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Various religious faiths have flourished within the United States. Each group is asked to provide a count of congregations, members, adherents, and attendees in … pew forum on religion public 46 country 2010 country population percent christian percent muslim percent unaffil. Religious Landscape Survey Appendix 1: Religious Composition of the U.S. 110 Appendix 1: Religious Composition of the U.S. Evangelical Protestant Churches 26.3 Baptist in the Evangelical Tradition 10.8 Southern Baptist Convention 6.7 Independent Baptist in the Evangelical Tradition 2.5 This statistic shows the number of migrants alive today who immigrated to the United States, classified by their religious affiliation. table: religious composition by country. Just over 40% of Americans report that religion plays a very important role in their lives, a proportion unique among developed countries. nontraditional religions and nonbelieving, and religious diversity in the U.S. military reflects the youthful composition of the forces. the 2020 us religion census has begun The Operations Committee is now in the process of contacting hundreds of religious groups to secure their participation in the 2020 US Religion Census. Most of the differences in religious affiliation occur within the Democratic Party. Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life / U.S. This issue paper (1) examines the variety of religious identifications reported by servicemembers based on two different sources of data and (2) compares the diver-sity of religion found in the military with The Geography of Religion in America. Religion in the United States is diverse, with Christianity and specifically Protestantism being the majority religion, although declining at rapid pace. Religious composition of the 115th U.S. Congress vs. U.S. public, 2017 Religious composition of the U.S. Congress, 1961-2017 Share of U.S. Congress members, by religious … A partial report can be found here, holding data collected by the Pew Research Center from 1972 up to 2012: The Decline of Institutional Religion Faith Angle Forum South Beach, Florida March 18, 2013 Luis Lugo Pew Research Center Washington, D.C.. The Religious Composition of the Two Major Parties (Ryan Burge, Religion in Public): “…neither of the two major parties in the United States are dominated by one specific religious group. We project the religious composition of the United States to 2043, considering fertility differences, migration, intergenerational religious transmission and conversion by 11 ethnoreligious groups. Collectively, white evangelical Protestants are twice as large in the South (22%) and Midwest (20%) as they are in the Northeast (8%). While the religion of Supreme Court justices shouldn’t matter, and there most certainly shouldn’t be a religious litmus test of any kind (including a litmus test for religious belief or affiliation), I was curious enough to take a look at this handy guide to the religion of Supreme Court justices. There is substantial variation in religious identity between the four regions of the United States. percent hindu percent buddhist percent folk religion percent other religion percent jewish cayman islands 60,000 83.5 0.4 9.4 0.9 < …