For example the elemental combo of Corrosive’s Status effect Reduces enemy armor by 25%– which is very nice … How scaling of fundamental enemy stats works in general is identical for all the stats: Each enemy type has a base value for this fundamental stat and a base level, the current value of the stat at the current level of the enemy is then calculated after a formula of the following structure: Exponent and coefficient are determined by the specific stat in question but are equal across all enemy types. Rhino hardens his skin to create a reinforcing buffer with 400 / 600 / 800 / 1200 base health. I am a Malaysian Content Creator, currently working four part time jobs excluding youtube while publishing on youtube daily. Cry in one corner. While this is a simplification, it removed the feeling of choice. Warframe and the Warframe logo are trademarks of Digital Extremes Ltd. This formula also applies to warframes. Fury increases weapon and Chroma's abilities' base damage by 2% / 2.25% / 2.5% / 2.75% for every point of health lost up to a maximum of 200% / 225% / 250% / 275% . whenever i go into defence missions with higher levels i stack about 20 of them for a nice 202,000 hp shield. The level scaling of standardized effective hit-points of shielded enemies is influenced by the ratio of base shields to base health: Current EHP scaling for enemies with only health and shields compared to previous scaling at Base Level = 1. The accuracy of the following information is still under review. I wanted to test drive my Soma in a T3 capture before I started farming out Void keys. Flat armor and shield values across the board, or them scaling with diminishing returns, would actually fix the problem Mag's reworked Polarize suffered from, which was that it was doing jack shit vs anything that was level 50 and above in terms of Shield/Armor Stripping due to it being a flat damage value. Warframes base Stats are not designed to survive enemy scaling, thats why we have mods. Updated October 17th, 2020 by Charles Burgar: Warframe's meta is in an ever-changing state. Disclaimer: if you're not familiar with armor and how it scales for enemies in warframe, I'd suggest you read the wiki article first or watch the Brozime video on armor.. As the title says, I'm a little confused as why we have 2 scaling on enemies defenses, both on health and on armor. Never mind, I guess it's just the way armor scales again. A standardized graph is shown for each stat. The wiki is way to complicated and never outright states what the armor stat does. Why: This change allows us more accurate balancing of foes at higher levels. Because armor adds damage reduction to incoming damage on health the level scaling of standardized effective hit-points of armored enemies is influenced by the base armor itself: Current EHP scaling for enemies with only health and armor compared to previous scaling at Base Level = 1. Up until now in Warframe, the higher the enemy level, the better their accuracy. Can someone explain to me why it's damage is only doing sub 55-70 damage per shot on Grineer and I'm doing 2k to Infested Ancients and 600 damage per shot on corpus. There is no difference on how much my health goes down when shot at. Pillage (Hildryn)Acting as a powerful utility and defensive skill, Pillage is Hildryn's second … however i get a lot of people (useually higher ranks) that tell me this doesn't work. Sign up for a new account in our community. The formula enemy armor scales at is as follows: Current armor scaling compared to previous scaling at Base Level = 1. The purpose of this article is to show how exactly these stats scale with level, how this translates to useful indicators such as effective health, and what implications this has towards player decision making such as Aura mods or damage type selection. The base level and base value of the stat are determined by the enemy type. She has it all: massive team buffs to damage and armor, and teamwide invisibility, not to mention crowd control and scaling damage. The standardized effective hit-points of armored enemies are simply the health divided by the compliment of the damage reduction granted from armor. The stats amplified by enemy level gain are Health, Armor, Shields, Damage, and Affinity. Why: Armor Scaling and enemy Damage Reduction was the nucleus for this change. I upgraded my amor mod to rank 6, and now I have 510 armor on my warframe. so 600 to corpus still possible, not sure why 2k to ancient though, you hit their weakspot? Armor. Here are the 15 best assault rifles you can use in Warframe. Why: Armor Scaling and enemy Damage Reduction was the nucleus for this change. Pre-Update 27.2 this ratio used to converge towards a 1:2 ratio, where the higher the level the enemies, the closer they were to having twice as much health as shields, regardless of base stats. Stat scaling between 70-80 inclusive is interpolated from the two functions using smoothstep. From these fundamental stats, more meaningful stats can be derived. Things like your movement and Mods would reduce accuracy, but the potential for bad ‘Aimbot’ moments was too high. Select Page. for various elemental (and/or combo) damage types. So playing with Damage....2.2 is it? Scorn increases Warframe Armor by 0.5% / 0.625% / 0.75% / 0.875% for every point of shields lost up to a maximum of 200% / 250% / 300% / 350%. By The formula enemy damage scales at is as follows: Current damage scaling at Base Level = 1. While the Iron … The higher the enemy level is, the more dps they do. Capping armor scaling at level 60 I think would be the most ideal, as heavy gunners will have 71% DR versus corrosive, and elite lancers will have 80% DR against neutral damage types. For Enemies with Health, Shields, and Armor. If a mob has 200 armor, it would reduce damage to a third of its original (rounded down). But the best thing about Octavia is easily her Mandachord, which lets you bring your own custom soundtrack on every mission. Current affinity density scaling accounting for shields compared to previous scaling at Base Level = 1. However, damage output went up. Even the Elite Lancers receive less damage than what is supposed. ©2020 Digital Extremes Ltd. All rights reserved. for various elemental (and/or combo) damage types. Current shield ratio scaling compared to previous scaling at Base Level = 1. The shielding ratio of shielded, armored enemies is the ratio of their shield to their armored EHP. Upon activation, Iron Skin is invulnerable for 1.5 / 2 / 3 / 3 seconds. The current level is then the independent variable and the current value of the stat is the dependent variable of the formula. If the exponent is 1, the scaling of the stat would be linear with level, which means the increase in value as level grows would be constant. After: Armor Shields and Health on an S curve. The standardized effective hit-points of enemies that are both armored and shielded are more complex than the simple EHP cases from the previous sections above. There is no difference on how much my health goes down when shot at. For years Tenno have had the tools to deal with these things, but the tools were uniform: Use Corrosive Projection, or else. Welcome to my Channel! It counts to all grineer units that are beyond level 30. i was looking at its wiki page to see how frosts armor effects the globe when i found this out. One function is used when enemy level difference is below 70 and the other when enemy level difference is above 80. The affinity density of an enemy is its affinity per effective hitpoints and a measure of its profitability for affinity farming. Derived stats, such as effective health, are calculated by incorporating multiple of these fundamental stats, which is covered further below. Generally, only Grineer and boss enemies have armor, while the only Corpus and Infested units to possess armor are Bursa units, Oxium Osprey, and the Juggernaut. 62.7 affinity will be rounded down to 62. For years Tenno have had the tools to deal with these things, but the tools were uniform: Use Corrosive Projection, or else. Redmage107, December 13, 2013 in Weapons, So playing with Damage....2.2 is it? Note that enemy levels can only reach to a maximum of level 10000. Probably their solution to negative damage. Warframes base Stats are not designed to survive enemy scaling, thats why we have mods. As mentioned, all fundamental stats scale by the above formula structure and common features apply. The amount of damage you do to a given enemy depends on the type of physical damage you’re dealing, what kind of elemental mods you have equipped, if those combine … Current affinity density scaling accounting for armor compared to previous scaling at Base Level = 1. The formula enemy affintiy scales at is as follows: Note that this is a special case: for the affinity scaling, base level is not subtracted from the current level. This means that a Grineer Shotgun Lancer, whose base_level is 1 and has 200 base_armor, has 213.93 armor at level 5. The wiki is way to complicated and never outright states what the armor stat does. For targets without shields and armor, the standardized effective hit-point scaling is synonymous with standardized health scaling, the health graph and formula apply. I think Damage 3.0 will either make or break Warframe to be honest, and now would be a good time to be building up your Forma stocks as a quite a few of my secondarys may just need their V's removed. Formula: 100/(armor+100) * damage. This is not a buff request thread, or a nerf request thread I just wanna know why this is happening. This ratio converges towards a 0:1 ratio, where, as long as the enemy has a base armor of at least one, the higher the level the enemies the closer they are to having a negligible amount of shields relative to their EHP due to armor. It's easy! We’ve lowered the “bullet sponge” to high level enemies, but they now deal more damage. Also enemies armor scaling is getting a look at I heard. Stay agile, stay moving, and the mission is as good as won! Eventually shielded enemies at high enough levels will have more shields than health, so assuming a lack of Toxin or True damage, effectiveness against shields may take more precedence in player builds than health effectiveness. The armour curve was radically dropped. Enemy Damage output should still be close to what is currently on the Live version of the game, but we have made a few changes that will affect how players take Damage in-game. Note that the following health, shield, and armor scaling formula are derived from in-game testing and have not been confirmed or denied valid by Digital Extremes at this time. The problem you are experinceing is enemy scaling. Dealing more damage on the enemy due to them having some armor? that's not really a thing in warframe, though, and things … Though as seen above, if no armor is present then the ratio will diverge towards infinity. Current reflective killing rate scaling compared to previous scaling at Base Level = 1. It's a measurement for the effectiveness of damage reflecting effects and abilities, such as the Radiation damage proc, the Reflection mod, and abilities such as Link, Shadows Of The Dead, Absorb, Chaos or Mind Control. Introduced in a recent update, the Kuva Bramma is a new Grineer bow that packs a significant punch, surpassing what the… I am a Malaysian Content Creator, currently working four part time jobs excluding youtube while publishing on youtube daily. corrosive/blast gremlins do around 40 to 80 damage to corrupted heavy gunners in void. For armor, the ranges of level differences at which scaling transitions from exponential growth to a plateau is 70-80 inclusive. Base elemental damage don’t scale well into “late-game” when enemies grow higher in level – instead it would be wiser to focus on getting the Status effect proc chance higher so it occurs more often since this is a good way of targeting specifically what scales with the enemies levels – shields, armor, etc. Rewarding mobility is a key part of Warframe. Current affinity density scaling compared to previous scaling at Base Level = 1. The level scaling of standardized effective hit-points of these enemies is influenced by the ratio of base shields to base health and base armor, making the formula at least 3 variable: The shielding ratio of shielded, unarmored enemies is the ratio of their shield to their health. For health, the ranges of level differences from base to current level at which scaling transitions from exponential growth to a plateau is 70-80 inclusive. Warframe Revised: This was a massive quality of life patch that added many community-requested features. Just tested, Corrosive no longer 75% armor ignore, work like normal damage multiplier. Eximus enemies are now capped at Level 9999 like regular enemies. Before: Armor, Shields and Health on an Exponential Curve Enemy Armor Scaling [edit | edit source] Main article: Enemy Level Scaling. The formula enemy health scales at is as follows: Current health scaling compared to previous scaling at Base Level = 1. health, armor, shields, damage, and affinity. Reflective kill rate of an enemy is the ratio of its damage output and effective hit-points. While this is a simplification, it removed the feeling of choice. Look at that, I think you gonna find what you're looking for : Enemy Level Scaling Warframe In this article, you can find a lot of graphs that show you how enemy stats scale (health, health+armor...), how your affinity scale, and also the hitpoints and their effectiveness on enemies. Rhino's total armor multiplied by 250% is also added to the buffer's health. Soon they're going to nerf railjack enemies again so that they will have probably only <1/4 of their initial stats. A common feature between the functions used is that they intersect at x=80. This is because unlike before when health and shield scaling had same exponents (2), the current shield scaling has an exponent 50% larger than health scaling (0.75 vs 0.5) once past level 80, so it will grow at a faster rate despite having a smaller coefficient. Damage types that ignore armor do not suffer penalties from armor. I upgraded my amor mod to rank 6, and now I have 510 armor on my warframe. Desmos graphs for all the above formulas and graphs, Tried a t3 void with my Synapse, having over 2k Corrosive damage, still did the same amount of damage with the same crit build on my Soma. Many agree that this was one of Warframe's best updates in 2020. In other words, they produce the same value when the enemy level difference is 80. Effective Hit-points is not a fixed stat for any given enemy, it is heavily dependent on the damage type used against the target, as well as the various buffs and debuffs in effect for both the attacker and the enemy in question. Base elemental damage don’t scale well into “late-game” when enemies grow higher in level – instead it would be wiser to focus on getting the Status effect procchance higher so it occurs more often since this is a good way of targeting specifically what scales with the enemies levels – shields, armor, etc. Light and Medium grineers, Bombards and Napalms are falling like leaves in autumn under corrosive Penta explosions, but Gunners (and i guess, corrupted ones have the same coding behind them) take ridiculously small damage. it's almost necessary to keep scaling up the boss damage output with loot treadmill games because otherwise your tank would only be increasing their dps per upgrade. With Valk, youll need to stick Steel Fiber and Vitality on your warframe, this will exponentially increase your survivability. WHO WANTS TO KILL THEM ANYWAYS AM I RIGHT!? Notice that there is not much difference accept for where base armor is zero. I just wasted 600 endo and 27k credits :( If someone could explain what armor does, that would be amazing. The standardized effective hit-points of shielded enemies are simply the sum of their shields and health, except for the case when the Toxin damage portion of the gross damage depletes the target's health faster than the rest of the gross damage depletes its shield. Flat armor and shield values across the board, or them scaling with diminishing returns, would actually fix the problem Mag's reworked Polarize suffered from, which was that it was doing jack shit vs anything that was level 50 and above in terms of Shield/Armor Stripping due to it being a flat damage value. Enough to encourage use of CP, but not so high it cripples those who do not. Maybe you could make a short video and post it in GD? Disclaimer: if you're not familiar with armor and how it scales for enemies in warframe, I'd suggest you read the wiki article first or watch the Brozime video on armor.. As the title says, I'm a little confused as why we have 2 scaling on enemies defenses, both on health and on armor. Omg I'm only doing 69 per bullet to the heavies in t3, too. Welcome to my Channel! This means the shield ratio will also grow larger over levels rather than converging. We are so going to be dead meat now. Current shield ratio scaling accounting for armor compared to previous scaling at Base Level = 1. The problem you are experinceing is enemy scaling. Health, shields, and armor scaling formula use two main functions to determine stat scaling at a particular level. The only exception of this common structure is Affinity scaling, where the current level is used instead of the difference between the current and base level. they all think it was a bug … Armour/Shield/Health/Damage curves have been modified. For exponents higher than 1, each successive level-up grants a larger increase than the previous one, and for exponents lower than one, each successive level-up grants a smaller increase than the previous one. Because HERP DERP ALL THE NUMBERS MUST GO UP FOR HIGH LEVEL ENEMIES INCLUDING ARMOR ARE NOT WE AT DE SUCH SMARTHEADS, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. You may need to refresh some aspects of your Builds to truly optimize your power against your enemies. WARFRAME Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The health and shields curves dropped slightly as well. The shielding ratio is relevant for evaluating and selecting damage types against shielded enemies, i.e. weighing benefits against shield types against benefits against health types. Actually, this seems like a Heavy Gunner problem, am i right? Why: Armor Scaling and enemy Damage Reduction was the nucleus for this change. The higher the enemy level is, the more dps they do. All incoming damage that is absorbed during this invulnerability period is converted into health and added to the buffer's health. High-level enemies would be pinned at the best Accuracy they are capable of - not quite 100%, but getting pretty close! I guess because slash is 15% more susceptible to armor, dealing negative damage. For shields, the ranges of level differences at which scaling transitions from exponential growth to a plateau is 70-80 inclusive. Look at that, I think you gonna find what you're looking for : Enemy Level Scaling Warframe In this article, you can find a lot of graphs that show you how enemy stats scale (health, health+armor...), how your affinity scale, and also the hitpoints and their effectiveness on enemies. A massive dev stream from the Warframe team outlined several changes and improvements coming to the game. All enemies that you encounter in WARFRAME have a certain level, which determines their strength by increasing some of their base statistics. Upon activation, Iron Skin is invulnerable for 1.5 / 2 / 3 / 3 seconds. At lower levels the coefficient is normally less than one, so growth is not easily noticed until mid-level ranges. Reading this section should give you a conceptual and on-paper understanding of what we’re changing and why, but practical experiences will tell the full story here. Enemy base armor values are displayed under the codex and infobox, but scale to the enemy's level. Infested are close-range enemies that telegraph most attacks - and now if one of those attacks hits you, it simply does more damage. Fundamental stats are stats in the narrower sense, so if "stats" is not specified, fundamental stats are meant. Enough to encourage use of CP, but not so high it cripples those who do not. This formula also applies to warframes. xn ∈ O(nx), nx ∉ O(xn)). For the following considerations, however, these influences are disregarded, as they do not alter the course of the graphs except for clinching or stretching them as a whole, which manifests as a scaling of the Y-axis. Why: Having Infested simply deal more Damage encourages you to use mobility in ways that is not the norm for their ranged counterparts. Current reflective killing rate scaling accounting for armor compared to previous scaling at Base Level = 1. Formula: 100/(armor+100) * damage. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.