Below you will find examples of these macros (these also include the /petattack macros from above, so only use one or the other). Not only is it useful for your group with Drums of Battle & Drums of War, but you can also craft armor on almost every stage of your progression. macro: you are using a 1:1 macro. The rotation consists out of Steady Shot, auto-attacks and Kill Command with buffs like Rapid Fire and Bestial Wrath. Both macros use Kill Command off CD but its off the GCD. Muss mich erst bewegen damit wieder was geht. Usage. I don’t think the macro is really applicable, nor is it necessary for the 1:1 rotation. Is it completely impossible to recreate the macro with the legion macro api? Ya, that one. Does it just cast Steady shot and kill command on cd? When geared go wind . Line 4: Cast Steady Shot. Ich hab das macro ausprobiert, jedesmal wenn Faß prokt und man es mit dem macro aktiviert, passiert nix mehr. With Classic Burning Crusade on the horizon, many new features, changes, and overhauls are coming to Classic WoW. While leveling use cat and ravager. Night elves can shadowmeld drink and Dranei have heroic presence which is 1% hit. und @ Beta : #showtooltip Steady Shot /castsequence reset=1 !Auto Shot, Steady Shot /castrandom [target=pettarget, exists] Kill Command /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear() Das macro geht bei mir net. Kill Command 100 ydrange40 FocusInstant castGive the command to kill, causing your pet to instantly inflict x damage to its target. Orc have a mini trinket racial, pet damage, and look badass. pve @ Horde Troll is the strongest race cause of their racial . This macro will cast Auto Shot and Steady Shot in alternating order and activates Kill Command when it's not on cooldown. The advantage of using the combination of the above two macros is that with a 3:2 macro, the kill command can get stuck (known bug they are "fixing," but don't hold your breath), and with the split macros the stuck kill command does not interrupt your 3:2 macro and you can continue to mash it at your pleasure until it unsticks. #showtooltip Steady Shot /cast [target=pettarget,nodead,exists] Kill Command /castsequence reset=2/target !Auto Shot, Steady Shot Improved Hunter's Mark and Trueshot Aura will benefit the group, but these bonuses are usually outweighed by Beast Mastery DPS or Survival’s Expose Weakness which is a raid buff. 1 Agility = 1 Attack Power14 Ranged Attack Power = 1 DPS (Of course, this is a baseline figure. Kill Command [W] The hunter gives the command to kill, causing his pet to savagely attack the enemy target. Also, you can maintain a Scorpid Sting on the target (other are buffed by Marksmanship’s Improved Stings) Rotation can be managed by the following macro: #showtooltip Steady Shot Silencing Shot and Improved Revive Pet can be taken as a personal preference with points from Survival Tree: Monster Slaying or Humanoid Slaying– depending on the one you need the least. Welcome to the Beast Mastery Hunter guide for World of Warcraft the Burning Crusade 2.4.3. Every Hunter should have this macro. At a certain crit value Wind Serpents are the best Pets for raids since Ravagers can not dump their Focus fast enough which they gain from “Go for the Throat”. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Various places are saying that the line that causes the macro to not work is the cast sequence reset. Gnarly Guides is a site for gamers looking for gaming guides and gaming news! /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide() So we’d have to weave steadys from autos? huge waste of mana for you, wastes a debuff slot on the boss/mob that could be better used … I rolled hunter in classic because I mained hunter in tbc and loved it. The original TBC macro API is basically identical to what we have now in Classic. It seems only time will tell, I hope it is still viable. For Alliance go Dranei or Nightelf. PVE Beast Mastery Hunter Guide (TBC 2.4.3), Fresh WoW Classic Realms and TBC Classic in New Blizzard Survey, Blizzard Just Sent The Burning Crusade Survey to WoW Classic Players, WoW Classic Changes to Black Lotus Spawns & WSG, Active: Bite, Claw, Gore, Scorpid Poison (depending on which pet you choose), Passive: Avoidance, Cobra Reflexes, Great Stamina. Patch 5.4.0 (10-Sep-2013): Kill Command damage has been increased by 34%. )1 Agility = 0.552 Critical Strike Rating22.08 Critical Strike Rating = +1% Critical Hit40 Agility = +1% Critical Hit25 Agility = +1% Dodge Chance18.92 Dodge Rating = +1% Dodge Chance1 Agility = 2 Armor55 Intellect = +1% Spell Critical Hit1 Strength = 1 Melee Attack Power1 Stamina = 10 Health1 Intellect = 15 Mana5 Spirit = 1 Mana per TickHit Rating needed fo… This should -always- cast Steady Shot.. but should cast Kill Command whenever it’s available. It is a hole created by the toggle on Autoshot (the same reason we use the ! Our detailed guides will help you enhance your gaming experience, improve your gameplay, and help you gain efficiency! Including the official classic/tbc hunter discord. I recommend the 3:2 macro which is the following: #showtooltip Steady Shot /cast !Auto shot /cast [target=pettarget, exists] Kill command /cast Steady shot /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear() mana: don't bother with stings. I personally use wind serpent and all lions eye gems but that’s just me. 25 yard range. /cast [target=pettarget,harm] kill command /castsequence reset=2 Steady Shot, !auto shot /castrandom [harm] arcane shot /cast [target=pettarget,harm] lighting breath /cast [target=pettarget,harm] bite. 45 yd range. You can use this macro to force your pet to run after your focus target while also keeping them in combat at range. Remember, in order to use these you just replace your existing ability buttons with these macros. #showtooltip /cast [target=Focus] Growl /petattack [@focus] /cast Dash We choose Efficiency because Marksmanship or Survival Hunters pick Improved Hunter’s Mark. Can only be used after the Hunter lands a critical strike on the target. i use this macro: /run for i=1,GetNumTrackingTypes() do local n, t, a, c = GetTrackingInfo(i); if string.find(n, UnitCreatureType('target')) then if a~=1 then SetTracking(i); end end end /cast Hunter's Mark /petattack /cast Kill Command /cast !Aspect of the hawk Best pets for raiding in terms of DPS are Cats, Ravagers, and Scorpids. Including the official classic/tbc hunter discord. I recommend leveling a Orc Hunter now because most the player base will be Horde. 1. If anyone can that would be great. Gaming has always been a big part of my life, especially the MMORPG genre. Cookies help us deliver our Services. As a Hunter you shouldn’t have much mana problems cause the moment you get low on mana you switch to your Viper aspect. We choose Efficiencybecause Marksmanship or Survival Hunters pick Improved Hunter's Mark. Hunter Macros: Combat. Macros can make life a lot easier for Hunters, especially within the realm of PvP combat. if ravagers cant dump fast enough would it be worth it to put 2 points somewhere else instead of Bestial Discipline??? /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show(), Hit (9%) – Agility – Attack Power – Crit – Intellect & MP/5 – Stamina. Also you can get a ravager early in Dranei starting zone if we get prepatch for TBC classic. TBC Hunter BiS / Specs / Enchants. Line 3: If my pet has a target (exists) and it’s not dead (nodead), cast Kill Command. We don’t actually use Aimed Shot as part of BM rotation do we? I want to play blood elf for the silence and mana regen racials, but feel like I should play troll for the bow specialization. Leatherworking is a great option. Personally, I take this as a bug, but even so, this is the BEST DPS MACRO FOR A BM HUNTER. We cover a variety of games and expansions including World of Warcraft, Fallout 4, The Outer Worlds and other AAA and Indie game titles. In this guide, you will learn about playing a Beast Mastery Hunter in dungeons and raids. Please refer to the pet contribution section of our rotation page for more information on Kill Command. but it looks like with a certain steady-shot macro and a patch which gave bows normalization it finally performs well, and if that macro and normalization is applicable in TBC-Classic then Hunters finally get a hunter weapon. Here is a look at the major differences between WoW Classic and Burning Crusade, including level cap, new races, new dungeons, new raids, and new profession, and a significant shake-up in the PvE Meta. With the macro changes, I assume the hunter one button win macro won’t be a thing? Looking for a way to incorpatre Cobra shot over Steady shot, since you cant be in MM spec and have Kill command. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. A steady shot > auto rotation is pretty much max dps with low effort. The focus is a sort of "target memory" meaning that the focus can be set then recalled with simple macro commands. if they cant dump focus fast enough can we swap 2/2 focus regen and put somewhere else? Instant. Kill Command. We only take Aimed Shot in Marks tree just so we can get Mortal Shots I’m assuming? This isn't always useful as you may want to mana up after casting Hunter's Mark, but for open world and non-raid-boss encounters, it is convenient. especially serpent sting. This is a nice lazy macro for initiating a fight; it will auto-target the nearest hostile, send your pet in to attack, use Auto Shot and cast Hunter's Mark at the same time. Orc is superior to troll, Blood Fury gives ranged AP in TBC and Orc Pets do 5% more dmg. At GnarlyGuides, I'm one of the editors for the World of Warcraft section. Beast Master was the best DPS spec, Survival coming into play in T6 gear to improve raid DPS with Expose Weakness. Various places are saying that the line that causes the macro to not work is the cast sequence reset. This did not work BEFORE Patch 2.3 when the macro command for Auto Shot was changed. This macro is great for keeping players in combat as growl has a 30 yard range. For additional Hunter macros, please visit my macros page. In the Burning Crusade, Hunters could use 1 macro for maximum dps with Beast Mastery Spec. That one? This macro got its name because it gives almost complete control over your pet in a single button while also taking advantage of the focus targeting system. Here are a few that I highly recommend… * Please note, all macros listed here are for baseline abilities only. Using this macro, you can simply keep your mouse … Enchanters can also benefit from Stats on both of the Rings. For Horde go Orc. Page 1. Ya, that one. Auto Shot and Steady Shot Rotation with Kill Command. You can change these talents depending on how many Hunters you have in the raid. #showtooltip /use [@mouseover,exists,harm][]Kill Shot /use [@pettarget]Claw /use [@pettarget]Bite /use [@pettarget]Smack; In hectic AoE scenarios such as Mythic+, it is beneficial to get as many Kill Shot s off as possible, but it can be difficult to navigate a ton of nameplates to select a target that is below 20% health. I really wish there was a way to check to see if Kill Command was on cooldown. Maintain Hunter’s Mark on target. Target Nearest Enemy / Anti-Rogue macro. What does the macro actually do? /castrandom [exists,target=pettarget] Kill Command Your pet will require the following skills: is race an important factor for hunter dps? Mana cost - 15. Just wondering, never played a hunter really until Cataclysm lol, pick up aimed shot for high starting threat with misdirection which came in tbc, since threat managing is still a huge part of the game just like in vanilla. The guide includes Talents, Gems, Enchantments, Gameplay & Skill rotation tips. In BC Hunter DPS comes down to one macro that repeatedly casts Steady Shot while allowing for your auto shots to weave in between the casts, also activating Kill Command when it procs. Gathering professions don’t work so well with Hunters due to their other tracking abilities. 75 mana. Rank 1. I rolled hunter in classic because I mained hunter in tbc and loved it. Every third use of this spell resets the cooldown of [W] Kill Command. In order to use it you must have the spells [Call Pet] & [Revive Pet], or simply, a Hunter's Pet. ” Kill Command is a hunter ability learned at level 10 for hunters who have chosen the Beast Mastery specialization. Theres ways to do higher dps before T5/T6 4 set by weaving in multi shots and arcane shots while waiting for auto shot windup but the macros are easy if you dont know how to do that. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Patch 4.0.6 (8-Feb-2011): Kill Command… Marksmanship Hunter is primarily a PvP spec, but it’s also viable in PvE. Below build has a few talents that could be changed due to personal preference while remaining effective. Furthermore, the user interface supplies full real-time updates for the currently stored focus, including health and mana updates and enemy casting … Aside from my day job, I also practice Kickboxing and Muay Thai. /cast [pet] Kill Command; Call Pet 1 /use [@pettarget]Claw /use [@pettarget]Bite /use [@pettarget]Smack; This macro will summon the first pet in your stable if it is not active already, when you attempt to cast Kill Command with no pet summoned. Cooldown - 2.5 seconds. Below build has a few talents that could be changed due to personal preference while remaining effective. This command accepts secure command options.The value associated with the first satisfied condition will be interpreted as described below, and an action will be performed at the condition target (or your current target, or the implied target if the condition did not specify an explicit target). You can change these talents depending on how many Hunters you have in the raid. /castsequence reset=3 Steady Shot, Auto Shot Kill Command /castsequence reset=2.15 Steady Shot, Auto Shot /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show() Macro 2: Pet Macro #showtooltip ... Macro 14: PvP CC Macro - concussive shot if ranged, wing clip if melee The hunter fires a quick shot dealing damage. It seems only time will tell, I hope it is still viable. Give the command to kill, causing your pet to instantly attack for an additional 127 damage. in the macros). Combining Engineering and Leatherworking is probably the best choice, assuming you have an alt or gold for the mats. Damage - [25+10*Skill Level+Agility*0.42]. A focus target is a secondary target system, used to keep track of a second unit other than the currently targeted unit. Press J to jump to the feed. This can change a lot. is the number one paste tool since 2002. You will need to edit the macro to specify which Call Pet to use. Engineering is another good option which provides Guns, Ammo, Scopes, and Goggles. No reason it shouldn't work in TBC Classic. Kill Command. Kill Command #showtooltip Kill Command /petattack /cast Kill Command /cast Claw /cast Bite /cast Smack; Multi-Shot
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