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Taille du livre. How Droopy McCool, the only Kitonak we see in the saga, ended up in Jabba’s palace is anyone‘s guess (Actually, he was a slave according to the EU, but in the Disney era, who knows), but this Kitonak musician made even the dire confines of Jabba’s wretched hive come to life. There were a number of Weequays aboard Jabba’s execution skiff, most notably the one that almost pushed Luke Skywalker into the Sarlacc pit. Ohnaka also appears in Rebels, as he proves you just can’t keep a good buccaneer down. Here we look at some of the most important species introduced into the Star Wars mythos. They possess a perfect, eye-catching, and unforgettable design, and they are unmatched in combat. Cold, logical, analytical and brilliant, the Vulcans have been a key component in Star Trek since the very first episode, and are the first alien race that humanity ever comes into contact with. Lak Sivrak was a member of the Shistavanen species seen in the famed cantina sequence and was present when Luke and Obi-Wan met Han Solo. In Attack of the Clones, fans met a Togruta Jedi named Shaak Ti. In the original Star Wars, a brutal Tusken attack on Luke Skywalker led to the first meeting of Luke and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Quarren often act as bureaucrats and are easily corruptible. He can also be seen dragging around a decaying corpse in the same way Linus drags around his blanket. The greatest unsolved mystery in Star Wars history has to be- what the heck does a Jawa look like without his (or her) hood? Distinctions: Known to pull peoples arms out of their sockets when they lose, Notable members: Chewbacca (walking carpet), Tarfful (badass). Snivvians are all over the Original Trilogy, but it’s still next to impossible to find the most famous Snivvian of all. That makes the Neimoidians the biggest alien patsies in the Star Wars saga. They opposed the taxation of traders routes passed in the Republic Senate and sought the aid of Darth Sidious to help them during the events of The Phantom Menace. Hey listen, if there is still Wookiee love in the galaxy after the Star Wars Holiday Special, Chewbacca and his people can survive anything. (And what was with that? The cowardly and opportunistic Neimoidians were responsible for blockading and later invading the peaceful planet of Naboo. Gangsters and crimelords, the Hutts deal in slaves, spice running, assassination, and generally have their pudgy little fingers in as many pies as possible. The Bothans in the Thrawn novels were foils to the heroes of the Rebellion, but the Bothans mentioned in the films were held in the highest regards as martyrs and heroes. Because every great sci-fi saga needs werewolves, we give you the Shistavanen. In all three cases, the aliens were powerful Force-sensitives, committed Jedi Masters, and possessed of the traditional Yoda speech patterns. Amedda could often be seen whispering into Palpatine’s ears as the Clone Wars raged on. Whatever the case, Mas Amedda was an intriguing figure that participated in the fall of the Old Republic and the creators at Lucasfilm made sure that the Chagrian would stand out in a crowd. The two species fought each other during the Clone Wars when the Mon Calamari king Yos Kolina was murdered. Famous for yelling “It’s a TRAP,” Mon Calamari are also one of the most important races to appear in the Star Wars saga. The Hutts run a vast web of criminal organizations so powerful even the Empire looked the other way. Other than cosplaying as Mind Flayers, the Quarren can be found all over the Star Wars universe. Yoda’s Species. Or Aayla Secura, a kickass blue Jedi who didn’t get nearly enough screen time? Aboard the Mon Calamari command ship Home One, Admiral Ackbar led his people in an all-out final assault against the Death Star. Star Wars Darth Zannah Sketch By Sireynia. Nicht, wie viele es insgesamt zu sehen gab, sondern, wie viele unterschiedliche Sorten bzw. This community wiki's goal is to be a repository of Stellaris related knowledge, useful for both new and experienced players and for modders. The opening battle of the Clone Wars is waged on Geonosis after the Republic discover the Separatist build-up. Podracers and Droid Builders. No space mummies as of yet, though. The brazen, brash, and beautiful Hera Syndulla has become the latest Twi’lek hero to participate in the great saga. What can’t be argued is the fact that without the Ewoks, the Rebellion would have failed. There were a bunch of Klatooinians that ended up as Saarlac fodder aboard Jabba’s execution skiff and even more aboard the Sail barge. One of the most striking designs of the prequels, Chagrian possess two huge horns and blue hewed skin. Clawdites, otherwise known as Changelings, are some of the greatest spies in the Star Wars universe. The Sears’ Snaggs was a tall alien in a blue jumpsuit and silver moon boots. You want to know why the Empire rose and the Clone Wars nearly burned down the galaxy? The core design has remained, though, making Zabraks an essential Star Wars alien. More Ishi Tib can be found all over the prequels. There are a few Dugs all over the Star Wars prequels, but the species will always be defined by Subulba’s chicanery, poodoo head that he is. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Dugs are nasty little critters that aren’t above cheating and even killing to get their way. The alien characters of the Star Wars saga are some of the most endearing and memorable, from the mighty Chewbacca to the wise Yoda to the loathsome Jabba. Money does. A militaristic race, the Tevarin honored war and combat and had a complex code of … All these great characters are fine examples of the diversity of the Twi’leks. Thanks to their remote location, little is known about the Chiss people as a whole, and they’re sometimes regarded as a mythical species by the general population. But Zeb is not the only character that is based on abandoned Star Wars aliens developed for film; the galaxy is filled with them. The Weequays are also an excuse to have a race of pirate aliens in the Star Wars universe and there ain’t nothing wrong with that. Instead, the Kubaz speak in a series of clicks and whistles. « Star Wars Alien Archive » Le guide de toutes les espèces de la galaxie. Gran podracers, Gran galactic senators, Gran pedestrians wandering the streets of Coruscant – the Star Wars Universe is lousy with Grans. Another plentiful race, Klatooinians are seen all over Jabba’s court. The alien characters of the Star Wars saga are some of the most endearing and memorable, from the mighty Chewbacca to the wise Yoda to the loathsome Jabba. But it was the meeting between Anakin Skywalker and the Tusken Raiders that darkened the galaxy forever. They can also only breathe ammonia and look like giant psychotic bugs! Orrimaarko looks all sorts of dangerous and capable, with his swashbuckling cloak, his big honking blaster, and his Nick Fury-like eyepatch. Dressellians are all sorts of mysterious. Maybe one day we can see what happens to this fierce species, but until then, we can enjoy their brief appearance in the prequels. Arguably the most iconic of the cantina denizens, the Bith provide the music for the wretched hive. Trandoshans are the Predators of the Star Wars galaxy, nasty and dedicated hunters that use high-tech weapons to bring down their targets. This kind of lame and really thin Muun appeared as part of the Banking Clan in Attack of the Clones. These little piggies can be seen all over Bespin handling menial labor tasks. A long time ago this unknown traveller documented his stori… Despite their dark side, there is no better race of fix it uppers than the always neutral Ugnaughts. I mean the Trade Federation hired Count Dooku who hired Jango Fett who hired Zam Wessel who used a robot which used a poisonous centipede – does anyone actually do anything in that film?). The Ishi Tib were one of the few aliens in the saga that served the side of darkness and the side of light. Mon Calamari-produced starships are a wonder of design redundant technology. Man, George Lucas must have sure liked Grans. Both of these Zabrak Jedi Masters served on the Jedi Council. Sullustans served as pilots throughout the Rebellion and you can spot a bunch scrambling before the Battle of Endor. A fantastic look at hundreds of alien species! It also should be noted that while Greedo was criminal scum, most Rodians are peaceful and harmless. For many, a Yak Face is the Holy Grail of Star Wars toy collecting, and for that, we had to pay honor to Yak Face’s species. Her dedication to her duty and the tragedy of losing her master, Anakin Skywalker, to the dark side make Ahsoka one of the greatest heroes in the Star Wars saga. Bane packs countless weapons that he uses to hunt his prey and has his own unique moral compass. Rodians are one of the most common species in Star Wars and should be honored for seemingly being second only to humans when it comes to sheer numbers. Format Broché • 160 pages • 24,95 € 25 x 30,5 cm ISBN 978-2-01-709542-2 Appréciation. They used their menagerie of creatures to fight back against the Separatists after their leader begged Obi-Wan Kenobi for help. Aliens-of-Star-Wars. Notable members: Gial Ackbar (Alliance hero), Nahdar Vebb (Jedi), Lee-Char (royalty). Or beat them at Dejarik. Due to the Sullustan involvement in Return of the Jedi’s climactic space battle, we have tons of love for these flappy-lipped babblers. Otherwise known as Ponda Baba (or Walrus Man, if you’re old), this thug met a dark fate at the end of Obi-Wan’s lightsaber, but his unique appearance and angry grunts made Baba and the Aqualish race unforgettable. Wessel led Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi on a merry chase through the skies of Coruscant. So the only Toydarian we’ve ever met may have been a backwater hustler, but his sour deals sure created legends. Notable members: Katuunko (king), Watto (scrap dealer). Get the best of Den of Geek delivered right to your inbox! We’ve seen a number of Ithorians in action in The Clone Wars, in which it was revealed that this strange alien species can emit destructive force from their powerful tracheas. Type Encyclopédies Sujet Un Film > Star Wars Mots Clés George Lucas, monstres, animaux Année d'édition 2019 Editeur Hachette Pratique Collection Heroes Langue français. That’s nightmare fuel right there – a murderous banana snake that’s probably a necrophile. Zutton has become the Snivvian that Kenner based Blue Snaggletooth on, Rachalt Hyst appears to be Kenner’s red Snaggs, while Zutmore is the character from the Holiday Special. Fans met actual Bothans in the Timothy Zahn Thrawn Trilogy novels, but until that literary intro, Bothans were spoken of reverently due to the noble sacrifice of a number of members of this species while acquiring the plans for the second Death Star. Marc Buxton is a freelance contributor. Without the Kaminoans, there would be no Republic clones, no Commander Cody, no Commander Rex. After the events of The Force Awakens, Chewie has to find meaning in a life without Han Solo. The diminutive Jawas live on the desert planet Tatooine (Star Wars love these types of planets). The singular Kubaz spotlighted in the saga is Garindan, a sneak thief and spy utilized by the Empire to locate Luke Skywalker and the two droids that carried the Death Star plans. If there’s illegal money to be made, the Hutts are usually profiting off of it. As far as the rest of the Chiss race goes, it is governed by the Chiss Ascendancy, an isolationist empire that wants little to do with the affairs of the Republic and later the Empire. He may have been a proficient musician and just as cute as a blue button, but this showman elephant thing had a bit of a mean streak. Lovecraft nightmare. You know what’s awesome? The fine folks at Lucasfilm wanted to prolong the Sy Snootles and Max Rebo musical number. Jawas are like desert rats trying to scrounge a living by stealing any little piece of tech that comes their way. Distinctions: Great at recognizing traps. Nothing floats a Toydarian’s space boat more than money, and Watto sure wheeled and dealed in The Phantom Menace. Greedo just oozed corruption (he has Greed in his name, a bit on the nose), but this bug eyed alien stood out among the cantina menagerie. When Kenner learned that Snaggletooth was a dwarf alien that wore a jaunty red space jumpsuit, the figure was changed and the blue Snaggletooth became one of the rarest Star Wars toys. There are a bunch of Duros Durosing around the cantina, and there is a Duros doing his space business in Jabba’s Palace, but the legacy of the Duros was solidified with introduction of a certain bounty hunter. A number of Klatooinian Jedi were introduced in the prequels, showing that Klatooinians can be more than just scumbag cannon fodder. Strength and Unity, a Clone Wars –era propaganda piece featuring seven "alien" species " Alien " was a general-purpose term used in the galaxy by humans and even some droids to refer to anyone of a sentient species that was not a human. Only two beverages worth drinking are tea and whiskey. Aliens have long been a staple of the Star Wars universe. Hem Dazon the Arcona might have only had a blink and you’ll miss it millisecond of screen time, but he is the very first alien you see in the legendary cantina. Stream everything Star Wars with a FREE TRIAL of Disney+, on us! Recently, a few Arconas have appeared in The Clone Wars, but these aliens didn’t devour the blood of another sentient species. 50 Best Star Wars Alien Races 1. Say it loud and say it proud, because if you don’t, an Ewok will gleefully kill you with sticks and eat your face. This racial trait makes Togruta perfect Jedi, as seen by the bravery and skill of both Ahsoka and Shaak Ti. Welcome to the new home of Wisecrack's Earthling Cinema!Subscribe to Alien's Guide! Another pick for the action figure lovers. The Toydarians were from the imaginatively named Toydaria. Farghul. But think about this, these cannon fodder insectoids built the flippity flappaty Death Star! At this point, fans have been thrilled by the adventures of Lasat Rebel Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios for a number of seasons of Rebels. Ewoks are the most divisive race in the Star Wars galaxy. They have their gurus, their loan sharks, and worst of all, their hecklers. And we come to our number one Star Wars alien race, and of course it’s everyone’s favorite walking carpets – the Wookiees! Next Last. Star Trek Races > Andorian; Bajoran; Benzite; Betazoid; Bolian; Caitian; Cardassian; El-Aurian; Ferengi; Gorn; Hirogen; Jem'Hadar; Kazon; Klingon; Lethean; Nausicaan; Orion; Pakled; Reman; Rigelian; Romulan; Saurian; Suliban; Tellarite; Trill; Vidiian; Vorta; Vulcan; Star Wars Races > Alderaanian; Anzati; Aqualish; Arkanian; Balosar; Besalisk; Bith; Bothan; Cerean; Chalactan; Chandrilan; Clawdite; Clone; … The Hutts inhabit the planet Nal Hutta and pretty much control the criminal underground in the galaxy. They particularly enjoy hunting Wookiees. Und das auch (vorerst) nur auf die originale Trilogie (also Episode IV-VI) bezogen. Retrieved from " https://aliens.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Races_of_the_Star_Wars_Galaxy?oldid=196056 ". Give the Kaminoans a call. He dispatched Wolff, now "Kalara", to lure the Enterpriseto him. There are so many utterly strange alien species in the Star Wars universe, and yet, by and large, most of them make some biological sense…from a certain point of view. Examples of Yuzzum can also be seen in a few Making of Return of the Jedi documentaries where the sole example of a Yuzzum can be viewed sporting its improbably large blaster rifle. The most prominent Ishi Tib can be seen all over Jabba’s Palace, as he scuttled about gleefully watching the death and destruction. The Ugnaughts did not seem to have much of a moral compass, as they gleefully helped the Empire freeze Han Solo and played a game of keep away with C-3P0’s severed head. Man, that took a dark turn. But when anyone hears these pudgy, sloth-like aliens play a tune, even the hardest heart in the galaxy could be softened. Alien was a Humanocentric biological—and sometimes political—term to describe a sentient species or a person of a species other than Humans or some near-Humans. Jabba’s immoral majordomo, Bib Fortuna, was the first Twi’lek to walk into the Star Wars universe, but he certainly wasn’t the last. Stellaris is a sci-fi grand strategy game set 200 years into the future. Gamorreans were used as palace guards. They are a social and gregarious species although wary of outsiders. The Neimoidians and the Trade Federation later joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. He was luckily rescued by the yodeling of a crazy old wizard . Watto was so eager to make a space buck that he dealt himself out of a very valuable slave. The Battle of Utapau was one of the more epic conflicts in Revenge of the Sith, as Republic forces freed the Utapaun people from Separatist occupation. But Togruta also have the capacity for violence and war, which makes members of this beautiful alien culture dangerous and feared foes. The imposing Wookiees are one of the most enduring alien species introduced into the Star Wars universe, exemplified by the mighty Chewbacca. Adding to the character legend is the fact that it’s really impossible to spot him in any film. These intimidating beings were still no match for the Separatist armies, but the Utapauns did not sit idly by. First appearance:Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. A little bit of a cheat here because Yoda’s species is not actually named – in anything- but you... 3. The Tusken Raiders of Tatooine are a xenophobic and violent species who are the bane of the planet’s moisture farmers. Who these creatures are, how others see them, how they evolved, where they can be found...it's all here—thoroughly researched, brilliantly illustrated, packed with surprising … When it comes to simplistic alien designs, it doesn't get much more human than the Twi’leks. They were dispassionate in their assessment of clones that they considered to be training at less than optimal performance and suggested such defective units be terminated. Need to conquer a planet? but for their ability to manufacture deadly armies from scratch. The Talz also popped up in an episode of The Clone Wars, as Obi-Wan traveled to the snowy Talz home world. Some fans think that these feral teddy bears should be burned with napalm, while others love their cute, hairy, cherubic faces. But then Star Wars: The Clone Wars debuted and fans met a young Togruta Jedi named Ahsoka Tano, and all of a sudden, the importance of the Togruta was solidified in Star Wars lore. When fans met Cad Bane, it was like the Star Wars saga suddenly turned into a Sergio Leone Western. If you watch the Boba Fett cartoon (the only part of the Special that’s, you know, watchable), you can clearly see two beings that look exactly like Muuns wander past Fett in a crowd scene. From the multiple horns to the propensity for tattoos and everything in between, the Zabrak species is a cosplayer’s dream come true. Aliens-of-Star-Wars. We’ve never seen a Jawa face revealed, but that doesn’t subtract from Jawa lore. But this race of tubby humanoids also make awesome musicians. Gands are a mysterious alien race that use a mystical mist to track their prey. Wookiees, wampas and Weequays; Biths, banthas and bogwings; porgs, puffer pigs and Pau'ans; this is the ultimate species guide for Star Warsfans aged 7 to 70! And short princesses disguised as bounty hunters. Badass body tattoos. It was so effective that the scene was mirrored in Return of the Jedi with Jabba’s Palace, Coruscant‘s Outlander Club in Attack of the Clones, and most recently in Maz Kanata’s castle in The Force Awakens. They abducted, tortured and murdered Shmi Skywalker, Anakin’s mom. I mean, the Gungans were a live-action version of Dino-Riders and that’s okay with us. After Lucas introduced the first Gran in Return of the Jedi, these three-eyed goat aliens turned up all over the place. Read more of his work here. Since the whole Kenner kerfuffle, the character of Snaggletooth has been separated into three separate individuals. As fans saw in Return of the Jedi, they laughed as one of their fellow guards was devoured by the Rancor. This squid-like species shares a planet with the Mon Calamari. But Bossk isn’t the only Trandoshan feared throughout the galaxy. The new sequence added Yuzzum vocalist Joe Yowza to the act, and it really kind of sucked.