I am wondering what will happen when these two missions/activities are available to me later in the game. Nate Davison is a minor character featured in Red Dead Redemption 2. In the latest Red Dead Online Moonshiners Update you'll have a chance to find Navy Revolver and Best Shack Locations. This is actually my first time riding south of Rhodes on my current 2nd playthrough. You can obtain a map with the locations of all of the fish … All Rights Reserved. Red Dead Redemption II (Video Game 2018) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Catfish Jackson Robbery. Herausforderungen animieren euch in Red Dead Redemption 2 dazu, verschiedene Spielstile auszuprobieren. Question. Kwicko2015 2 years ago … I might have skipped this Strauss mission if it was a side mission/activity since I already had a lot of money in Chapter 4. This location is part of the debt collecting missions, from Leopold Strauss. I really hope someone knows something. Da sind entweder ein Vater und sein Sohn oder nur der Sohn. Catfish Jacksons home robbery? I was only in chapter 3, before the Strauss quest, also hunting a large cat in the woods in that area. Finding Red Dead 2 homestead stashes, like Lonnie’s Shack, goes towards the the Breaking and Entering Trophy, and they also earn you some good loot, and a good amount of money. I went to that location just to hunt, I am looking for a Panther. Next, feel free … Catfish jacksons home robbery Question So I completed the debt collection with the people at catfish Jackson's and later on I got a tip for robbing the place but in the debt collection I had killed both the son and dad, do either of them respawn? All that was there was a small boat on the shore. Channel Catfish in Red Dead Redemption 2 is the biggest fish in the game weighing about 180+ lbs. Collected the debt. Catfish Jacksons Homestead, so what is the deal with the person living there? This is a glitch. What Does The Son Do If You Kill His Father At Catfish Jacksons In Red Dead Redemption 2? Yeah, but arrow points the other direction iirc Dang, I was hoping maybe it was going to be simple, and the arrow pointed to the stash. Trying to see all the different ways to do this mission._._.Kid beats my A**!SHAREfactory™https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/tid=CUSA00572_00 Tryharding through armored vehicles everyday. Catfish Jacksons. You can rob the Catfish Jackson multiple times. There's nothing to loot but I walked outside to the window (nothing to loot again) and just headed in the direction the arrow pointed. If you head to a shack north of the catfish jacksons cabin there is a jail sell inside with a photo of the the jackson family iincluding the mother who i assume was chained up there. Tilly Pierre (née Jackson) is a supporting character featured in Red Dead Redemption 2. His mother abandoned the family at an … So I completed the debt collection with the people at catfish Jackson's and later on I got a tip for robbing the place but in the debt collection I had killed both the son and dad, do either of them respawn? He and his son live around Catfish Jacksons… You also get this house as a break-in tip from a nearby random encounter NPC, I think I got it from a escaping prisoner after I helped him but I can't recall for certain. This guide highlights mission strategies and Finally, if you don’t care to explore the map yourself, you could take a look at our Watson’s Cabin and Catfish Jackson’s Homestead locations guides. Algie Davison is a minor character featured in Red Dead Redemption 2. So I robbed them again. I did the mission first because I had never been there before. Finally, if you don’t care to explore the map yourself, you could take a look at our Watson’s Cabin and Catfish Jackson’s Homestead locations guides. So now I'm trying to do the home robbery. Homestead stash Robberies are available in RDR2 right from the start of Chapter 2. RDR2 Elemental Trail Treasure Map Location. Should I just come back later then? Watson’s Cabin in RDR2 is one of the several homestead stash locations you can find. I went to that location just to hunt, I am looking for a Panther. I hogtied Nate instead of killing him. Schatzkarte 1 gibt es von einer Quest in Valentine. His name is Nate, so I tied him down instead of killing, but I can not carry him or put him on to my horse. You're forced to scratch the bottom of the barrel. Money Lending and Other Sins is a Main Story Mission, and part of IGN’s Red Dead Redemption 2 Walkthrough. There is a stash behind and slightly under the house IIRC. Too bad that I already looted almost everything . It is really weird Rockstar would put two scenarios here though but cool I guess. I already did the Strauss mission of collecting the debt and killed the father in the process. EDIT: Does this place and person have any relation to Tilly Jackson? CATFISH_JACKSON. In order to catch the biggest fish, you must complete a few steps and a stranger mission – ‘A Fisher of Fish’. We walked to the house for the debt. Then Strauss gave me a catfish jackson debt collection quest. When I go back to rob the home the son is waiting on his bed with a knife and comes at me. Now son will not come from … Just like his father, he tries to stab you. I thought I might have startled the person living here so I loaded my last save and went back to this house to see if I can interact or anything. Well, there is a stash outside Catfish Jackson's, around the side, under the house. I'm early in Chapter 4 now and just collected the debt from Catfish Jackson('s son), now I want to do the robbery part of it. Talismane und Amulette sind begehrte Gegenstände in Red Dead Redemption 2, die euch einen permanenten Bonus auf eure Attribute bescheren. I killed him when I went to check the house out. Catfish Jacksons is found in the south section of the map, in that stretch of land to the east of Flat Iron lake and west of Saint Denis. I lay a predator bait in the woods close to the house and climbed up on its roof to get better view of the surrounding area. Lonnie’s Shack Homestead Stash in RDR2 is one of several such locations in the game. What happens if you drink at Aberdeen pig farm in RDR2? The game even has a quest related to the catfish. 100% Upvoted. Es kann im Schornstein oder außerhalb des Hauses sein, auf der Seite rechts vom Eingang. -To go collect a debt to a house you've looted not long before. This is my second playthrough where I do not want to miss anything. So what i did was i robbed them before having the Strauss mission. Related Posts: Walked in to him arguing with his son, tried to leave but the son saw me and Dad, well, he's a stubborn bastard. So, you might as well not have entered the house at all. Homestead Stashes are special Collectibles in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2).Players must visit and loot 4 of these 7 locations to complete the "Breaking and Entering" Trophy / Achievement. To answer that question, here’s our RDR2 Online Maxim Gun Location – Non-Player Enemies Killed Daily ... if you don't care to explore the map yourself, you could take a look at our Watson's Cabin and Catfish Jackson's Homestead locations guides. Reach the stash. Should I just kill Nate? Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. If you have the job from LS, the house is locked and you have to find the owner (the father of Nate). So I went inside, found this African american boy sitting on his bed and reading and as soon as he notices me, he jumps off his bed and attacks me with his knife saying "What the hell, I am ready for you this time *****!!.." Seems to be where the issue is stemming from. This place is west of the gang hideout and south of Braithwaite Manor. Report Save. After overhearing the discussion Javier creates a distraction to lure out the inhabitants for an ambush. If you end up getting stuck at another point, you might want to check out some of the other guides we have. level 2. The biggest fish in RDR2 is the Channel Catfish, weighing in at 180+ lbs. If I kill … Could these two be Nate's parents? Assuming you are not interested in their story, and you only want to find the RDR2 stash at Catfish Jacksons, you can enter the house and deal with the father, sparing the boy. Ive looked everywhere and have found nothing. You really want to find these places, even though they’re out of the way. Sorry for the bump, just got to this now and am having a similar issue..got the robbery tip late in chapter 3, but hadn't acted on it yet. This is the easy part (unless you count playing 50 hours of Red Dead Redemption 2 as easy; more on that in a moment).The Rocky Seven location for … And so, when the Red Dead Redemption 2 guide stated that the western featured a legendary “channel catfish,” people believed it. . I lay a predator bait in the woods close to the house and climbed up on its roof to get better view of the surrounding area. I have completed the game and can't remember if I did do this mission or not. Money Lending and Other Sins is a Story Mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 and consists of several parts. 1 History 1.1 Background 1.2 Events of Red Dead Redemption 2 1.2.1 Money Lending and Other Sins V 2 Character 2.1 Personality 2.2 Appearance 3 Gallery 4 Mission appearances 5 Trivia 6 Navigation Algie Davison is a fisherman who has a son named Nate. It may be in the chimney or outside the house, on the side to the right of the entrance. It's odd they'd put 2 side missions at the same shack with the same people knowing it could lead to confusion. The game even has a quest related to the catfish. Catfish Jacksons Homestead, so what is the deal with the person living there? Sometime later I returned for the home invasion encounter and they were both alive of course and arguing. For years, well, one year, since ’18, there’ve been talk of a strange catfish lurkin’ beneath the waters of Red Ded Redemption 2’s channel. Because its still showing up in my Log.. Our Red Dead … Before I came here I saved a woman kidnapped by a man, both African american as well, she said something like "He has been after me for so long, good that he lies dead now" then thanked me and left with the kidnappers horse. Issue. time of day doesnt really matter but night is more likely. They involve you and another member of your camp chasing down a lead … it only spawns in the forests just to the east of catfish jackson's place (south of rhodes). For me it got worse and worse after finding out more when exploring the house. I saw a Coyote closing in and no other animals so I … Report Save. the first time was in Chapter 3, i just hogtied the father and pick up all i can including the money on the chimney leaving both guys alive. What happens if you killed them before the Leopold loan shark mission? Channel Catfish Variation and Weight: In RDR2, the Channel Catfish has two variations and should not be confused with the Bullhead Catfish which is a small-sized fish. Didn't kill the dad only knocked him out. Based on its weight, you can catch common catfish with a weight between 14 and 20 lbs, or maybe a Legendary Channel Catfish which is colossal and weights 180lbs and 7 oz. Located in Saint Denis, Bayou Nwa, Lemoyne, you will find the Catfish Cigarette Card which is part of the Fauna of America Card I went to that location just to hunt, I am looking for a Panther. A thing you were supposed to do before. All in a day’s work for a bandit of your caliber. The Jackson family is black. Assuming you are not interested in their story, and you only want to find the RDR2 stash at Catfish Jacksons, you can enter the house and deal with the father, sparing the boy. Catfish Jacksons, Scarlett Meadows, Lemoyne - Located at the southern most point in Lemoyne, you will find a small cabin. Now for some reason I decided to not rob it right then and there so I just went on and did some other quests and when I got back to rob them the father was just gone... And whatever I tried I couldn't get the boy to tell me about the … This thread is archived. :S Trying to figure out if there is something I did before I came here and if Nate had relation to someone, a relative I did something to? While I explored the area I came across this House. … One type of side quest available in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a set of home robbery quests.. Avoid entering the manor's terrains - you don't want additional problems. I can definitely confirm that the stash for the robbery and the debt for collection are two different things. Yeah, but arrow points the other direction iirc Dang, I was hoping maybe it was going to be simple, and the arrow pointed to the stash. Catfish Jacksons Homestead, so what is the deal with the person living there? Homestead Stashes Locations of RDR2 I tried to be a nice guy and take the body back to the house at least (boy needs to know what happened to his father) but it wouldn't let me carry him. I am at Ch.2 and haven't got any break-in tip yet and the Strauss mission is mot available to me just yet. Son ran into the room and hid under the bed.
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