These epic enemies are meant to be fought with a group, rather than taken on solo. If you want to skip the Prelude and head straight to the Shadow of Revan main storyline, fly to the planet of Rishi, head up the wooden path and speak to Qaraah the bird-man just after the wooden bridge. Questions or comments? Republic players will speak to Major Brom, in a side room on the main floor of House Organa, and Imperial players will speak to Lord Serjay Thul, in a side room on the right-hand side of the main floor of the Thul Palace. While you are exploring, you may encounter what is known as a world boss – Corsucant has a giant droid on a platform, and Dromund Kaas has a monstrous beast in a lake. Belsavis is a prison planet covered in ice, with lush vegetation cropping up in pockets of warmth. Like Taris and Balmorra, Nar Shaddaa also has a bonus quest… but unfortunately, it is only available to characters level 60 and higher. Eric Musco, the Community Manager for Star Wars The Old Republic announced changes coming to Outlander Tokens (character level boost tokens) with the launch of Onslaught (Game Update 6.0) in September 2019.. Ziost has some incredible story repercussions, and I highly recommend players visit Ziost in between Shadow of Revan and the next expansion even if they normally are skipping the side planets. Players will face off against these renegades to save the capital ship, its crew, and the Mandalorian relics. These were released in patches as small story teasers. Each planet features its own dangerous hazards, turning up the difficulty on the courses. In the aftermath of the Sith Empire’s assault on the Meridian Complex Shipyard, both factions form elite organizations to carry out key objectives that could tip the balance of the war. Give yourself a pat on the back my friend, you’ve saved the Galaxy and completed the main story arc of the game from when it was originally released… But there are many more threats, and expansions, on the horizon. I have no quest to begin onslaught. If you are a returning player from launch and are at level 50, you’ll need to find a way to bump yourself up one level before starting the first expansion. As fighting intensifies across the galaxy, representatives from the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire arrive on Odessen to discuss plans of attack. After Ilum there is a bonus area available to you called the Black Hole that you can visit. The traitor storyline is continued in A Traitor Among the Chiss, a Flashpoint set on Copero in Chiss Space. You will gain access to the Dailies when you’ve completed the entire Onslaught storyline. Use my referral link to sign up and get a FREE Preferred Friends Bundle and 7 Free Days of Subscription! The biggest gangs on the circuit — Horizon’s Razor, the Pit Screamers, and the Blatant Beks — are ready to show their fans a great time. I've finished all the story of ossus and jedi under seige and completed the "of hearts and minds" quest. The Ilum storyline can be started on the fleet, in the inner ring by talking to T9-M6 Imperial side, or Lieutenant Ha’laa Republic side at level 47 or higher. Belsavis also has a bonus series at level 60 or higher which you can pick up near the shuttle on the Belsavis Orbital Station, which is meant to be started after the Belsavis storyline – well actually, when they were originally released, these quests were meant to be played after Ilum as the first set of repeatable dailies – now they are one-time quests that make up Belsavis’s bonus series. Section X is a lot like the Black Hole – it’s a daily area that continues the questline of Belsavis, and adds more to the Dread Masters storyline. These bonus quests are optional, and if you want to move on you can always come back to the bonus series later. List of All Swtor Datacron Locations. The storyline started on Iokath is continued in the Crisis of Umbara Flashpoint. This noble estate comes with a wide-open field, a snowy overlook, and a regal mansion with a balcony overlooking cascading waterfalls. The planet of Ossus, which was introduced in the Jedi Under Siege update, is a prelude story leading up to the next expansion. To start A Traitor Among the Chiss’s story quest line, you must have completed the Crisis on Umbara Flashpoint story. Hit all the course objectives before crossing the finish line, and the crowd’s going to love you! This will make it so any side exploration missions will show up on your minimap and in the world – if you do not have this checked, many additional quests will be deactivated and you won’t be able to pick them up until you have it checked. After Belsavis, the next solo Flashpoint you can check out is Directive 7. The story quests in the game are meant to be played in a specific order, but in reality you may not come across the right quests at the right time, or might accidentally miss them all together while focusing on your main quest. Defeat the enemy and rescue the Mandalorians on the capital ship to earn new and unique rewards. Swtor Leveling Guide. Alderaan is another planet that has a bonus series that is only available at level 60. I'm missing a certain companion after completing Onslaught. The traitor arc comes to a conclusion on the devastated world of Nathema, the birth planet of the Emperor. Each of these companions will have their own individual storylines that players can choose to explore through conversations. SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide Swtorista | January 5, 2021 In the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion and later, players can recruit many companions to join their alliance, including brand new companions and companions from other stories. There are also a few special compa… The third planet you head to will also depend on your faction… but don’t worry, you’ll get to visit the other one later in your story. If you explore beyond the main path, you’ll find many beautiful scenes… and a few nightmares. With all-new Tactical items, new Set Bonuses, and more, you can pick the gear that enhances your personal playstyle and truly make your character your own. You can also find these special eggs on Taris and Balmorra. Renegade Mandalorians have ambushed Shae Vizla’s flagship, the Spirit of Vengeance II, to steal priceless Mandalorian relics. Giant list of Swtor Videos. Voss and the native species of the planet were created specifically for Star Wars: The Old Republic, and have their own unique take on using the Force. Your main quest is known as your class story, and will be represented by a purple quest icon over quest-givers heads, and by purple icons on your map. Space Battles Guide I have zero onslaught story quest or content showing up anywhere? So you may wish to finish those first before moving forward, or you could be scratching your head as to who some of the key characters are, and miss a lot of smaller significant references. If you are levelling very fast, feel free to pick up the Nar Shaddaa bonus series near the spaceport, but if you aren’t level 60 yet or are playing on a free-to-play account, feel free to skip the bonus series. Companions and How They Benefit You. If you do not wish to follow this link, simply close this message. — SWTOR Unusual eggs Orokeet locations and hatching guide, Alderaan also has a third secret questline, called “…Whos’ Scruffy Looking?”. Directive 7 is started at level 45 or up by speaking to a droid in the middle of the Galactic Trade Market section of the fleet with a purple triangle over its head. Unfortunately, the CZ-198 storyline finishes off with two Flashpoints called Czerka Corporate Labs and Czerka Core Meltdown, and neither have solo modes available, but I still recommend that players trying to see as much of the story as they can before the group Flashpoints come up. This quest is started by speaking to a droid with a quest symbol near to where to load in to the area. This expansion will send you to the pirate-haven beach planet of Rishi, and the dark-side haunted planet of Yavin 4. If you are a free to play player, and still haven’t subscribed to the game, you’ll have a huge choice to make at this point. Your class mission, the main planetary story arc, and exploratory missions, are one-time quests that you can not repeat later, unless you start a new character. If you are playing on the Imperial side the first two will be flipped – but don’t stress too much about the order, simply follow the order the prelude quest gives you. Biographical information Light personality Dark personality Physical description(s) In-game information Chronological and political information Vette, formerly known as Ce'na, is a female Twi'lek thief, assassin and an escape artist born on Ryloth during the Great Galactic War. After you finish your class story, there is still one more original planet to visit so you can wrap up the overall storyline that was introduced when the game first came out. With additional crafting changes made in update 6.0.2, crafting for level 75 has become more accessible even to new players. Crafting skills are not going over 600., Capital Planet, Coruscant or Dromund Kaas, FLASHPOINTS: Taral V & Maelstrom Prison (Republic) / FLASHPOINTS: Boarding Party & The Foundry (Imperial), FLASHPOINT: The Battle of Ilum & The False Emperor, EXPANSION: Rise of the Hutt Cartel (Makeb), EXPANSION: Shadow of Revan (Rishi & Yavin 4), EXPANSION: Knights of the Fallen Empire (Zakuul & Odessen), FLASHPOINT: Copero (A Traitor Among the Chiss), SWTOR Unusual eggs Orokeet locations and hatching guide, SWTOR Nerf Calf Pets and Hidden Achievement Guide by Dulfy, How to Level Slower in SWTOR – White Acute Module Guide, How to Solo Master Mode Red Reaper in Stealth in SWTOR, The Lingering Darkness (Immediately after Onslaught, 6.0 update), The Task at Hand (Pinnacles of Power 6.1 update), Signal from Noise (Pinnacles of Power 6.1 update), Meeting Jekiah Ordo (Mandalorian storyline, 6.1.4 update), Checking in with the Avenger (Mandalorian storyline, 6.2 update), Knight of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords video game. Republic players will be running Taral V and Maelstrom Prison, while Imperial players will be running Boarding Party and the Foundry. To start the Nathema Conspiracy’s story quest line, you must have completed the Traitor Among the Chiss Flashpoint. Then Echoes of Oblivion will naturally appear in your quest log as a purple quest. Onderon is a new planet introduced in Star Wars The Old Republic for Game Update 6.0. This quest can be started from the glowing blue terminal on your ship. Each planet has at least a couple heroics you can repeat if you want more XP, more credits, or if you just enjoy those specific quests. The first expansion in the game is called Rise of the Hutt Cartel, a story focused around the beautiful but unstable planet of Makeb. Keith said some things but they were hard to hear. Customize your own royal retreat hidden away in the mountain ranges of Alderaan! Near where you start on Corellia, there should be a shuttle to a location called “The Black Hole”. This post contains story spoilers. The new emote window improves accessibility to emotes! There you will be able to continue your class quest, and explore your first full-size planet. Have fun out there and may the Force be with you. SWTOR Icon Key. Watch your back in the dizzying streets and darkened alleys of Mek-Sha, where anything can be had for the right price. I'd love to hear it - the best way to let me know is to leave a comment on the corresponding video on YouTube or send me a message on Twitter! The derelict ship carrying former Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan and her students has been found at last, far off its intended course. The best way to reach me is by messaging me on Twitter. Did you find one of my guides useful? List of Planets in Swtor. You need to purchase the access to crafting skills 601+ from a craft skill trainer. Leveling Guides. Gather your friends and prepare for one of the galaxy’s greatest challenges! The Ossus storyline returns to the days of old where there is a different storyline on Republic side vs Imperial side, so players will get the most of the story by playing on a character of both factions. These quests are geared towards players who like exploratory quests, but unfortunately contain some quest sections that require a group. — SWTOR Taunlet Pet Quest Guide by Dulfy, Speaking of tauntauns, Hoth also has a special quest that allows you to earn your own Tauntaun mount! With Makeb, two new types of quests were also introduced to the game, called the Macrobinocular and Seeker droids missions. Whether you are on an Imperial or Republic character, you’ll get to make some major light or dark story decisions about the fate of the crew members aboard the two ships. After the 9th chapter you’ll also start receiving companion alerts, which allow you to complete quests to gain new companions, or regain old ones. After Alderaan, Imperial and Republic players will split for the final time, with Imperial players heading to Taris and Republic players heading to Balmorra. SWTOR All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally Event Guide; Dantooine Pirate Incursion Event Guide; SWTOR Life Day Event Guide; Feast of Prosperity Event Guide; Game Update 6.0 Onslaught. Both sides are desperate to achieve victory. Apart from the main quests, there are also side quests including exploration quests, heroic quests, and Flashpoint quests. Dxun, Onderon’s largest moon, is teeming with wild and vicious predators, drawing the attention of the unscrupulous Czerka Corporation as well as a band of fanatical Trandoshan hunters. While you are exploring, keep your eyes open for nests… If you are lucky, one of them might contain a special pet Orokeet egg that you can hatch deep in the desert on Tatooine. Tatooine is huge, and there’s lots of desert to explore. If you want to get yourself on Orokeet pet, I’ve included a link to a guide in the description of this video. On Ilum, you’ll explore the starry-skyed ice planet, and complete the storyline in two back-to-back epic Flashpoints called The Battle of Ilum and The False Emperor. To start Crisis on Umbara’s story quest line, you must be level 70 and have completed the Iokath storyline. — SWTOR Nerf Calf Pets and Hidden Achievement Guide by Dulfy.