tbc 2v2 arena comps

In this video I show Elemental shaman paired up with a shadow priest in 2v2 arena pvp tbc season 3. With good experience and game knowledge, you can literally play with any other class and make it work at some point, with a few exceptions of course. Resto Druid, far and away the best healer in BC 2. PVP; PVE; Arena Realm; 2v2 Arena 3v3 Arena. Personally i had alot of fun with my hunter, little less fun with my warrior and the least fun with my Mage. While originally Arena seasons were meant to start in Phase 2, Blizzard is now considering: Phase 1 for Arena Season 1. A simple arena macro that is often used is the Arena 1, 2 and 3 targeting system for quick target swapping. Rdruid/war, disc/rogue, lock/druid is tier 1, rest is tier 2 and worse, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, World of Warcraft non-retail server lists and discussion, Press J to jump to the feed. World of Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. It's "viable" even if it's far less optimate than a Dreamstate spec. Most of the hybrid dps struggled as a general rule. So trying hard as double DPS may involve a bit of frustration due to the general absence of recovery windows. As a general rule to utilizing covenant abilities in arena, you want use big cooldowns like Convoke the Spirits or Lone Empowerment in burst situations. CLASSIC TBC META 2v2 COMPS (full caps cuz that means its imporant) TBC Warlock PvP Guide - An In Depth Arena Guide - Part 1. Both Factions. Rate is Disabled. 6 years ago. ... ARMORY; MY ACCOUNT Log in Create account. As for tanks thats just annoying lol, just bring a feral if you want a tank ^^ Reply With Quote . The games are short. And I'm not talking about the Season 2 warrior/resto druid faceroll with Skillherald or the roflstomp Warglaive comp teams, but those first few months of Season 1 when "comp" didn't exist and you queued with whatever class/spec you wanted and could still win games. The best combo is a matter of taste, in terms of game experience. Rogue/Druid 3. … This is … until your team recovers. Previous Previous post: arena 2v2. As Rogue/Mage, you have to adapt a lot to the opponent’s playstyle and your mage can really set up a switch of kill target just by doing a Sheep on the initial target. You can tank Kidney Shots if you’re protected by a shield, thus making you more resilient.You benefit from off-healing along with your partner’s damage, making you a bit more threatening.The tactics are less complicated to learn and to set up. As a debutant, playing double DPS offers multiple options to deal your damage and CC. My highest rating in TBC was 2378 with 91% winratio with Druid Priest Rogue and my highest rating in WotLK was 2854 with 82% winratio with DK Druid Mage (this comp was only 3 times above 2.2k worldwide, pretty exotic comp but STILL viable but this is a point I'll get later on). 02 Dec. 2020: Updated ahead of first Shadowlands PvP Season. i still remember the tears over how OP druid/warrior was. This week, we'll discuss the best arena compositions for Rogues in 2v2.Ask anyone; Rogues are an easy choice for the DPS component of almost any 2v2 arena team. Teammates will have to help peal off enemy melee to allow the Priest to cast. However, it can still be obtained through the exchange of Tier 4 armor tokens. Hunter/Druid 2. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. … Mage/Druid There may be arguments for Mage/Druid being better than Rogue/Druid but I think Hunter/Druid is indisputably the best comp for Resto Druids and perhaps the best comp in 2v2. If I was asked to give my opinion about these two compositions, I would probably recommend Disc/Rogue for a beginner because the general CC and DPS assistance is slightly better and the magic dispels allow removing important CC and debuffs (DoTs, Fear, Novas, Faerie Fires) bringing a lot of survivability to the rogue which can preserve its cooldowns. This is probably your best bet to get consistent results. The top 1000 players in your region are immortalized here. The Armory. No results … hello How many of you guys play arena 2's and 3's andif you are playin' what is your raiting? Intensity? Phase 4 - no new Arena Season. I hope you found this article both informative and useful, it was certainly a pleasure to write it and if you want to react to it, please join our Discord server! Tier 2. comp The class makeup or composition of an Arena team, such as we've discussed at length above. I've only seen 3 5v5 comps mentioned anywhere. Phase 5 for Arena Season 4. Also, you'll have to switch heal very often, which isn't necessary what you hope as playing balance. Arenas. Tier 2 team compositions have the potential to be successful. Also, the power of HoTs allows being controlled while keeping good healing. However, now it’s hard to find WWs because they all seem to want to go with rdruid instead. Holy paladin: best 2v2 partners. 16 February, 2021 New release: The top comps for every class and spec in 2v2 and 3v3. Ultimate Classic TBC Reputation Guide - All Phase 1 Reputations Covered! More comprehensive and intuitive?Read on to discover, or re-discover some of the 2v2 arena combinations for WoW Classic TBC rogue. 09 February, 2021 New release: REFlexology - track who you are losing to, which partners … PVP. As such, double DPS comps are not favored for an Affliction Warlock. Rogues have been seen playing even with a warrior or a retribution paladin and managing to go over 2000 rating. Changelog. Your caster, whatever the class, needs a rogue that knows what to do and when to do it. Info on general strategy behind those comps … Holy paladin is vulnerable to being crowd controlled for long periods of time so good positioning is key This week, we'll discuss the best arena compositions for Rogues in 2v2. arena is about 25% combination, 25% cordination, 25% skill and 25% gear. Поделиться × Спасибо! Also, Disc priest and Rogue are not sharing Diminishining returns on TBC contrary to WotLK. Ultimately, it’s a matter of preference. 5v5 was pretty variable usually comps … From what i know, in world pvp and bg, deep balance can be strong, and certainly fun. This page is part of our Arms Warrior PvP Guide. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Finally, both comps have quite scripted tactics in arenas, but due to DoT, SPR is a bit more simple because there are a lot less windows for reversing CC to kill the other target and because DoTs cannot be kited. Our players will teach you the secrets of the com Smolderforge is 2.4.3 Burning Crusade private server with arena, raids, battlegrounds and more! RMP – Rogue/Mage/Disc or … I personally think there are just Tier 1 comps which are: restokin/rogue, dpriest/rogue, hunter/druid, warlock/druid. This guide should prove useful when deciding who to queue with in ranked arenas. Your role in this comp is to prioritize healing, never sacrificing positioning in order to land risky Cyclones. …Especially for the debutants that manage well overall, but lack some knowledge about the meta. Message. Phase 3 for Arena Season 3. Top 2v2 comps; Top 3v3 comps; About; News. In general, the strategy will be for your healer to crowd-control the healer or healer's teammate while you burst damage the other target with a Capacitor Totem and … Welcome to reality. This is the only "correct" answer. Поделитесь с друзьями! Arms Warrior, Windwalker Monk, Ret Paladin, and Unholy Death Knight are close to equal as the best 2v2 compositions available. Join the battle now! 07-10-2012 #10. illuminatieq. – Only one school for damage can be kicked. But mage provides the team with food, than can be used when out of combat. Most abilities can be played defensively (e.g Cheap Shot, Kidney Shot, Fear-Sap, Crippling Poison Shiv to run around a pillar etc.) HELP Get started FAQ Faction Balance Changes. With Live Comms! Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I was wondering - what do you think was the best arena comps during 3.3.5? Say bye to your pressure. Horde. Obviously, there are some healers that can play very aggressively and become a second DPS; but the more you climb, the riskier this is (as well as rarer). In 2v2 Arena, there are a few compositions which complement the abilities of the Enhancement Shaman, mainly utilizing the Heroism / Bloodlust cooldown with the Shamanism PvP talent with your teammate. If you have played it for a long time, your knowledge may suffice to properly start with the team composition that you prefer. However, it can still be obtained through the exchange of Tier 4 armor tokens. (and I would delete lock/druid from tier 1 if there are too many rogues with BiS pvE), rogue rkin is tier 0. 29 Nov. 2020: Added Covenant page and removed Azerite/Essence mentions. At least all the videos I've been able to find. With the possibility of a TBC Classic release, I'm trying to figure out the best classes to level to compete in 2v2 arena. For example, if the enemy healer is crowd controlled, make sure to stun your kill target and use Convoke the Spirits or Lone Empowerment. Our players will teach you the secrets of the com PvPstats, see who is winning! February 14, 2021 December 15, 2020 by Mark Silva. Security? Promotional popup has appeared %PROMO_LABEL% %PROMO_TEXT% %PROMO_LINK_TEXT% Game. Jump to page: Threads 1 to 20 of 2026. Even for 2v2-- HoJ is enough to support your partner to enable a kill. Add a reply. druid/warrior was S3. I’ve been playing with WW and quite easily cruised to 2.1k. Find out what is the best classes and specs for pvp and mythic+. Die besten 1.000 Spieler eurer Region werden hier gewürdigt. WoW Classic. And the videos that do discuss comps all discuss 2v2 and/or 3v3 but not 5v5. But it does not discuss comps sadly. Disc WW vs Hpal and Arms. Battleground Statistics; Raid Statistics; Arena Statistics; Rules; arena 2v2. All Rights Reserved. Eurocomp, 2345, and … The Season 1 Gladiator armor can no longer be purchased with honor or arena points. Also refering to Ele/Destro/Healer in s8 or Ele/Frost Mage/Healer s1-s3 . – Gearing, which relies a lot on resilience, – Fear is removed by WoTF which makes it weak against undead Rogues, – When out of shields and forced to go for healing, Shadowpriest becomes weak until the next Fear (long cooldown). Quite tanky due to :– Shadow Form,– Shield,– Healing through DoT (and ability to use healing abilities by coming out of shadow form). Rank Name Composition Faction Wins Losses Rating #1: take me as ur friend: 141: 15: 2255 #2: The hand of God: 131: 15: 2240 #3: no u: 126: 26: 2235 … Вкл. ... and they also usually came with a stealthed rogue. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The pressure management is in favor of Druid that can Abolish Poison. Die Helden der Allianz und der Horde kämpfen in den Arenen und auf den Schlachtfeldern für Ruhm und Ehre. Threads in This Forum. Before looking for a teammate, you must define what you are looking for: Performance? I dont think there is a clear best comp in TBC. TBC arena was the last time I ever stepped foot into arena. When the … We have insane burst damage with silence and bloodlust plus elemental mastery natures switftness! Which is ofc relevant. Contrary to a healer limited to partnering with a DPS, the rogue can choose between a Healer partner or another DPS. They were replaced by Conquest points in Patch 1 Earning arena points 1.1 Formulae 1.2 Arena Point Calculators 2 Arena point reset in Wrath of the Lich King 3 Patch changes 4 See also 5 References 6 … SL/SL locks while good were not the best, as far as arena goes, with the introduction of armor pen and the dot nerf that came with season 3 there were in between top tier and second tier class. World of Warcraft Arena World Championship. Arena Point referred to points awarded by participating in Arena PvP System competitions with your Arena team. NO (Desperate Prayer for the priest only), YES (Nature’s Swiftness + Healing Touch, Swiftmend), : Shadow Word: Pain, Devouring Plague if UD. Blizzconline TBC Announce & Silent Shadows Trailer, I played SPR as Shadow Priest for 3 years, Trying hard as a Healer/DPS may look exhausting. They represent reality in terms of the top 4, though I personally would change the order. Entertainment? … More than 1/2 (55%) of the voters picked a Healer/DPS comb, Disc/Priest was the most voted option, as 30% players picked DPR, Rogue/Mage was the most popular double DPS, closely followed by Spriest/Rogue, A lot more votes in favour of R/M, which increased the gap with SP/R (21% vs 12%). It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. You must equally handle the damage part and the CC part.From a rogue perspective, Shadow Priest/Rogue is more debutant-friendly for few reasons :You have a shield and some dispels on top of that. This page is part of our Arms Warrior PvP Guide. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. is there anything on website ? Accès e-Learning; Connexion; Uncategorized meilleur compo 2v2 wow bfa … TBC Classic - Arena PvP … Rogues pair well with most classes for the 2v2 bracket: priests as discipline or shadow, restoration druids, frost mages, Siphon Life/Soul Link warlocks, and many more. The Arena PvP system matches teams of equal size together to increase fairness and make advancement to the highest tiers more difficult and more rewarding. Forums. Arena; 2v2; Announcement: Forum Policies skillcapped (Senior Member) 04-07-2011 . подсветку . The combination is more documented on YouTube, so you can easily find examples to learn. Playing with a healer allows for mistakes or bad RNG…. ... 2v2 Arena. I wanna know in s4 what are the top comps and is sl/sl competitive in s4 for best comps in 2v2 and 3v3? What comps would you … Depends on what you call fun, but struggling hard at 1640 because you don’t know how to handle a Warrior is anything but fun. Join the battle now! But you have to be aware that RM relies a lot on the synergy between the Rogue and the Mage. Here are some composition ideas on what you and your friends should play in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. where i can see how many teams are in game for arena? There are probably going to be tons of resto druid teams now that it's widely known how strong they are. On the Elemental Shaman Arena Composition page, you will find the list of the most powerful Arena compositions featuring Elemental Shamans, in both 2v2 and 3v3 modes. EXPLAINS 2v2. Top arena players of TBC. Affliction Warlocks have a significant ramp up time before dealing damage and do not have either good single target damage or crowd control. Holy Paladin + Arms Warrior is a hard counter to Disc Priest + Rogue/Mage because of Blessing of Sacrifice and Blessing of Freedom. 18 February, 2021 State of the Ladder: Rated Battlegrounds in the Shadowlands. To be honest, I do not share this view for the new TBC rogues.It would mean you’re playing with a perfect Mage that masters this comp which is quite unlikely to find if you are new to the game.It also means that if you’re both (Mage and Rogue) debutant on TBC, playing RM may feel like a disaster… You’ve been warned. (Subject to change as the season plays out). 2v2 Compositions for Restoration Shaman From experience, the best compositions you can play in 2v2 as a Shaman involve another melee. Enh would probably pair best with rogue or hunter as a double dps comp, or I’ve actually seen enh/rdruid played to some success on private servers if you want to try with a healer. The higher you climb, DoTs tend to become a problem for exactly this reason and you may prefer playing RM so you can modify your tactics on the fly. During that time I played a Holy Paladin which turned out to be a faceroll in arenas. And I'm not talking about the Season 2 warrior/resto druid faceroll with Skillherald or the roflstomp Warglaive comp teams, but those first few months of Season 1 when "comp" didn't exist and you queued with whatever class/spec you wanted and could still win games. Season 7 - Start Date 16 Nov 2020 who is best combo for arena ? It was the currency used to buy Arena Rewards. HELP Get started FAQ Faction Balance Changes. URL × Вам не понравилось видео. Once you start on an opponent, you’ll spend the whole duration of the game trying to kill that one. Die Helden der Allianz und der Horde kämpfen in den Arenen und auf den Schlachtfeldern für Ruhm und Ehre. Nikola @ Kirin Tor. You are playing what is probably the best class for TBC PvP, making you a versatile arena partner. That being said, here are the most popular options to pick (from experience, but also in agreement with our poll’s results). S2 also druid/warrior but rogue/disc was up there too S1 I don't remember, seems like maybe mages were ok at one point. Undoubtedly, both have their strengths. From a DPS assist perspective, Discipline Priest is a bit better because of a larger toolkit (Reflective Shield is an extremely powerful passive way to deal damage, Holy Nova does damage to opponents while healing self and allies. Your best bet for 2v2 as ele would probably be to partner with a rogue, mage, warlock, or hunter in roughly that order. Hello guys, First i would like to say a HUDGE thanks to skilled cap! Svikkster-xavius May 16, 2019, 6:53am #1. In arena, things are less good and the only comp i know which can be good is with a rogue. → No shared diminishing returns with Rogue’s CC, → Sheep shares diminishing return with Gouge/Sap, → Crippling Poison may or may not overwrite mage slows, YES– Vampiric Embrace heals SP+R through spriest damage, both – DoTs and direct damage). With all the factors detailed in the table that compares Healer/DPS and Double DPS, it would appear that starting 2v2 as Healer/DPS to learn arenas is the way to go, as there is more margin for error and the learning curve is less steep.. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the best combos to pick as Healer/DPS are: They’re pretty difficult to oppose because they both have a lot of strengths and low downsides, so here’s another table to see what they can offer.NB: We did not offer more Healer options in the poll because they are not relevant to debutants and anyhow make suboptimal combinations, i.e Rsham/Rogue and Hpala/Rogue, → No shared diminishing returns with Rogues’ CC, Hibernate: 10sec (vs. druids, hunters’ pets, shamans in ghost wolf), → shared diminishing returns with Rogues’ CC (Clone/Blind & Bash/Cheap Shot), Cast: Flash Heal, Greater Heal, Binding Heal, – DoT: Shadow Word: Pain, Devouring Plague if UD, – Passive: Reflective Shield Talent (Phys.). If players are skillcapped and all PvE gear is available - its probably restokin/rogue. View Profile View Forum Posts Join Date Mar 2010 Posts 451 Rep Power 14. Before we get started please don't expect that this is a bulletproof way to gladiator. Top 100 2v2 Teams with the highest rating for the current Arena Season. Keep your Warrior out of as much CC as possible to ensure that … There is a lot to say because opinions may differ a lot from one TBC veteran to another. 1. Once you’ve thought of these questions you’ll be able to define part of your PvP orientation. Thats every comp thats viable I can think of for 2v2 probably a few more that i can't think of. That’s a common statement that can be read everywhere and this could be true for some of the new Rogues here (lucky you). – Devouring Plague makes Undead a natural choice if you intend to play Shadow Priest. comp The class makeup or composition of an Arena team, such as we've discussed at length above. The longer the arena match, the more favored this comp becomes; Lack of mobility; Can struggle against teams with two melee on it if the Shadow Priest is being focused. A list of Arena comps and their names for those who don’t know and are curious. Nikola . Phase 2 for Arena Season 2. It gives you more options for your cooldowns (such as Vanish and Cloak). Fully stable, dedicated servers. We provide different data like win rate, popularity and so on. Community Tournaments. Hi guys, I got a little bit nostalgic lately and I was thinking about popping back in the old days just for fun. In 2v2 Arena, there are a few compositions which complement the abilities of the Enhancement Shaman, mainly utilizing the Heroism / Bloodlust cooldown with the Shamanism PvP talent with your teammate. – Can use Ice Block in case of big pressure, – Can Dispel magic debuffs such as DoTs and root effects.– Offensive dispel can give opponents a hard time. – Can off-heal if necessary but quite weak (compared to disc priest) as well as costly. The freedom with faster cooldown usage offers a bit more fun sensations, even if learning can be tougher. Report a bug. In 2v2 Arena, you should look to play with a healer. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. This fact alone makes them an S or A tier healer. Arena Point referred to points awarded by participating in Arena PvP System competitions with your Arena team. My ranking for the best 2v2 Elemental/Healer compositions would be: Elemental Shaman/Holy Paladin Holy Paladin offers extremely good CC, with additional damage that can help finish games. The longer the arena match, the more favored this comp becomes; Lack of mobility; Can struggle against teams with two melee on it if the Shadow Priest is being focused.