Mini-boss fights in a small instance with more adds and trash packs then you will care for. If this game felt more like wow it would be a better game lol. Did all but 2 of these last night. Defeat them before killing Jai Quallo. They do hit fairly hard, especially when both droids gang up on the same group member. Silly Half Baked Uprisings well summed up there.. ^^ Current Swtor Development & new ways of Grabbing Cash with help of one of the biggest Franchises is Sad & So Darn true :/ Outdated Glitchy Game-Engine, Gfx Style that’s from early 2000.. Yaiks Have to Congratulate Eaware for how easy it is to lure in some Bling Bling throwing ppl with such Small Effort.. My High School Review score be 6.5/10 for Knights of Eternal Farming Small Dlc that launches 3.12. Unfortunately.. And there’s not much left in this game as far as raiding is concerned. DON’T level only through Heroics, Flashpoints or PvP.Level Sync is something great, but it is designed for the more experienced players, those who have already played through most of the content years ago. Again, didn’t think this needed to be stated since it’s been a viable tactic since…well since release, but here we are. Is there some secret tactic or advice? If anyone likes the game in its current state then I really don’t care or bother to respond since I got nothing to add. A watered down flash point and about as mediocre as you can get. The larger question is if there is anyone left to write the guides. There are many people who like the game, though the people with grievances are more likely to post then people who are happy; that is an interesting social fact, “For every customer who bothers to complain, 26 other customers remain silent,” White House Office of Consumer Affairs. Sincerely wish you good education times & Prosperous Future. If you truly had lost interest in this when the content got stale, a la a year or two ago, why bitch now??……. 160k. Major Korven’s attacks are Fire Bomb and Suppressive Fire. Sad to hear that can’t read so time for you 2 head back to school bench Enjoy studies & have fun. Is it just me or are these things completely unsoloable now with a companion? Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. with Crossfire 1.0 & 2.0 mod <3, Wish u nice gaming in whatever game that is . Well that’s why I didn’t insult you and went with long winded answers to explain my point of view instead , Some of us who don’t play currently might be inclined to do so if the game shows signs of improvement, so we check this site from time to time, and then we read the comments and get stuck (it’s fun to argue or just talk crap with some regulars here who are pretty nice people)…. of course right after this story it’s darth vader, cause nothing in the star wars universe happened for 3500 years after this. I have reached the conclusion that Uprisings were designed by Leroy Jenkins, there is no other explanation. With SWTOR game update 5.2 Bioware added updated all of the class story introductions. THe hipster bad guy? This tranquil way of life was endangered by the Dark Lord Naga Sadow when, after the iron-handed century rule of the Sith Empire by Dark Lord of the Sith Marka Ragnosdied, his c… Your opinion is just as smelly so do get off that high horse, no prizes given for the most BW ass kissed here.,,,, Thank goodness I didnt pay a dime for this update. This will probably like star fortress for me, do it to get the decos and never touch it again. There is ESO, GW2 and Revelation Online on this site. “Korven” in Swedish is “Sausage”. Every bit of this shown thus far has not gotten a single member of my old guild back into the game nor any of my friends that left it prior to the Valkorian Family Blues soap opera. Quite a bit difference there. There are three achievements in Uprisings that grant decorations, Some decorations also drop off the Inferno Uprising (Adacin/Zanisk) and the Crimson Fang Uprising (Red Huntress). They behave similar to the ones in the Battle Droid fight and will leave behind red AoE circles once they are killed. It has a red telegraph and Elarea does not move or turn while she performs this channeled attack so it is very easy to avoid. Just endless waves of killing for about 6 minutes, then the boss and you’re done. Kind Regards: Old Mmo’er who Dislikes Simplified Char progression. likely because there are couple of very good ESO resources already and of those Tamriel’s foundry seems to be the one supported most by Zenimax. The two main abilities that Wrad will spam are Force Slow and Force Choke. Because I’m not sure this is going to last hehehehehe…. Then if you post something that the devs think doesn’t praise them enough they either delete your post or hit you with the ban hammer. When do you think can we expect class setup guides for 5.0? Sincerely wish you good education times & Prosperous Future. And given a crapton of backstory for a lot of stuff. Some abilities got AC specific replacements that are identical in all but name for whatever reason. You would think you could find something better to do with your time. Naturally Swtor’s Eaware crew Will Bow Down & make it as they’re known for fastest Simplification no matter the area in their Star Wars Dress Up Half Mmo. Also, after you get shot, she’ll throw a cryo grenade so you can’t run from her fire bomb. , Yeah, I’m going to have to play around with my Vanguard thanks for your help. Not hard to imagine that work what was put into Eternal Championship Pve design to be Converted as Operation a.k.a Raid. Dulfy posted this guide before it was fixed, meaning the way she posted was the only way at the time. I hope it won’t become repetitive though :/. Hayward founded TORCommunity in 2008 the day after SWTOR was announced. So what, a few hardcore players leave/left because of a lack of endgame Raids, after BW publicly stated 2-3x that KotFE and “next xpac” were going back to “A return to single player story driven content”. And… just because you don’t enjoy the content doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t….. That goes both ways. I come back and play every once and while to see how the game is shaping up. I wanna try the Port Nowhere one next, it’s been far too long since I been there. Just follow the cliff around to the agent and you’re all set. I am very okay with this. Also if you do wipe and want the little animal companions to help you again you have to go back to the top of the hill to refresh your special item. So there’ll be gaps on your toolbar. When people defend the game while telling people who criticise the game in fairly measured terms that they’re wrong, that’s when I bother to reply as it was in this case. Everyone is of course entitled to their own opinion. support us. Star Wars - The Old Republic; Bounty Hunter; Summary. Groups of technicians will spawn during the fight that need to be wiped out When one of the droids reaches 20%, Malfunctioning Droid will start rush in in waves and try explode on the group. I also find it funny that you go on to list a litany of games that aren’t MMO’s….. Again, just sounds like bitching for the sake of bitching on a forum related to a game you “claim” to no longer care about. Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. you are literally giving me more cancer than 5.0 is already, pls stop. Something unique to Uprisings are the power ups. Imagine running the first five minutes of a flashpoint, and while the rest of your group skips a load of trash some scrub runs straight down the middle and aggros everything. Do this twice to get him to drop down. On top of that, specs get a new skill at 74(every 16 levels), so whatever “hardcore” players that left, will no doubt be returning for 6.0 when we see that new passive(s), new utility and new skill on top of the other PvE additions. Later with tank was easier, funny part most veteran uprisings easier then story mode. Seems more like we have a bunch of internet warriors attempting to make the people that enjoy the game feel bad for it by shit posting. A guide to the Uprisings Content introduced with SWTOR 5.0 Game Update. It’s YOUR choice to read the comments and reply to them. Suppressive Fire is a frontal AoE so you will need to turn her away from rest of the group. The five Uprisings differ slightly in length as well. It’s called read tooltips, read your passives and go through your skills. Currently playing and covering SWTOR, GW2, and TSW. After the circle disappears, it will blast the area with its lasers, dealing massive damage. And the reason we complain is that despite the decreased quality of the game, we still care about and want it to be good again. Fire Emblem Warriors
We in Germany life with (Boba) Fett since the 70ies! I know how to speak to companies when in direct communication with them. The trick is DON’T SCROLL DOWN TO THE COMMENTS. From time to time she will port away and you will need to chase her down using the same grappling hook mechanic from the catwalks. He also has a massive Dark Cave cleave which has a big knockback range. So I sort of want this game to get its shit together since there aren’t really any other interesting options for space MMO’s. I still can play 2-3 times more the original story for all 8 classes, its great, once in 1-2 months can play through SoR, its kinda ok, but KotFE is something too boring, cant do it more than on 4 chars. [toc] General Info Uprisings are a new four-player group content introduced with Patch 5.0. The higher the difficulty, the more hit points and abilities the bosses have and the better the drops. . “Nice try but incorrect! I still have to test whether shock usage in Lightning is warranted. Zanisk drops Dark Field, purple colored circles on the ground that you will need to avoid. MMO guide writer and blogger. You gave a random response in ignorance and proved your ignorance. 12.11.2018 Embark on a brand-new Republic vs. Imperial storyline on the Jedi planet of Ossus. And I was just giving a random examle. They give 160 CXP and 200 CXP base for completion on story and veteran mode respectively but the last boss also drops an Uprising Bonus pack for everyone (Story mode drops Small Bonus Pack which give 240 CXP). Shit man… I was gonna wipe the floor with this guy (yet another White Knight with EXACTLY the same old arguments). I wish people would do more reading and less blind complaining. I’ve fought ops bosses less challenging than her, and that is just wrong. The video makes it look super easy but really it was after 1 hour of countless attempts, right when I was about to ragequit. They are meant to be a lite version of flashpoints with no cutscenes and all action. Great fun hordes of adds to waste. Refurbished Burrower Droids are summoned at certain HP%. Now expect a good chunk of players calling for nerfs cause you know…. 4. G(-RX is usually killed first since he spams Mortar Barrage attack nonstop, placing red circles under each group member that need to be avoided. If you are looking where to start, check out the "Suggested Path" section below. You deserve it. Over at the forums they are suddenly realizing that GC isn’t legacy wide :p. Even how Annoying Crap idea that GC / Rng Looting is esp. They are only available to Level 70 players and can be accessed in three ways. That is but one example. You Sir, haven’t the slightest Idea what you’re talking about. Required fields are marked *. This is a reworking of the Timeline Videos from the SWTOR Official Website. You can line of sight his snipe attacks when you see an arrow beam pointing at you. Taurina and Mako must travel from Nal Hutta to Dromund Kaas, a place Taurina knows all too well, to finally gain the respect she feels she deserves. You must have a very high opinion of yourself, if you think that people who complain about the current status of the game care that much about what you think and how much you enjoy this game. You need to kill those adds ASAP and avoid his Force Storm attacks as they deal ~20k damage per tick on storymode. Very weak attempt, please try again. Especially since Kubrikian wasn’t even asking a question…. Each Uprising is suppose to drop an unique mount. now in Swtor where isn’t any Actual New Content i hope that Eaware doesn’t lick the Lazymode Gamer’s Feet soon when they start Demanding that..Legacy Wide GC.. Hey Dulfy I noticed that the “Fractured” uprising doesn’t have any achievement agent listed. Thanks dude. Choose your loyalties now in Game Update 5.10! Happens all the time, or are you new to MMO’s? TORCOMMUNITY AND RELATED PROPERTIES ARE TRADEMARKS OF GAME RUSH, LLC. Veteran mode in uprisings is not tough. You don’t go in ESO news and ask dulfy to take it down just because you don’t play it, do you? This is pissing me off. aside from that – you forgot to mention Black desert online , Yeah, indeed. News Category for BioWare's Massively Multiplayer Role-playing Game Star Wars: The Old Republic ... Star Wars The Old Republic is getting its second and final story update for this year! They dont need to create new planets, quests can be added anywhere. Go to the boss platform and head back towards the medical droid. Than follow the pipe down till you get to the agent and stand directly on top of him. Finally, as Sion related, some ranged classes have some tweaks. Jai will keep spawning waves of adds. i dont know why the fuck i still visiting this site, fucking drug. Much appreciated. This clown just sounds like another jaded goon with a chip on his shoulder, looking to complain about anything. Lord Wrad is surrounded by several Sith Acolytes and summon groups of Sith Adepts that needs to be dealt with. to Star Citizen that i’ve backed so far with 130€. Will Dulfy be posting 5.0 Class guides and updates around rotations? Kind Regards: Veteran Mmo’er who Dislikes Simplified Char progression. Sounds really bad for ranged players, especially sniper. Plenty of E3 converge on YT every year and Dev Blogs…..Not sure why so many are confused as to why there is a lack of new PvE and throwing in the towel, after they already told us 2 years ago and last E3 what was going on with it. Destroy its shield by activating the airstrike button that is provided. Also Now not able to transfer Warzone Comms between Legacy members. But the Passives on Snipers… Omg, these guys are crazy! If you stand between the power coupler and the medcenter it tends to make you fall less often. The fact that other shitty MMOs are a grindfest, is not an excuse for SWTOR, and neither should it be. Whats next darth vaderr we all know how that ends. Many of us have been here since launch, many of us have played all the content multiple times on alts, and many of us are still enjoying the game regardless. I only use the guides to cross reference my rotation and make sure I didn’t miss anything. Twomanned this with a guildie, it was easily the hardest fight (1 wipe) we ended up just making sure that both droids where not agroed on the same target, and used DC’s as needed. From time to time, Elarea will pick one group member and single them out for a duel. This person need to survive for a few seconds (kiting usually works for squishy members). It’s like when you’re on a date and you take her to McDonalds. Legion has been a great expansion for thy game. Star Wars the Old Republic (SWTOR), Guild Wars 2 (GW2) and Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) are currently covered. If anything, you can always not visit you know. Dude, what is your problem? IDK about Plasmatech, but Tactics Vanguard now has Grapple to use as higher priority over Hammer Shot and Pyro Grenade as a free filler with the Legendary utility that gives Grapple a damaging component and boosts Stockstrike’s damage. Fractured and Firefrost (Story) are fairly easy to solo as long as you pay attention, use the extra power-up weapon thingies (the AE firebomb makes those stupid mixed standard and strong trash adds go a lot quicker), don’t mind a death/extra attempt on occasion, and obey mechanics exactly. It would seem the new achievement “Initial Uprisings (Story)” is broken because it doesn’t recognize that I’ve already completed these 5 uprisings on story mode. This game is becoming more of a single player or Korean moba game were it’s all about the money you spend on game stores. Hell, I don’t even play the game and I still come here…lol. It would’ve been 8/10 “or more no doubt” if Swtor’s Eaware crew had listened their Supporters Equally already starting from spring 2016. Defended by the Jedi Order and governed by the Galactic Senate, the Galactic Republic has been renowned for its intimidating, yet peaceful, non-conquering power. [toc], Uprisings are a new four-player group content introduced with Patch 5.0. He would’ve fit perfectly into the whole narrative. Not having him voiced in Revan makes it even worse. Via the Galactic Command system (can’t select specific uprisings, auto-queue), Via the Group Finder (can select specific uprisings to queue but can’t enter with less than 4 players), Via the Uprising Terminal in Combat Training section of the fleet (allow you to enter with less than 4 players and with companions), Story Uprisings are meant for fresh level 70s, Veteran Uprisings are meant for players in mid-tier (234/236 rating gear), Master Uprisings are meant for players in top tier (240/242 rating gear). If you weren’t here to know that… Well, I was. Which means that we either repeat content that we’ve already done far too many times, or burn through stories with little replay value and then wait for the next update. HP (Story): G9-RX 1.4 mil, Bel Nerodia 1.22 mil. Not sure you can call others pathetic. or are the uprisings different? I was confused by dulfy’s pics. To do the Master Beast Wrangler achievement, you can stay behind after your group finish this Uprising and just use your Wild Attunement Device on all the spots until you get all the beasts. This Uprising is designed a bit differently from the others with more jumping around but only two bosses. The special mechanic for this Uprising is the Beast Wrangler mechanic. So what, a few hardcore players left the game. Blaming it on being “low on resources” won’t really matter since you could’ve been a lot more inventive with just a little bit of cash… . Sometimes there’s just nowhere to hide from her sniper shot. For the Observe and Report: Crimson Fang to get to the agent simply find the malfunctioning power coupler on the left upper pipe right as you exit the med center. These purple circle will follow that player for a few seconds and then turn blue to drop constantly AoE bombardment on that area. Those of us not subbed come here as you cannot post on the official forums unless you do. Thermal Devastor is great against waves of trash as it can one shot low health trash packs and send those alive flying in all directions. Many of the specs have 0 rotational changes. The Force Choke is group wide and it occurs more often than your CC break comes off CD so it can get fairly annoying as healers can get choked while trying to heal people. That will depend on the individual guide writers. Rng loot system before giving any actual New Content where new gear would mean something.. *Brainstorm when thinks of it..*, For me as Years long Subber the Cancel for Automatic Renewal happens before December’s Charge Date. If you prefer yo get to the technical part, check out Page 2 for an Introduction to Disciplines and Pages 3 and 4 for Republic and Empire Classes Overview.The Old Republic is the only massively-multiplayer online game with a Free-to-Play option that puts you at the center of your own story-driven Star War saga. If you have something negative or mean to say about this reasonable statement, don’t worry, I won’t respond. That was extremely smart Bioware, boss fights that last a few minutes, without any way to heal at all. Only “Inferno,” “Crimson Fang,” and “Landing Party” have achievements for finding an agent. For more than twenty thousand years it has been the pinnacle of progress and prosperity. . Very easy, very boring. I main Merc, Arsenal, with a rank 50 healing companion, mostly last tier’s 216 raid-gear with 4/6 set bonus, and a few of the new 230s with most last-tier augs. 2/9 to 2/16 - Rakghoul Resurgence on Alderaan. I got to it with rocket boost. These need to be kited and killed away from the tank. Summoned all twelve beasts with the Wild Attunement device in the “Done and Dusted” uprising. “They dont need to create new planets, quests can be added anywhere.” They’ve already taken that advice. I feel like this doesn’t need to be said, but evidence seems to be to the contrary so: IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE CLEARING CONTENT AND ONE PERSON LEAVES, DO NOT INSTANTLY GIVE UP AND LEAVE AS WELL. Maybe she’s just from Thailand or Brazil…, Jor immediately teleports on top of the scaffoldings and cannot be damaged. Whether you're a brand new player or a seasoned veteran, there's thousands of ways to play the game. There have been posts, upon posts, upon posts of everything from outright “f**k the dev’s” type shtuff, to simple complaints about things, and they are all still there for the world to see. Might as well never pay a gamble on a hopeful update ever again. Not sure, but just to be sure: WHERE THE FUCK IS LORD SCOURGE? Made by giving E.Championship / One Big Mother Star Fortress as Operation. Join. in it’s place. Dulfy’s pic shows the WRONG way to do it. Bit of a clusterfuck really, roles are irrelevant. Inferno and Fractured are the shortest Uprisings. Anzumerken wäre noch, dass sogenannte Erkundungsmissionen die nicht im direkten Kontext zur jeweiligen Geschichte stehen hier nicht aufgelistet werden, diese sind im Spiel automatisch deaktiviert, können aber über die Map ( Standardtaste: „M“ ) aktiviert werden. When did I ever claim I no longer care about the game? Online. They are meant to be a lite version of flashpoints with no cutscenes and all action. Not even close to FP quality. 1.2k. It … Yes, I know the drill: everybody has his/hers personal favourites, bla, bla, bla… But this is different. The only video I’ve been able to find has someone using Rocket Boost. Aside from your otherwise incoherent rambling you have hit on a major fail by BWA/EA which is, in fact, somehow screwing up with this IP. Damn…, “you can’t enjoy the game because others complain about it…. People jump to conclusions so fast lol. Avoid this or you might get knocked off the platform. Kill adds, avoid voids, next wave…. New expansion, less abilities. Not entirely accurate. Like any other MMO that’s cyclic. Combat Clarity is great for tough boss fights since it basically remove the CD and resource for a particular key ability for your discipline, allowing you to spam it over and over. you must be very insecure.”, Never said we “can’t” enjoy it, just that some people seem to want to go out of their way to attempt to make us feel that way. Happy to support great Chris Roberts & Cloud Imperium Games Huge WC3, Wing Commander 4 & Freelancer Fan here. Your main quest is known as your class story, and will be represented by a purple quest icon over quest-givers heads, and by purple icons on your map. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Rage Burst is also a knockback so anyone that got hit by it my get knocked off the roof. And more than 2 years without an Op, and you say we’re jumping to conclusions??? Despite all the times BW killed the game, there are still people talking here and reading all the posts. wow so much effort for such a long text and I didn’t understand a word you’re saying. And Dromund Kaas has had Captain Fizik for years, which is Russian for “Physicist”. As far as BW announcing a return to PvE, you are right, they didn’t specifically state it, but only an idiot can’t read between the lines. Properly worded, no cursing, bashing, naming them the idiots they are. Rest of the group members are frozen in carbonite and unable to be use their CC breaks. If one is killed before the other, the remaining Sith Lord will get an enraged buff increasing their damage output by 250% so you will want to kill them evenly (doesn’t matter as much for story mode). Wenn Du Arcann willst, hilft nur ..neuer char und Arcann leben lassen Damage output on them just insane and they shoot event through boxes and walls. I let you guys pick what type of video I make for once, and you chose "Why I'm passionate about the game and my SWTOR story". People may have missed your comment on Lord Scourge. So, yes and no. follow @torcommunity. I didn’t even do that, I did it once to see what it was like, then went back when I had the affections high enough for the boosts to get the decos, then gave up. Classic swtor. One of the things I like with BW games is that there’s enough HBT characters in them that it just kind of flows under the radar nowadays. Play as a Jedi, a Sith, a Bounty Hunter or as one of many other Star Wars … But this doesn’t sound good for Uprisings, but it is what I’ve been expecting: i.e Vanguards lost Mortar Volley, but gained Artillery Blitz(?) If devs could stop this heroic bs with saving the galaxy and give us a way to play some lore based smuggler missions, or again lore based jedi/sith adventures, that would be great. Ich spiele Star Wars: The Old Republic seit Release, habe damals viel progress mit meinem Attentäter geraidet. I think you’re the one who’s jumping to conclusions here… Get your facts STRAIGHT, then we can talk about this. Veteran Mode is also very easy since they obviously have the standard setup of 2D, 1H, 1T, provided that people actually know how to play their class.