arduino aquarium led steuerung

Meerwasser-Spektrum LED, Bluetooth-Steuerung. Nice addition!! I have been working a bit on my reef controller and I have gotten far enough to show it off. Its user-friendly graphical interface is capable of dynamically controlling & monitoring LEDs, fans, and powerheads, as well as The 4th photo shows the controller from my big tank with a bottle iron fertilizer on it :/. Recifal aquarium monitoring with arduino, alerts and settings by SMS and webApp, and statistics database. For me it´s much cheaper, it´s fun and I'm over 50 :D. But I wanted to know how controllers can communicate with each other. Arduino Aquarium Computer. the power supply to the project. It’s also capable of being expanded with relative ease. Alle bauen nach mehr oder weniger sinnvollen Anleitungen Ihre eigenen LED Lösungen und freuen sich der Aquarienpracht. Thanks. Hinter der 4 years ago, yes, I guess you'll be right. Bedanken muss ich mich auch bei der Hilfestellung, die ich immer wieder hier, in Arduino Foren oder sogar per PN von MajorMadness bekommen habe. The pattern can be modified through the code. For the LED strips and the power supply you should use screw connectors. Battery Voltage Monitor. Control aquarium light - sunset, sunrise. The code is explained inside the .ino file. 4. Now imagine the fish feed box as a silo and the drawer is under this silo. That´s all ;), The goal: An Arduino that controls daylight (LED and Fluorescent lamps), twilight (LED), nightlight / spots (LED) by time and length and the light should not go on and out suddenly, but slowly dimmed. Die Giesemann Leuchten sind … isnt it a lot more efficient to use one esp8266e/f?? Now, let us proceed to control the WS2812B LED Array using Arduino. Voila, moonlight ;). To connect the screen to the Arduino, I use also plug connectors and ribbon cable. In addition, the time values can be programmed without a computer connection and the potentiometer allows further adjustment of the desired brightness. I built it with through-hole parts on a home etched single-side PCB. Just a simple LED lighting setup that will turn on and off by means of a simple mechanical timer like my old T5 lighting setup. Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense. Dismiss Join GitHub today. Reef aquariums are saltwater aquariums with live corals. Bring the power of AI to your pocket with Arduino’s tiniest form factor. Add to Cart. But I need some switches to light up when..., uhm... this is what I wanted to remove! Der Verlauf der Lichtkurve ist meistens fest einprogrammiert. 2 years ago MeArm2. I used wire staples to secure my LED strip to the inside of my aquarium lid. Optional - some people say that you must use a resistor between arduino pwm pin and the gate of the MOSFET to protect the aruino, other people say you don't, at least not for low power applications, I have used none and it works just fine, way below 20mA drawn from arduino's pin, but if you want to you can use a 100 ohm resistor. Der Preis für dieses Mikrocontrollerboard ist sehr niedrig, so dass es jeder Schuler leisten kann. The blink sketch turns an LED on for a second, and off for a second, making it blink. ;). The classic Arduino Nano is the smallest board to build your projects with. The white leds are 16000k white and royal blue is royal blue and the uv/violet I have selected a specific wave length for these bad boys which are 420nm. ;). ab 159.95 €* 5 Bewertungen. Den Code kannst du einfach kopieren oder auch herunterladen. I think it's the best, you look at it and ask me if something is equivocal. on Step 2. OK, you need your fish feed box and a drawer that only fits as much food as you need. The goal: An Arduino that controls daylight (LED and Fluorescent lamps), twilight (LED), nightlight / spots (LED) by time and length and the light should not go on and out suddenly, but slowly dimmed. 8. My diy led controller arduino style my diy led controller arduino style diy arduino led reef controller update arduino to automate aquarium lights. Some TFT-Screens have an SD-slot. On the I2C adapter, opposite to the power and data pins there's a jumper, this jumper supplies power to the LCD back light, with it on the LCD light stays on continuously. Arduino Aquarium Controller . Software & Updates only on my next projekts - Aquarium Controller II + III + IV, - 1x Waterproof DS18B20 temperature sensor, - 1x PH-probe and electronic (for the future), - 1x Radio Sender RF433MHz (only for german use? It´s simple, trigger the sensor, wait for echo and calculate a little. Die hochwertigen Leuchten bieten hervorragende Lichtverhältnisse für Süßwasser und Meerwasseraquarien und bestehen meist aus einer Kombination unterschiedlicher Lichtquellen. You learn a lot of what you are doing and see what happens if you do this or chance that. LED strip will be controlled not only from a LAN, but also through the internet thanks to Husarnet. The Web Editor automatically recognizes your board and selects the right core files for you. It's a liitle difficult for me to teach you from the beginning. Add to Cart . Technisch ausgedrückt ist der Arduino ein einfach zu programmierendes Mikrocontrollerboard mit zahlreichen Ein- und Ausgängen. Well, the drawer is located in or under the food box and is therefore full of food. Lights on at daytime. So, the current requirement of one pixel is around 60 mA. Best regards Christian, Question You say in the text that SDA from TFT go to A4 of Arduino and SCK to TFT go to A5 of Arduino but on the schematic, the pin A4 ans A5 on the Arduino clearly go to SDA - SCL of the RTC ???? If the received data is 1, the LED turns ON. The time control is stored in control tables in the Arduino code. Dec 15, 2013 - Explore Jared Anwyl's board "Arduino / Aquarium", followed by 324 people on Pinterest. The Arduino Bluetooth module at the other end receives the data and sends it to the Arduino through the TX pin of the Bluetooth module (connected to RX pin of Arduino). Yesterday, I saw Nutrient pumps. This project came up on my mind when I realized the exorbitant price of an aquarium LED light controller. There are more than 4000 Arduino libraries ready for you to use in your project - … Now while I've done lots of smaller projects for myself, I've never worked on a project that's intended to run 24/7. So I need one FAT (W1 = white1) for Daylight, one FAT (W2 = white2) for daylight/twilight and a third FAT (B = blue) for moonshine. LED Aquarium Beleuchtung > Fluval . Arduino Aquarium Controller. 3.1 Using the library with Arduino Open Aquarium includes a high level library functions for a easy manage of the board. Aquaduino - Arduino powered Aquarium Controller Bedienung, Darstellung und Grundkonzept Die gesamte Bedienung erfolgt über ein 5" Touch-TFT. First thing first gather all the parts needed for the project. I uploaded the sketch but it doesn´t work for me, the LEDs are still on maximum and serial monitor is showing no date. So far everything works just fine except the RTC, it will spit bad data back from time to time. Update: The project continues... see Step 10. Yes, I did! ACHTUNG. Nice aquarium setup. You write some code and bind the sensors, done. Delivery still takes. Reply Ich w DIY Auto Top OFF . Einfache LED Steuerung mit Arduino (Aquacomputerlösung) Es ist ja schon so, dass der Selbstbau im Aquariumbereich sehr weit fortgeschritten ist seitdem die LEDs endlich Einzug gehalten haben. I use liquid fertilizers for my aquariums. PS = Power Supply (if any one was wondering). Keep up the Arduino work! An aquarium controller that manages many aspects of the aquarium such as lighting, temperature, water flow, energy consumption, and feeding. I try to make a sketch but I don't understand nothing. • Daily in the morning 8ml NPK fertilizer• 1 time a week 8ml iron fertilizer• 1 time a week 15ml iron fertilizer• 1 time a week 8ml N fertilizerIt would be nice if this could happen automatically ;)On Ebay I found small pumps, which are operated with 12V (just like the LED lighting, thats fine) I bought 3 pieces ;)For each fertilizer I have now a pump, but I need a control, which takes the dosage. In the middle one little spot. Learn how to use arduino to control pump. D.I.Y SMART RGB MATRIX 8×16. Open the Blink sketch by going to File > Examples > 01.Basics > Blink. GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. That´s not so much, right? Arduino Aquarium Led Light Controller. With all the reading and research I have done I found that this led is almost perfect for coral growth. But I wrote that I had left the parts from old projects. What else can we do? The Mini Pro will communicate with the Arduino Uno. Arduino IDE (1.8 or newer) Adafruit Board support for QT Py; Arduino libraries: FastLED, Adafruit_FreeTouch, Adafruit_NeoPixel ; 1. Hängeleuchten werden über dem Aquarium, an einer Stahlseilaufhängung, angebracht. 2. Lionel Train Controller. And the Arduino should give me some information about all values (temp, ph, light, sockets) on a nice and little screen and I want an motion detection sensor for switching on an nightlight if I want to look in the tank when all light scenes off (in the middle of the night e.g.) The Arduino ;)But my AquaController-Arduino does not have enough outputs. Well, I uploaded the sketch with no problems, but the time seems a mess! Realistic LED Candle. Das sollten Sie auf jeden Fall tun, da Ihr Computer sonst Ihren Arduino nicht erkennen wird. My DIY LED Controller - Arduino Style. Any idea why? Ok, not the best solution, right? How to program for Arduino to turn pump on/off. tsmeey Can you post some pics of your setup including the lights?I'm just now getting into Arduino and I, too, have an aquarium that I would like to contol with Arduino. Komm auch Du in das derzeit aktivste Meerwasserforum in Deutschland. Lerne in diesen Arduino Tutorial 3 LED's gleichzeitig anzusteuern. Another idea relates to an automatic feeder. 5V+, GND, DI und DO. ;). 2 years ago Keeping corals alive in the captive environment requires precise lighting, strong water movement, and more stable water chemistry (salinity, pH, calcium etc) than fish-only marine … Fluval AquaSky LED. I bought a small aquarium (54l) as an impulse buy and I needed some lights for it, so naturally I wanted to use LEDs. If you skillfully arrange the items, you will save wire and soldering ;). Shelly Lighting July 3, 2018. I have attached the .ino file and the two libraries I have used so there will be no incompatibility. This is a time-controlled lighting control for aquarium LED lamps. Dec 15, 2013 - Explore Jared Anwyl's board "Arduino / Aquarium", followed by 324 people on Pinterest. Daher sind sie für nahezu alle Arduino-Projekte nützlich. Arduino Aquarium LED Dimmer - Browse Files at Join/Login Yes, but an Arduino Mini Pro. 2 months ago. See more ideas about arduino, aquarium, diy aquarium. Als Basic für mein Projekt haben ich Arduino Platform ausgählt. Dazu wirst du mit den Arduino Uno ein Lauflicht erstellen. February 14, 2021 . But it´s simple ;). Ok, at this point, the Arduino takes control ;). 2 strips warm white, 2 strips cold white. on Introduction, Could you please share compatible LED layout ( bredboard), Pocket Weather Station | Your Self-Care Weather Assistant on the Go, Making a Tiny Mac From a Raspberry Pi Zero. Husarnet also provides easy integration with Arduino IDE. I used header pins to connect the arduino because this gives me freedom to extract the arduino, program it and put it back on (and it's easier to replace it). still have 60-65% mem left! 4) Reset button installed 5) Relay board upgraded for more voltage and current. If I had something like this I might actually be able to keep fish alive. You will also need soldering tools for soldering the I2C adapter to the LCD and if you want to make it like I did on a prototype board or on a PCB. The Arduino should send radio to radio-sockets for lamps or things with high voltage. Hardware components: Arduino Nano R3 × 1: Buy from Newark; Buy from CPC; Story . The code uploaded to the Arduino checks the received data and compares it. Please take a look at the bottom of the board or at the connector for detailed use! By automation I mean not only switching light on/off but simulating a sun raise/sunset.The project is build around arduino nano, set of white led( cold and warm), set of RGB leds and a DS… You see the 4 LED strips. 3) Power LED's installed. (on left the TFT board, on right the Arduino). And maybe there is someone who does not want only to be efficient, but simply has the same fun at the thing. Did you make this project? Arduino IDE. I bought 5 pieces for 12 € (about 12 dollars) This is enough for other projects. Have fun! Its user-friendly graphical interface is capable of dynamically controlling & monitoring LEDs, fans, and powerheads, as well as controlling a heater, a chiller, an alarm, and an automatic fish feeder. I use for my Aquarium-light LED-Strips. This is a project that I built several years ago to control a small aquarium at home. You put money into it and then you pull out a drawer and get your box of cigarettes. Edit: Schematic had a bug, the INT pin on the DS3234 should be connected to pin 2 on the arduino, not the 32kHz pin! I will show this with a RGB LED-Strip based on SMD5050 LED chips. Hacking the Arduino Ethernet Shield. I solder 3 FATs and the 1k and 1M resistors on a circuit board. Das Meerwasserforum für Nanoriffaquaristik, Hilfe für Einsteiger und Anfänger, ein freundliches Meerwasser Forum, alles für Einsteiger in die Meerwasser Aquaristik, aber auch für fortgeschrittene Meerwasseraquarianer. Posted by Kalle Hyvönen Posted on Mar - 26 - 2012. Topic: My Arduino Aquarium Controller (Read 88726 times) previous topic - next topic. Dosing Pumps. A lot switches, a lot sockets, a lot of money you need. Power Control. LEUCHTDIODEN, LED (LIGHT EMITTING DIODE) Mit LEDs kann man sehr schnell die Ergebnisse eines Projekts testen. Jarduino Aquarium Controller is an Arduino based controller with a 3.2'' color Touch Screen LCD Display. Jarduino Aquarium Controller is an Arduino based controller with a 3.2'' color Touch Screen LCD Display. Do you know the old cigarette dispenser? Cheap and small. The detail instruction, code, wiring diagram, video tutorial, line-by-line code explanation are provided to help you quickly get started with Arduino. For the temp-sensor I also use plug contacts. I use for my Aquarium-light LED-Strips. on Step 3, 2 years ago On the right side CO2 bottle with pressure reducer. The order of the sockets is provided in the software and should not be changed, because the TFT-Screen is also designed by this order. And ubtil now, I could not figure out what the heck is going on! Open Aquarium counts with a C++ library that lets you read easily all the sensors and send the information by using any of the available radio interfaces. Mit dem Raspberry habe ich es leider nicht zufriedenstellend hingebracht. 4 Potentiometer4. First of all: I'm not an engineer and I'm not a programmer. Prototype-boards have cupper strips for +5V and ground in the middle and at the left and right side. Basically the LED lighting is powered from a 12V power supply and arduino controls the intensity of the light by modulating the voltage with the help of a n-channel MOSFET (I have used an IRFS630). I updated the schematic. This is the Blink sketch (sketch is another word for the program that runs on your Arduino). Only when the sensor detects me at a distance of 2-3 feet and it´s after 10pm, the B-FET(blue-light) lights up for 50%. Share it with us! Arduino nano - 1 pieces; RTC S1307 - 1 pieces; 2-Channel Relay Module - 1 pieces; LED driver Mean Well LDD-1000H - 5 pieces (5 channels) LED driver Mean Well LDD-700H - 1 pieces (1 channels) Power Supply 48v 350w, DC/DC 48v - 12v; And additional components for the assembly of the Aquarium lid. Dazu definieren Sie im "void setup" mit dem Befehl »pinMode(13, OUTPUT);« alle … Die hochwertigen Leuchten bieten hervorragende Lichtverhältnisse für Süßwasser und Meerwasseraquarien und bestehen meist aus einer Kombination unterschiedlicher Lichtquellen. Da der Sommer vor der Tür steht und ich die Befürchtung habe dass es bei mir in der Dachwohnung gut warm wird habe ich beschlossen mir einen Computer für das Aquarium zu bauen der sich (zumindest in der ersten Ausbaustufe) um die Temperaturregelung kümmert. In the base cabinet on the left foreground the pump controller, in the background the light controller. mine has feed and light control. Intermediate Protip 2 days 12,001. Fluval Marine LED. I wrote the program in simple "Arduino-language". ab 99.95 €* 4 Bewertungen. Previous TinyGlo – Your own firefly light show anytime. Also, thanks for posting the links. If anyone could help me, I will be thankful. Then the Mini Pro controls the amount of fertilizer and prompts some buttons to manually add fertilizer. Arduino Nano. So, a 5V power supply for the Arduino is an good idea. LED Tagessimulation vom Profi: Setzen Sie auf eine Aquarium Lichtsteuerung aus erster Hand Wir von LEDAquaristik sind Ihr Ansprechpartner, wenn es um hochwertige LED Lösungen für Ihr Aquarium geht. If you want to use a different FET, please take a FET that is specially designed for TTL on Gate. 2 years ago Apr 17, 2009, 10:26 pm. Nanoriffaquaristik, ein tolles Hobby für Alt und Jung. Share. Relay: Arduino controls 2 relays that are set on/off based on 3 time intervals: 2 time interval for aquarium lights (you can setup 2 periods during the day when aquarium lights are on) (nightlight, controlled by US-sensor). Reply I want all in one and I want to see how it works. Arduinos memory is not full, we still have outputs. It's easy to learn Arduino coding, but you need a liitle time and patience. Husarnet provides modified ESP32-IDF - thanks to that you can use almost the same API as in standard Arduino package for ESP32. Add to Cart. Dazu gibt es eine App um per Telefon die Lampe zu steuern, aber die habe ich gar nicht erst ausprobiert. Fluval Plant LED. I'll use I2C for that. If you need suggestions for good examples please visit for example $20.20. You will need to connect to 5V/GND. ?You never put the pinout of the connector of your TFT and you present in the article 2 TFT different (a blue one and a red one) and both have different pinouts (8 pins for one and 10 pins for the other) .Thank you to make this more clear.Great job anyway.Regards Serge, hi, can you launched sensor fluxgate flc100 magnetometr with ardunio and conected to pc wiht bleuthos? 2 years ago. Find this and other Arduino tutorials on 3 temp sensors and a waterlevel warning. It looks somewhat difficult, but it's not ;). Eine RGB-LED ist eine LED die in verschiedenen Farben leuchten kann. AtTiny 85 PWM Solar Charge Controller. Only ONE box, because the drawer is the same size that only one box fits in. Here we have whites, royal blues and some uv/violet. DIY Auto Top OFF Version 2. By automation I mean not only switching light on/off but simulating a sun raise/sunset.The project is build around arduino nano, set of white led( cold and warm), set of RGB leds and a DS… 1 year ago, Hello ....I've a little interrogation about the wiring of the TFT. You could also use clear packing tape over the strip, secured with staples or more tape along the edges to keep water from seeping in. Aufsteck-Leuchte für kleinere Aquarien. This library offers an simple-to-use open source system. I put the realtime-clock (with the battery on top) and the RF433MHz in a row in the middle on plug contacts. Also for the I2C display's address you can use the attached i2c-scanner.ino to find it out. $31.10. Hängeleuchten werden über dem Aquarium, an einer Stahlseilaufhängung, angebracht. Ok, now some background: I have 4 aquariums and needed a lot of time switches for the light, because I use daylight, zwilight, nightlight or spotlight. Uncategorized. Arduino Nano 33 BLE. LED aquarium lighting with an Arduino based PWM timer. The 1k resistor at the left Pin from BUZ11, the 1M resistor between left and right Pin from the BUZ11. If this is your first time using Arduino, head over to this guide to get it installed. I'll tell you later ;). Darum möchte ich mich hier schnell erkundigen und nachfragen ob jemand mit Raspberry oder Arduino schon eine LED Dimmung fürs Aquarium hingebracht hat. Optional - header pins - with 15 pins or more each - 2 pcs (needed to connect arduino nano to the board). Question on Step 10. I put first all libraries which I need, verify and was good but I can not see what I have programming. thack you very much. Because you have 5 free PWMs (Arduino Outputs) for that. Arduino's tiniest form factor with Bluetooth Low Energy and embedded inertial sensor. Feb 10, 2019 - Arduino Aquarium LED Controller: The idea behind this device is to automate my aquarium light. You need some basic skills to understand the project and the effects of your doing.I guess you should try to understand the examples you get within your Arduino IDE, first. jener8tionx Guest; My Arduino Aquarium Controller . Intensity of lighting (Daylight, twilight, moonlight). I have a pretty accurate idea of it, but I need to think about it. LED-Leuchte mit Bluetooth-Steuerung. Fluval Plant Nano LED. Eine Steuerung sowie hochwertige Reflektoren sind eingebaut. (tft.Color565( 0x69, 0x69, 0x69)) and write instead color names, like Black,white,yellow,green.... Congratulations tsmeey, a post with very good information. With my diy led build I wanted to stick to a budget, not the easiest to do I know, but with my tank being nearly to 2ft deep i needed a lot of power for my money. :/. c-sharp raspberry-pi gtk-sharp raspberrypi … Tweet. Jede LED mit WS2812 Controller verfügt über vier Anschlüsse. Basically the LED lighting is powered from a 12V power supply and arduino controls the intensity of the light by modulating the voltage with the help of a n-channel MOSFET (I have used an IRFS630). Jeder einzelne Kanal kann individuell angesteuert und programmiert werden. Ich habe 2 mal 150W HQI Brenner und nen großes Cluster von LED Modulen insgesamt 100W bei 12V. Fine. Bei mir gehts ganz klassich via Relais An / Aus. First you must solder the IIC/I2C adapter with the LCD 1602 (also works with other LCDs like 2004). The servo pulls the drawer out, the food falls into the aquarium. An ultasonic sensor could detect me when I was near the tank, switch a small spotlight on and goes off after a while, but smooth not suddenly. Then the servo pushes the drawer back into the feed box and this fills itself again with the feed which from above automatically falls in. on Step 2, Can you please share suitable led layout for this . There are many types of TFT-Screens. Ich möchte hier mein Aquarium Controller vorstellen. You can use the built in LED at pin 13, labeled ‘L’, or plug in your own LED. The arduino can be powered by the same power supply but I have used a separated 5V USB PS for arduino and powered it through USB not through Vin. Update: I added a description of the function. We do not want to make a fishcooker :). Did you make this project? Ich möchte meine LED-Streifen dimmen können, die den Sonnenaufgang etc. Arduino PWM 0-5 volt to 0-10 volt analog out. So I'm building an aquarium light controller for a family member. LED controller Posted by Stefan Mansukhani » Thu Oct 01, 2020 12:42 pm Forum: Ferduino code 1 Replies 339 Views Last postby Fernando Garcia Thu Oct 01, 2020 3:25 pm; Arduino - 2.2 tft shield - w5100 shield Posted by Maciej Kozyra » Fri Sep 18, 2020 9:42 am Forum: DIY Ferduino controller 7 Replies 923 Views Last postby Fernando Garcia UPDATE: After 2 months of testing I have come to the conclusion that the 100 ohm is a must! The Uno will tell the Mini Pro when fertilization should be started. In diesem Blog-Eintrag beschreibe ich wie es möglich ist, mit einem ESP8266 / ESP-12E Mikrocontroller und etwas Arduino Code, eine solchen RGB LED Strip über das eigene WLAN zu steuern. Bevor ich mit dem Bau der Steuerung begonnen habe, habe ich natürlich erstmal meinen Freund google gefragt, was andere Leute bisher so gebaut haben. The starting price for a professional equipment like this one can be as high as 1000€. So, if you can build your own controller with the exact same functions (or even a better one) why spend a fortune in an equipment that, in my opinion, doesn’t worth what it costs. Interfacing w/ Hardware Multiply the Amount of Outputs with an LED Driver Interfacing an LCD display with 8 bits LCD interface library Driving a DC Motor with an L293 (from ITP physcomp labs). Ich weiß nicht mehr wie ich darauf gekommen bin, aber vor einiger Zeit habe ich mir vom Chinesen meines Vertrauens ein Modul zur LED-Steuerung schicken lassen. Depending on which colors are activated, the result is a mixed color. For more detail: LED aquarium lighting with an Arduino based PWM timer. And please visit my other project Aquarium controller II. Arduino UNO PIN & Components Labels PS: This is my second project using Arduino, so any advice would help me a lot. RE: Aquarium Steuerung (13.06.2020 19:51) sopolka schrieb: Ich habe mal gelesen, dass "setSyncProvider(RTC.get)" zu einem ständigen Abgleich mit … $20.70. You need this 3 times. Eine RGB-LED ansteuern Aufgabe: Eine RGB LED soll in verschiedenen Farben leuchten. DI steht für Data In, DO für Data Out. Wie der Titel schon verrät, möchte ich zeigen, wie Man sich seine eigene Aquarium LED Beleuchtung selber bauen kann. 2 years ago. 4 months ago. I had already suggested it, I would like to have a PH control. If you want to use a PCB or a prototype board just follow the schematic to link components, the design it's up to you, just make sure to double check the links in the end. This is pretty impressive, love all the heart you put into this project. The 5th photo shows the controller from my little african tank and the last you see the tank with open lid. But it`s easy to change the code to use radio sockets with dip switches (Group and Unit). Have you used the libraries that I have provided? LED as light sensor (en Francais) Arduino and the Asuro robot Using Arduino from the command line. Arduino project for dimming 4 Mean Well ELN-60-48P drivers complete with LCD display and menus. You can use an Voltage regulator from 12V to 5V for the Arduino, but I suppose the regulator will become warm or hot, but also you should not use the 12V for the Arduino. The 1st is my little plant-tank with 5 LED strips. The light intensity might not be the most accurate but it's the best I could think of. I have recently converted my aquarium lights from fluorescent lighting to LED lighting and I have decided to try and simulate a natural environment where light gradually increase from dawn till midday and then decrease till dusk. Let see what happens. To setup the sockets I use the first rotary wheel as a group to select the aquarium and set three sockets to 1.