Viele kennen den Marienhafener „Störtebecker-Turm“, der als eines der ostfriesischen Wahrzeichen touristisch zu besichtigen ist. German troops were killed, but the island’s civilians survived in shelters, before being taken to the mainland the next day. This decommissioned lightship-turned-museum is anchored at Borkum and has an exhibition on the Wadden Sea National Park. Wayland’s Home: The Flying Men of The Island Of Borkum . It’s pleasant to walk around here even in the winter, to peek into the stores and to sip on a Jever beer in a delightful pub, decorated with divers’ helmets. The peak of the storm came on exactly the same date as the first one, January 16, the feast day of St. Marcellus. Jacob Borut, a historian at the Holocaust memorial, noted that the positive attitude led many Jews to buy small vacation homes on the island. Damals war die Bauleitung Flugplatz Borkum-Reede des Luftwaffenbauamts Norden für den Bau des Standortes zuständig. Die Stadt Borkum weist darauf hin, dass es für den Zeitraum vom 26.12.2020 bis zum 04.01.2021 zu keiner Sperrung des Innenstadtbereichs (rote Zone) für Kraftfahrzeuge kommt. Once known as the "Home of the Whalers", the island served as a haven for pirates in the 19th century. However, he notes that the inhabitants decided to return to the island even before they left. It seems to have left scarcely a trace of pain behind in the collective consciousness.” Sebald, who dealt frequently with the Holocaust in his books, understood very well why his compatriots ignored their calamity, but felt that in doing so they showed intellectual cowardice. Der Abenteurer Tim von Lindenau erkundet verborgenes ostfriesisches Kulturgut, "abandoned und Lost Places" und lässt uns teilhaben, an seinen haarsträubenden Expeditionen. Rundherum gibt es einiges zu entdecken. He was amazed at “the extraordinary faculty for self-anesthesia shown by a community that seemed to have emerged from a war of annihilation without any signs of psychological impairment.”. I ask Ruth Köhn what she thinks about this choice of words; she replies that she doesn’t understand the reason for Rüger’s blatant cynicism. For the first time, the bourgeoisie had easy access to white sands, grassy dunes and fresh-fish restaurants. Perched on a shelf were three smooth, hard Wehrmacht helmets, one bearing a swastika. Not long after the Nazis’ rise to power, Reich Admiral Erich Raeder conceived “Project Lobster Claw.” The idea was to build a vast, claw-shaped naval harbor by creating a landfill around Heligoland and Düne. Bei der Ranking-Liste von „Hometogo“ zu den beliebtesten Reisezielen zu Ostern 2021 landet Norderney auf dem 21. Der Film begleitet einige Insulaner in der Hochsaison und wirft einen Blick hinter die Kulissen des beliebten Urlaubsziels im Wattenmeer. Marcellus’ Flood.” One-hundred-and-forty-three years later, a similar storm lashed Friesland, before pushing farther east, as far as the coasts of present-day Germany and Denmark. Instead, the Nazis built an immense subterranean fortress. Cannons scattered around the island were used by Germany in World War I. The structure and location of the settlement on the Dutch island are completely different from the village on Borkum; its houses are far smaller, its trails more cultivated. Ruhe erscheint zunächst erstaunlich, wenn man bedenkt, dass pro Jahr um die 300.000 Besucher nach Borkum kommen – auf eine Insel mit gerade mal 31 Quadratkilometern Fläche bei etwa 5300 Einwohnern. Rail lines and steamships made possible the development of seashore tourism in the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. "Auf Abenteuer in Ostfriesland" ist eine Serie, die die Neugier auf Ostfriesland und die Nordsee auf eine ganz neue Art und Weise weckt. "Auf Abenteuer in Ostfriesland" ist … Selected quality, bright aromatic Virginia and rich cool-smoking Burley tobaccos are blended by a special process to create a pipe tobacco mixture that is soft, yet retains an exquisitely natural taste and aroma, enhanced with the finest fragrant vanilla. One verse points out that there are no undesirable guests admitted to the island: “On Borkum only Germanness rules / German is the only banner. But today we were able to sail. Navigation. Nebenbei entdecken Sie vielleicht auch das ein oder andere sehenswerte Ausflugsziel für sich. Few people come to Heligoland to see craters. True, I was no longer undesirable, but I was still sensitive to the toxicity of history. The lyrics of the “Borkum Lied” (Borkum Song), a local anthem performed by the island’s beach orchestra every evening in season, were first published in 1897. Köhn volunteers to show me around the island. Die Liegenschaft in der Knock ist ein Lost place. The original 2,000 residents were augmented by 2,000 soldiers and 7,000 forced laborers who were set to work building the fortifications. Zu Grimersum und mehr - die Krummhörn wechseln, Zu Rund um den Marktplatz in Norden wechseln, Das Abenteuerbüro – die „Detektei der Abenteuer“, Im Schacht unter dem Lütetsburger Torturm, Das Grausen im verborgenen Warnfried-Turm, Zu Teil 2: Dunkle Schatzgeschichte wechseln, Zu Teil 4: Sagenumwobener Reichtum wechseln, Routenplaner Internationale Dollard Route, Angebote für Menschen mit Gehbehinderung und Rollstuhlfahrer in Ostfriesland, Angebote für Menschen mit Hörbehinderung und gehörlose Menschen, Maritim-historisches Erlebnis am Weltnaturerbe Wattenmeer, Genießen und Wohlfühlen am Weltnaturerbe Wattenmeer. Tiny Düne doubled its size, and a rectangular plain was added to Heligoland. But the island on which the war’s scars are most blatant is Heligoland, the smallest of all of Germany’s settled islands and the farthest from the mainland, some 45 kilometers (28 miles) north of the coast. The librarian, Ruth Köhn shows me dozens of volumes about life in the small archipelago. I rushed to board the last ferry to leave the island. Inmitten des Evenburgparks steht die Friedenskirche zu Loga. Gunther Köhn, Ruth’s father-in-law, was 5 when he survived the April shelling in a bomb shelter, but doesn’t remember the experience. The campaign was successful, and the island was soon restored to life – and German sovereignty. I received a surprising reply from Jerusalem. IN NO EVENT WILL WE OR OUR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR LOST PROFITS OR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, ECONOMIC OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SITE, THE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES AVAILABLE ON THIS SITE OR THIS AGREEMENT, HOWEVER ARISING, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, NEGLIGENCE. I was in a place that called for me to identify with German pain. Einen verborgenen Ort? Two or three houses were completed every day, and the builders were drunk all the time. According to Rüger, the Heligoland exiles “played skillfully” on the dynamic of the public discussion about them. Helfen Sie Tim von Lindenau bei der Suche nach neuen Abenteuern! Heligoland is a 60-meter-high plateau; next to it lies its little brother, Düne, which is flat and sandy and not permanently inhabited. Von Teetrinkern, schiefen Türmen und anderen Kuriositäten! The island’s library has a small exhibition of traditional clothing. After the war, they were covered with earth but not destroyed – a clandestine violation of the Versailles Treaty and an ominous portent for the future. Das Schloss und sein Garten, eine idyllische Parkanlage, stellen heute ein kulturhistorisches Denkmal dar. It’s hard to believe, but there are 10 kilometers of tunnels on the minuscule island, dug parallel and above each other, to a depth of five stories. In 1900, the island was one of 30 German holiday resorts that prohibited the presence of Jews. On average, a place to stay in Borkum costs $150 per night (based on prices). What places to stay in Borkum have nice views? The more distant islands offered a maritime adventure. The next day I learned that it had been part of the Prora project, a vast holiday resort for workers initiated by the Third Reich. And no one was hurt.”, “True, but many people believed that Heligoland would disappear completely. They remained there after the fall of Berlin, an isolated bastion somewhat like Masada, until they surrendered to the Allies on June 11, 1945. I discovered that apparition while surfing the internet on the eve of my recent visit there. Platz, Cuxhaven auf dem 54. While we were waiting, a new storm drew near. The island was bombed occasionally by the Allies, and on April 18, 1945, all the buildings except the lighthouse were destroyed in an air raid. He was surprised when I asked him how he had been received, in light of the damage Britain had wrought. Gunther recalls being excited to see how the mother hen protected all the little ones under one wing. Entdecke hier weitere Bilder. „Die Bevölkerung wuchs im Winter erheblich an“, sagt Gregor Ulsamer. In dieser Kategorie sind unter anderem die hier im Forum geltenden Regeln aufgeführt. Platz, Duhnen nimmt Platz 57 ein und Borkum Platz 60, Juist Platz 66, Langeoog Platz 68, Borkum Platz 70 … Most of them, I read, were Soviet POWs, but once more a doubt arose. Sadly, the origins of the folk story and how the barrow got its name are lost to time. In one of them I found a historical photograph of the island’s quay, with a poster above it: “Jews go home.”. Borkum lockt auch im Winter – zum Beispiel mit atmosphärischen Strandspaziergängen Foto: Andreas Heimann/dpa-tmn Insel der Walfänger. - Forum. The Germans preferred to treat their disaster like the man in the painting, gazing far into the distance: to focus on rebuilding and play down the memories and traumas. The island is only one square kilometer in size (0.39 square miles) and it has a population of about 1,400. Revel in picturesque surroundings and have a great week at Borkum by visiting a multitude of beaches. Das Forum für verlassene und außergewöhnliche Orte Weltweit. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Heligoland. One of the most sought after, and hardest to find cigars in the world, the Opus X is the pinnacle of perfection when it comes to ultra-premium cigars. “Absolutely not,” Köhn replies. The trip to Heligoland was becoming increasingly challenging. During World War I, the civilian residents of Heligoland were removed to Hamburg. Folgen Sie Tim von Lindenau auf seinen Abenteuern in Ostfriesland und erfahren Sie spannende Geschichten. But, that part is just the tip of the iceberg. I’d come to Rügen to see its famous white chalk cliffs and to look for remnants of its past as part of East Germany. One of them, a young man, is looking at boats fading into the distance on the sea. About 600,000 civilians were killed in bombing raids, and seven million were made homeless. Stumps of steel beams and shards of concrete still peek out from the weeds on the slopes. One verse points out that there are no undesirable guests admitted to the island: “On Borkum only Germanness rules / German is the only banner. Many of them had to do with animals. Testimony from the island arrived the next day. Der Herzblut Entdecker erkundet verborgene Orte, die der Öffentlichkeit nicht zugänglich sind. Sebald, a member of the generation born during the war. For hundreds of years, they lived on as nothing but stories, often ones that were so incredible that people doubted they ever really existed. An elevator that connects the two levels of the island makes Heligoland a convenient holiday destination even for those who need a wheelchair to get around. The buildings are painted in bright colors and respect the island’s dimensions. Made in ultra-small batches the Lost City Cigars incorporate rare, 5-year aged tobaccos grown on the Chateau de la Fuente farm. One winter night during the Middle Ages, a cyclone struck Friesland, a territory that is today in northern Holland. I love Germany and its people, but a reading of history has cautioned me again and again against speaking of German innocence. During World War II, the island’s population swelled fivefold and more. My first German island, Rügen, in the Baltic Sea, welcomed me over two decades ago with a huge monument to a sad past. Weniger…. I tell her about the underground tour. Der Abenteurer Tim von Lindenau begibt sich auf Schatzsuche - auf den Spuren tapferer Glücksritter und dunkler Mythen. But the period of peace was short. Beyond the beach was a half-built structure almost a kilometer in length. After the war, the deserted island was occupied by the British, who used it for military experiments. At sunrise I gave in and went for a walk in the dunes. But the twins were separated at birth. They don’t remember it in their everyday lives, but as soon as they enter here it comes back to them and they get stressed.” Small wooden toilets in one of the nooks and crannies also date from the 1960s, from the time of the Cuban missile crisis. An older man is on his knees: He appears to have lost something near the edge of the cliff and is looking for it in the grass. Im Herzen der Stadt Norden befindet sich der Marktplatz. He must get out! Mailing Address: 550 Highway 9 East, Longs, SC 29568 Telephone: Local/International: (843) 281-9304 Toll Free: (888) 366-0345 The only reason they weren’t shot was that they are Heligolanders, so they weren’t taken seriously.”. Rügen is not the only island where bitter memories are buried beneath the sands. A few steps from it, she opens a door that leads to steps descending deep into the earth. In 1900, 30 German holiday resorts prohibited the presence of Jews. I make myself a note to clarify the matter. Did the island’s residents gain anything from the location of the fortification? However, it is widely agreed that the name was given by the Saxons, upon their arrival to the British isles. Folgen Sie Tim von Lindenau auf seinen Abenteuern in Ostfriesland und erfahren Sie spannende Geschichten.Nebenbei entdecken Sie vielleicht auch das ein oder andere sehenswerte Ausflugsziel für sich. Undeterred, I sailed there, tasted the liqueur and was impressed by the town’s architecture and by the lighthouse. Jh. Eigentlich ist alles in der Krummhörn absolut sehenswert - prächtige Gulfhäuser, historische Windmühlen und romantische Warfendörfer mit einer bedeutenden Orgellandschaft. The natural disaster, which took tens of thousands of lives, was dubbed “St. Seit dem 19., the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. “The strongest moment for me in the tunnels is the corner where you can listen to the British radio broadcast of the Big Bang,” she says. The most ironically named place in the United States, the upstate New York town of Neversink was founded in 1798 and grew to a population 2,000. An unusual narrative of uprooting and return is apparent on the island, made possible, in part, by the site’s historical isolation from the rest of Germany: On no fewer than four occasions in its history, Heligoland belonged to Denmark. Jahrhundert erstrahlt sie im neogotischen Stil. Er scheut weder lange beschwerliche Wege noch unvorhersehbare Situationen. Iris Schneider, the local official in charge of promoting tourism, notes that Heligoland is classified as a tax-free zone and has acquired a reputation as an “island of parties.” It’s trying to fight that image and to bring in non-Germans as vacationers. There’s no deck for cars on the ferry, because there are no cars on the island, other than electric service vehicles. Best Borkum Beach Hotels on Tripadvisor: Find 281 traveler reviews, 349 candid photos, and prices for 10 waterfront hotels in Borkum, Lower Saxony, Germany. Borkum is blessed with a lovely town, and a sweet yellow liqueur is produced from thorns that grow in its dunes. Eine erholsame Kombination: Sie haben die Wahl, wo sie tiefer durchatmen möchten: am Strand, in den Dünen, in kleinen Wäldchen, an Süßwasserseen oder pittoresken … From raucous Hamburg, the opposite of the sweet, silent island, I sent Köhn questions for the old-timers, and at the same time sent a query to Yad Vashem about the identity of those who were incarcerated in the forced-labor camp. On the morning after the storm, many of the survivors discovered that they were cut off from the mainland. Doch der Schatz…,
Schloss Lütetsburg in Ostfriesland birgt unzählige Geheimnisse. Das Haus in Essen (NRW) sieht alles andere wie ein Spukhaus aus. A visit to the remote German isle of Heligoland. Auch Schätze zählen zu jenen. The exhibit in the next small room in the shelter rattled me badly. However, the project was abandoned the following year due to budgetary constraints. An important port, Rungholt, was totally lost; opinion is divided to this day about its exact location. They had detested the militarism of the Nazis… But when it became clear that there was a growing movement in Germany demanding the return of the island, the Heligolanders realigned their position swiftly.”. Reparaturbedürftig Foto & Bild | architektur, lost places, borkum Bilder auf fotocommunity Reparaturbedürftig Foto & Bild von Günther Weber ᐅ Das Foto jetzt kostenlos bei anschauen & bewerten. Patrick, a nature reserves official, had heard about my visit. “That always gives me goose bumps, even now.”, I’m surprised. The destruction is not taboo in Heligoland, and the historical discourse is confident. For hundreds of years, the communities that were destined to island-hood suffered from their isolation, but in the 19th century, prosperity arrived. Unser Reise-Magazin "Teetied" begleitet Tim von Lindenau auf seinen Abenteuern in Ostfriesland. A woman in a red dress is pointing downward into the abyss, directing the man’s gaze perhaps toward the object he’s lost, which fell some distance away. stammt, sieht man nur noch an den großen Mauersteinen. Aber ich bin immer schon Fan von Borkum gewesen – hier ist es viel ruhiger und entspannter“, offenbarte eine Touristin TRAVELBOOK. At the end of World War II, some 600 S.S. personnel fled to the island and entrenched themselves. Borkum is the largest of the seven East Frisian Islands in Germany. Dann schreiben Sie uns. “These people are Anglophiles! The lyrics of the “Borkum Lied” (Borkum Song), a local anthem performed by the island’s beach orchestra every evening in season, were first published in 1897. Bekannt wurde von Lindenau dadurch, dass er vor Jahren völlig spartanisch neun Monate lang vom und im Wald lebte – nur mit einem Messer und einer Decke ausgerüstet. Hier können Sie alle Abenteuer ansehen und die spannenden Geschichten dahinter auch noch einmal nachlesen. Folgen Sie Tim von Lindenau auf seinen Abenteuern und lassen Sie sich inspirieren ... Tim von Lindenau erkundet verborgene Orte und veröffentlicht die entstehenden Dokumentationen in verschiedenen Verlagen und Medien. Borkum is bordered to the west by the Westerems strait (which forms the border with the Netherlands), to the east by the Osterems strait, to the north by the North Sea, and to the south by the Wadden Sea.It is the largest and westernmost of the East Frisian Islands in the North Sea, due north of the Dutch province of Groningen.. Hundreds of thousands of them leaped around me under the bluing skies, too many to be cute. There are cities that, like Atlantis, were wiped clean off the face of the Earth. Work on Project Lobster Claw commenced in 1937. Fourteen chicks emerged from its eggs at about the same time. St. Marcellus’ flood tore the island of Bant into three parts. It is presently part of the state of Schleswig-Holstein. Der erfahrene Abenteurer veröffentlicht seine Erlebnisse auf seinem YouTube-Kanal. A late 19th-century drawing of the island of Heligoland. Dicke Mauern, ein tiefer Wassergraben und zwei Türme schmücken das Lütetsburger Schloss. Inmitten der baumarmen Landschaft Ostfrieslands öffnet auch der Schlosspark seine Pforten. Köhn and Schneider volunteered to arrange a meeting for me with one of them, but asked me to be patient. It was under British control after the Napoleonic Wars and was not transferred to Germany until 1890, in return for trading rights in Zanzibar. For a moment I forget the history, but on the way back to Heligoland thoughts about the past century return. The island was formed in 1863 by two … The property is located 650 feet from Wellness and adventure water park Gezeitenland, 5 mi from Borkumriff IV light vessel and 5 mi from Borkum yacht harbor. The building is, as noted, the lighthouse, which served the Allies as a reference point. - Dein Blog rund um Lost Places, Urban Exploring, Fotografie und Videografie! About 40 new islands were torn from the European continent and embraced by the North Sea. The forecast was for at least four days of extreme winds, and people in the know predicted that the ferries would stop running. Aber auch die riesigen Dünenketten und der Inselwald sind nicht nur für die unzähligen Besucher … In Holland it’s somehow easier for me to leave history aside, lick ice cream and enjoy a sensible number of rabbits. According to Köhn, the sign was put up in 1935, when German law obligated it. Fremdenverkehrsamt Tourist Info Goethestrasse 1 26757 Borkum Telefon: 04922 - 933-0 Telefax: 04922 - 933-131 Beste Hotels in Borkum bei Tripadvisor: Finden Sie 1.398 Bewertungen von Reisenden, authentische Reisefotos und Top-Angebote für 86 Hotels in Borkum, Deutschland. No one admitted to having heard of it. The large structures of the base in the Nazi period were built right on our vegetable gardens. Behind it is the lower part of the village, and above it, on a cliff, the upper section. One of the masterpieces of German Romanticism is Caspar David Friedrich’s painting “Chalk Cliffs on Rügen.” Three figures are seen against the backdrop of the white cliffs. Not far from the eatery, a stranger asked me whether I happen to be from Israel. ... Borkum … Borkum Tourism: Tripadvisor has 8,258 reviews of Borkum Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Borkum resource. The writer Alfred Döblin described people walking through devastated streets in the mid-1950s “as if nothing had happened, and… the town had always looked like that.”, The role of the person searching in the grass was assumed by the German writer W.G. Aber seht selbst! / We keep pure the honor banner / Of Germania forever. Drawn by the possibility of a good story, this contemporary traveler is slightly anxious as his voyage begins. Auf Borkum leben rund 5.500 Menschen. Jahrhundert war es auf Borkum im Frühjahr und Sommer eher ruhig. Nach 1958 von der Bundesmarine dann weitergenutzt u.a. Ja, und wenn wir hier von Schätzen sprechen, dann sprechen wir zweifelsohne von Gold und Silber! Am alten Pfarrhaus aus dem 16. To this day, there are memorial plaques dedicated to Queen Victoria in the church. “But the island was already empty when it happened. To this day, there are memorial plaques dedicated to Queen Victoria in the church.”, A Scandal Over Flights to Israel Could Upend Next Month's Election, A Scandal Over Flights to Israel Is Rocking the Country, and Could Upend Next Month's Election. Anleitungen & Regelwerke. Only a later check uncovered the story of Schiermonnikoog. Das Land der Häuptlinge, der Moore und rauen Winde. Die tosende Nordsee brachte über die Jahrhunderte viele Handelswaren und auch Schätze in die karge Gegend. By the latter years of the Weimar Republic, the phenomenon extended to almost every resort in the country. He remembers a speckled black hen scratching around in the yard. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved. “What are you talking about? The entire shorelines of the two islands were to be erased, to be replaced by an airfield designated for warplanes, anchorages for battleships and submarine pens. I ask Köhn whether other “undesirables” – Jews, for example – were also sent to the labor camp. Die Bewohner des kleinen ostfriesischen Dorfes erzählen…,
Es trug sich zu, das ungefähr um 1780, ein von Kriegsgebaren und Wasserfluten gepeinigter Mann morgens aus einem sonderbaren Traum…,
Endlich war es soweit, beim derzeit realisierbaren Projekt auf Schloss Lütetsburg wurde wieder die Schaufel in die Hand genommen. When the Nazis were here, the Heligolanders hung Union Jacks in the windows. Und Sie können mitsuchen, miträtseln und vor Ort großes Glück machen, denn Sie erwarten dabei nicht nur spannende Abenteuer, sondern auch kleine und größere Gewinn-Schätze, die eine unvergessliche Zeit in Ostfriesland erleben lassen! In den 60er Jahren wurde es nach einem verheerenden Brand wieder aufgebaut. Auf Borkum war zuletzt die Seemannschaftslehrgruppe stationiert, eine Grundausbildungseinheit, diese wurde 1996 aufgelöst. Geographically, Schiermonnikoog is a precise twin of Borkum; the winds and sea currents have created an identical pattern of sands, dunes and marches on both. Dass die Backsteinkirche aus dem 13. Instead of traces of communism, I found a Nazi past. Innenräume und Park heißen Sie willkommen. A beautiful, simple red skirt with a yellow stripe at its base caught my eye. You can admire the exciting background of the island in the local museum and in many places in the city of Borkum. ... Lost Places . One of them is Borkum, today the furthest west of the German islands. Sie haben eine Idee? More than 130 of its cities and towns were bombed during the conflict, some of them to the point where almost all of their physical structures were destroyed. Eine Legende, die es zu erkunden gilt? The morning outing was pleasant. Carlos and company’s latest creation, the Fuente Fuente Opus X. Why should anyone be happy about that?”, Köhn’s observation was reinforced that very afternoon, over a herring sandwich in a friendly eatery in the lower village. Borkum Riff Original is a top seller on Pipes and Cigars for a reason. London-born Raymond Davies. Inselgeschichten von Amrum | Video | "Perle der Nordsee", das sagen viele Amrumer über ihre Insel. Erhalten Sie alle Veranstaltungshighlights im Überblick monatlich per Mail! Set in Borkum, Nordsee Hotel Borkum offers beachfront accommodations 1.6 mi from Sudbad Beach and offers various facilities, such as a bar and a shared lounge. A week later, I visited one of the neighboring islands to the west, which belongs to Holland and bears the challenging name of Schiermonnikoog. From a distance of many years, it’s easy to portray things as having been more positively than they really were. als Standort der Seemannschaftslehrgruppe genutzt. Andrew Paterson is the writer behind the Instagram account which gives its followers a micro adventure story every day. “Hundreds of tourists come here every day in the summer. Borkum travel: Michelin rating (including Michelin stars) and reviews for the main tourist attractions. Seemingly it was the pain of an innocent community, whose world was destroyed. ist ein Online-Bilderarchiv zum Thema außergewöhnliche und verlassene Orte weltweit Diese Internetpräsenz befasst sich mit dem Verfall von Bauwerken und deren Geschichte.
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