more realistic mod fs13

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(default value = 800ms for a combine harvester and 2000ms for a forage harvester)v1.3.52- fix problem when a "forageWagon" is "realistic" but does not implement the "realisticForageWagon" specialization (missing "self.realFillScales")v1.3.51- all fruit related function are not "case sensitive" anymore (so, greenWheat==greenwheat)- "rape_windrow" added- "poppy"/"mohn" fruit added- "forage harvesters" now take into account "realAiCombineFreezeSpeedTimeOut" too.v1.3.50- attachable optimization (updating of the "self.updateSteeringAxleAngle" flag to avoid useless computing)v1.3.49- the "rain factor" is now saved within the savegame.v1.3.48- fix bug : "stabilizer bar" effect was not compatible with 0 cm suspension travel.v1.3.47- fix bug : the "stabilizer bar" effect was desactivated from all vehiclesv1.3.45- add "spelt"/"dinkel" crop.- add "greenwheat" to the base "greenWheat" fruit type (both work)- updated some "seed" density according to "Vaderstad" datav1.3.45- rewrite the "script" for updating the AI Combine target speed when the "allowLosses" is active. - use another way to fix the "vehicle on ice" problem (so that there is no more problem with the "WeightStation" mod), - fix implement (not steerable "realisticVehicle") not falling in sleep mode anymore since v1.3.59, - added "seedling" fillType (10kgs and 27.65€ per seedling), - fix missing fillLevel display on some implement since V1.3.53 (example : Marshall VES2500), - fix vehicle moving very slowly after leaving it. Best mods today Explore more STARE POLA V1.0.0.0 . (to "force" the AI wanted speed) add the "realMowerWorkingSpeedLimit" parameter for "realisticMower" (speed limit in kph)- apply the correct "literPerSqm" for "non mr combines" too. Absolutely, modelleicher. - " Nicht mr" Schaufel sind nicht mehr in der Lage zu " interagieren " mit Fahrsilo ( für Spreu ) - " Mischwagen " nun richtigen " dekomprimieren Verhältnis " beim Mischen Ballen (Sie können nicht die gleiche filllevel mehr bekommen , sondern das gleiche " Gewicht "). Farming Simulator 2013. - Polnisch Übersetzung von Ziuta, It is easier to know how much "material" is contained in the trailer now). Farming Simulator 2013. Placeable shelter V 1.0. - Hat der " yOffset "-Attribut auf den Parameter " vehicle.size " . 31 Oct, 2014. - "Mr -Engine " nicht außer Kraft setzen und die Funktion " UpdateVehiclePhysics " Basis mehr ( um Konflikte mit einigen Mod, die es auch für " Shuttle " Zweck überschreiben oder Rückfahrsitzzu verhindern) - Verfügen über die " realisticStartSettings.xml " als ein Beispiel , wie man " tune up " a " mr" Karte Placeable Objects. FS19 – Fliegl Green Tec 381 V1. The "percent" value is the same as before = how much of the DIN capacity is filled.- "combines" pipe particle system time out has been increased. And well, mod packs are a large, all around benefit for FS17 which will be appreciated by both hardcore FS fans and new players just starting to enjoy the game. 4x is fully fine in my opinion. Human Verification: In order to verify that you are a human and not a spam bot, please enter the answer into the following box below based on the instructions contained in the graphic. – Spreading and spraying now dosed on the speed during application Keep it.I will just keep making more true to life mods with realistic behavior. Selling "windrows" (bulk straw, grass) is now more rewarding.- no need anymore for the "g_currentMission.realMapBaseDirectory = self.baseDirectory;" to load the "realisticStartSettings.xml"- fix a bug in "overrideFoldable.lua" to stop the hydraulic sound if the vehicle is active but not controlled by the player- revised grass_windrow price- fix a bug in "overrideAnimatedVehicle.lua" to stop the hydraulic sound if the vehicle is active but not controlled by the player- reset the renderText properties in the "realisticSteerable" class to avoid "messing up" text rendering of other mods that don't specify their own parameters- default "mr engine" price multiplier = 4 in hard mode so that the gameplay is still well balanced in "normal" when playing on "Westbridge Hill" (can be defined for each mod map through the "realisticStartSettings.xml" file)- hired workers now take into account losses when combining- milk price and production revised- cows TMR and straw consumption modified- implement steering axles now work when attached to the front of the tractor too- reduced hired worker target speed so that it is now less competitive compared to real players.- polish translation by Ziuta- new "realVehicleOnFieldRollingResistanceFx" to allow modder setting a greater difference of rolling resistance between road and field (default value = factor 2). – Realistic accelerations and consideration of liability , mass, force and cornering Features: - Das ist jetzt möglich, einen bestimmten " Reibungsfaktor " im Feld für jede Karte angeben Farming Simulator 2013. 4. The Collection has three parts: Attached, Motorized and Trailed. tractors struggeling 3 pm up hill isn't real. - Fügte hinzu: " Rindfleisch " Art füllen . ( genauere und zuverlässigere ) FS19 – Mtz-5L/Mtz-7 V1. In this latest version, the courseplay (3:41) stopped working. NOTE: I recommend choosing between x4 and x5 damage. - Bessere Unterstützung für manuelle Zündung (Motoraußen3D -Sound) - Removed Washable Script. It is easier to know how much "material" is contained in the trailer now). I used well known free models (mainly from Giants) and collected all i could find about MR. To beginn i deleted various scripts and extras to avoid conflicts, and added first MR. Selling " Schwaden " ( Groß Stroh, Gras ) ist nun mehr lohnend. Far from realistic. - fix bug : "stabilizer bar" effect was not compatible with 0 cm suspension travel. - Massen an den Rädern nicht von Federverlängerung mehr berechnet (nur bei Giants Patch 2.1 final) . Copy your chosen loose_parts_settings.xml file to your F1 2012 [PC] game main folder. The mod includes: MTZ-5L:– Speed: 25 km / h;– The volume of the fuel tank: 90 l.;– (like in the base game)- possibility for map maker to add a "realisticStartSettings.xml" file to their map to define "price balancing" factors. - Lohnarbeiter jetzt berücksichtigt Verluste bei der Kombination nehmen Fs19 mods, Realistic Mod Download. - Milchpreis und Produktions überarbeitet With more and more news about the game rolling in to our worlds, looks to give you the latest information about cars in FS19 CARS. I used well known free models (mainly from Giants) and collected all i could find about MR. To beginn i deleted various scripts and extras to avoid conflicts, and added first MR. For instance: One usually doesn't talk about 'stairs' when there are 2 steps to 'climb', one hardly notices them and doesn't rate them as 'stairs'. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. More Realistic Mods, Tractors. 2014 Kategória: More-realistic Stiahnuť Claas Axion830 V4 Pridané: 26. By: Tigger D, Created and Converted from FS13, original AUTHOR unknown, Without I have played 30 min and I didn't like it. - Das nun möglich, eine bestimmte Silage Preis Multiplikator angeben (kann für jede Karte definiert werden ) I love this mod...Giants should be ashamed...because it's possible to build a better game and physics, even with this game engine... worst mod ever. - Unterstützung für " Kompaktlader " Fahrzeug (Blick auf die "mr" bobcat für ein Beispiel) - fix a problem with "autostackers" : the fillVolume was displayed, and so, the "fillLevel" figure remained to 0 all the time. use a baletype of this form (the same as in the savegame file) : "$moddir$mr_ClaasQuadrant1200/Ballen/strawbaleBalerW.i3d"- adjusted "windrow" fill type prices. - Eingestellt " Mieten " füllen Typ Preisen. – Seed is now consumed correctly Less stress – more rewards! - Neue Standard- Fahrzeugtyp = " roundBalerEnhanced " This is plain and simple arithmetics. Und dann gibt es weniger Wahrscheinlichkeit für mod Konflikt, der die Rückwärtsfahrt des "mr" Mods entfernen (Beispiel: abzuwehren 936 von der Mod -Wettbewerb oder die " Pantera_V1_orgskin " nicht zu Konflikten führen mehr ) - RealBallast Spezialisierung jetzt behandeln " Börsengang " und " gripfx " ändern, wenn nötig. Get the figures and do the maths. - Behebung eines Fehlers in " overrideFoldable.lua ", um die Hydraulik Ton zu stoppen , wenn das Fahrzeug ist aktiv, aber nicht vom Spieler gesteuert The… Realistic … - Weniger " restriktive " realisticSprayer Spezialisierung (gilt nicht für erforderlich Spezialisierung überprüfen mehr, so dass es möglich ist , es mit custom " Sprayer " Spezialisierung zu verwenden ), UAZ-469 Monster More Realistic v2.0 for Farming Simulator 2013. admin 4 305 0. (just copy paste the "realisticStartSettings.xml" from the "" file)- fix the "reverse sound" playing in T1 transmission mode, when switching to forward direction without moving- adding support for "carrot" and "onion" fruit type- added the "self.realReverseDrivingModeEngaged" parameter to "realisticSteerable" class to support "reverse drive mode" on some vehicles (example : fendt, valtra, mb-trac)- added the "yOffset" attribute to the "vehicle.size" parameter. Es ermöglicht die Einstellung eine zusaetzliche y-Offset , wenn das Fahrzeug gekauft haben, so dass sie nicht umkippen ( besonders nützlich für die Mod, die nicht ihre Mitte Drehpunkt mit der Grundebene Ebene im Giants Editor eingestellt ) Exemple : kann zu 7-8 für einen LKW gesetzt werden ( auf der Straße rr = 0,007 , in field = 0,055 ) More Realistic Mod – platform for a completely new and more realistic Farming Simulator experience. – Fuel consumption of the machine depends on the load of the vehicles - Neuen " realVehicleOnFieldRollingResistanceFx " Modder Einstellung eine größere Differenz der Rollwiderstand zwischen Straße und Feld (Standardwert = Faktor 2) zu ermöglichen. - Umsetzung der Lenkachsen jetzt , wenn er an der Front des Traktors angebracht zu v1.3.61- use another way to fix the "vehicle on ice" problem (so that there is no more problem with the "WeightStation" mod)v1.3.60- fix implement (not steerable "realisticVehicle") not falling in sleep mode anymore since v1.3.59- added "seedling" fillType (10kgs and 27.65€ per seedling)v1.3.59- fix missing fillLevel display on some implement since V1.3.53 (example : Marshall VES2500)- fix vehicle moving very slowly after leaving it- fix missing "too fast warning message" for tedders and rake, client-side.v1.3.58- fix a problem with "autostackers" : the fillVolume was displayed, and so, the "fillLevel" figure remained to 0 all the time. If that is the case, try 4wd Mode or front weight.. And are you sure with the 10% grade? Farming Simulator 19 USA Style Mod Hub. - Reduzierte angestellter Arbeiter Zielgeschwindigkeit so , dass es jetzt weniger wettbewerbsfähig im Vergleich zu realen Spielern . Download mod. Wir erhalten den Wert direkt von der NVIDIA PhysX -Engine. And then, there is less probability for mod conflict that remove the reverse driving of "mr" mods (example : fend 936 from the mod contest or the "Pantera_V1_orgskin" do not cause conflict anymore)- added support for "skid steer" vehicle (look at the "mr" bobcat for an example)- no more "attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'torque' (a nil value)" error when trying to move a "mr" vehicle without a "mr" function. – Works in multiplayer, Authors: Giants, SFM-Modding, Xentro, Dural, Maxter. In my oppinion the best mod is the "More Realistic Mod". Your email address will not be published. The problem in FS is that you don't really see the steepness of hills, because you can't feel it. . - Nicht mehr "-Warnung im Protokoll " versuchen, den Füllungstyp -Info von "unbekannt" zu bekommen, wenn das Laden eines Savegame mit einem autostaker gefüllt - Mähdrescher kann darstellen und Display- Verluste (siehe Standard Getreide kombiniert Harvester als Beispiel) ... More Realistic Mods; We recommend.