Be the first to leave a comment for this fit! Additional Help and Updates Material related to EVE-Online is used with limited permission of CCP Games hf by using official Toolkit. Abyssal Deadspace Guide & Ship Fit Recommendations. 1. qui est relatif aux abysses, aux profondeurs supérieures à 2000 mètres. After speed clouds the main threat are blue clouds when facing Marshalls. Faction modules. For Kaybdis and the Overmind you're looking to get on them as soon as possible; HOWEVER, pay attention to their position. If you don't want to do Improved then Standard works. price: 68,4M ISK Astero, ☜☆☞ est. It's for anyone who might be looking for a new challenge in the game in the highest difficulty in the abyss. abyssal (adj.). Some key features of the Abyssal Deadspace content included but are not limited to the following: Solo / Time-Limited content, maximum 20 minutes. I will try to clear some frigates on approach but once the main group reaches me I swap to the webbing and neuting cruisers. Precursor Cruiser V 29d 15h 6m. This fit requires max skills in all the new weapon techs that came with "Into The Abyss" expansion. If you can apply it then Occult is king; however, I found that Tetryon is almost always a better option for Damaviks and sometimes even Kikimoras. They will largely operate outside of smartbomb range and can rep through the DPS anyways. Moving within 6km of the outgate will shut off your smartbombs. With our AB and the room's velocity boost you can typically close the distance on a webbed target if you only have one web on you. They can crush your optimal even more; however, I find that if you can reach and tackle a ship then you will be operating within the penalized range anyways. The wild changes in your and the rat's speed will almost always break your ramped DPS. With Dreks and Leshaks you want to dive into the pack and start working on their HP before they rep too much. Its only good for doing dark filament abyssal sites, other type will require modification and lots of sisi testing. Drones Both are viable but the latter is an upgrade for only 30mil more. Centum C-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane, Inherent Implants 'Squire' Power Grid Management EG-603. I'm slowly adding runs onto Youtube to address concerns pilots have for specific rooms. The Ikitursa hull itself is pricey so I always feel it deserves some bling anyways. Theory and Fit Worm, T3 Abyssal Electrical PvE Worm with 3x clients est. The frig will end up spending time much closer than Meson range but it will also slingshot and we don't want to break that spooling. For target priorities always look for things that will prevent you from applying damage. The online game EVE Online is a space simulator that immerses the player in an unforgettable space atmosphere. I only run an antipharmakon in slot one (Exile on live) but you could just as easily roll an exile in addition to drop. Overheating the afterburner and repper can make up for the rest. (Aim for 3-5 minutes per room.) The support drones will die around the Overmind much earlier. Cataclysmic Dark Ikitursa Run - Rodivas with Kikis, Sleeper BCs, & Abyssal Overmind Cost and Reasoning The below fit gets north of 600 DPS with Fury Heavy Missiles and Tech-2 medium drones. price: 437,3M ISK Kronos, Rrriper ... Hidden fits are excluded from the frontpage and search on EVE Workbench, the fit is still available if you know the URL. Look for opportunities to overheat to make up time. I chose Improved Drop to help in the situations where we can't rely on these. With an abyssal point you can held from well over a million Big Macs away (116km) and scrams have a maximum range of 43.6km from the absolute best mods. 最高級MODを山積みしたAbyssal PVP用のfit。確実に1vs1となり、十分な制限時間があるAbyssal PVPはまさにIkitursaの支配環境。 現実的に考えうる中で最強のFitであり、あとはパイロットの腕次第である。 Strangely, both the Arazu and Lachesis do very similar jobs as far as recons go. Issue tracker Patreon Uptime monitor. You will die with a quickness if you clip a blue cloud while tanking the Marshalls. Playstyle This is a good time to use your drones. Vedmak teir 5 abyssal deadspace fit used for clearing tier 5 chaotic dark filament pve content on EVE Online. Above is the Gila fit that I’ve been using in Abyssal Deadspace and have seen a tremendous amount of success with. The Ikitursa has been adapted for capsuleer service using systems based on the venerable Eagle-class heavy assault cruiser and has the powerful defenses and hard striking power one would expect of such a … If you pull this off you can kill the entire room right around the time you pop Karybdis. Be aware that drones have a tough time applying damage in darks on smaller targets. Be wary of your position. Avoid them at all costs. 2. très grand (et déprimant) " misère abyssale " " stupidité abyssale " 3. qui n'a aucune limite apparente " une dette abyssale " 4. If you are in a multi-target situation to use Drones be sure to put them on a secondary target. (figuré) qui ressemble à un abîme en profondeur ; si profond qu'il est impossible de le mesurer " les profondeurs abyssales de l'océan " In a previous article, “The Wealth of Alliances,” we explored various ways alliances create ISK and how those game mechanisms affect the general health of those groups. Some rooms like the Marshalls, Angels, and Sanshas will benefit from having Baryon as an option. For drones I mainly have Navy Infiltrators. The trick up our sleeve though is triple EM smartbombs that reach out to 6km. Even if you have a target at 5400m it's likely going to move out of range while you are quadruple webbed so consider Tetryon or even Baryon. © 2021 EVE Workbench. It's for anyone who might be looking for a new challenge in the game in the highest difficulty in the abyss. Ikitursa fit for T5/6 firestorm maybe? Both are overkill but let you focus elsewhere rather than on your tank. Start with the T4 fit, and right around the time you earn enough for the T5 fit, you should know encounters well enough to run T5s safely. The Abyss Tracker is a "killboard" for your Abyssal Deadspace runs - you can save your exact loot saved, aggregated and compared with others. [Rupture, T1 Abyssal Rupture] Counterbalanced Compact Gyrostabilizer Counterbalanced Compact Gyrostabilizer Counterbalanced Compact Gyrostabilizer Fourier Compact Tracking Enhancer IFFA Compact Damage Control. 28/10/2020 Modification de l'adresse du Siège social. I designed this fit to address how rats operate in T6 Darks. The Abyss Tracker keeps fit history since 2020-11-03 - earlier history entries are not available. Buy PLEX. All right reserved. Finally, TDs. Modules; Export; History; Questions ; High slot modules. It is very easy and simple to fly due to massive cap stability and similar tactics no matter the … This usually goes Webs, Neuts, TDs. Be sure to bring all ammo types though as having additional range options is always helpful. I could make a fit for this but I will instead be referring to Fonsui’s excellent fits. We use these weather penalties to our favor by fitting for max damage and utilizing only a three slot tank. Target Priority Heavy Entropic Disintegrator II with Occult M: 50 425 000 ISK Corpii A-Type Small Energy Nosferatu: 18 905 000 ISK Corpii A-Type Small Energy Nosferatu: 18 905 000 ISK Mid slot modules. I swapped to the Centum C-Type Membrane for a Centii A-Type Coating on Tranquility. Dernière révision il y a 53 mois 4 Fits PvE pour débutants Introduction. Material related to EVE-Online is used with limited permission of CCP Games hf by using official Toolkit. Skill injectors. 5.632.486.252,10: Galu Nalelmir Become our … It's not the end of the world but you are losing out on a lot of saved time. For Angels/Sansha you will want to overheat DPS, tank, and possibly the afterburner here. The Ikitursa, on the other hand, does things much better. You want to use smartbombs the entire time. The goal is to get within range and apply Occult to priority targets while letting your smartbombs clean up anything within 6km. Missing features? For ammo choices you will largely be using Occult and Tetryon. On the left side of the ingame fitting window, click the wrench icon. With a well-trained pilot jacked in, this fanged horror is capable of unleashing a hail of missiles to send even the most seasoned armor tankers running for cover. This fit is not for laid-back isk making. Changelog Donations Join Abyssal Lurkers. They will help when you get three rooms where you can't use smartbombs effectively. I prioritize Tanglers for Leshaks then any ship that is straying too far from the pack. I typically start rooms by pre-heating Meson and popping an EWAR frig while I move into the pack. Source : ABYSSA Societé par Actions Simplifiée au capital de 986.500 € Siège social : 60, chemin de l’Aviation 64200 BASSUSSARRY 847 631 306 R.C.S. ADR05: Dylan Ryders (Caracal) Pandemic Horde: Attacker Marshal Disparu Troop npc DED: 11:54 10.00k-1.0 Znex. I'm running Improved Exile on Tranquility due to the low supply of Kosybo. Blue Clouds and Tracking Pylons are helpful but aren't always available. Buy Ships eve online. Ammo Choice No official affiliation or endorsement by CCP Games hf is stated or implied. Save the DPS heat for these cruisers and stick with an ammo type with which you can maintain spool. This fit is suitable for Levels 1-3, and you should be able to clear most Abyssal sites of these difficulties in well under 15 minutes. Ces fits de départ ne requèrent aucun skill que les personnages franchement créés ne possèdent pas. Prioritize any frigates or cruisers with Arrestor in the name BEFORE you get in range of the battleship webs. Leshaks like to starburst and I want to try to kill them before they stray too far. As usual, I worked through the fit to see where, if any, isk could be saved and this is what I landed on. I aim to ramp damage on the biggest targets while maximizing the number of rats within that 6km sphere. The information below was calculated from 209 user submitted runs (displayed left). 50% reduction in Microwarpdrive signature radius penalty 50% reduced Energy Neutralizer capacitor need 50% reduced Remote Armor Repairer capacitor need 50% reduced Smart Bomb capacitor need 100% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer range Required Skills. Sleeper battleships like to hug the gate so you will mostly use drones here but sometimes they will drift off letting you clear the cruisers with smartbombs. You will be brawling in every room with this fit. Kills (Abyssal) Time Ship Place Victim Final Blow; Feb 25, 2021; 11:59 10.00k-1.0 Fxhyv. This guide contains two SAFE Gila fits (+variations) and how to use them in ALL abyssal types (+tier list). Be very aware of your range to the gate. Using the Triglavian Vedmak-class cruiser as a basis, the designers of the Ikitursa have fashioned a powerful heavy assault cruiser from the already potent core design. I use them when I cannot use smartbombs, when I want to pop a biocache at range, or when I'm in a pure single target DPS fight. Any Ikitursa that dedicates fewer than 4 lows to tank won't survive against a lot of things, so that's about the highest DPS … Thanks to it's wacky T2 Resists, a standard dual rep, dual EANM, reactive fit hits near or above 90% resists in both thermal and explosive, meaning it can tank even an Ikitursa that has an officer gun and 2 officer radiation sinks with Pyrolancea IV. No official affiliation or endorsement by CCP Games hf is stated or implied. Large C5-L Compact Shield Booster Compact Multispectrum Shield Hardener 10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner Large Compact Pb-Acid Cap … For Drekavacs, Kikis, Leshaks I find that you just end up spending a lot of time in these rooms. The combat recon Lachesis has an additional mid slot, but otherwise they’re both typically fit in a similar way. This is currently version 1.9. After the Marshall battleships I'll start working on the other targets but I try to leave the Edencom ships for last. ADR05: Dylan Ryders (Capsule) Pandemic Horde: Attacker Marshal Disparu Troop npc DED: 11:58 35.26m-1.0 Fxhyv. If you drop to 10% speed for some reason you will absolutely bleed hull HP. IKI T4 FIRESTROM Untested Fit #1228. No cruiser currently in existence can match the superiority of the Cerberus's onboard missile system. Cataclysmic Dark Ikitursa Run - Vile Vedmaks, Karybdis with Speed Cloud, & Rodivas with Drones It can blitz Calm, Agitated and Fierce tier filaments in as little as 5 minutes flat, and can usually beat Raging and Chaotic tier filaments of types Gamma and Exotic in 10-15 minutes. Odds are that the new signature will either be a wormhole or an exit from Abyssal space. Over the first half of 2020 over 83% of the kills within the old Abyssal Proving Grounds were made by the same five ship types, and 48% of the kills were made by one ship type, the Ikitursa. Additionally, always avoid speed clouds even if it means moving into a normally awkward position away from the outgate. Our Occult range on the ship is 5800m. Precursor Destroyer III 8h … Once you have cleared them full committ on the Marshall battleships. Shadow … If a disconnect or log off occurs … • Can fit Assault Damage Controls. EVEMarketer is market data and statistics tool for EVE Online BAYONNE Suivant procès-verbal en date du 19 octobre 2020, Le président a décidé de transférer le siège social à l’adresse suivante : 100, avenue de l’Adour, OLATU … His Ikitursa fit is below without any changes, although I would personally fit it up with a Federation Navy Afterburner and drop the gun to T2. Abyssal Deadspace is new pve content made available with the "Into The Abyss" expansion on EVE Online. If you can clear the rest of the webs while you move to your main Occult target you will be at an advantage. Specific Rooms Over the first half of 2020 over 83% of the kills within the old Abyssal Proving Grounds were made by the same five ship types, and 48% of the kills were made by one ship type, the Ikitursa. Current best run for time on Tranquility is 9:15 (displayed as 8:44 on Abyssal Tracker): Cataclysmic Dark Ikitursa Run - 9:15 - Eve Online - Abyssal PvE After those large targets I start working on anything that orbits outside 6km. My fit’s a bit more expensive, sitting at about 900M ISK. This fit is not for laid-back isk making. While doing this you can still position near the battleships. Renting in EVE: An Analysis. Playstyle price 5.247.521.350,00 ISK), Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' Evasive Maneuvering EM-705. Finally, the classic Abyssal rooms of Karybdis, the Overmind, and Sleeper Battleships can all be handled the same way. Through practice you will be able to identify how to best react in every room. I like to heat DPS, tank, and prop mod here. Cataclysmic Dark Ikitursa Run - Sleepers, Vedmaks, & Angels Currently list is below: Imperium News Network - EVE Online News. If you do not complete the deadspace in time, your ship … ADR01: Izomorf (Capsule) X-Empire: Skybreaker … With a likely target spotted, all the hunters need to do … Buy Eve ISK. If CCP treats the Abyssal deadspace sites as a cosmic anomaly, all a hunter or small gang needs to do is fly into a system, record the signatures, and then the next time the hunter enters the system, check for new signatures. Cataclysmic Dark Ikitursa Run - Sleeper Cruisers, Sansha Frigs, & Angels Admittedly you can outfit and fly a passive Gila for around 300mil but cheap Gilas tend to be risky and many experienced Abyssal Gila runners that I have spoken to have recommend fits that are closer to 500-700mil for safety and consistency. The game provides an excellent opportunity to plunge into the space of space, explore the unknown corners of this atmosphere, go on an unusual journey and for get about space and … This fit handles well under neut pressure but if you find the room is running long you will want to bump neuting ships up in priority. This tank is overkill for 95% of the situations we will face. Firestorm filaments will take longer than usual due to the armour … In addition, quite a few requests have been made from players who would like to compete in Proving Grounds style PVP engagements with their friends, rather than being restricted to 1v1 … If you are missing features please let us know using the feedback button, by joining our Discord-server using this … A heavy, intermediate warship that appears to be the Collective's equivalent of a combat battlecruiser, the Drekavac is another Triglavian design that has proven adaptable to capsuleer technology, as with previously recovered examples of ship architecture recovered from Abyssal … Clouds and Pylons First upgrades that I recommend on Tranquility are Mutaplasmids for your Entropic Radiation Sinks. Abyssal Deadspace is exremely dangerous and any destruction of the capsuleers ship within an Abyssal Deadspace will always destroy the capsule as well. As usual, I worked through the fit to see where, if any, isk could be saved and this is what I landed on. We have also received quite a few requests from players who would like to compete in Proving Grounds style PVP engagements with their friends, rather than being restricted to 1v1 engagements. One, clear webs. For positioning I try to fight the main group around the biocache unless clouds prohibit it. For Marshalls you have two priorities. The Ikitursa hull itself is pricey so I always feel it deserves some bling anyways. Leaving the pocket in any other capacity than the gate within it will also result in the destruction of ship and capsule. Do not make sudden course corrections as speed is a large portion of your tank here. The main thing you're probably looking at is the steep investment cost. While the optimal penalty is significant, most rogue drones, sleepers, and drifters naturally orbit within 6km of your ship in this weather. The ship will also be destroyed if the timer for the deadspace runs out. To leave a comment at this fitting you must, Specified market details for fitting (Est. Then at the bottom left of the page click 'Import & Export' then 'Import from clipboard' to import this fit to EVE Online. Their AOE dps can be used in your favor. As a heavy assault cruiser, the Ikitursa can use an assault damage control for enhanced defense and benefits from increased … The Ikitursa has been adapted for capsuleer service using systems based on the venerable Eagle-class heavy assault cruiser and has the powerful defenses and hard striking power one would expect of such a vessel wielding heavy entropic disintegrators.