Weitere Informationen und Hinweise zur Änderung Ihrer Cookie Einstellungen haben wir in unserer Cookie Policy zusammengefasst. #mc-embedded-subscribe-form input[type=checkbox]{display: inline; width: auto;margin-right: 10px;} This is hugely convenient when you’re travelling and exploring a new city. It takes the TZ100’s successful template and improves it in several key ways, most importantly the larger, clearer viewfinder, longer zoom range, and much-improved handgrip. About the only time when it perceptibly slows down is when you switch to some of the more processor-intensive Creative Control filters. It gives very good results at low ISO, but quickly starts to show the effects of noise as the sensitivity is raised. The viewfinder’s LCD uses a field-sequential design that displays red, green and blue images in rapid succession to trick the eye into seeing a full-colour image. Switch to macro mode and the camera will focus just 1cm away from the front of the lens, when set to wide-angle. He previously wrote for DPReview for six and a half years, writing camera and lenses reviews. But it also offers useful low-light capability, thanks to its effective image stabilisation. It isn’t going to match a DSLR, of course, but the only pocket camera likely to do better is the Sony RX100 V – but its 24-70mm equivalent zoom is pretty useless for action work. Lumix FZ1000 The new Lumix FZ1000 II features a 1-inch 20.1-megapixel sensor behind a 16x optical zoom Leica lens with a 25-400mm (35mm equivalent) focal length range and F2.8-4.0 aperture range. It’s very good indeed: it’s bright, detailed and colour-accurate, with superb touch response. First is the lens, which is now a 15x, 24-360mm equivalent zoom in place of the TZ100’s 25-250mm. While Panasonic managed to squeeze a 10x optical zoom into the Lumix ZS100 / TZ100, with a range of 25-250mm and a maximum available aperture of f/2.8-5.9, the Lumix ZS200 / … If you want a pocketable camera with a long zoom range and decent image quality then the Lumix TZ200 is the best you can buy right now. For those who prefer to manipulate their images after shooting them, in-camera raw conversion is available so you can tweak your images without having to get to a computer. I’d still recommend using a wriststrap, though, as you don’t want to risk dropping a £729 camera. Panasonic offers some waterproof cameras for less than $200, too. If you can stomach the £729 price tag, it’s one of the finest travel cameras available. You can turn off the touchpad AF, but then you end up with no quick way of setting the focus point when using the viewfinder. In return, the maximum aperture has dropped, but only by about half a stop to f/3.3-6.4 (from f/2.8-5.9). On the rear you’ll find a 1.24m-dot 3in touchscreen, which can be used for changing settings and browsing through your images. DC-ZS70. Images are recorded using a 20.1-megapixel 1in sensor, similar to those used in most enthusiast compact cameras these days. The minimum aperture at all focal lengths is f/8, which is perfectly sensible to avoid excessive diffraction softening with a 1in sensor. Our tests were shot at the lens’ sweet spot, around 50mm equivalent and f/4.4. */ ... Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS50 Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX7 Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ200 Nikon Coolpix P7700 Panasonic Lumix DMC-LF1 +10 more. Bitte bestätigen Sie unsere Cookie Policy, um das Produkt in den Warenkorb legen zu können. 1/100sec at f/5.6, ISO 1250, 24mm equivalent, macro mode. It’s possible to extract 8-megapixel stills from 4K footage, but you’ll get better results from the 4K Photo mode. The Panasonic TZ200 is a pocket-sized travel zoom camera, with a 15x zoom and a 1-inch, 20-megapixel sensor for class-leading image quality. ISO 3200 is probably the highest setting I’d willingly use. Color. This is compounded by the small-aperture zoom, which means you have to engage higher ISOs more quickly in marginal light. Indeed, in pretty much every aspect of its operation it works really well. Speckles of luminance noise become obvious at ISO 400 when viewing at the pixel level, but this is unlikely to show up in prints. Eine Lieferung an Packstationen ist leider nicht möglich. Right now you can buy this camera with two lenses for $500. You can select the AF area yourself or let the camera choose the subject automatically, including with face and eye-detection, and you can get the camera to track a subject as it moves around the frame. As a result, I was quite happy to shoot with the EVF as a matter of course. Camera JPEG. However, this means you have precious little adjustment range at the long end of the zoom. The control layout is essentially the same too, with a large, smoothly rotating control ring around the lens and a second dial on the top-plate for changing exposure settings. Find out … 1/160 sec at f/6.3, ISO 125, 250mm equivalent, iAuto mode, camera JPEG. It continues to work remarkably well in low light conditions, too, where other cameras can sometimes struggle. In this case you’ll probably end up with the focus area jumping around whenever your nose contacts the screen. But equally, I can understand the firm’s thinking of wanting to keep the camera as slimline and pocketable as possible. A sensor beside the eyepiece enables automatic switchover from the LCD to the EVF when you lift up the camera to your eye – and, unlike many other cameras, its sensitivity is pretty much perfectly judged, so the screen doesn’t switch off annoyingly when you don’t want it to. But even this isn’t totally satisfactory, given that this button is rather difficult to locate by touch. Klicken Sie jetzt rein und informieren Sie sich über Panasonic. Panasonic has laid out plans to launch some eleven new lenses before the end of 2020. The Good Housekeeping Institute tests and reviews the best cameras, including the Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ200. However, they’ll still look fine at smaller print or display sizes. Panasonic Pressemitteilungen - hier finden Sie alle News und Neuigkeiten über neue Panasonic Produkte Videos internationale Meldeungen Messen und Events und vieles mehr. Panasonic Lumix TZ mit integriertem Sucher. Built-in stereo microphones provide the sound, but as usual for this kind of small camera, there’s no option to plug in an external mic. Panasonic Lumix DC-S5. This is how we make money. Andy Westlake is the Technical Editor of Amateur Photographer. Panasonic Lumix G7 Long-Term Review: Are you considering buying this Micro Four-Thirds camera? Images can be shot at up to 10 frames per second at full resolution, or 7fps with Live view between frames. In addition, delve into the menus and you’ll find an intervalometer for time-lapse shooting, together with modes for multiple-exposure shooting and even stop-motion animation. Available in black or gunmetal grey, it costs £729. SZ und TZ Die Modelle mit dem Kürzel SZ und TZ zeichnen sich durch einen größeren Zoom aus. Premium-Kompaktkamera mit lichtstarkem LEICA Objektiv und großem Sucher, Premium-Kompaktkamera mit LEICA DC Objektiv, 1-Zoll Sensor, 4K Foto und Video, Flaggschiff Bridge-Kamera mit 1-Zoll Sensor mit 20,1 MP, 20x optischer Zoom, 4K Foto und Video, Hochleistungs-Bridge-Kamera mit 1-Zoll Sensor, 20,1 MP, 16x Zoom und 4K Foto, Robuste Bridge-Kamera mit 1-Zoll MOS Sensor mit 20,1 MP, 16x optischer Zoom, 4K Videoaufnahme, Robuste Superzoom-Kamera mit durchgehend hoher Lichtstärke F2,8 sowie 4K Video und 4K Foto, Vielseitige Bridgekamera mit 60x-Superzoom sowie 4K Foto und Video Funktion, 15x High-End Travellerzoom Kamera mit 1-Zoll Sensor, LEICA Objektiv und Sucher, 30x Reisezoomkamera mit LEICA Objektiv, 4K und 180° klappbarem Display, 30x High-End Reisekamera mit LEICA Objektiv, 4K und hochauflösendem Sucher, 10x High-End Travellerzoom Kamera mit 1-Zoll-Sensor, Sucher und 4K, 30x Travellerzoom, 4K Video und Foto, Post Focus, 30x Travellerzoom, Sucher mit Augensensor, WiFi, 50p Full HD, 31 Meter wasserdichte, robuste Kamera mit 4K Foto + Video und hochauflösendem Sucher, 8m Wasserdicht, stoßgeschützt, HD Video, Ultra HD TV: Jetzt Hollywood zuhause erleben, Professionelle Kalibrierung für Ihren OLED TV, Gaming Fernseher für herausragende Spielerlebnisse, Alle Flachbildfernseher mit Filter- und Vergleichsfunktion, Ultra HD Videorecorder für Ihr Hollywood Feeling, LUMIX Systemkameras: Jetzt passende Kamera finden, LUMIX G Objektive: Technik für höchste Ansprüche, Professionelle Videokamera mit 4K Ultra HD, Epilierer: Schnell & sanft zu seidenglatter Haut, Haarpflege für gesundes und geschmeidiges Haar, Männerpflege: Für jeden Stil das passende Produkt, Mundpflege: Zuverlässige & nachhaltige Zahnreinigung, Mikrowellen mit Inverter-Technologie: Frisch & gesund, Backen in Bestform: Brotbackautomaten im Überblick, Slow Juicer: Mehr Freude am gesunden Genießen, Professionelle Mikrowellen für die Gastronomie, Jetzt das passende DECT- & IP-Schnurlostelefon finden, Einfache, sichere Bedienung mit Seniorentelefonen, Technologie und Design [Globale Panasonic Webseite], https://myprofile.panasonic.eu/login?lang=de_DE&{0}, //shop.panasonic.de/s/Sites-DE-B2C-Site/dw/shop/v15_5{0}?client_id=10d38a11-2677-4619-8f77-3dd61bcd19b6, //panasonic-germanic.ibrandiq.com/de/Widgets/region/{0}, //panasonic-germanic.ibrandiq.com/Products/MultipleInStock/region/{0}. For more of the best camera reviews, go to goodhousekeeping.co.uk/institute Panasonic Lumix camera prices. The current range offers a huge choice of speed, image quality, movie quality, zoom range and much, much more, compare the full range here with CameraWorlds Lumx TZ … Inexpensive: Most Lumix cameras that cost less than $200 are very simple fixed lens cameras with small image sensors. To be honest, I barely found any need to use manual focus – the AF is so reliable – but it’s always good to have the option. Naturally, optical image stabilisation is built-in, which goes a long way towards making this small-aperture superzoom usable without always having to raise the ISO to avoid blur form camera-shake. The Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ20 compact superzoom is expensive. Panasonic Lumix TZ95 – Image quality and video As is so often the case with small-sensor compact cameras such as the TZ95, it puts in its best performance in … #mc-embedded-subscribe-form .mc_fieldset{border:none;min-height: 0px;padding-bottom:0px;}. Overall, the TZ200 works okay if you think of it as a point-and-shoot that offers full manual override when you need it. Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter: Bedienungsanleitung Updates Kontakt Kataloge Registrierung … Hamburg, August 2020 – Am 2. I’d have loved Panasonic to have made it tilt up and down, since this would let you hold the camera more steadily and also shoot more discreetly. Mit der Nutzung dieser Website stimmen Sie der Platzierung von Cookies zu, die wir einsetzen, um einen benutzerfreundlichen Service anzubieten. Während der von Panasonic sogenannte „Stylishzoom“ für einen etwa zehnfachen Zoom steht, handelt es sich bei den TZ-Kameras um einen 20- bis 30fachen „Travellerzoom“. Alle aktuellen LUMIX Kompaktkameras im Schnellzugriff: Von der Superzoomkamera bis hin zum stylishen Einsteigermodell. Discuss in the Panasonic Compact Camera Talk forum The Lumix DC-ZS70 (TZ90 outside of North America) is a compact travel zoom with a 30X, 24-720mm equivalent lens. 10 megapixels | Four Thirds sensor. It sports a 20.3MP BSI CMOS sensor, the company's latest Venus Engine processor, improved Depth-from-Defocus autofocus technology and 4K/UHD video recording. It’s specifically designed for rich gradation and strong blacks, to give a look that’s designed to resemble classic monochrome film. Switch to MF and the lens ring is used for focusing: rotating it brings up a magnified view, selectable from 3x to 10x using the top dial. 8-megapixel still frame extracted from TZ200 4K video file. To select the autofocus point you’re expected to use the touchscreen; this includes times that you’re shooting with the viewfinder. There’s a huge array of focus modes to choose from. Panasonic TZ200, resolution, raw ISO 3200, Panasonic TZ200, resolution, raw ISO 6400, Panasonic TZ200, resolution, raw ISO 12800. Why We Like It – Panasonic Lumix TZ200 Sporting a metal chassis, good zoom range, 4K video capture, and 20.1 megapixels to work with, the Panasonic Lumix TZ200 is … Für den Versand wird eine Pauschale in Höhe von 3 Euro berechnet. In terms of design the TZ200 is near-identical to its predecessor, with a solid-feeling metal body shell providing a feel of real quality. At higher settings it decreases monotonously. By the time you reach ISO 1600, however, image quality has decreased substantially, with colour desaturating and fine detail becoming swamped by noise. This is how we make money. PANASONIC - LUMIX DMC-TZ81EG-S Travellerzoom Kamera (18,1 Megapixel, LEICA Objektiv mit 30x opt. Oddly, there’s no ISO button to be found; presumably, you’re supposed to leave the camera set to Auto ISO all the time. On the whole image quality is pretty good, especially when shooting in the daytime. For example, you can use your smartphone as a basic remote shutter release, which is great for when you’re shooting on a tripod. One very welcome update is the addition of a textured, rubberised strip on the front of the handgrip, along with a small rubber thumbpad on the back. 1/100sec at f/8, IS)200, 30mm equivalent, Dynamic Monochome. By default the zoom is operated using a conventional lever around the shutter button, but it turns out to be rather twitchy, with a small movement causing the zoom to jump substantially. The Panasonic Lumix ZS80/TZ95 will be available at the end of April 2019 in black and silver for $449 / £399 / €449. Looking at raw files processed using Adobe Camera Raw, the TZ200 gives excellent results at low ISO settings, rendering plenty of fine detail. 1/5sec at f/3.9, ISO 1600, 39mm equivalent. One of the TZ200’s key improvements is its larger and much higher-resolution 2.33m-dot electronic viewfinder, which provides 0.53x equivalent magnification. Two years ago, it revolutionised the category with its Lumix TZ100, which used a relatively large 20.1-megapixel 1in sensor for vastly improved image quality. USB charging is built in, so the camera can be kept topped-up using a portable power bank. F3.3-6.4 zoom lens, making it the longest reaching 1"-type pocket camera on the market. The camera can even suggest the best shots in a burst, and generate composites in-camera from several selected frames. Wie praktisch, der Augensensor erkennt Ihre bevorzugte Betrachtung und wechselt automatisch zwischen der Anzeige auf dem LCD und dem Sucher – und der bietet mit bis zu 1,16 Mio. LUMIX DC-ZS70, 20.3 Megapixel, 4K Digital Camera - DC-ZS70. Indeed, Panasonic has crammed in a huge selection of modes and features for users at every skill level. Das Event startet um 16 Uhr hier. Its extended reach has been made possible by the adoption of a completely new 13-element, 11-group optical design, and brings the TZ200 somewhat closer to the zoom ranges offered by cheaper long-zoom compacts with smaller sensors and inferior image quality. Indeed, with the L.Monochrome Photo Style in PASM modes, and several creative filters including the high-contrast Dynamic Monochrome, the camera gives a decent choice of looks for black-and-white shooting – a bit like having multiple film stocks at your disposal. The Panasonic Lumix TZ200 is a great pocket camera, which can shoot almost anything pretty competently. Out-of-camera JPEGs show accurate and vibrant colours in sunny conditions, but in stereotypical Panasonic fashion, the camera can struggle with auto white balance, with slight colour casts resulting in less-attractive images compared to other brands. While some other manufacturers don’t do very much with Bluetooth, Panasonic implements it pretty well. #mergeRow-gdpr fieldset label {font-weight: normal;} Alternatively, you can shoot in Full HD, including 120fps slow-motion recording. #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; width:100%;} You can also use the Bluetooth connection to fire up the Wi-Fi for browsing through your images, even if the camera is switched off. $1,997.99. This means that, on the whole, you’ll get noticeably better results from post-processing raw files. Zoom, 4K Foto und Video, Sucher, 3-Zoll Touch-LCD) Amazon.de -10 % Its clunky control layout doesn’t really encourage experimentation with exposure settings, either. It’s therefore wise to use the dedicated movie position on the exposure mode dial, since this previews the framing you’ll be getting before you start recording. These promise better low-light performance, along with the ability to take a degree of control over depth of field. Als Pionier der spiegellosen Fotografie hat Panasonic in den vergangenen Jahren die Foto-Branche maßgeblich weiterentwickelt und blickt auf zahlreiche Innovationen zurück. This works with the free Panasonic Image App for Android or iOS devices. Both resolutions come with field-of-view crops, of 1.2x for Full HD and 1.4x for 4K. Looking at processed raw reveals the reason, with considerable false-colour and aliasing appearing at frequencies finer than 3200 l/ph, betraying the lack of an optical low-pass filter. Good-sized, very usable electronic viewfinder, Considerably improved grip compared to TZ100, Effective image stabilisation for low-light shooting, Lacklustre out-of-camera JPEG image quality, Control layout is poor for viewfinder shooting, Slow maximum-aperture zoom is noticeably soft at telephoto. There are tradeoffs that come with that big lens, however. Kleine Digitalkameras mit großen Möglichkeiten. While you’re less likely to press them by accident, this also makes them difficult to find when you’re using the viewfinder. This can make it difficult to set precise composition. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Bestellmenge. Despite the compromises inherent to its long-zoom design, the TZ200 generally delivers pleasing images, especially if you mainly shoot during the hours of daylight. To be fair, with this camera your main creative settings are zoom and exposure compensation, both of which are easy to enough to change. Like other Panasonic cameras, the TZ200 employs the firm’s Depth from Defocus system, which uses knowledge of the lens’ out-of-focus characteristics to enable rapid autofocus. But it’s pretty clunky if you like to experiment with your settings on a shot-by-shot basis. Over the years there have been regular releases of the TZ model, I am curious what everyone thinks has been the best with all the changes in zoom, mp etc decreasing and increasing each release. /* Add your own Mailchimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. The TZ200’s headline feature is its 24-360mm lens, which is easily the longest on any pocket camera with a 1in sensor. Panasonic's premium compact DC-ZS200 (TZ200 outside of North America) boasts a 24-360mm equiv. Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Last year it refreshed its ZS / TZ range with two new additions. ... Panasonic Lumix DMC-GX85 (Lumix DMC-GX80 / Lumix DMC-GX7 Mark II) Announced Apr 5, 2016. Eingabefehler. Alongside it featured a 10x zoom lens and a small electronic viewfinder. September stellt Panasonic in einem digitalen Launch-Event die neue spiegellose Vollformatkamera LUMIX S5 vor. Naturally, there are some compromises to be made with that huge zoom range, with images being noticeably less-detailed towards the long end of the lens. Available in black or … 1/125sec at f/6.4, ISO 160, 360mm equivalent. We’ve become used to Lumix cameras being quick and responsive, and the TZ200 doesn’t disappoint. If you need to use manual focus, the TZ200 is well set-up too. /content/dam/Panasonic/EC-icon/icn-stock-in.png, /content/dam/Panasonic/EC-icon/icn-stock-out.png, /content/dam/Panasonic/EC-icon/icn-stock-soon.png. When it comes to sharing images, Panasonic has added Bluetooth to provide a full-time connection to your smartphone, complementing the existing Wi-Fi system that was in the TZ100. Announced 3 months ago. However, out of the box, the logic behind the set up of the dials is somewhat incoherent. This might sound like you’re wasting a control point, but the lens ring spends so much time otherwise merely replicating the top dial, that it’s no great loss. Panasonic uses the Lumix brand name for a few different styles of camera that come in a wide range of prices, from $200 to $2,500. The Panasonic Lumix TZ-Series of travel zoom advanced compact cameras has become synonymous with pocket holiday cameras. Panasonic Support - Sie brauchen Hilfe rund um Ihr Panasonic Produkt? 1/400 sec at f/6.1, ISO200, 217mm equivalent, Dynamic Monochrome. An array of buttons on the rear of the camera provides access to exposure compensation, white balance, drive mode, focus mode, and Panasonic’s 4K Photo and 4K Post Focus mode. Panasonic’s JPEG output is very good at retaining colour, but smears away fine detail from ISO 800 and above, making this a camera that benefits greatly from shooting in raw if maximum detail is desired. We may earn a commission if you click a deal and buy an item. The top dial changes exposure settings in the PASM modes, but image-processing settings in the Creative Control and panorama modes, while in the iA or SCN modes it does nothing at all. It’s smaller than the 2.36m-dot EVF used by Sony in its RX100 V pocket camera, but has the considerable advantage that you don’t have to pop it up every time you want to use it. Browsing through my images confirmed that the metering generally worked well, and I rarely had to apply exposure compensation except for creative purposes – for example, to make night-time shoots look dark. Most of the time, the lens ring does exactly the same thing, but in iA it becomes a stepped zoom control. #mergeRow-gdpr {margin-top: 20px;} So you don’t even have to take the TZ200 out of your bag or pocket to copy and share the images you’ve taken. You get full manual control over exposure if you want it, and can change exposure settings or pull focus from one subject to another using the touchscreen while recording. The TZ200 is a rather different tool, in that its creative potential is offered mainly by that long zoom lens – you’ll get precious little in terms of background blur. Unfortunately, the TZ200 doesn’t appear to benefit from the improved colour science Panasonic has introduced in its latest mirrorless models such as the GX9. Panasonic’s JPEG processing aims to eliminate any image-sampling artefacts, resulting in little more than 3000 lines per picture height at ISO 125. To get around this, I reconfigured the Fn 2 button below the thumb-grip to ‘Focus Area Set’ instead of its usual 4K Post Focus mode (which I have no use for anyway). Second is a vastly improved electronic viewfinder, which in contrast to the TZ100’s is good enough to use routinely. The Panasonic TZ200 is a pocket-sized travel zoom camera, with a 15x zoom and a 1-inch, 20-megapixel sensor for class-leading image quality. Lumix is Panasonic's brand of digital cameras, ranging from pocket point-and-shoot models to digital SLRs..
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