Tokoyami, Bakugou, Kirishima, Tsuyu, and Present Mic get bombarded with kisses from their s/o. Eijiro and Tetsutetsu initially had a rocky relationship because of their similar Quirks. Eijiro's prowess allows him to force Katsuki on the defensive. Sports Festival, meaning that they had to compete in an arm wrestling match to decide the winner of their one-on-one. RELATED: My Hero Academia: 5 Reasons Kirishima Is The Traitor (& 5 It’s Kaminari) Pretty much every character has been suspected for one reason or another. Kirishima said while looking in the direction of Bakugou. But then he started learning about crushes. [11] As the festival progressed, Eijiro resented being constantly compared to Tetsutetsu, like when Present Mic gave them similar intros prior to their match against one another. Gender [22], *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. In his hero costume, he wears two dark red gear-shaped shoulder pads. Mina realizes this so she teases him and lightens the mood by poking him repeatedly and telling him not to overload himself with pressure. includes: bakugou, kirishima, todoroki, midoriya, and tamaki. See more ideas about kirishima eijirou, kirishima, hero academia characters. Name: Kirishima Crush: IDK (yet) Hero name: Red Riot BFF: Bakugo, Mina, Uraraka and Denki @--Kacchan_Bakugo--@Nope162 @tacocat-666 Status: Single. Kazumikou. Coward. School Festival, while Class 1-A practiced stage performance, Hanta mentioned Mina is such a demon-coach but Eijiro defended her by telling Hanta "Because when you love something you can give it your all" this shows that Eijiro know how much efforts she put into stage performance. Due to his upbeat personality, Eijiro is usually unfazed by Katsuki's abrasive behavior. He's ok I guess. Eijiro openly criticized Katsuki's fighting tactics as "unmanly," a discredit to Katsuki's hit-and-run tactic on Izuku. Height Eijiro Kirishima Images. Eijiro has a strong sense of responsibility, sometimes being very hard on himself for any negative outcomes that befall him or his friends. Overall Abilities: Eijiro has proven himself to be a very formidable individual on numerous occasions. Eijiro withstanding a Strongarm barrage using his refortified maximum hardness. Team(s) It's at this moment that Eijiro vows to say goodbye to his pathetic old-self to her and swears that he's gonna be the kind of Hero that never has any regrets. With his conviction re-established, Eijiro jumped into the fray, refortified his hardened body, allowing him to better withstand Kendo's bullet punches compared to the beginning of the bout, and nearly faced the brawler head-on, compelling Hekiji to protect Kendo with a barrier. Eye Color Biographical Information Eijiro faced Rappa along with Fat Gum during the Shie Hassaikai Raid. Eijiro shares many of his values with Crimson Riot, most notably Crimson Riot's high regard for manliness and chivalry.[19]. Episode 5 [12], Since their Quirks are very similar, the two weren't able to defeat each other during the U.A. Eijiro is a boisterous and outgoing guy with a fondness for the concept of manliness, often using the terms "manly" and "unmanly" to describe things and people he does or doesn't like, respectively. They were initially surprised to see each other, but instead of lamenting about comparisons, they friendly greeted each other. -There are 10 results; Izuku, Dabi, Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugo, Kirishima Eijiro, Denki Kaminari etc..- : Headcanon of Bakugou, Kaminari, and Kirishima reacting to Mineta creeping on their crush. A young Natsuya is seen encouraging Ikuya to swim more as he is getting better and better. Eijiro is a muscular young man of average height and a rather impressive physique for his young age. Fuyuki Kirishima gave Rima Mashiro, his crush, a love letter, to which she had not responded for two weeks, and so he goes to the Guardians for help (particularly Nagihiko). Ranked 15th in Class 1-A's mid-term grades. Those who showcase a noble, brave, and/or determined attitude tend to emotionally move him to tears, quickly earning his complete admiration, respect, and friendship. Eijiro's surname name contains the kanji for "to cut", His role is to tie Class 1-A together with his personality, just like. Masterlist. Manliest hero. When Eijiro was sad about almost getting him and his classmates expelled, Katsuki paid him back for the 50,000 yen night vision goggles Eijiro bought to rescue Katsuki. Ranked in the Top 8 of the U.A. Eijiro's desire to protect Fat Gum allowed him to go beyond his own self-doubts and fears, meaning he cares greatly for the latter's safety. warnings: kinda suggestive?? Incident, he and Katsuki made an attempt to take on Kurogiri before being warped away, leaving the pair to battle, and soon defeat, low-tier members of the League of Villains. ), which is one of the main reasons why he can't get a girlfriend. Takashi Yura (由良 尊,Yura Takashi) is a mutual childhood friend of Akari Kanzaki and Haruto Kirishima. He is the younger brother of the Iwatobi Junior High swimming club's captain, Natsuya Kirishima. Japanese Voice toga and Uraraka have been dating for a long time and one day Toga finally finds out about Uraraka flirting with kirishima. They were later assigned to work together along with Katsuki for the Provisional License Exam. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Summary 4 Etymology 5 Trivia Takashi has short brown spiky hair and wears black glasses. Sports Festival First-Year Stage. Whatever it was, it surely made Kirishima attracted to you. He has a bit of a fixation with doing "manly" things, rating actions as "manly" or "unmanly" depending on how much he approves of them. Welcome ! He didn't know why he was drawn to you, maybe it was your dazzling smile or beautiful eyes. Ranked 2nd during the U.A. First Appearance For example, after Neito Monoma made fun how two students in 1-A failed the Provisional Hero License Exam, whereas everyone in Class 1-B passed, Shoto apologizes to his classmates for being one of those who failed, but Eijiro tries to make light to comfort him, saying that Monoma is turning it into a fake competition. Hardening (硬 (こう) 化 (か) , Kōka? Eijiro has good relations with Shoto. They have similar, congenial personalities, although Eijiro is more boisterous compared to Denki, who is more mischievous. This act of care and kindness touched his heart and "awakened his chivalrous spirit"[1] as he smiles back at her in agreement and apologizes. Ranked 5th in the Fourth Popularity Poll. Eventually, he and Mina both take the U.A. During school, he wears the normal U.A. Student Uniform Mina then smiles at Eijiro and tells him to tell her when he really does overcome his regrets from the past. [2], As noted by Izuku, Eijiro is the only one in their rescue party who can call out to help Katsuki without hurting Katsuki's pride, which was proven true and shows that Katsuki is not intimidated by Eijiro calling out to him.[3]. Katsuki Bakugo & Eijiro Kirishima vs. Villains, All Might & U.A Students vs. League of Villains, Eijiro Kirishima vs. Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Katsuki Bakugo & Shoto Todoroki vs. Daigo & Nobu, Villa Raid Team & Trainees vs. Paranormal Liberation Front, Establishing the Bakugo Bodyguard Brigade, End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End, Goodbye Two-Digit Chapters, Hello Three Digits. Red Student In the Shie Hassaikai Arc, Eijiro and Izuku are shown to be on even better terms than previously, often interacting in friendly ways. At the time, it happens to be Rima's birthday: February 6, so the Guardians are … 15 (First appearance)16 (Current) High. Kirishima is a shockingly empathetic character, and that is why we adore him. Eijiro has shown to be as formidable as Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, and due to their similar Quirks and fighting styles, the two were evenly matched during their battle at the U.A. In fact, he will get downright offended if he finds someone with a similar Quirk. [5] However, when he battled Kendo Rappa, Eijiro displayed the ability to refortifiy his hardened body. Despite him acting … Personal Description ㅤㅤTeam. During the Joint Training Arc, Eijiro watches Katsuki cooperate with his team and lead them efficiently. ㅤㅤcommunity's Welcoming. Shie Hasseikai Raid Team swearing . In return, Tamaki respects Eijiro and compares him to Mirio saying they both have an "optimist personality.". In the preliminary stages of the manga, Eijiro's early design was very similar to his current appearance, aside from a few rough features. When the enormous force of Rappa's fists managed to destroy his Unbreakable, Eijiro was about to be dominated by his insecurities but when he saw Fat Gum in danger, he managed to overcome and used himself as a shield to protect Fat Gum, which allowed him to defeat Rappa. They all boarded the bus and Bakugou was squished just like Denki said but Bakugou seemed to be leaning on Kirishima. To Each Their Own Strengths! Similarly, he will call out traits that are the opposite of that, such as cowardice and dirty play. Eijiro is on good terms with Izuku. Status Eijiro and Tetsutetsu happy to see one another. Below this, he wears baggy black pants and half cape with a ripped hem. During the Provisional Hero License Exam Arc, Denki stated that Katsuki had reduced the power of his explosions to avoid harming Eijiro and himself. This lofty style takes a full three minutes to set. But sometimes he sympathizes with characters that concern us. Previously, they barely interacted and the only significant event was when Eijiro tried to stop Shoto from declaring war on Izuku for the Sports Festival. Now his friends hated him for something he couldn't help. Courageous. Rōmaji Name What I'm working on (ง ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)ง i is so very sorry me isnt on much :(Featured Project. Word Count: 350. Hanta, Denki, and Eijiro are often seen hanging out together. When they were young, Ikuya follows his brother around often and looks to him as a best friend. Cool. Eijiro chose his Hero Name "Red Riot" to pay homage to him. My Hero Academia: Ultra Analysis: The Official Character Guide, She appears to be a cute, normal girl that one would not suspect to be a ghoul. Ejiro goes on to describe Katsuki as "manly" on a few occasions, a clear sign of respect for him. Bromie. What was wrong with having a crush on another boy? Them and their Quirks were formally introduced in quick succession, while in identical situations: emerging from the wreckage of Villain Bots. Afterwards, Eijiro witnessed Mina step in and solve the issue by getting the student and the two bullies to break dance, diffusing the situation and ending the issue. When Chimera fought the students on Nabu Island for a second time, Eijiro cooperated with Shoto by be his shield for getting close to Chimera while trying to get closer they thought back to the time they went to rescue Katsuki together.[9]. Both use their Quirks to turn themselves into human shields to protect their allies. Paying attention to some sad little creep is a waste of time, and frankly he doesn’t usually care to stop his classmate’s behavior. Eijiro Kirishima (切 (きり) 島 (しま) 鋭 (えい) 児 (じ) 郎 (ろう) , Kirishima Eijirō? Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader. Which Bnha/Mha boy has a crush on you? Regardless, Katsuki accepted Eijiro's proposal after Eijiro mentioned taking down Izuku Midoriya's team. He's the best guy. A jagged sash joins the one on his left to the right side of his belt, which has a red “R” set into its center, standing for his Hero name, “Red Riot”. Red (Dyed; currently)Black (Natural; formerly) Both wanted to stand out during the U.A. [3][4] Eijiro's friends pointed out that Mina will easily become a Hero due to her outgoing personality and athletic nature. "Don't let him touch you or you'll turn gay too!" ===== ㅤㅤMy name is Yan from this. "Kirishima is gay!" During the Joint Training Arc, Eijiro praised Mina for her effective attack, he also concerned when she got attacked too. Their fighting styles are the same: straightforward and reckless, letting their hardened bodies take opposing hits while delivering counterattacks. Eijiro is a boisterous and outgoing guy with a fondness for the concept of manliness, often using the terms "manly" and "unmanly" to describe things and people he does or doesn't like, respectively. Kirishima comforts Shoto from Neito's taunts. He's my most favorite character. His hair is reasonably short, dyed a bright red, and spiked away from his head at all angles with gel, two more pronounced tufts spiked on either side of his forehead like little horns. Toshiki Masuda When Katsuki's divisive attitude arises, Eijiro often makes an effort to subdue it. Indomitable Will: A prominent aspect of Eijiro is his die-hard chivalry. He is also shown to be thankful towards Tamaki because it Tamaki who invited Eijiro to join Fat Gum's team. Sports Festival, which resulted in a draw. Before getting to know each other, it is suggested that Eijiro did not admire Katsuki, as is seen in the Battle Trial Arc. A spiritually-moved Eijiro. Pining Kirishima Eijirou. During the rescue mission, they worked together without any problem. Sports Festival, but were disappointed that they couldn’t, upon realizing their similarities to each other. [14], They both proved to be on good terms with each other when they ended up interning together at Fourth Kind's Hero Agency. Her facial features and hairstyle bear a strong resemblance to her mother and her younger brother. [2] Eijiro also has concerns about not having a good enough Quirk for hero work, worried that his skills could not compare to other hero prospects. On their first day of high school, Eijiro undergoes a complete appearance change, dying his hair red and spiking it up in a style that is inspired by Crimson Riot. This is reinforced later when he attempts to stop a a villain but his legs freeze up and Mina stops the villain instead.[6]. Age In return, Izuku was aware of the bond Eijiro shares with Katsuki, which gave him an idea for Eijiro to be the one to retrieve him and it worked.[3]. Chiba Prefecture But after recalling how he felt this very hopelessness in middle school, and overcame it with inspiration from different people, Eijiro regained his resolve to stand up for others, and be a hero. Status I. Eijiro as a child, at the exact moment his Quirk developed. Eijiro respects Fat Gum and picked him for his internship, though he admits that he only picked Fat Gum because Fourth Kind was unavailable. During his middle school days, Eijiro lacked the courage to stand up for others, despite desperately wanting to, but was too afraid to do so. Eijiro explaining his admiration of Crimson Riot. In the midst of the Shie Hassaikai Raid, Eijiro and Fat Gum faced off against Kendo Rappa and Hekiji Tengai of the Eight Bullets, but Eijiro was heavily struck by a powerful punch from Kendo, leaving the sharp-toothed hero out of commission for the majority of the duel. credits go to @orbital-audio) Eijiro idolizes a retro pro hero called Crimson Riot and desires to become a hero, just like him. Deku, Iida, Todoroki, Uraraka, and Shigaraki find out their crush has an s/o Community content is available under. Eijiro holds a lot of respect for Tamaki as he is seen praising the latter's abilities multiple times and refusing to let go of the criminal who had previously shot Tamaki. Like Izuku, he's kind, friendly, and has real dreams of being an altruistic hero, having been inspired by his idol, Crimson Riot. Kirishima is a cinnamon roll who may act like a man around other people but will forever be a soft boi wether he likes it or not. Hair Color O Izuku Midoriya. During the Hideout Raid Arc, Eijiro asks Izuku to help him in his plans to rescue Katsuki from the League of Villains, since he knew they were close. They survived Gigantomachia's destruction and went back to save other injured heroes together. Even the lead three Academia boys, Midoriya, Bakugo, and Todoroki, were considered at one point. He tells a shocked Neito Monoma that Katsuki has developed in terms of character. Entrance Exam, having a fair balance of both villain and rescue points, and 8th place in the Quirk Apprehension Test. Bakugou With a Crush/S/o Who Is Tsuyu’s Childhood Best Friend. Eijiro was initially taken by surprise when the blade villain used the Trigger drug to enhance his Quirk, but after bringing his Hardening to its maximum durability, the red-haired hero was able to overcome the villain's increased power and defeat him. ): Eijiro's Quirk gives him the power to harden and sharpen any or all parts of his body, causing his flesh to become jagged and rock-like. Proof of this friendship is that Denki is the first one to congratulate Kirishima for his hero debut defeating a villain alone while he was patrolling on his first day of Hero Work-Studies at the Fat Gum Agency, showing everyone the news of his feat. Kirishima has always found you adorable. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. I really wanted to do a quiz I think ya’ll would like! Birthplace Sports Festival performance, making him the 7th most nominated Class 1-A student. Their Quirks, Steel and Hardening, are functionally similar and described likewise, including the weakness of losing power in a drawn out battle, and making their bodies harder than stone. Although Katsuki defeats Eijiro in battle, this only furthered his respect for Katsuki. Thanks to his respectful and encouraging attitude, he's easily capable of making friends with most people he encounters, particularly those that show as much passion and resolve as he does. He leaves his chest bare, and wears a wired guard around his face, reaching from just above his hairline to below his jaw, an extra piece going over the bridge of his nose, and some spiked pieces around his mouth which resemble little fangs. Fighting Style Ranked 15th in the First Popularity Poll. Male Community content is available under. Anime Debut Chapter 5 Although Eijiro may not be as hot-blooded and competitive as Katsuki Bakugo, he does not shy away from comparing himself to him, with Izuku stating that the two have managed to develop a relationship between equals. Dec 13, 2020 - Explore Akako's board "CRUSH CRUSH CRUSH BLUSH BLUSH BLUSH" on Pinterest. These words make Eijiro recover his mood. Eijiro received a total of 68 nominations from Pro Heroes for his U.A. What I've been doing. Later on, however, while working together in the U.S.J. Ranked 5th in the Second Popularity Poll. Days before the Shie Hassaikai Raid, Eijiro consoled Izuku after he told him, Ochaco, and Tsuyu what happened after meeting with Eri and Kai Chisaki. Justin Cook Civilian It's later show that Eijiro and Mina were crying together while Momo Yaoyorozu and Rikido Sato stay in despair in front of Midnight's corpse. When the students moved into dorms, Eijiro was jealous at the popularity Rikido was getting for baking a cake. Kouta gets ‘kidnapped’ by the 1-A girls and they give him lots of love. Requested by @lazyfiresuitcasehero : Hello! He also seems capable of understanding Izuku's feelings to a certain extent, understanding how he felt when he was unable to rescue Katsuki. 切 (きり) 島 (しま) 鋭 (えい) 児 (じ) 郎 (ろう) Thanks to his Quirk, Eijiro's fighting style is straightforward and reckless, letting his hardened body take opposing hits while delivering counterattacks. || If ya wanna rp or just chat, I'm here! || Status: Taking a few day break, sorry! I don't know. This look overall slightly resembles an Oni, which is a troll-like creature commonly seen in Japanese folklore, but whether this was purposeful or not hasn’t been confirmed. As such, he's always thinking on how to further improve his own abilities and strengths, so as to not feel weak or burdensome to others. Eijiro's heroic spirit remained steadfast when he voiced his intent to help save Katsuki, who had been abducted by the League of Villains, and proclaimed that he won't stand by and do nothing. This time we’re writing roommates, and I somehow managed to snag Kirishima! A/n: Dude, I love Tsuyu so much, it isn’t even funny. Kirishima Eijirō ~Eijiro Kirishima~ | ↢ || Heyo guys, gals and Non-binary pals! Eventually, Eijiro regained his resolve, stepped in to efficaciously endure Kendo's volley of punches, and had the mettle to directly engage the former cage fighter with a punch that could have negated the latter's own blows, but Hekiji intervened with a barrier. Eijiro later apologizes to Mina and her classmates for not being able to do anything to stop the villain. (I mean, it’s obvious.) Eijiro gets along well with Mina despite not interacting with her as much as he does with some of his other classmates. Eijiro, as he looked during middle school. During the Forest Training Camp Arc, Eijiro was very worried for him when it's announced that the villains were looking specifically for Katsuki. Bakugou usually ignores Mineta when he’s like this. In U.A. What do you think of him? What does Kirishima Eijirou think of you? Blood Type arc, the two team up, soon sparking Eijiro's admiration for Katsuki, and what would turn into a friendship as time goes on. Eijiro and Katsuki have a mutual friendship. Ranked 4th in the Third and Fifth Popularity Polls. a/n: i saw multiple tiktoks about this and wanted to write something about it sooo yeah. ... On the outside he can be hard as rock (literally), but on the inside he is a huge softie. He also told Izuku that he is envious of his Quirk. However, after watching a video containing Crimson Riot's speech on chivalry and his heroic ideals, Eijiro re-evaluated himself and became a virile person who desires to help others no matter how scared he may be, even if it means recklessly rushing into situations. He is also a big fan of Crimson Riot, a retro hero that he takes inspiration from, including personal values and his own hero name. Even before having formerly met one another, Eijiro heard of Midoriya's decision to jump into action against the Sludge Villain despite not recognizing him when they met and respected him immensely for it. Although in a somewhat rough way, Tetsutetsu cheers up Eijiro, telling him that Hardening and Steel are different Quirks with their own strengths and weaknesses, and reminds Eijiro that his Quirk becomes tougher and tougher when he gets beat, without having a limit as to its hardness. He also has a crush on Bakugou. When he first underwent Hero Work-Studies, under the tutelage of Fat Gum, Eijiro confronted a villain who had the ability to protrude metal blades from his body. I couldn't do anything!! A shower of blades produced by a villain whose blade Quirk was strengthened by the Quirk-enhancing drug, Trigger. Eijiro has described Katsuki as being "manly," a quality that Eijiro is known to favor. She is shown to express concern for him after knowing about Shie Hassaikai Raid, checking to see if he's moved on from his past yet.[7].
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