Does it really make any difference? For example; Envoy, Fortunate. If you are a f2p player, then you should spend it wisely. 2. )/point on the galaxy/system screen. ), Systems Critical (At the start of each round, if the ship has a Hull Breach, Rima adds 5% to Critical Hit Chances),, Explorer Specialist (+20% to Weapon Damage of Explorers against players), Energy Boost (+ to Energy Weapon Damage against other player ships),, Resistance is Futile (20% chance of adding 2 shots to each weapon when fighting Borg Tactical Probes), Strengthen the Unimatrix (+ to the Health of all Officers on the ship),, Spreading Fire (–10% to the opponent’s Hull Health each round if the player’s ship is Burning), Exploit Overheat (+ to Damage if the player’s ship is Burning),, Tritanium Hunter (+25% to Tritanium rewards from Hostiles), Justice Dealer (+ to Energy damage against Hostiles),, We are the Borg (20% of Defense removed from opponent’s SHP when hitting the opponent), Defenses are irrelevant (% of Attack added to Penetration values when firing at Armada Targets),, Logical (+15% to the ship’s Accuracy at the start of each Round), Illogical (25% of total Officer Defense on the ship restored to the Shield when having Morale),,, Thorough Scans (+15% more Ship XP from fighting hostiles), Objective Defense (– to Kinetic Damage dealt by enemy Hostiles),, Hidden Stash (+ to Protection of the Cargo),, Loyal Officer (+20% Damage against battleships), Resistance (– of the opponent’s Hull Health decrease each turn while it is Burning),, Multiplicative Extraction (+50% to Parsteel, Tritanium and Dilithium Mining Speed), Tribble Mining Collective (+ to Mining Speed),, Interceptor Specialist (+20% to Weapon Damage of Interceptors against players), Kinetic Boost (+ to Kinetic Weapon Damage against other player’s ships),, Dilithium Hunter (+25% to Dilithium rewards from Hostiles), Chirurgical Precision (+ to Kinetic damage against Hostiles),, Overmatch (+10% Damage if the opponent is an Explorer), Sturdy Companion (+ to Health for all Officers on this ship),, Romulan Tenacity (The ship can resurrect with 5% of the ship’s hull health), Feel the Heat (% of total Officer Health deducted from the Shield Health of a Burning ship each round),, Fake Communiques (6% chance to delay opponent’s Weapons each round for 1 round), Energy Absorption (– less Energy Damage from player enemies),, Scattering Field (+10% to Damage if the opponent is a Battleship), Interceptor Affinity (+ to Dodge when aboard an Interceptor),, Klingon Tactics (10% to damage after depleting the opponent’s Shield Health), Wolf among the ships (% of the crew’s Health bonus in Damage against Romulan ships),, Disrupting Field (-10% to the Shield Health of the opponent’s ship each round), Romulan Grudge (% of the crew’s Health bonus to Damage against Romulans),, Station Expert (+10% to ship Hull Health when defending the Station), Home Engineer (+ to Damage dealt when defending the Station), Captain has two different officer types placed next to them that do not match their own type (e.g. @Richard Sometime you get them from the events reward and free crates. Klingon Recruit – Consumes Klingon Recruit Token. To tier up or increase the level cap of a ship, you need parts; explorer parts, battleship parts, interceptor parts. Summon your skills in strategy, combat, diplomacy, and leadership to master the dangerous universe of Star Trek Fleet Command. Each time I lost resources; each time approximately 23K parsteel, 4400 Tritanium and 530 Dilitium was taken by other player. The maximum level of this building is 50 and at each level, you get the weapon damage bonus. @Ron You will need these badges to promote officers(at higher levels – +30). Sorry if this question sounds strange – how do i find systems by name search without the coordinates? The focal point of their abilities are to outlast their opponent and mitigate their attack. I do not understand how this officer recruitment mechanic works. Are they lost since you did not collect or is their content automatic added to your resources? Destroy the high-level hostiles in the systems to obtain blueprints. You can unlock some ships by acquiring the blueprints or some ships are unlocked by researching in the R & D department. But interceptors, explorers, and battleships are good for combat. Do I pretty much have to wait to have Jellyfish strength (or equivalent) before I can hope to win a station attack? Hi, sorry new to this, I just completed a mission and the last part of it was to go back to base. As per the game info, peace shield prevents enemy ships from attacking your station and triggered after the enemy destroys the station. Star Trek Fleet Command is a game that can be played and enjoyed by casual gamers, in the sense that the way to go about everything can be done in a variety of ways, some of which is more efficient than others. There would be a chest icon next to a battle report if you have won the chest. Additionally I read somewhere above that you have posted a map, I can’t find it. Star trek Fleet Command Bot is a piece of software that runs the game automatically for you.Star trek Fleet command Bot Farms Millions of resources for you every day with just 1 click. Prior to it, you can obtain it by completing the missions, quests, events, and from the free chests. That red ring around player ship means someone is scanning you or going to Target. You can check the protected cargo amount in the ship’s details menu. Still, even as F2P, you can have … If you want to build one more, do it. I’m asking as it seems the amount collected does still counts in your daily mission even if you didn’t to the base… also because it’s a bit frustrating to very often be destroyed if you don’t stay behind your screen. You can check the list/locations here. Additionally, one more thing you should know that even if your ship gets destroyed, you don’t lose all the cargo. The 9 in bracket is the level of that system. Or try searching in high level systems; it’s rare. Keep batching and you might get it. So the short answer is no , you will have to start over if you’re switching to a new OS. There are very low chances to obtain uncommon material. You can check the ship’s ability in the manage view. My station attacked 7 time within 5 minutes. Auf der regionalen Jobbörse von inFranken finden Sie alle Stellenangebote in Nürnberg und Umgebung | Suchen - Finden - Bewerben und dem Traumjob in Nürnberg ein Stück näher kommen mit! This could be a reason. If you have, then head to the recruit menu by tapping the officers button on the top-left. Tap on any event and under the how to earn points section, you can check how to earn points. Shop with confidence. The newest ship in Star Trek Fleet Command is the Stella. 2.) There is nothing that can purchase either. Thanks for answering!! Similarly, you can play with a same account (linked with game center) on multiple iOS devices, but that account can not be accessed from Android. If I click on them the corresponding number of tokens disappear from my total amount at the top of the screen. anyone how it is possible to play the game with the same account on different supports, e.g. 1. Boring…, Finding 2* uncommon refined ore locations and how to use it. To promote an officer, you need shards. @Tom Refinery is the only source! Bring up the ship and hit recall. Is this solely based on the Officer Assignment if I can no longer upgrade my ship? I’d like to be able to retaliate an attack but dont see a way. Where are there more deposits? If it is a refined product I believe I will ever get it. Thats all nice and beautiful and helpful unul lvl15 but im at lvl 22 and got a lot of quetions like how many fp u need to get to consort level,what the building forge its used for ..etc it looks to me like all u mighty guiders haved spent like 1 hr to play the game then got to write a all flashy very helpfull Lol ,and thats it!! @W00K You don’t need to build weak ships. Head to the home station(interior)/base -> tap the ships option at the top-left. How do you get uncommon Plutonium? For example; if it’s a war-ship, then battle hostiles to grant it EXP. I don’t notice any of the last dropping and checking speedup would require counting before and after. Destroy Urkwen's ship… When I got back the same player was attacking again. i see a quest that says i need to have completed but i cant seem to find it. After it, tap the ship at the bottom of the screen. You will have to figure out manually. And, if you are getting attacked, make sure to max out all the defense facilities; defense platforms, techs, research! Patch 27 – Release Notes. The newest ship in Star Trek Fleet Command is the Discovery. I only have the options to Manage, Locate & Recall, when I hit Recall it tells me the ship is docked. You can contact their support team to fix this issue. And, there is an update coming to the game which will increase the refinery output. Is there a certain level of player or faction you need to be to unlock it in the factions store? Is there a way to find another player by name? Is it showing some error or nothing happens when you try to access it? If it gets destroyed completely, then you will see the repair button and the ship will automatically return to home base. I would like to know, where to find the missions planets (with their lvls) ? Romulan officers are primarily focused on health and a combination of defense and offense. How to get blueprints? i’m told multiple times to find a local tritanium mine , but i cannot find anything but parsteel to mine. Can a player station/base even be destroyed in this game? Docks – You can swap ships anytime(docked at station). You can see the map here. To build a new drydock, upgrade the fleet commander technology in the R & D department. I am level 11 and my ship A is level 15, Yet I still can not attack over level 2? Scroll down and look for Protected Cargo. I already have one rcs fortunate aside from having two mining ships why bother with a second? It will cost you a relocation token. How do you find higher lvl hostiles? Their primary focus is the bolstering of battleships and decreasing the defensive ability of an opponent’s ship. And you're not klingon or Romulan either. Same question on renaming ships. Do you need to enable in app purchases to make officer recruiting work? High-level hostiles can be found in high-level systems. Just below the officer’s portrait, you can check how many shards are required to unlock it completely. Now an array of officer portraits are displayed with numbers at bottom each and word “CHANCE” at the very bottom. Tap the ship at the bottom of the screen -> manage -> on the left side of the screen, you will see the option “swap ship”. Primary Menu. Or mine it. Hello I hope someone can help me. The Star Trek Fleet Command cheats in this article is the best way to get all in-app purchases for free. Here it is:-, ok my question is how do i refine the tier three ore my refinery only lets me refine their two ore, It indicates there was a war b/w ships/hostiles in the past few minutes or the battle is going on. I’ve accepted a mission I don’t want to complete because of rep rewards/penalties…, Looks like the 4th manifold is tied to collecting 2000 Dilithiums (Distant Land). Tap refinery -> refine -> batch. Sometimes, the game grants EXP. How come I don’t get any answers on this website. I need them to upgrade my ship…. You are absolutely right! That’s not a problem. At the bottom of the screen, tap the locked; Drydock C option -> locate -> complete the requirements to build. How can you contact their support team??? If you reach the maximum limit, you will have to upgrade the ship hanger. To recruit an officer, you need recruitment tokens. Star Trek Fleet Command Officers are probably the most important … Premium Recruit – Consumes premium recruit token. If you want to add one more ship to your fleet or home station, then you will have to build a new drydock. At the bottom, tap the ship -> hit the manage button -> swap ship. | 65,220 members (scroll down past the main officer table or use the table of content to see additional officer information.). From these chests, you can obtain blueprints, parts(interceptor, battleship, explorer). You can not even purchase these resources using latinum. @Anant Yep! @Tom Nope. On that page there is a contact us button. I cannot search for other systems and this is frustrating… This will help you in farming resources. You have limited slots so you can keep a certain number of ships only. Peace Shield Pack $4.99 >>> “pZxUvr7pRevpLuS_aD”2. ecruitment tokens from the crates/chests, events, by completing the missions, quests, and from the store. And it takes hours. How van i steal resources of other ships? Click on an officer name to go to that officers page and learn more about them. This STFC officer guide will help you better understand the characters and various ways to use them. On the right side of the game’s screen, tap the events option and check out all the on-going events. What are the extra officer slots for on a ship after the main 3? This guide works for Star Trek Fleet Command and allows you to unlock Master Research Boost Pack for free. This is the total quantity of resources that is protected from attack. ), Explorer Trainer (+ to Ship XP on Explorers),, Do Not Test Me (40% chance to Inspire Morale after being hit by a critical hit), Ranking Fire (+ to Energy Damage when the ship has Morale),, Kobayashi Maru (+ to Dodge, Shield Deflection and Armor),, Break Through (+10% to Armor Piercing, Shield Piercing and Accuracy when defending the Station), Slip Through (+ to Dodge, Armor and Shield when defending the Station),, Leader (40% to all Officer stats when the ship has Morale), Inspirational (chance to inspire Morale to his ship each round for 2 rounds),, Overwhelming Fire (+20% to Shield Piercing), Reinforcements (+ to Armor if the ship is a Battleship),,, Patient Tactician (50% chances to drastically increase the ship’s mitigation against a Station for the first round. It's normal, be patient, it takes time for the Android engine to … If you want to assign more ships, you will have to build drydock. Territory Capture – December Update . At that time you may want to build one more duplicate of it. This would be a great use for players who don’t have bigger ships like an Intrepid or a B’Rel. And to end this guide, a videoguide from the youtuber Guy Price with the top 5 mehods to obtain Dilithium: Read Later Add to Favourites Add to Collection. Get stronger prior to breaking the PvP seal at lvl 10 or the player vs station unlocked at level 15. Always keep in mind that there are limited ship inventory slots. Or Want more great videos?! For example; Ship. Relocating is like teleporting the base from one system to another, from a station’s hub to another station’s hub. There you will see a planet with (i) mark. Find great deals on eBay for star trek star fleet command. Ship XP can be obtained from the missions, daily goals, events. Where you can find other players’ base? You can use this currency to build, upgrade, and research instantly. Can you add crew members to your Station? E.g. All other in-app purchases also work. You can check the power at the top-left corner on the home station screen(interior). If the peace shield is not working at your end, this could be a bug. Yet if l buy an additional amount of latinum with actual cash- that gets credited immediately. All these mining ships have the ability to mine a particular resource quickly. It can be maximized by having bridge officers from the same group and complimentary classes. ),, Joy In Vengeance (+40% to Damage when the enemy ship is Burning), See the Flaws (chance to cause Burning to the enemy when hitting it),, Borg Polarization (-10% to opponent Borg Critical Hit Chance), Adapt & Overcome (+ to the Defense of all Officers on the Ship),, Hailing Frequencies Open (50% chance to delay opponent’s fire by 1 round when the Shield is depleted), Target That Signal (+ to this ship’s Accuracy),, Station Knowledge (+4% to Critical Hit chances when defending the station), Computer Precision (+ to the Defense of all Officers on the ship),, Adaptive Shielding (+5% damage mitigated by the shields. And automatically gets disabled if you attack another player’s ship or station. BTW I do get 2 uncommon g3 refined material per batch(not all the time though). What do command badges/science badges/engineering badges do and how do you use them? After it, you will have to build the ships. You can see the map here. @lonewolf It’s not possible. It also depends on your Internet connection. @Ally I’m aware of this issue. Patch 26 – Release notes. ⇒There are lots of resources you can mine from the galaxy systems; crystal, ore, gas, dilithium, tritanium. Star Trek Fleet Command Officers are probably the most important part of the game. In neutral zone, it’s Azha system. That Jellyfish is pretty powerful against my station, which is maxed out at level 14 (again, I’m a new 15). You can get interceptor parts from PvE chests (defeat high level hostiles in the Systems). How is this possible? © 2021 Star Trek Fleet Command Wiki. It was launched as Harry Mudd’s ship as part of the Outlaws II event in July 2020. They said they’re working on it. I explored the galaxy but only find lvl 1 and 2 or very high like lvl 9! Additionally, you can ask for help to speed up building upgrades, construction. My A ship shows destroyed but I won the battle and it is still mining but will not allow me to repair or recall? Not necessarily best for hostile grinding. Go to the galaxy screen -> tap on any system -> set course. Tap it and choose a ship. Upgrading it unlocks new buildings, upgrades, features, and much more. Head to the officer menu -> tap the officer. The one you mentioned above is one of them. A peace shield appeared after the first attack, so I didn’t erect one. Firstly, it may obvious to some but the explanation on recruiting officers don’t tell you how to. FEATURES. Where is 3 star crystal in Federation space? I want retribution, but have no idea how to locate a player and/or their base. Having multiple ships in the fleet helps you a lot. @Clint Search in other systems. In this case, you may lose the resources(Cargo). In that case check which resource you have to mine, in the mission menu. If I click “recruit” it just takes me to the chest purchasing menu.
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