There is no easy way from the Earth to the stars. Under the cover of Hermione Granger, she navigates this new time that she has been thrust into. But then he makes his first big mistake of his career: he decides to go sit down in the same pub as his prime suspect. On 7 July 2005, London experienced a deadly terrorist attack. Smathers is Smathers. Severus Snape and Lily Evans were next door neighbors and best friends, until they went to Hogwarts, where arrogant pureblood James Potter set his sights on Lily. If the tags or summary offends you or seems like something you will not enjoy then don't make yourself read it. Living his not-so-comfortable muggle life, something, in the middle of a song makes his life change forever—for the good, or for the bad. An unusual Harry Potter Marauders era and beyond romantic tale. Sirius arrives home late to have his heart melted. He sent Sirius Black to the wizard prison Azkaban without a trial. He is also one of the former Marauders and the godfather of Harry Potter. What if he threw away his hatred for his family and their lessons? She believed they’d come pay a visit at some point after her mother and aunt had calmed down and returned to reality. {Outfit----- Day//Night} "So Miss Pendragon, how would you like to be an auror?" Remus is a thief with a rather unique way of pick pocketing. James Potter survived Voldemort's attack on Halloween Eve thanks to Lily's experimental spell on him. Ein Auror wird vom Zaubereiministerium für besondere Sicherheitsaufgaben angestellt. SALVATION {SIRIUS BLACK} von wingsofeden. Sirius Black saß am Eingang einer angenehm großen Höhle, die versteckt in den Bergen nahe bei dem Zaubererdörfchen Hogsmeade lag, und in der er sich fast das gesamte letzte Jahr versteckt hatte. Juni 1996), auch bekannt als Tatze oder Schnuffel, war ein reinblütiger Zauberer, Sohn von Orion und Walburga Black und älterer Bruder von Regulus.Er war der Patenonkel von Harry Potter.. Obwohl Sirius der Erbe des Hauses der Blacks war, widersprach er dem Glauben seiner Familie an Reinblütigkeit und brach mit der Tradition, als er in Hogwarts … The twisted, braided texture of the new skin could be felt through his soft shirt, and it held a certain indentation on the skin over his heart that almost looked like a hand print of a man. Cornelius Fudge - the Auror who arrested Black Sirius Black - Last scion of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black =ooo= Timeline of events leading up to the Trial of Sirius Black: 10/20/1981 Dumbledore offers to cast the Fidelius Charm on James and Lily's home. There's a fine line between acceptance and ostracism in the wizarding world--or the Muggle one. Remus Lupin had always been good at sorting out dates and special occasions for people, which is why his best friend and Quidditch star, James Potter, talked him into wedding planning once they left Hogwarts. The Auror Department has a fundraising calendar. That was before she picked up a bottle of Ogden’s finest And never put it back down. Sirius is missing. Auror Sirius Black feels like he's so, so close to figuring out the boring case he was assigned. He couldn't breathe. Otherwise he might have missed some of his own birthdays. It can be the most fatal curse if one does not careful. When Harry entered into Snape's memory, he saw a fifteen-year-old Sirius finishing his exams while being ogled by a girl who sat a few rows behind him, due to his considerable good looks a… But that had been before her whole world went to shit. After a night of too much Firewhisky, Sirius is in need of a ride home. When he turns eleven, and suddenly knows everything that Hogwarts was meant to teach him, he won't be the meek child he once was, and won't be as easily controlled either. With a smile on his face and a flick of his wand. Pureblood and blood traitor. He lived a solitary, but happy life. **Written for the Pen15 is Mightier: Holiday Gift Exchange 2018**. Tom is kinda out of character, though he does get a little more controlling/possessive over the Reader. Dabei legt er eine Kreativität an den … EMMELINE VANCE & SIRIUS BLACK || @auroremmeline & @padfoot-chaos Dear Miss Vance, In light of the events that took place in the late hours of … Wizard and Muggle, Slytherin and Gryffindor. Or so she told herself. Crouch appeared to be the favourite to become the next Minister for Magic until his son, Barty Crouch Jr., was caught with the Lestranges, Death Eaters who were assisting Voldemort's rise to power and who had … Inhalt ist versteckt. That all changes when you meet the Minister of Magic at the Hogwart's Halloween feast. To Love A Heartbreaker | Sirius Black The Cloaked Auror. Afterward he would make himself a cup of cocoa and have a biscuit and not lose a minute of sleep. Mainstream, boring, by-the-book people. Der Minister versprach Fudge zur Rede zu stellen, dafür machte er sich persönlich zusammen mir einigen Auroren und Sirius, der ja auch einer der besten Auroren war, auf ins britische Ministerium. Phoenix feathers freely given, unicorn hairs easily snagged, but dragon heartstrings? tell me love is endless IT WAS THREE IN THE MORNING WHEN Professor McGonagall rushed into Max's room with a lamp. After the events of June 1994, Harry Potter moves in with his newly freed godfather. However, her experience is taking a turn for the worse when the Chamber of Secrets is opened, and everyone begins to accuse her of being the Heir of Slytherin. Submit. Sirius Black (3. Ambientata nell'estate successiva al settimo anno dei Malandrini, tratta del primo incontro tra James e i genitori di Lily. CHARAKTER: Sirius Black ist ein Mensch der auf jeder Party gern gesehen ist. Sirius Valentine "Padfoot" Black (born February 14, 1959) is a pureblood wizard, beta male of the Pack and husband to Aletha Freeman-Black. Forced to keep the fact that he's a wizard secret, he still wants to move things forward. Auror Sirius Black leading a raid at 12 Grimmauld Place. Sirius does not give chase to Wormtail. That is, until King Slytherin, Sirius Black, strolls into his office and asks for help planning his arranged marriage. Sirius shows some common decency on the battlefield. Remus Lupin never went to Hogwarts/No Voldemort AU.Remus was never allowed to go to Hogwarts and met Sirius later in life. the Order Battle of the Department of Mysteries, the first major battle of the Second Wizarding War. Only acquired when the creature in question is deceased. Auror Office. It was just supposed to be some harmless intimidation tactic. I tried to write a summary and failed, here's an excerpt. Viele Gefolgsleute Voldemorts hat er nach Askaban gebracht, dabei allerdings auch selbst einiges erleiden müssen. Obwohl er es natürlich besser weiß, täuscht er im Ministerium rege Fahndungsaktivitäten vor (HP V/7). Spero vi piaccia! Although he was the heir of the House of Black, Sirius disagreed with his family's belief in blood purity. Remus was the sort who, when he found people who loved him the way James and Sirius did, he would protect it at all costs. Join Delphine Black as she struggles to uncover the truth of the Chamber of Secrets, find time to finish her school work, and attempt to get Ginny to talk to her again. an AU where Remus Lupin never was admitted to Hogwarts, found himself as a champion for mistreated and misnamed "dark creatures," and still managed to knock Sirius Black off his axis. Several weeks later, perhaps even a month or three or four, there sits a house in the quiet reaches of Switzerland that may or may not hold something peculiar and beautiful. Die Gruppe des Französischen Ministern erregte natürlich Aufmerksamkeit, besonders da Sirius Black dabei war. Read 27. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". It’s Delphine Black’s first year at Hogwarts, and she couldn’t be more excited to learn magic like her parents. His hand unconsciously rose to the most severe scar brandished across his chest and hooked over his shoulder. said Millicent Bagnold- the Minister of Magic. Prompt: Neville was the boy who lived and Sirius was just a Auror, between the first and second war Severus and Sirius meet at a wizarding gay bar. Name:Black Vorname:Sirius Alter:33 Jahre Geburtsdatum:19.02 Familie:Walpurga Black (Hexe), Orion Black (Zauberer),Geschwister: Regulus Arctus Black Beruf:Auror und Professor für Verteidigung gegen die dunklen Künste Gesinnung:gut Patronus:großer Hund Irrwicht: Sirius würde es niemals zugeben, dass er vor irgendwas angst hätte. Juli 1997), ein im Ruhestand lebender Auror, ist ein alter Haudegen, der jahrzehntelang gegen Anhänger Schwarzer Magie gekämpft hat. He couldn't move. In late July 1979 there are reasons to get to an island without name. home. Seeing how happy James and Lily are now that they have baby Harry, Sirius wants to add to the family he and Remus have, too. Sirius Black (*3. Nymphadora Tonks (* 1973, † 2. 18.01.2020 14.03.2020 92. On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...a sex cheque book, of course. Amelia Bones/Original Female Character(s), The Man & the chase - or how destiny works, not really but it might feel like that at the beginning, so better to be careful if it triggers you, barely hidden metaphor of pharma industry, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, HP Creature Fest 2020 - Quarantine Creature Comeback, A Bottle of Ogden’s Finest To Drown your sorrows, Amelia Bones/ Marigold Evans black( Friendship), Marigold needs Therapy The kind you don’t find at the bottom of a whiskey bottle, The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, And yes Marigold does punch Petunia in the face, James Potter and Lily Evans Potter's Wedding. It’s only a one night stand until it isn’t. Als er im Auftrag des Ministeriums bei Dumbledores Verhaftung anwesend ist, erkennt er sofort, worauf Dumbledore hinaus will, und unterstützt sein… But sometimes you have to break all the rules and find your own truth. Er war aus Azkaban ausgebrochen, um Peter Pattigrew, den Mann, der seine besten Freunde an Voldemort verkauft hatte und der Schuld daran war, dass man Sirius überhaupt erst … Only things aren't as easy as they seem, which Sirius learns the hard way after taking Remus on a short holiday. The silent Challenger to the marauders, She had once been a loving sister, A loyal friend( sweet Merlin she missed Alice), And the terrifyingly brilliant wife of Sirius Black. I can’t see Sirius as an Auror. High-jinks, hilariously awkward situations and gratuitous amounts of sex ensue over a twelve day period on the lead up to Christmas Day. Their headquarters … Kurzbeschreibung Geschichte Drama, Liebesgeschichte / P16 James "Krone" Potter OC (Own Character) Remus "Moony" Lupin Sirius "Tatze" Black. Fenrir is vengeful. Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody († 26./27. . Soulmate AU. Essa é a história deles. Until now. Sirius was a tall, well-built, darkly handsome man with fair skin, medium, lustrous black hair, which sometimes appeared light in the sun, striking grey eyes, and an air of \"casual elegance\". Yet sometimes the irresistible chemistry of the heart overrides everything. She smiled at me kindly, her greying brown hair pulled tightly into a high bun on top of her head. 1. Für die Suche nach Sirius Black ist er speziell zuständig. Ask. Please consider turning it on! 23. Work Search: the woman exclaimed, rousing Max. Hermione has a pleasant surprise for Sirius when he gets home from work. "I Sirius Orion Black vow on my magic that I was not the secret keeper for James and Lily Potter. 242.775. He grew up at 12 Grimmauld Place with his younger brother, Regulus, and their House-elf Kreacher (who he hated). Reviews zu Der tolle Auror Sirius Black und die großen, gemeinen Trolle - Seite 1 - KillerInside - Harry Potter - FFs Harry Potter Bücher Fanfiction Her bright blue eyes sparkled and I was reminded of how good a minister she was. [Unofficial/headcanon sequel to "Dulce et decorum" by shessocold]. To make it worse, her new friend Ginny Weasley won’t even speak to her anymore… Delphi believes something sinister is slithering in the shadows of Hogwarts… and based on the rumors of last year, she suspects Harry Potter has something to do with it. Na cidade de Londres, os dedicados aurores que investigam esses crimes são membros de um esquadrão de elite conhecido como Unidade de Vítimas Especiais. Auror Sirius Black is in love with a French Muggle. 1 Biography 1.1 Prior to the Story 1.2 The Story 1.2.1 Chapter #3; New Teachers & Nightly Encounters 1.2.2 Chapter #5; Next Generation Marauders 2 Basic Storyline 3 Post-The Dark Ages 4 Personality 5 Gallery Sirius … Main.. wickedbellax: Where: Ministry of Magic, Auror Office Who: @padfoot-chaos Having already seen her sisters, Bellatrix had got a good idea of how the rest of their family took the news. Zu seinem beruflichen Alltag gehört es, Schwarze Magier aufzuspüren, zu bespitzeln und festzunehmen. 21.01.2020 2.103 Kapitel: 4 Im Hause der Blacks Maryana,,Auf … The Auror Trials from the story When with Rome {Sirius Black} by SiriuslyxPadfoot (Anastasia X) with 2,585 reads. "Get up!" Als Ersatz dient ein leuchtend blaues, … Juli 1980), die Hauptperson der Geschichte, ist der Sohn einer Hexe namens Lily Potter und eines Zauberers namens James Potter. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. peterpettigrew, black, vampire. But the most popular song, too, isn't necessarily only about a relationship. AU, side-Starbuck (James/Sirius), Drama, mentions of violence, descriptions of the aftermath. A man who Remus could barely remember but had clung to. Anzeigen Anzeigeoptionen Review schreiben Regelverstoß melden Schriftgröße Schriftart Ausrichtung Zeilenabstand Zeilenbreite Kontrast kleiner größer Standard Source Sans (Standard) Times Arial Verdana Linksbündig Blocksatz … Severus Snape stares into green eyes and sees no shadow of a once arrogant, spiteful man. Geschichte: Fanfiction / Bücher / Harry Potter / Harry Potter - FFs / Der tolle Auror Sirius Black und die großen, gemeinen Trolle. In 1979 Sirius cares less about his birthday party than about moments of privacy with his Moony. Er ist wahrhaftig ein Schönling mit einer lässigen Ausstrahlung, sowie einem anmutigen, fast federnden Gang, was so manche Personen des weiblichen Geschlechts die Augen verdrehen … Dieses Kapitel 1 Review Teilen Datenschutzinfo. Sirius's lucky that his best friend loves birthdays and parties so much. So how will Harry, with his new ally, navigate the mess Fate brings on him? Ora non rimane che farle la proposta. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. . Nov. 1959 † Juni 1996), früher von seinen Schulfreunden "Tatze" (im Original: Padfoot) genannt, ist Harrys Pate. Sirius Black looked at the darkness surrounding him. Moody hat ein Holzbein, sein Gesicht ist von unzähligen Narben bedeckt, ein beachtlicher Teil seiner Nase fehlt und eines seiner Augen hat er verloren. Sein damaliges Fluggerät war so groß, dass er es Hagrid ausleihen konnte, um Harry nach der Ermor… Head Auror Cassiopeia Potter never thought that she'd be flung forwards in time and forced to hide her identiy, but here she was. Er verlor seine Eltern im Alter von 15 Monaten durch den tödlichen Fluch Avada Kedavra, ausgeführt von Lord Voldemort, dem mächtigsten dunklen Zauberer seiner Zeit. Nicht selten müssen Auroren mit dem Zauberstab in der Hand kämpfen und Zaubererduelle mit Schwarzen Magiern austragen. This vestige of aristocratic beauty is apparently an attribute passed down through the Black Family. This is gonna be one heck of a first year. Most of all, Sirius Black had failed to save his friends. 1,118 likes. … Mãe - AURORA Sirius Black Vejam as fotos dos parentes até Bisavós Dad - QUEBEC Sirius Black Mother - AURORA Sirius Black Check out the pictures of the relatives until Great Grandparents Professor Sirius Orion Black III (born 3 November, 1959), also known as Padfoot (in his Animagus form) was a pure-blood wizard, the older son of Orion and Walburga Black, and the brother of Regulus Black. It's about surviving, and it's about rebellion, and about leaving behind those who did you wrong, who made you fear any touch. Killed by a curtain. Remus Lupin gave up his life in the magical world after not being able to find any jobs that'd take a werewolf. A stranger who really needed to never practice healing charms again because sweet Merlin, Remus would rather claw his own eyes out than have to relive that nearly torturous healing process that begged pain still, even through all the potions in his system to counter act it. Harry ist der erste bekannte Zauberer, der diesen Fluc… When Frank Longbottom sees two of his friends snogging in a corridor at the Ministry, he's upset for one reason only-- how dare James cheat on Lily, and Remus cheat on Sirius. Max attempted to ask what was going on, but McGonagall shushed her. The spectral shapes of a young man and woman moved forward: one with messy black hair and hazel eyes covered by glasses and the other with long red hair and green eyes watching as the lone figure … But unfortunately for Frank, not everything is what it seems. That was before her sister was slaughtered, And she couldn’t look her baby nephew in the eye without sobbing, Haunted by the glassy stare Of her death sister. Work Search: Main article: Auror OfficeBritish Auror headquarters are on Level Two of the Ministry of Magic, which is the level that houses the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Sirius Trying to be a Single Dad™ and doing his best to raise Harry as the Pureblood Heir he is. But then he makes his first big mistake of his career: he decides to go sit down in the same pub as his prime suspect. Remus Lupin aims to put a stop to that. Sirius Black ist ein hochgewachsener und eher dünner Bursche mit einigen unter seinem Gewandt verborgenen Muskeln, weshalb man ihn kaum als mager bezeichnen könnte. Maybe he should just call Horace? Navi. Als Jäger Schwarzer Magier soll er die magische Gesellschaft vor Bedrohungen und Angriffen beschützen. Remus seemed to be a bit of an eccentric. Sie tritt zum ersten Mal in Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix auf, als sie mit anderen… Forced to keep the fact that he's a wizard secret, he still wants to move things forward. 21 Alle Kapitel 173 Reviews. They decide to talk the idea over … Beruflich arbeitet Kingsley als Auror in gehobener Position im Zaubereiministeriumund verbindet dies unauffällig mit seinem Engagement im Widerstand: 1. Auror Harry Potter was on the way home from an overnight shift and decided to take the tube. He was once stuffed into an airing cupboard by his cousin … Language: English Words: 5,012 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 12 Kudos: 268 … It'll never work, they said. clutching his wand he then said, "Lumos." When tragedy strikes in Sirius Black's life, he decides some changes need to be made - not in his life, but in the Ministry of Magic. Only things aren't as easy as they seem, which Sirius learns the hard way after taking Remus on a short holiday. Sirius had always been reckless his whole life but what if for once, on that dreadful Samhain night he didn't hand Harry to Hagrid? How Harry Potter navigates Hogwarts, chess, talking lockets and the power that the Dark Lord knows not. So when Hagrid finds a litter of crup puppies abandoned in the Forbidden Forest, Sirius does his best to convince Remus that they should adopt one. Er ist gleich alt wie Harrys getöteter Vater James Potter und war früher dessen bester Freund. Remus is angry. November 1959 - 18. Als "Jäger Schwarzer Magier" soll er die magische Gesellschaft vor Bedrohungen und Angriffen schützen. This story is not my usual light-hearted fluff. The Ministry employs aurors to pursue and apprehend Dark wizards. He’s a Black, despite being disowned, even the Head of the Family after Regulus’ death, so Kreacher would have to obey him and could not stop them from doing … The Ministry is located on Whitehall, a road in Westminster in the heart of London, England. Then I remembered she asked me a question. Sirius Black and the Secret Keeper (Support/Fan Page). tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (14), Sirius Black/Original Female Character(s) (3), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (10), Sirius Black/Original Female Character(s), Regulus Black/Original Female Character(s), Original Potter Family Characters (Harry Potter), Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape Friendship, The Ministry of Magic is Terrible (Harry Potter), The Life and Truth of Cassiopeia Dorea Potter, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley. The Blacks cannot buy his silence about the things he’d find. After that, he can move to more important things. Book 1: Thrust Forwards in Time.Book 2: Cassiopeia Potter and the Mess that is the Philosopher's Stone.Book 3: Cassiopeia Potter and the Mystery of the Chamber of Secrets.Book 4: Cassiopeia Potter and Her Not-So-Guilty Love.Book 5: Cassiopeia Potter and the Secret of the Triwizard Tournament.Book 6: Cassiopeia Potter and the Rise of the Order of the Phoenix.Book 7: Cassiopeia Potter and the Hunt for Tommy's Little Soul Containers.Book 8: Cassiopeia Potter and the Last Stand of Voldemort.Book 9: Cassiopeia Potter and the Wizarding World's Renaissance. An anonymous encounter in a nightclub brings Sirius Black and Remus Lupin together in a tangle of sex, lies, and murder. Oftmals macht es den Anschein als würde der junge Black nichts und niemanden ernst nehmen, weder den dunklen Lord, noch das Leben oder gar sich selbst. Der Name bedeutet Geschenk der Nymphen und wurde von Tonks' Mutter ausgewählt. Together they manage to find a rhythm to their lives and are immensely happy with how things turned out. Ein Auror wird vom Britischen Zaubereiministerium für besondere Sicherheitsaufgaben angestellt. Auror Sirius Black is in love with a French Muggle. Junior Investigator. Mit seiner humorvollen Art bringt er gerne andere zum Lachen, und dies fast immer erfolgreich. She had … Neben diesem Artikel gibt es vier weitere, die Teile der Harry-Potter-Welt beschreiben: Harry James Potter (* 31. Petunia Dursley opens her door on November 1st to find no errant baby with no business on her doorstep. An immortal corpse. until an incident that almost spelled disaster for him and his friends, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew--showed him that maybe what he really wanted was someone who truly wanted to be part of his world, yet never could be--Muggle Petunia Evans. I vow that I love Harry Potter as if he was my own son and I will protect him with my life. Language: English Words: 4,384 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 19 Kudos: 800 Bookmarks: 97 Hits: 5803; A Little Unsteady by … Thus, the Department of Child Welfare is born. Also, there is a pairing that, if tagged, is going to be a spoiler. Sirius has been Mr. November since the mid-90s. Sirius arrives home after a bad day at work.Remus is there to receive him. The Death Eaters v.s. He was dead. Third place in StarFeather's Auror's Tale Challenge - Season 2 on HPFTFirst place in StarFeather's Auror's Tale Challenge - Season 3 on HPFT. Remus Lupin is nothing if not a professional, but it's not easy when the groom-to-be was the man Remus had been fantasising about since fifth year. But Lily, heir to a Seer's Gift, was staunchly loyal and slowly growing to have feelings for her best friend, who also was drawn to the fiery witch who shared his love of potions and understanding of his awful home life.But James was used to getting what he wanted, and he thought he wanted Lily .
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