecraft players, in different languages, etc. Found 99 subreddits like r/traps (241,381 subs). Origin. BMW N55 engine reliability, problems and repair. We have compiled a list of must-follow best Subreddits which will make you hooked on to Reddit for most of your time. Its users are often referred to as “Redditors”, and belong to what has been called “one of the most influential communities on the Internet” in an article on Voltier. There are tons of amazing music-aimed subreddits but if you want to discover some great music by popular as well as new & overlooked artists, then /r/listentothis is the place to be.. Some users on the website believe that this centralization of moderation duties undermined the site's interest in independent moderation. "Navy Seal Copypasta" is an angry rant post that gained online notoriety for its abundance of ridiculous self-flattery and threats that portray the poster as an "Internet tough guy" stereotype. Imagine going on the internet and spamming brainless texts for no reason. If you are new to Reddit then it might be super helpful if you have the list of amazing subreddits to join. 479 comments ∙ ⬆︎36,242 ∙ ⬇︎0 ∙ posted 4 months ago A list of NSFW subreddits for all of you TwitchQuotes is the leading database for Twitch chat quotes, copypastas, and ASCII art. Created by @toximixs on Twitter. 1. status: ongoing Hewwo OwOfieww twy to owofiee dwis OWO lol get wekt u wumb wittle bot , cummy WummY is bettew get wekt u duwmb bot Xd awnd u Cawnt owofie dis ⬆ XD . With over 10.5 million subscribers AskReddit is arguably the best Subreddit to follow out there. all men do is lie. NordVPN allows you to change your IP address, making you harder to track, securing your privacy. When this image reached the discord on 10 August 2020 via the subreddit, Waffle coined the phrase "Azuka died in a plane crash", which became a copypasta phrase in the server. The story revolves around a Majora's Mask cartridge that is haunted by the ghost (if it is a ghost) of a boy named Ben. The following page is intended to be a list of all of them. forums . You can see a screengrab of the post from Twitter below- basically, the Richi Phelps account used the infamous copypasta, translated into Mexican gangster slang, and it went even more viral on Facebook, where people had never encountered the Navy Seal copypasta before and thought he was serious: Tiene el Síndrome de Richi Phelps. This command takes the last image uploaded. View subreddit information or browse subreddits. Check out 12. — Nacht der Untoten description Nacht der Untoten (German: "Night of the Undead") is the first map of the Zombies Campaign.It is also the smallest and simplest, as there are only three rooms in this map. s lie. Subreddits are user-created areas of interest where discussions on Reddit are organized. /r/traps is for the posting of photos and video of young and beautiful traps. Liberty Click Media. Gives the link for Slav Bot's Subreddit. Every subreddit I go through has a vermin-like underclass of JoJo fanboys. There are about 138,000 active subreddits (among a total of 1.2 million) as of July 2018. This article lists every Stand to appear so far in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and related media. copypasta (kɒpiːpeɪstə) noun. Copy to Clipboard. We also have subreddit r/fuelrats is open to the public and gives the public a venue to communicate with us on Reddit. 1. Menu Home; About; Blog; Contact; Posted on February 6, 2021 by Search for: × long copypasta memes it wasnt that. Listen To This. !reddit: respond: Staying safe online is an ever growing difficulty and you could be exploited by hackers r/copypasta: This subreddit was made to archive copypasta. The copypasta soon spread outside of /r/nba to other subreddits, particularly those centered around Avengers: Infinity War. The account has no previous usage before this. The Reddit "92 of the Top 500" Moderators List refers to an ongoing controversy over a viral image showing five of Reddit's most prominent moderators overseeing 92 of the top 500 subreddits. AskReddit. For starters, Subreddits are the pages or community exclusively dedicated to a particular topic only. YES. Oh, a suspicious link? theyre lying. all [your name here!] Gaming. In the list shared below, you will find tons of Subreddits that you could follow. 1 Copypastas 1.1 Finn Suicide Copypasta (No, I don't have the records) 1.2 You know the drill. They all just have to say “iS THat A JOJo ReFErEncE??!! We also have collected a number of articles, audio interviews and videos featuring the Fuel Rats. You can also remove any current tags that don't match this subreddit. Copypasta = block of text that gets copied and pasted. 2. 18+ age only NSFW content Rank: 1037. !1” on every fucking post that contains a single word that may have been used in the shitty comics. [10] In the following years, the monologue gained significant recognition in the anime community, often appearing as a copypasta in comment sections and being referenced in memes. But there are also some cool images- like the first on our list, which is an illustrated manuscript. howocaust is a wowd of gweek owigin meanying "sacwifice by fiwe." but even if theyre not men, they still lie, because theyre [your name here!].
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