Dimorphic water/poison jellyfishes. Trailer. Level 3. This golden Arceus will appear to you at Level 80. December 26, 2015 by Pokemoner.com. Include your recommended Pokemon in your answer, each with recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. by amitbasuri123 Pokemon Paradox Maps going well! Drayano's links: Drayano's Twitter. Link to the dowload link and Documentation of the game. share. Note that battling Kyurem is key to obtaining a lot of the legendaries! 2. The fun thing is, you canaccess it right from the start! This guy will only appearafter you’ve battled the original Kyurem (i.e. Before submitting yours, please read the following guidelines and make adjustments where they fit.. Note that the Iron Key and Iceberg Key are obtained from an NPC instead.#378 REGICERegice is encountered at Level 65 in exactly the same place as the original Black 2 andWhite 2. It’s both shiny and in its Therian Forme.#646 KYUREMKyurem follows the same rules as before, appearing in the Giant Chasm after battling theReshiram or Zekrom on the top of Dragonspiral Tower, albeit it now appears at Level 75 inbattle instead. the one that you can actually capture, not Black orWhite Kyurem). You can find it on the rooftop of Celestial Tower aftertalking to a Veteran in Giant Chasm after battling with the original Kyurem.#251 CELEBICelebi is encountered at Level 65. Would appreciate any feedback! Remake by: Drayano. As with Black 2 andWhite 2, it appears at Level 68, and all three Regis are required for its capture.#487 GIRATINAGiratina will also show up in Dragonspiral Tower after talking to the Veteran who appearsafter battling Kyurem. Pokémon: White Version 2 is a role playing game for the Nintendo DS. You’ll also find Victini at Level 15, exactly the same as in the first Black and Whitegames!#638 COBALIONCobalion follows the same rules as before, appearing on Route 13. It’ll be there as soon as youenter it for the first time, appearing at Level 65 after the chase.#386 DEOXYSDeoxys will make an appearance in the Giant Chasm after talking to the Veteran whoappears after battling Kyurem. It’ll be there as soon as youenter it for the first time, appearing at Level 65 after the chase.#386 DEOXYSDeoxys will make an appearance in the Giant Chasm after talking to the Veteran whoappears after battling Kyurem. The Pokémon he can give you are as follows…, Please note that you can only receive one of these four starters from the Harlequin! It’ll show up at Level 68.#480 UXIE / #481 MESPRIT / #482 AZELFThe Sinnoh legendary trio work exactly the same as they do in the original Black 2 andWhite 2. Note that the Iron Key and Iceberg Key are obtained from an NPC instead.#379 REGISTEELRegisteel is encountered at Level 65 in exactly the same place as the original Black 2 andWhite 2. Fifthgeneration scripting is a bit complicated at the moment for that…#494 VICTINIVictini appears back within Liberty Tower Garden once more. save. ... Another batch of mons for my hack Pokemon astral. Use the west entrance.#250 HO-OHHo-oh is encountered at Level 75. #121 Nov 28, 2012. yugix Sleepy. Pokemon Blaze Black 2/Volt White 2 NDS ROM Blaze Black 2 and Pokemon White 2 volts Did you ever have the good repaired the phone. Keldeo appears at Level 50.#648 MELOETTAMeloetta appears in Nimbasa’s Pokémon Musical theatre after talking to the post-KyuremVeteran. To get theremaining three, you will need to find them individually in the Hidden Grottos. ? As a result, it isjust found ordinarily in the wild.THE FIRST STARTER GIFT – VIRBANK CITYThe left picture here shows the position of the house in which the Harlequin lies, and the rightis where he is inside. They both appear at Level 75.#485 HEATRANHeatran is the same as in Black 2 and White 2, and still appears at Level 68. Description: Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2 are essentially the sequels to my Black & White hacks known as Blaze Black and Volt White. Talk to him to reveal a lot of otherlegendaries around Unova.#647 KELDEOKeldeo makes an appearance in Pledge Grove after talking to the Veteran in the HumilauCity Pokémon Center. Ano do jogo:2012. January 6, 2020 by Pokemoner.com. Note that battling Kyurem is key to obtaining a lot of the legendaries! It’ll be at Level 65. It’ll appear at Level 50. Now, on to the legendaries!L E G E N D A R Y A C T I V A T O R SThe picture on the top left shows the Veteran in Humilau City’s Pokémon Center. They both appear at Level 75.#485 HEATRANHeatran is the same as in Black 2 and White 2, and still appears at Level 68. It’ll show up after youtalk to the Veteran who appears after defeating Kyurem.#385 JIRACHIJirachi takes the Lati twins’ original place in the Dreamyard. Contrary to Pokémon Black & White, the local Pokédex in these sequels features 300 Pokémon across all generations, including every Generation 5 Pokémon. You’d think it wouldn’t appear in a public place, but…#649 GENESECTGenesect will appear after talking to the post-Kyurem Veteran. Posted by 4 days ago. Blaze Black and Volt White were also - with one minor exception - the first of their kind to be made. That’s all there is to it; the main linkhere exists simply because Groudon appears in the same map that Heatran does.In the case of Registeel and Regice, you are able to get the Iron Key and Iceberg Key bytalking to the female Veteran in one of the corners in the main room of the Sealed Chamber.Please note that Regirock itself will no longer give out any keys, but this new method allowsyou to obtain both keys on both versions, allowing you to get all three Regi and Regigigas as aresult.The picture on the bottom right shows a Veteran in Giant Chasm. Thanks to csc-A7X and Pokegirl4ever for the overworld sprite, Download Pokemon Blaze Black 2 Download Pokemon Volt White 2, Pokemon Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2 – Evolution Changes, Pokemon Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2 – Trainer Rosters. And they’re shiny!#645 LANDORUSLandorus can be found in the Abundant Shrine after talking to the Veteran who appearsafter Kyurem is battled. It willmake an appearance after you’ve battled with Heatran in Reversal Mountain.#384 RAYQUAZARayquaza makes an appearance in Dragonspiral Tower at Level 75. You’d think it wouldn’t appear in a public place, but…#649 GENESECTGenesect will appear after talking to the post-Kyurem Veteran. Drayano, c'est le mec qui a fait les hacks suivants : Pokémon Fire Red Omega, Pokémon Spirit Gold, Pokémon Blaze Black / Volt White, Pokémon Sacred Gold / Storm Silver. Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2 are essentially the sequels to my Black & White hacks known as Blaze Black and Volt White. report. There are actually two Harlequins in Castelia City who give youstarters, to be sure to find both! Keldeo appears at Level 50.#648 MELOETTAMeloetta appears in Nimbasa’s Pokémon Musical theatre after talking to the post-KyuremVeteran. You can find it in a small grove on Route 16 aftertalking to a Veteran in Humilau City’s Pokémon Center.#244 ENTEIEntei is encountered at Level 50. You can find it just outside Chargestone Cave aftertalking to a Veteran in Humilau City’s Pokémon Center.#146 MOLTRESMoltres is encountered at Level 50. :3 Just need to finish Volt White, then I'll start Volt White 2! It’ll appear at Level 50. afteryour seventh badge). It’s both shiny and in its Therian Forme.#642 THUNDURUSThundurus will show up on Route 9 after talking to a Veteran in the Humilau CityPokémon Center. 75 after talking to the post-Kyurem Veteran. region have had the items inside them changed, to allow you to pick up many TMs much. ), but Drayano's other hacks are also pretty solid. The creator of Blaze Black/Volt White 2, Drayano, has already announced that he would be creating hacks of ORAS called Delta Ruby and Delta Sapphire. Part 2. This is a hard and challenging hacks, so be prepared. Note that the Iron Key and Iceberg Key are obtained from an NPC instead.#378 REGICERegice is encountered at Level 65 in exactly the same place as the original Black 2 andWhite 2. However,battling Heatran is the key to unlocking Groudon and Kyogre!#486 REGIGIGASRegigigas is in Twist Mountain following the same rules as before. The main difference isthat it will appear at Level 50 the first time.#639 TERRAKIONTerrakion follows the same rules as before, appearing on Route 22. Pokemon White is one of four games released for Generation V. It is the first one to usher Generation V along with Black. Plataforma:Nintendo DS. 75), you can catch both inDragonspiral Tower at Lv. In addition, BB/VW also have edited trainers, an increased difficulty level, improvements to many Pokémon and more. Pokemon Volt White 2. It’ll show up thereafter you’ve had a battle with Heatran in Reversal Mountain.#383 GROUDONGroudon is found in the same place as Heatran – Reversal Mountain – at Level 75. As a bonus – it’s still ashiny Pokémon! You can find it atop the waterfall in Lostlorn Forest aftertalking to a Veteran in Giant Chasm after battling with the original Kyurem.#243 RAIKOURaikou is encountered at Level 50. You can find it in the south-western part of the DesertResort after talking to a Veteran in Humilau City’s Pokémon Center.#245 SUICUNESuicune is encountered at Level 50. To get theremaining three, you will need to find them individually in the Hidden Grottos. The main difference isthat it will appear at Level 50 the first time.#640 VIRIZIONVirizion follows the same rules as before, appearing on Route 11. Talking to him will unlock most of the 580 base stat total legends thatare new. Its the one for Pokemon White 2, but I tested to see if it would work for Black 2 (because there wasn't a Max BP code at the time) and it works for it. The Pokémon this one can give you are as follows…, Please note that you can only receive one of these four starters from the Harlequin! You can find it just outside Twist Mountain aftertalking to a Veteran in Humilau City’s Pokémon Center.#145 ZAPDOSZapdos is encountered at Level 50. 80 comments. store now holds a huge assortmentof evolution items. The usual rules with my hacks apply; the main feature is that all 649 Pokémon are available for capture somewhere in the game, and the trainers have all had their rosters changed in order to maintain a much harder challenge … report. I should mention that with the exception of things normally different between Black and White such as Black City, White Forest, the legendary focus and the appearance of Opelucid City, the two games are identical. Member. Exhaustive listsfor the Hidden Grotto Pokémon encounters are listed in the Wild List document.THE THIRD STARTER GIFT – CASTELIA CITYThe left picture here shows the position of the building in which the Harlequin lies, and theright is where he is inside. I'll try to set aside some time to talk about my team in these hacks later since I'm a huge fan of them as well (it's been a while though! Exhaustive listsfor the Hidden Grotto Pokémon encounters are listed in the Wild List document.That’s about it for the starter Pokémon. These games are direct sequels to Black and White and they still rely on Generation V Pokemon but with a new story and characters. Pokémon Blaze Black and Pokémon Volt White are edits of the regular Pokémon Black and White versions which self-contain all 649 Pokémon, allowing a player a large amount of variety. This Route 9 store is key for the Electirizer, Magmarizer and Dubious Disc,so don’t forget it’s there!Every trade in the game that isn’t done by Yancey/Curtis has also been edited. 1. The locations ofthese Harlequins and what season gets you what is listed below.As for legendaries, having them available in the wild is an aesthetical crime, and back in BlazeBlack and Volt White it was always quite an awkward thing – albeit necessary – to do. So you’re able to incorporate Victini into your main team,just as you could in the first Black & White games if you got the Liberty Ticket earlyenough. Oncebattled, a Veteran will show up just outside the room. hide. However,Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2 have a little upgrade, and legendaries are now actually foundon the map using their overworld sprites.Their rules are mostly the same as Spirit Gold, as scripting to Sacred Gold & Storm Silver levelis difficult currently due to the lack of scripting tool (at least as I write this). You can find it on a ledge outside of ReversalMountain after talking to a Veteran in Humilau City’s Pokémon Center.#150 MEWTWOMewtwo is encountered at Level 75. 738. It’ll be at Level 70. It’ll enter the battle at Level 75.#488 CRESSELIACresselia also follows the same system as in Black 2 and White 2, appearing again at Level68. Everything’s available anyway, of course,but some of them can be useful…Item ChangesAspertia City—Poké Ball * 10 –> Poké Ball * 30 [Gifted]Route 19—Nest Ball –> TM31, Brick Break [Ground]Route 20—Pecha Berries * 3 –> Super Rod [Gifted]Antidote –> Miracle Seed [Ground]Floccessy Ranch—Potion –> Soothe Bell [Gifted]Poké Ball –> Quick Claw [Ground]Parlyz Heal –> Exp. It’ll show up after youtalk to the Veteran who appears after defeating Kyurem.#385 JIRACHIJirachi takes the Lati twins’ original place in the Dreamyard. Talking to him will unlock most of the 580 base stat total legends thatare new. Ces hacks ont quatre points en commun : Axium dental manual. ... Drayano. You can find it in the south-western part of the DesertResort after talking to a Veteran in Humilau City’s Pokémon Center.#245 SUICUNESuicune is encountered at Level 50. It’s both shiny and in its Therian Forme.#643 RESHIRAM / #644 ZEKROMIn addition to their Dragonspiral roof appearance (now at Lv. Give you walkthrough, cheat codes for Pokemon Game! To be specific, that is Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Tornadus,Thundurus and Keldeo.For Kyogre and Groudon, you simply need to do the Heatran event. As before, they each appear at Level 65.#483 DIALGA / #484 PALKIABoth members of this duo will appear within Dragonspiral Tower after talking to theVeteran who appears after battling Kyurem. Give you walkthrough, cheat codes for Pokemon Game! USA. The postgameones have simply had an IV boost, but the three pre-credits trades have all got new Pokémonto get, and want new Pokémon to be given to them. Oncebattled, a Veteran will show up just outside the room. These are cheats for the pokemon Game White 2 Hack Volt White 2. Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2 are essentially the sequels to my Black & White hacks known as Blaze Black and Volt White. You can find it on a high point on Route 13 aftertalking to a Veteran in Humilau City’s Pokémon Center.#249 LUGIALugia is encountered at Level 75, found on the first floor of the Abyssal Ruins after talkingto a Veteran in Giant Chasm after battling with the original Kyurem. You can find it on a ledge outside of ReversalMountain after talking to a Veteran in Humilau City’s Pokémon Center.#150 MEWTWOMewtwo is encountered at Level 75. All the 649 Pokemon are available to be captured and explore within the game. Snatcher on X-Box Live Please! Share [Gifted]X Attack –> Oval Stone [Ground]Route 20 Gatehouse—Great Ball * 2 –> Cherish Ball * 30 [Gifted]Virbank City—Rare Candy –> TM36, Sludge Bomb [Ground]Virbank Complex—X Accuracy –> TM47, Low Sweep [Ground]Great Balls * 5 –> Sun Stone [Gifted]Super Potion –> TM59, Incinerate [Ground]Castelia City—TM76, Struggle Bug –> TM81, X-Scissor [Gifted]MooMoo Milk –> TM48, Round [Gifted]Miracle Seed –> Moon Stone [Ground]Revive –> Up-Grade [Ground]Bicycle –> Shiny Charm [Gifted]Battle Company—Miracle Seed –> Leaf Stone [Gifted]Charcoal –> Fire Stone [Gifted]Mystic Water –> Water Stone [Gifted]Castelia Gatehouse—Quick Claw –> TM88, Pluck [Gifted]Castelia Sewers—Pearl –> Life Orb [Ground]Repel –> TM34, Sludge Wave [Ground]Relic Passage—Protein –> TM10, Hidden Power [Ground]Escape Rope –> TM23, Smack Down [Ground]Big Pearl –> TM52, Focus Blast [Ground]Ultra Ball –> Muscle Band [Ground]Route 4—Protein –> TM03, Psyshock [Gifted]Mystic Water –> Prism Scale [Ground]Desert Resort—Nugget –> TM78, Bulldoze [Ground]Blue Shard –> DeepSeaTooth [Ground]Yellow Shard –> DeepSeaScale [Ground]Nimbasa City—Sun Stone –> Frozen Ore [Gifted]Route 5—Hyper Potion –> TM43, Flame Charge [Ground]Route 16—Heal Ball –> Dawn Stone [Ground]Lostlorn Forest—Ultra Ball –> Woodland Ore [Ground]Net Ball –> TM86, Grass Knot [Ground]Rare Candy –> TM22, SolarBeam [Ground]Driftveil City—TM78, Bulldoze –> TM26, Earthquake [Gifted]Calcium –> Covenant Ore [Ground]Relic Castle—Ultra Ball –> Wise Glasses [Ground]PWT—PP Up –> TM79, Frost Breath [Ground]Route 6—PP Up –> King’s RockChargestone Cave—Escape Rope –> TM24, Thunderbolt [Ground]Revive –> TM91, Flash Cannon [Ground]Carbos –> Light Ball [Ground]Hyper Potion –> Focus Band [Ground]Route 7—TM81, X-Scissor –> TM89, U-turn [Ground]Celestial Tower—Revive –> Covenant Ore [Ground]Hyper Potion –> Light Clay [Ground]PP Up –> Thick Club [Ground]Mistralton Cave—Yellow Shard –> Covenant Ore [Ground]Reversal Mountain—TM30, Shadow Ball –> Smoke Ball [Ground]Smoke Ball –> Charcoal [Ground]Escape Rope –> TM35, Flamethrower [Ground]Strange House—Full Heal –> TM30, Shadow Ball [Ground]Undella Town—HM06, Dive –> Master Ball [Gifted]Prism Scale –> HM05, Waterfall [Gifted]Route 14—Heart Scale –> Lucky Punch [Ground]Abundant Shrine—Heal Ball –> Covenant Ore [Ground]Route 13—Luxury Ball –> Dragon Scale [Ground]Lacunosa Town—Full Heal –> TM76, Bug Buzz [Ground]Route 12—Max Potion –> TM93, Wild Charge [Ground]Green Shard –> Stick [Ground]Village Bridge—Big Pearl –> TM17, Protect [Ground]Route 11—Zinc –> TM75, Swords Dance [Ground]Route 9—Iron –> TM84, Poison Jab [Ground]Poké Doll –> TM87, Swagger [Ground]Humilau City—Heart Scale –> Mystic Water [Ground]Plasma Frigate—Magmarizer –> TM60, Sucker Punch (B2) [Ground]Electirizer –> TM60, Sucker Punch (W2) [Ground]Giant Chasm—TM03, Psyshock –> TM90, Substitute [Ground]Route 23—TM35, Flamethrower –> TM01, Hone Claws [Gifted]Max Potion –> TM50, Overheat [Ground]Victory Road—Star Piece –> Protector [Ground]HM05, Waterfall –> TM02, Dragon Claw [Gifted]TM01, Hone Claws –> TM64, Explosion [Ground]TM24, Thunderbolt –> HM06, Dive [Gifted]TM93, Wild Charge –> TM71, Stone Edge [Ground]PP Max –> Reaper Cloth [Ground]Tubeline Bridge—TM43, Flame Charge –> Choice Band [Gifted]Route 8—TM36, Sludge Bomb –> Choice Scarf [Ground]Moor of Icirrus—TM84, Poison Jab –> Toxic Orb [Ground]Route 15—TM26, Earthquake –> TM20, Safeguard [Ground]Dragonspiral Tower—TM02, Dragon Claw –> Choice Specs [Ground]Pinwheel Forest—TM22, SolarBeam –> TM51, Ally Switch [Ground]TM86, Grass Knot –> Woodland Ore [Ground]N’s Castle—TM50, Overheat –> Flame Orb [Ground]Wellspring Cave—TM52, Focus Blast –> Dusk Stone [Ground]TM47, Low Sweep –> Covenant Ore [Ground]Twist Mountain—TM71, Stone Edge –> Frozen Ore [Ground]TM90, Substitute –> Shiny Stone [Ground]TM91, Flash Cannon –> TM77, Psych Up [Ground]Route 2—Repeat Ball –> TM32, Double Team [Ground]Nuvema Town—Shiny Charm –> God Stone [Gifted]Super Rod –> Sacred Ash [Gifted]Trade ChangesAll Pokémon you receive have IVs that are 30 across the board.The full list is only shown for the first three trades, as thepost-game trades have not had any changes aside from having theirIVs raised to 30 each.ROUTE 4 TRADE*, * This trade applies to both Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2.ROUTE 7 TRADE*, * This trade is a reference to Blaze Black and Volt White!HUMILAU CITY TRADE, * Only by fishing in rare spots! The fun thing is, you canaccess it right from the start! They are both at Level 68, as normal.#382 KYOGREKyogre is also found on the first floor of the Abyssal Ruins at Level 75. You can find it on the rooftop of Celestial Tower aftertalking to a Veteran in Giant Chasm after battling with the original Kyurem.#251 CELEBICelebi is encountered at Level 65. Evolving a Finneon is an option, Download Pokemon Blaze Black 2 Download Pokemon Volt White 2, Pokemon Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2 – Attack & Level Up Move Changes, Pokemon Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2 – Evolution Changes. Todo em português ,com a PokéDex totalmente traduzida. After developing other wonderful copy through the years, Drayano all the experience and the result was the most challenging you will ever find. Remake from: Pokemon White 2. You can find it in the basement of Wellspring Caveafter talking to a Veteran in Giant Chasm after battling with the original Kyurem.#151 MEWMew is encountered at Level 65. However, battling with her is the key to getting Darkrai!#490 MANAPHYManaphy’s fairly easy to get. November 26, 2020. Three new Gym Leaders and a new Champion are introduced, while the Unova Pokédex i… Pokemon Blaze Black 2/Volt White 2 are Rom hacks of Pokemon Black/White 2 created by Drayano60. 2,560 steps.#491 DARKRAIAfter having battled with Cresselia, Darkrai will appear in the back room of the StrangeHouse. Volt white is a ROM hack with many changes made, mostly to increase the difficulty and balance of the game. He’ll be therefrom the start of the game, so you can access him as soon as you reach Humilau City (i.e. Exhaustive listsfor the Hidden Grotto Pokémon encounters are listed in the Wild List document.That’s about it for the starter Pokémon. Name: Pokemon Volt White 2. Summary → Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2 are essentially the sequels to my Black & White hacks known as Blaze Black and Volt White. It’ll show up in the P2Laboratory, at Level 70. Thanks for being the first hack I've seen. Located in Aspertia City, he uses a team full of normal-type Pokemon. the one that you can actually capture, not Black orWhite Kyurem). It’ll hatch after approx. However, battling with her is the key to getting Darkrai!#490 MANAPHYManaphy’s fairly easy to get. It’s both shiny and in its Therian Forme.#642 THUNDURUSThundurus will show up on Route 9 after talking to a Veteran in the Humilau CityPokémon Center. It’ll appear at Level 50. However,battling Heatran is the key to unlocking Groudon and Kyogre!#486 REGIGIGASRegigigas is in Twist Mountain following the same rules as before. Starters are found a bit different to other Pokémon. Anyway, the game is still very popular today and a lot of people are looking for Pokemon White cheats.The cheats in the game come in the form of AR codes or Action Reply. Member. Black 2 & White 2 Pokédex This is a list of the Pokémon from the Unova region in Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 . Descrição: Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2 são essencialmente as sequências hacks de Black & White.A principal característica é que todos os 649 Pokémon estão disponíveis para captura em algum lugar do jogo, e os treinadores tiveram suas listas alteradas para manter um desafio muito mais difícil do que o jogo original, além de ter uma maior variedade de … It’ll be at Level 65.#493 ARCEUSA bit further down from its normal position, you can find Arceus in the Nature Preserve asa replacement to the Haxorus that was there in Black 2 and White 2. They are both at Level 68, as normal.#382 KYOGREKyogre is also found on the first floor of the Abyssal Ruins at Level 75. Note that the Iron Key and Iceberg Key are obtained from an NPC instead.#380 LATIAS / #381 LATIOSLatias and Latios have been moved from their original position at the Dreamyard to theoutside of the Dragonspiral Tower, though they only appear there after talking to aVeteran who appears after catching Kyurem. Now, on to the legendaries!L E G E N D A R Y A C T I V A T O R SThe picture on the top left shows the Veteran in Humilau City’s Pokémon Center. As with Black 2 andWhite 2, it appears at Level 68, and all three Regis are required for its capture.#487 GIRATINAGiratina will also show up in Dragonspiral Tower after talking to the Veteran who appearsafter battling Kyurem. Pokemon White 2 is the other game released alongside Black 2. It’ll be at Level 65.#493 ARCEUSA bit further down from its normal position, you can find Arceus in the Nature Preserve asa replacement to the Haxorus that was there in Black 2 and White 2. The Pokémon he can give you are as follows…, Please note that you can only receive one of these four starters from the Harlequin! Wouldn’t be much fun ifyou couldn’t evolve them to their last form!Although not mentioned elsewhere in the document, there’s also been changes to a couple ofthe secondary PokéMarts in cities. You can find it on a high point on Route 13 aftertalking to a Veteran in Humilau City’s Pokémon Center.#249 LUGIALugia is encountered at Level 75, found on the first floor of the Abyssal Ruins after talkingto a Veteran in Giant Chasm after battling with the original Kyurem. Pokemon Blaze Black 2 is one of the major hacks of Pokemon Black and White Versions. As before, they each appear at Level 65.#483 DIALGA / #484 PALKIABoth members of this duo will appear within Dragonspiral Tower after talking to theVeteran who appears after battling Kyurem. Thanks to csc-A7X and Pokegirl4ever for the overworld spritTHE FIRST STARTER GIFT – VIRBANK CITYThe left picture here shows the position of the house in which the Harlequin lies, and the rightis where he is inside. It’ll be at Level 65. Specific Features Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2 are 2012 role-playing video games developed by Game Freak, published by The Pokémon Company and Nintendo for the Nintendo DS.Part of the fifth generation of the Pokémon video game series, the games are direct sequels to Pokémon Black and Pokémon White, being the first sequels in the series.They were first … It’ll be at Level 70. You can find it in a small grove on Route 16 aftertalking to a Veteran in Humilau City’s Pokémon Center.#244 ENTEIEntei is encountered at Level 50. Ano da Hack e Tradução:2015. It’ll show up thereafter you’ve had a battle with Heatran in Reversal Mountain.#383 GROUDONGroudon is found in the same place as Heatran – Reversal Mountain – at Level 75. 642. GillianSeed23 8 years ago #382. Use the west entrance.#250 HO-OHHo-oh is encountered at Level 75. Talking to him will allow every other legendary not already mentioned toappear, including Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-oh, Celebi, Latias, Latios, Rayquaza, Deoxys,Reshiram, Zekrom, Landorus, Meloetta, and Genesect.Finally, there are no additional prerequisites to capture any of the originally existinglegendaries in B2W2, as well as none for Arceus, Jirachi, Manaphy or Victini.#144 ARTICUNOArticuno is encountered at Level 50. You can find it in Virizion’s old habitat in PinwheelForest after talking to a Veteran in Giant Chasm after battling with the original Kyurem.#377 REGIROCKRegirock is encountered at Level 65 in exactly the same place as the original Black 2 andWhite 2. Mimicking its counterpart, Darkrai will also appear at Level 68.#492 SHAYMINOnce you’ve talked to the Veteran who appears after beating Kyurem, Shaymin will showup on a high riverbank on Route 14. Pokemon Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2 – Item and Trade Changes. Idioma:Português do Brasil[PT-BR]. The official source for Pokémon news and information on the Pokémon Trading Card Game, apps, video games, animation, and the Pokédex. As a bonus – it’s still ashiny Pokémon! 75 after talking to the post-Kyurem Veteran. He’ll be therefrom the start of the game, so you can access him as soon as you reach Humilau City (i.e. You can find it just outside Twist Mountain aftertalking to a Veteran in Humilau City’s Pokémon Center.#145 ZAPDOSZapdos is encountered at Level 50. The protagonist from the previous gam… Cheren is the first gym leader in Blaze Black and Volt White 2. Mimicking its counterpart, Darkrai will also appear at Level 68.#492 SHAYMINOnce you’ve talked to the Veteran who appears after beating Kyurem, Shaymin will showup on a high riverbank on Route 14. ^^ #128 Dec 14, 2012. Though Reshiram was on Pokémon Black Version's cover and Zekrom was on Pokémon White Version's cover, Black Kyurem is on Pokémon Black Version 2's cover and White Kyurem is on Pokémon White Version 2's cover. That’s all there is to it; the main linkhere exists simply because Groudon appears in the same map that Heatran does.In the case of Registeel and Regice, you are able to get the Iron Key and Iceberg Key bytalking to the female Veteran in one of the corners in the main room of the Sealed Chamber.Please note that Regirock itself will no longer give out any keys, but this new method allowsyou to obtain both keys on both versions, allowing you to get all three Regi and Regigigas as aresult.The picture on the bottom right shows a Veteran in Giant Chasm. This guy will only appearafter you’ve battled the original Kyurem (i.e. It’s not quite aseventful as Sacred Gold & Storm Silver’s way of getting Arceus, unfortunately. So you’re able to incorporate Victini into your main team,just as you could in the first Black & White games if you got the Liberty Ticket earlyenough. Créditos da tradução: Anyway, this means that the game still has some function AR codes or cheats that you can use. After battling Heatran,Kyogre and Groudon will both appear in their locations. You can find it in the basement of Wellspring Caveafter talking to a Veteran in Giant Chasm after battling with the original Kyurem.#151 MEWMew is encountered at Level 65.
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