for (let i = 0; i < xv.length; i++) { chart.xAxis The new Astral weapons bring in a lot of options to Unius even though it benefits less than magna and whale variants due to its loaded EX mod. Thank you again good sir ! Or anything else you might want to discuss! You need more utility weapons to complement the huge boost of damage. It is also suptixable now, so my best advice is, suptix this, and use your gold moon to Limit Break it. Note: This grid is highlighted over the Grand Epic grid for Zeus (Adamantine Gauntlet grid) because of the fact that it's both more easily accessible and it outperforms the Grand Epic grid. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Since it caps pretty easily even on 15 defense, it opens up plenty of team comps as well quite good as a place holder too if you want to go into Eden heavy Zeus. … However due to how hard it is to obtain Huanglong Gauntlet is a good enough replacement. The floor is open! This modifier however doesn't stack with the stamina passive provided by, 4 Luminiera Sword Omega - magna light's best weapon. The base damage of a character is a virtual damage value, used for further computations. All allies gain 30% DA Up … The downsides of Zeus grid are the lack of a good cap source. If the Sword of Renunciation is used as a main hand weapon this slot should be used for a True Purity Sunblade, Ultima weapon - generally an Ultima Sword, main source of multi attack for light magna, Main Hand weapon - True Purity Sunblade or Sword of Renunciation, Cosmic Sword - a must slot, makes use of the total of 8-9 swords in the grid to provide enormous stat boosts and a 8-9% cap increase, Sword of Renunciation - if used as main hand weapon this slot is reserved for a True Purity Sunblade. 14-07-2020; Maou; WTS Rank 169 Mobage BU Zeus Grid, Hades Potent M2 Flb wind [3 gangsing] & dark [2 staff], M1 Flb fire, earth, water Do not use as fodder. Used when this summon is called first in the combo. Thanks for mentioning. [GBF] Guild War January 2020 - Lvl 150 Hades Miza. I'm looking for advice in building my zeus primal grid and have been looking at the stamina and CA build suggested by the gbf handbook. On top of that it also has greater flexibility than the Grand Epic grid which basically has 0 flex slots, requires the same amount of Edens to function, requires a ULB Progression Dark Opus to work AT ALL and is inaccessible to people who have Lucifer and no Zeus. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. #WTS #TitipJualRegnbue #GBF #11574. Functionally a 1 Bow + Cosmic Sword grid performs almost the same as a 2 Bows and no Cosmic Sword grid so which one you go for is entirely dependent on personal preference, Harp of Everlore - light's seraphic weapon, a must have on element and even usable in some partially off element fights. Although the DATA buff is small when using one Zeus, with Zeus x Zeus, the data buff effect is more relevant and noticeable. But hopefully, I have covered most of the things here. Or Hector grid is actually great on null element fights? This guide's purpose is to showcase some of the most common set ups people aim for when building up a grid in light. This is Main/Friend summon. Huge damage, huge hp, huge crit, huge everything. Sacred Standard is a new weapon and it boosts your DATA more than Gaban does and it raises your elemental attack up significantly each turn. gbf-wiki (Japanese wiki) Gamewith: Kamigame: The lord of the skies faces every great battle with thunderbolts in hand. Other great main hand choices include Ivory Arc for when a dagger main hand is needed as it provides teamwide echo on ougi, Certificus when multiattack buffs are needed, Huanglong Spear or a CCW, Harp of Everlore - seraphic weapon, should be replaced off element (by a Sunset Fan if more HP is needed), Taming Sari - vintage weapon, premium cap up source, Cosmic Lance - makes use of the abundance of spears used in the grid, can be replaced by another Taming Sari if available, Sacred Standard - provides sizable a multiattack increase as well as the progression skill. If you happen to have such an amount of Chev Swords or more, consider stoning Zeus in priority, otherwise it can wait until … Light is still just a little lagging behind the other few elements in terms of racing. Might be 98.7. I'll add it up there, as well as the Chev grid guide for her discussion page. So, my primal Zeus was split into two parts: 1st is when I used 3 Eden and 2 Gambanteinn back in 2017-8 and 2nd is when I got my 4th Eden and sparked a Certificus, during the last Christmas roulette. Base damage. But unlike its blue counterpart, Light does not have access to great ougi spammers like Vajra. Do bear in mind though, that it would take ~5 turns for the Elemental Attack up to be better than a Massive ATK mod. ^ The grid is far more expensive than any SSR character, especially the whale primal grids using 4+ limited weapons ( Murgleis, Ak4A, Love Eternal) That said the progression for GBF is different from FGO and rarity is worth less in GBF ( Unless its a primal, primals are … Feb 28, 2017. Anyway, I'm personally very happy with it for the dama cost. You are essentially sacrificing damage for cap. Grid Composition. case 'line': These setups can be used for Tia x Huanglong/Tia x Qilin teams. } I want to try building a highlander variant of Zeus+Luci. If you go above 4 you run into the problem of running out of space for other weapons, and if you run less than 3, your Zeus boost might not be enough to justify it. Do you run it with a ulb opus? O shit, I can't believe I completely missed this thread, despite being the most hyped for it. This is the basis of the Dark Whale Grid. However, Zeus is definitely my favourite primal grid because it smacks hard, if you manage to get the cap elsewhere (Notably Grand Jeanne and Io), and it allows a very safe playstyle, compared to enmity elements like Dark. The following characters will not appear in the survey due to very recently having a discussion thread for them: In addition to today's character discussion, Vira (Grand), we'll also be discussing today about anything about the Light Primal grid. And when using a CCW for the main hand weapon it should look like so: This grid makes use of the weapons Certificus and Ruler of Fate to increase the ougi cap of the grid as much as possible. I run a two Eden Hector. A completed grid would look like this if it's geared towards … Element Changed Revenant/GW … This page was last edited on 27 May 2020, at 19:10. Zeus*: The issue with Zeus isn’t really that he is a weak primal, but more that it takes a very consequent amount of time before you can see benefit over a magna chev build, Zeus becoming stronger only once you achieved getting 5 MLB Chev swords. A finished regular grid could look like this: A highlander variant of this grid can be made by replacing one of the Rulers of Fate with an Ivory Arc and one of the Certificus with the Scales of Dominion, WARNING: DO NOT MAKE THE HIGHLANDER GRID BEFORE ULB DARK OPUS AS THAT IS ITS MAIN DAMAGE SOURCE AND WITHOUT IT IT UNDERPERFORMS SIGNIFICANTLY. I compared the testimonies from the other users' comments to your to see where they were wrong, but I failed to come to a conclusion because you didn't advance any facts. Which means that it'll be harder for you to hit the new cap. I was thinking Opus, xeno sword, seraphic, anubis staff (obviously), hualong katana, gold moon dagger for light cap, lumi sword and something other than a Hector weapon. These are templates found in-game in the GBF Handbook (omitting Main Hand weapons): Feel free to share your own Zeus grids or ask for advice! Vs. non-Light: Bahamut 120×2 = 118864 Celeste Magna 100/Bahamut 120 = 113344 Diablo 50/Bahamut 120 = 100947 Milia (Event Elemental) 50/Bahamut 120 = 94392 Celeste Magna 100/Milia 50 = 77280 Milia 50×2 = 69920 Diablo 50/Milia 50 = 68828 (It also provides a small HP modifier which results in magna light having extremely high max HP), 1-2 Mittron's Bows - these weapons are similar to the Nibelung Horn and the Last Storm harp with a slight catch - they have medium verity instead of big verity, which makes achieving 100% crit with them a mostly pointless endeavor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Note: ULB Dark Opus is recommended for the switch to be worthwhile. If you need something else to fill the grid, … Giving easy ougi cap up is always a good idea, especially when Light has a hard time to find cap up sources. Racing GW? Thank you for the warning ! The purpose is just to show the multipliers for an intermediate grid. And have a nice day ! With the Eden backbone, I recommend filling in the rest of the grid with 1 - 2 more Grand weapons from Gambanteinn, Certificus, Sacred Standard and Ivory Ark; HL Katana; Dark Opus; Seraphic; Ultima; 1 - 2 Taming Saris; and an EX and/or Omega Mod. Due to the nature of the weapons magna light has access to there isn't much leeway for deviation when building a magna light grid. That grid idea was back when Atma Staff was a thing with Funf/Io and Song. But only having a Big boost to Light atk and 7% cap. Also has the benefit of better ougi weapons than magna via Certificus and Ruler of Fate as well as Taming Sari for cap up. It's roughly a 5~7% increase in damage compared to 4. Whilst it's not terrible when just using 3 Edens alone, your damage will definitely be high. So my main team is light (MC@76 is Dark Fencer, Zeus@40, Jeanne@90->100, Ferri@75->80, Amira@80 (working on unlock)), and I've been lucky enough to have gotten a grid full of mostly "big" light damage bonus skills. Whereas Fire has assassins like Tien and Shiva, Dark has supplemental damage users like Kolulu. Aura - Zeus's Aura; 0★ This is the basic aura for this summon. I have 1 Eden and 1 Cert so I've got the main weapons for it. And a completed cheap Zeus should look like so: Note: This grid is highlighted over the Grand Epic grid for Zeus (Adamantine Gauntlet grid) because of the fact that it's both more easily accessible and it outperforms the Grand Epic grid. I currently own 5 edens and 1 certificus versus the 4 and 2 suggested by the template. Any ideas? Should be replaced by a Luminiera Sword Omega for purely off element fights, Sword of Renunciation - light's magna Dark Opus weapon - provides a source of cap up at flb. ULB skill should always be Stamina, Main Hand weapon - True Purity Sunblade or Sword of Repudiation (primal light Dark Opus weapon) reasoning as to when each should be used is the same as for the magna grids, 4-5 Luminiera Sword Omega - same as for the magna grids, count depends on the number of Edens used, Cosmic Sword - makes use of the abundance of swords in the grid, Harp of Everlore - light seraphic weapon, should be replaced by an Eden or Certificus off element (Sunset Fan if high HP is needed), Sword of Repudiation - primal light Dark Opus weapon, slot should be used for a True Purity Sunblade if the Dark Opus is used as a main hand weapon. I can provide some question and answers if anyone is still reading this thread lmao. This guide was made before Astral weapons were released, it wont be updated so keep in mind that it could be outdated.