Credit: … Elven Smithing The armor stats also resemble the Glass Armor statistics. Armor & Clothing ; Newmiller Elven Summoner CBBE Bodyslide Newmiller Elven Summoner CBBE Bodyslide 1.0.0. Elven Gilded Armor is a piece of light armor and part of the Elven Armor set found in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. close. Ill leave this one up in case anyone wanted this specific armor but not the others. 1 Characteristics 2 Acquisition 3 Smithing 4 See also 5 Appearances Although powerful, they are uncommon at early levels. [NINI] Fire Keeper Horny Set back-ported to Skyrim. Alternative Armors - Elven Hunter is a Creation that adds an alternative variant of Elven armor that is based on the Elven armor set from Blades. Tempering Thieves Guild Armor requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk. player.additem 0001BC82 1; ClothesChefplayer.additem 0001BE1A 1; ClothesFarmClothes01player.additem 000209A6 1; ClothesFarmClothes02player.additem 000261C0 1; ClothesFarmClothes03player.additem 0003452E 1; ClothesFarmClothes04player.additem 0003C9FE 1; ClothesPrisonerTunicplayer.additem 0004223C 1; ClothesMerchantClothesplayer.additem 000467BF 1; ClothesChild02player.additem 000467C0 1; ClothesChild03player.additem 0005B69F 1; ClothesBlackSmithplayer.additem 000586Ai 1; ClothesBarKeeperplayer.additem 0005DB7B 1; ClothesJarlplayer.additem 00062303 1; ClothesUlfricplayer.additem 000646A7 1; ClothesMournersClothesplayer.additem 0006492C 1; DBClothesJesterCiceroplayer.additem 0006C1D8 1; ClothesFarmClothesVariant04player.additem 0006C1D9 1; ClothesFarmClothesVariant02player.additem 0006C1DA 1; ClothesFarmClothesVariant03player.additem 0006D92C 1; ClothesChild0lplayer.additem 0006FF37 1; ClothesBlackSmithVariantplayer.additem 0006FF38 1; ClothesBarKeeperVariantplayer.additem 0006FF43 1; ClothesMinerClothesVariantplayer.additem 0006FF45 1; ClothesMerchantClothesVariantplayer.additem 0007BC19 1; ClothesRedguardClothesplayer.additem 00080697 1; ClothesMinerClothesplayer.additem 0008698C 1; ClothesJarl02player.additem 00086991 1; ClothesFineClothes01player.additem 00088952 1; ClothesNocturnal, player.additem 0001BCA7 1; ClothesChefHatplayer.additem 000209AA 1; ClothesFarmHat02player.additem 000330B3 1; ClothesFarmHat0lplayer.additem 000330BC 1; ClothesFarmHat03player.additem 00036A45 1; ClothesRobesGreybeardHoodplayer.additem 0004223B 1; ClothesMerchantHatplayer.additem 0004F000 1; ClothesHeadBandagesplayer.additem 0005A9DF 1; ExecutionHoodplayer.additem 0005A9E3 1; ExecutionHoodDBplayer.additem 000646AB 1; ClothesMournerHatplayer.additem 0006492E 1; DBClothesJesterHatCiceroplayer.additem 00065B99 1; ClothesPsiijicHoodplayer.additem 0007BC1A 1; ClothesRedguardHoodplayer.additem 00088954 1; ClothesNocturnalHatplayer.additem 0008895A 1; ClothesWeddingWreath, player.additem 0001BE1B 1; ClothesFarmBoots01player.additem 000209A5 1; ClothesFarmBoots02player.additem 000261BD 1; ClothesFarmBoots03player.additem 0003452F 1; ClothesFarmBootsG4player.additem 00036A46 1; ClothesRobesGreybeardBootsplayer.additem 0003CA00 1; ClothesPrisonerShoesplayer.additem 0004223D 1; ClothesMerchantBootsplayer.additem 0005B69E 1; ClothesBlackSmithShoesplayer.additem 0005B6A0 1; ClothesBarKeeperShoesplayer.additem 0005DB7E 1; ClothesJarlShoesplayer.additem 00062311 1; ClothesUlfricBootsplayer.additem 0006492A 1; DBClothesJesterBootsCiceroplayer.additem 00065B9B 1; ClothesPsiijic Bootsplayer.additem 00065BAC 1; ClothesThalmorBootsplayer.additem 0006B46C 1; ClothesMGBootsplayer.additem 0007BC15 1; ClothesRedguardBootsplayer.additem 0007C92E 1; ClothesMGBootsArchmageplayer.additem 00080699 1; ClothesMinerBootsplayer.additem 0008698E 1; ClothesJarlShoes02player.additem 00086993 1; ClothesFineBoots01player.additem 00088958 1; ClothesWeddingSandalsplayer.additem 000B1460 1; ClothesMythicDawnBootsplayer.additem 000BAC07 1; ClothesMonkBootsplayer.additem 0010E2DC 1; ClothesCollegeBootsApprenticeVariantlplayer.additem 0010E2CE 1; ClothesCollegeBootsCommonVariantl, player.additem 000261C1 1; ClothesFarmGloves03player.additem 0004f006 1; ClothesArmBandagesplayer.additem 0006230B 1; ClothesUlfricGauntletsplayer.additem 0006492D 1; DBClothesJesterGlovesCiceroplayer.additem 0006SB9D 1; ClothesPsiijicGlovesplayer.additem 00065BB3 1; ClothesThalmorGlovesplayer.additem 00086990 1; ClothesJarlGloves02player.additem 000B145B 1; ClothesMythicDawnGloves, player.additem 0010F570 1; ClothesMGRobesArchmagelHoodedplayer.additem 00036A44 1; ClothesRobesGreybeardTunicplayer.additem 00065B94 1; ClothesPsiijic Robesplayer.additem 00065BBF 1; ClothesThalmorrobesplayer.additem 0006846B 1; TemplateClothesMageRobesApprenticeplayer.additem 0007C932 1; ClothesMGRobesArchmageplayer.additem 0007E010 1; TemplateClothesMageRobesCommonplayer.additem 00088956 1; ClothesWeddingDressplayer.additem 000B144D 1; ClothesMythicDawnRobesplayer.additem 000BACF3 1; ClothesMonkRobes, player.additem 0010E039 1; PrisonerCuffsPlayerplayer.additem 0010E2D8 1; PrisonerCuffsSolitudeplayer.additem 00026C3B 1; MGR02Gloves. To place this item in-front of your character, use the following console command: Allows you to Craft Divine Aegis and Sword of the Divine Aegis at the forge. ... Credit to Newmiller for the skyrim outfit and ... Special Edition Compatible . Spawn Commands. To receive the heavy armor you want, type the following in the console: Player.AddItem <#> "" is the actual item's ID and "<#>" refers to how many of that item you want. Perk The lighter weight allows for the carrying of multiple suits of armor, each fine-tuned for specific enemies and situations, without drastically taking up encumbrance (6 full sets of elven armor weigh slightly more than 1 full set of steel armor). The Alfheim Knights armor is a set which adapts to an Elven knight almost perfectly. Find below a searchable list of all perk codes from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on PC / Mac (Steam). Thieves Guild Armor serves as the chest piece for the set of armor used by Thieves Guild members. 3. Skyrim Item Codes List. Games. To place this item in-front of your character, use the following console command: player.PlaceAtMe 000483C2 . Lighter and less movement penalty. Unenchanted pieces will begin to appear throughout Skyrim at level 12 and enchanted variants can be found at level 13. "X" refers to the amount of the item you wish to add. My brother made Thor on there before so i decided to make Loki. The following codes generate heavy armor.. Ahzidal's Armor (Dragonborn DLC). Elven Gilded Armor is a piece of light armor and part of the Elven Armor set found in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Several sets of regular armor are worn by the Thalmor warriors and archers in Northwatch Keep after level 12. Elven armor is a light armor which can be upgraded with Refined Moonstone once the Dragonborn obtains the Elven Smithing perk. But being an elf in Skyrim feels a bit… shallow. New chevron_right. You can help by expanding it! Версия для Skyrim Special Edition . This page contains Item Codes for the various types of Armor in Skyrim. If you're looking for a code for an item, NPC or other Skyrim object on SkyrimCommands .com, you've probably noticed the DLC Code badge. Story of this mod: 1/7/2012 I've spent many weeks downloading things from Skyrim Nexus and gawking at some of the amazing things you all have been creating. Class Pieces can be forged at a blacksmith's forge with the following components: Pieces can be upgraded with refined moonstone at a workbench and also benefit from the Elven Smithing perk, which doubles the improvement. Elven Armor of Health Information. Advantages: 1. player.additem 000233D0 1; MG02Amuletplayer.additem 0002D74F 1; dunGauldurAmuletFragmentFolgunthurplayer.additem 0002D753 1; dunGauldurAmuletFragmentGeirmundplayer.additem 0002D75A 1; dunGauldurAmuletFragmentSaedaedrthaedlplayer.additem 0002D773 1; dunGauldurAmuletplayer.additem 00064796 1; MarkarthFreeformTalosAmuletplayer.additem 000663DA 1; FFl02ReydaNecklaceplayer.additem 0006B217 1; DBJeweledAmuletplayer.additem 0006BB85 1; HMDNecklaceplayer.additem 0007D678 1; TGTQ04Locketplayer.additem 00087705 1; JewelryNecklaceGoldplayer.additem 000877DC 1; JewelryNecklaceGoldRubyplayer.additem 000877F1 1; JewelryNecklaceGoldDiamondplayer.additem 00087832 1; JewelryNecklaceSirverSapphireplayer.additem 00087833 1; JewelryNecklaceSilverEmeraldplayer.additem 00087834 1; JewelryNecklaceSilverGemsplayer.additem 00087835 1; JewelryNecklaceGoldGemsplayer.additem 000878BB 1; ReligicusZenithaedrCommerce, player.additem 0010DFC8 1; EnchRingResistMagic0lplayer.additem 0010DFC9 1; EnchRingResistMagic02player.additem 00l0DFCA 1; EnchRingResJstMagic03player.additem 00l0DFCB 1; EnchRingResistMagic04player.additem 00l0DFCC 1; EnchRingResistMagic05player.additem 00l0DFCD 1; EnchRingResistMagic06player.additem 0001CF2B 1; JewelryRingGoldplayer.additem 00024CFF 1; MS02SilverBloodRingplayer.additem 0002584C 1; MG02Ring01player.additem 0002AC60 1; DA05HircinesRingplayer.additem 0002C37B 1; DAllRingofNamiricplayer.additem 0003B97C 1; JewelryRingSilverplayer.additem 000403A9 1; FavorWindhelmViolaRingplayer.additem 00068B83 1; DBNightweaversBandplayer.additem 0006B218 1; DBMuiriRingplayer.additem 0006B219 1; DBSilverRingplayer.additem 00076F12 1; TG00MagesRingplayer.additem 000877A7 1; JewelryRingSilverAmethystplayer.additem 000877AB 1; JewelryRingSilverGarnetplayer.additem 000877B1 1; JewelryRingSilverRubyplayer.additem 000877C9 1; JewelryRingGoldDiamondplayer.additem 000877CA 1; JewelryRingGoldEmeraldplayer.additem 000877CB 1; JewelryRingGoldSapphire, player.additem 0010F75F 1; DremoricDaededricHelmetplayer.additem 0002003C 1; CWDummyBootslmperialplayer.additem 0002003E 1; CWDummyCuirasslmperialplayer.additem 0002003F 1; CWDummyGauntletslmperialplayer.additem 00020042 1; CWDummyHelmetlmperialplayer.additem 00020048 1; CWDummyShieldlmperialplayer.additem 00020157 1; CWDummyBootsSonsplayer.additem 00020159 1; CWDummyCuirassSonsplayer.additem 0002015A 1; CWDummyGauntletsSonsplayer.additem 0002015C 1; CWDummyHelmetSonsplayer.additem 0002015E 1; CWDummyShieldSonsplayer.additem 0004408F 1; ArmorAtronachFrostShieldplayer.additem 0006A0A9 1; DummyBootsplayer.additem 0006A0AB 1; DummyCuirassplayer.additem 0006A0AD 1; DummyGauntletsplayer.additem 0006A0AF 1; Dummy Helmetplayer.additem 0006A0B1 1; DummyShieldplayer.additem 00079BE4 1; DA09MeridiaBallofLightArmorplayer.additem 0007B937 1; crArmor0waedrvenSphereBowDummy0bjplayer.additem 0007EAF1 1; ArmorAstridplayer.additem 0001FD77 1; DraugrHelmet01player.additem 0001FD7B 1; DraugrHelmet02player.additem 0001FD7C 1; DraugrHelmet03player.additem 00025D69 1; MAGArmorSpiderSpit01player.additem 00040975 1; HorseSaddlelmperialplayer.additem 0005D008 1; ArmorBriarHeartplayer.additem 0005D009 1; AimorBriarHeartEmptyplayer.additem 00060797 1; HorseSaddleplayer.additem 00060DA7 1; ArmorAtronachFlame0eadplayer.additem 0010E3C5 1; skinDragonBossplayer.additem 0010F5A5 1; SkinWolfFireplayer.additem 0001FE7E 1; SkinDraugrMale01player.additem 0001FE7F 1; SkinDraugrMale02player.additem 0001FE80 1; SkinDraugrMale03player.additem 0001FE81 1; SkinDraugrMale04player.additem 0001FE82 1; SkinDraugrMale05player.additem 0001FE83 1; SkinDraugrMale06player.additem 0001FE84 1; SkinDraugrMale07player.additem 0002C180 1; SkinFrostbiteSpiderGiantplayer.additem 0002C181 1; SkinFrostbiteSpiderGiantColdplayer.additem 0003636F 1; SkinFrostbiteSpiderplayer.additem 0003B5AB 1; SkinDricgonPriestplayer.additem 0003BC81 1; SkinDraugrBeard0lplayer.additem 0003BC82 1; SkinDraugrBeard02player.additem 0003BC83 1; SkinDraugrHair0lplayer.additem 0003BC84 1; SkinDraugrHair02player.additem 0003F815 1; SkinDragonUnderskinplayer.additem 00040731 1; SkinNakedFarplayer.additem 0004124A 1; SkinSlaughterfishplayer.additem 00042528 1; SkinWispplayer.additem 00048C0E 1; SkinFrostbiteSpiderColdplayer.additem 00048D93 1; SkinGiant0lplayer.additem 00048d94 1; SkinGiant02player.additem 0004B2C9 1; SkinDogplayer.additem 0004E784 1; SkinCowplayer.additem 0004E886 1; SkinWolfplayer.additem 00050F30 1; SkinFalmer0lplayer.additem 00050F32 1; SkinFalmer02player.additem 00050F34 1; SkinFalmer03player.additem 00050F36 1; SkinFaedimer04player.additem 00050F38 1; SkinFalmer05player.additem 00050F3A 1; SkJnFalmer06player.additem 000538F8 1; SkinlceWricithplayer.additem 00058E2A 1; SkinChaurusplayer.additem 00059253 1; SkinMaedmmothWildplayer.additem 00059254 1; SkinMaedmmothBricndedplayer.additem 0005B2E7 1; SkinAtronachFrostplayer.additem 0005E977 1; SkinDeerMaleplayer.additem 0005E979 1; SkinDeerplayer.additem 0005E99C 1; SkinlceWricithSmokeFinsplayer.additem 0005F280 1; SkinDragonPriestFXMistplayer.additem 00060715 1; SkinHorseplayer.additem 0006881E 1; SkinAtronachStormplayer.additem 00069CE3 1; SkinNakedBeastplayer.additem 0006DC9B 1; SkinHareplayer.additem 0006F278 1; SkinGoatplayer.additem 0006FC49 1; SkinGoaedtDomesticplayer.additem 0007874B 1; SkinDwarvenSphereCentunonplayer.additem 000800EA 1; SkinDwarvenSteamCenturionplayer.additem 00081C79 1; SkinDwarvenSpiderCenturionplayer.additem 000829B4 1; SkinFoxplayer.additem 000829B7 1; SkinFoxArcticplayer.additem 00085808 1; skinDragonSnowplayer.additem 00086503 1; SkinHorseShadowmereplayer.additem 0008650D 1; SkinHorseBlackHideplayer.additem 0008650E 1; SkinHorsePalominoHideplayer.additem 0008650F 1; SkinHorseGreyHideplayer.additem 00086510 1; SkinHorseBlacknWhiteHideplayer.additem 00086810 1; SkinDragonplayer.additem 000868FD 1; SkinBearBrownplayer.additem 00086918 1; SkinAtronachFlameplayer.additem 00086F42 1; SkinWitchlightplayer.additem 00087556 1; skinDragonTundricplayer.additem 00087557 1; skinDragonForestplayer.additem 000AF635 1; SkinGlenmorilWitchHEADLESSplayer.additem 000B1959 1; skinDragonAlduinplayer.additem 000B6FA0 1; SkinMagicAnomalyplayer.additem 000B799A 1; SkinSkeletonplayer.additem 000B9C2D 1; skinDragonParthurnaxplayer.additem 000BA546 1; SkinMudcrab.